Streetart wheatpaste tutorial, glue 'A Paper Monument for the Paperless'

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[Music] this is like quite thick hi there a tutorial in how to paste a paper monument for the paperless posters in public space for the people who don't know i distribute portraits of undocumented refugees woodcut portraits sets of posters to cities around the globe people can order them and stick them in public space and in that sense we want to race like a european or worldwide paper monument to get these people who are normally living in between borders being not visible to raise a pa a monument for them and give them a little bit attention and hopefully that has its own impact um gorilla art how to wheat paste you get like we made 60 portraits 32 of them we printed in this newspaper when you ordered a set of posters 50 papers is 800 posters but you can also order less cut the posters open in the middle like for there's double printed so put like one paper open and the next paper you lay on top of it upside down so you have like all the prints who are printed in it roll the posters poster in poster in poster tight otherwise they fall out of each other [Music] so if you've got the role of posters in posters and posters it's easy to just put glue on the wall roll poster out glue poster out second layer of glue finished go use always thick glue you can score it at discount shops or you can google wheat diy wheat paste and you can cook it yourself you can add in the winter so it doesn't freeze salt or a little bit glue a little bit sugar they say that it sticks better i don't know really uh you cannot also add a little bit bleach but so it stays longer without rotting but bleach can also it's not good for your hands and and your clothes can also be bleached so um as a dutch guy i'm used to cycle so i always put like the bucket in front of my bicycle wrap it brush in it roll of posters in hand i stop glue on wall roll roll glue over it don't stay too long on the same place on the this is on on just tight or or or smooth surfaces on stone or concrete you can better put first glue on your poster and then glue it to the wall because stone will suck the moist and it it's not that handy it's also smoothier when you first put on on your paper glue but it's uh it's not that handy because when it's a little bit windy you're like this and you don't glue that good i always glue on street bins and electrical houses and a little bit not too tight places because tight places um cleaners get angry and they do russia and clean everything i also don't like to based on private property yeah you can do it but you get in trouble or you get also in trouble if you paste over like street art or graffiti or uh commercial posters you want not to start this war because you can't win it these people are professional and they they should just see your project as like oh wow great inspiring so not valuable places to to place the posters the best time is to do it just after rush hour in the evening that's my experience you can also do it at night but that's more suspicious you can also during the day wear like an official suit like orange like a traffic organizer nobody will stop you if you glue legally uh take your permit the only time that i almost got arrested was when i were doing something legally i stand like glueing for an hour at the place uh please stop me i never got uh a vine or or arrested for gluing in uh doing it secretly or illegally during pasting watch around glue don't act suspicious don't look up don't act paranoid because you get the tension do your thing and go if you don't like to stick posters or or you want to first get a little bit the feel of hanging the posters around you can also hang them at places where possible pacers or or or people who would like to distribute and do this in public space where they would come like anarchist bookshops uh cultural venues uh you know the places um uh the places where there are gigs um always put like with a set of posters you always get like a set of sub posters and on the supposed there's a sort of small summary and and a sort of how people can join in and help spreading the paper monuments for the paperless always think about strategic places to paste the posters or to hang the posters where will the most or the biggest amount of people of your yeah target group um boss like in amsterdam yeah our target group is just like random people in the city and implement like the story of the undocumented refugees in their life but like it's also nice to to to target on tourists because tourists could order new sets of posters um you saw like the video with the pasting uh previous that was in front of the contemporary art museum in amsterdam the state look museum and like because only of this place people from krakow saw it there people from boston saw it there and from madrid and from rome and they ordered the sets of posters and spread it in their own cities so it's or like hang it at places where people enter the city or where they wait in front of a traffic light it's like the places where people have a sort of in-between waiting time i think that's it power to the pasters
Channel: Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries
Views: 5,478
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Id: CY8CBudeTdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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