Making Your AWFUL Geometry Dash Ideas

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I recorded this video a couple months ago but I was too busy with glorious Fortress to do anything with it anyway I'm posting it now uh enjoy it's it's a dumb video have all right suggestions are on guys give me your best make a short Zender type boss fight yeah that's going to be quick to make skibby toilet of course we have skibby toilet make a cursed wave section you know what let's start off strong with a cursed wave section that sounds fun what what about it is cursed I don't actually know what I'm doing here no I oh I have a good idea I have a good [Music] idea waa that's not um this is way more complicated than I thought it would be make a random block that follows you for the whole level and has absolutely no purpose my suggestions aren't on right now you're not supposed to suggest stuff but you know what I love my fans so much I'm going to do that just for you the jam family okay anyway we're a mini wave we move like a normal wave that's the joke uh like And subscribe let's uh so hit boxes really quick just pop in a few of these these bad boys we got we got some good gameplay this is quality let's use some of these uh sawblades cuz their hit boox is really stupid and annoying this is the most goddamn cursed level I've ever made and I barely even started got I love robtop robtop hit boxes are amazing I don't know what's going through this guy's head when he's cing this game since when have we ever known what was going through that man's head that's fair dude is an enigma all right cool we got we got some really good and nice and fun wave gameplay this wave looks like the embodiment of does this look possible to you oh that's not possible cursed Geometry Dash not clickbait is that what I should call this video should I call it it gets harder cursed Geometry Dash not clickbait you'll never believe what uh you'll never believe number six this level's going to be so it's going to be amazingly balanced trust me okay this great oh my God I hate it okay yeah no that's that's good give me your best guys let let them rip make an obvious secret way that's harder than the regular path and make the regular path give you a coin no matter what okay cool cool cool I I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a coin route and a normal route and the coin route is just like so much obviously easier this is quite the thing I've created thanks I am truly a genius my laptop is falling over okay no no come on I have no music there's no music Sync here I don't have the music on so once I like play the level in the final showcase I'm just going to pick a random song and it's just not going to sink at all it's going to be great had a crash trigger at the end of the route truly the best suggestions I've ever heard uh I don't know what I'm doing let's put like a dash orb so maybe maybe we'll just like have a block right here so you can use the dash orb and go down there you canot use the dash orb and oh my God that doesn't actually work there we go see okay oh my God that is stupid that is horrible gameplay I love it this this is good good level I love this level really good gameplay thanks I tried I tried my best now now we're going to work on the coin route maybe put this above this bike there like a single Spike jump and then like you land on that platform average recent tab coin it's the fact that this is like stupidly difficult and the coin is just this that really sells it it's not it's not a part without the web duck background ban subwoofer could only dream now that is webtastic if if I if I that's that's a good part good ping BRB screen it's a it's a little abstract anyway I'll be back in just a [Music] minute all right I'm back here here's what we're going to do we're going to make a jles a 2.0 jundal boss fight what what did 2.0 boss fights do uh still a little bit of this like that perfect good okay we got to we got to make jundal I forgot how to draw jundal I know sue me hello jamitch how are you doing today I am doing absolutely fantastic as you can probably tell the rest of his body doesn't go with him and honestly it's just funnier that way I'm going to leave that that's great how did that even happen dude all right we got to get some dialogue I think we got to start off strong with a a very very bold it is I jles you guys got some like jles lore that I could insert into this level make him recite the American national SNM we'll just go with the fact that John is a patriotic god-loving American not a lot of people know this but I am an American I love my country and God and then and then he shoots his laser at you we got to we got to add like the deadlock monster laser beam the story genuinely more engaging them wh space face I think I'm just going to leave the death text is ah dude has this whole dramatic cut scene you defeat him and you just as a an image of LeBron James superimposed into the block design okay now I think this is going well all right let's look at our Masterpiece of a a jundal boss fight oh man no yeah better than white space I must say must say change of scene has not nothing on this I spy with my little eye more like I wish I could create this good looks like that one part in low death as way too accurate of a comparison just just real real [Music] quick all right so this level this level's going good we got a 26 second long level in order for a level to be rid it has to be at least 30 seconds long so what that means is that we need one more part at the end of this level so that this can get featured and first place epic and uh daily could always just copy paste it all over to the right pull an eter how to make a featured level in 5 minutes make thank you for playing true true we got to make sure that after whatever we add here we just have like this they they like to put like a little star at the end too add rate 10 stars true good suggestion Fitz Geral who the is Fitz Gerald what does that mean how do I work with that put a club step monster named Jared you know what it we're going to make an art gallery devil Vortex saws yeah you know what I'll just add the devil Vortex saws up here really quick okay we got we got to add GD cologne cuz you guys you guys love GD cologne we all love GD cologne it's adding GD cologne to my level truly the state of technology these days all right all right we got to get some more art check my posture oh boy my posture was about to just fall into shambles appreciate it what other images do I add someone just said come monster no we're not doing that good Lord yes I agree Walmart jump scare true Walmart jump scare this is a screenshot of a custom art made in Geometry Dash then imported into Geometry Dash with different objects okay cool cool cool cool no please don't crash the game just crashed Rob up you're great love you well I have the have the Wes uh we got to import the image again let's try that again cuz that was fun love that even read that it just says Walmart guys should I add skidy toilet to this level for the views yes SK Skiby toyless oh my God I butchered that so bad lost silent Madness 200% full version silent mode 100% Grandpa demon thumbnail oh yeah yeah that's a good idea one second warning this is a remake version not a normal one be aware we have we have Pennywise no way we got the Pennywise level here let let's have a vote do you want Pennywise finger Dash or deadlocked 750. what were the results okay you guys want deadlocked anyway how's your guys's days mine's going pretty good this is a good stream perfect speed good so what's the final image for this um iconic piece of History the club step monster named Jeremy you're right oh it was Jared yeah you're right my bad um now we like connect the lines I am so good at Art dude I'm like kind of like an artist he's he's just living in the present all right we love our boy Jeremy Jared oh my God I got his name wrong again I'm sorry guys I'll I'll get it right eventually all right uh well I finished the level I think it's pretty good I think it might be my new best here's my masterpiece it's going to be a doozy [Music] [Music] [Music] oh he killed me laser doesn't match up where he is at all [Music] this reminds me of test tube I don't know if any of you guys have seen that level all right thanks for playing thanks for watching subscribe to my channel join my channel for Access Early Access to levels not like this uh yeah that was good um probably my new best I don't know how I'll top this one
Channel: JamAttack
Views: 79,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, rage game, rhythm game, the impossible game, level editor, creator, creating, map editor, creative, art, design, game design, building, level design, 100 Hours, 100 Days, bad ideas, fan ideas, fan submissions, stream highlights, fan bad ideas
Id: S998R8qll9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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