MAKING WHALES PART DEUX - Pulse to Liquid Loans and PulseSwap with Special guest Hodpril

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] how's everybody doing this is triplet dad007 coming to you for the from the magic carpet ride and we're doing a follow-up video today um from from the video we released a couple of days ago that's got almost 5 000 views so we're here with haunted who made this spreadsheet everybody's asking for hot hardprill which is awesome um it's coming in to give us the the quant aspect of this whole thing and we've got a tie so we have uh admin approval uh i'm just here i'm just here to learn and to act with this video ask some of the questions that have been uh posted on the on the youtube because yeah we've had um 5 000 views almost and there's a a lot of positive um feedback uh probably the biggest one was um where's the spreadsheet maybe we need to put that in the cloud and have it in the actual video description moving forward when this video goes live we'll post a link uh for this and probably the deck also for the powerpoint and it wouldn't be a triplet dad video without me showing this is a perdomo champagne cigar very blurry but it's good um so let's just jump into this um we're gonna um we're gonna start with the powerpoint first you guys because looking at our views a lot of people got the spreadsheet but not my crayon drawing at the end so so so let's let's go into the spreadsheet and um here we go share and [Music] and you guys chime in whenever you whenever you see something on here that you would like to obviously talk about that's why we're doing this so this is the spreadsheet in a nutshell visually what haunted was talking about doing is taking our pulse tokens that we either sacked for or bought on the open market deposit them into the liquid loans vault get a loan out on those that loan comes in the form of usdl and then we swap those for pulse and whether that's on paul swapp alpha swap or actually on the liquid loans uh itself you have the ability to do that then you take that pulse and you put it back in your vault so your loan is stable but the asset that you purchased with the loan is going up what do you guys want to add to that um just uh always try to always stay at a thousand percent level um on my spreadsheet it says every ten percent of the price goes up it doesn't have to be every ten percent it's just whenever you're able to get onto your computer with your treasure um you find yourself at a uh two thousand percent collateralized right then you just bring that back down to a thousand percent um and take the loan out swap it to pulse and put it back in your vault um yeah that's it just be responsible just um some people might even want to go to a a thirteen hundred percent collateralized rate or a two thousand percent rate and stick to something like that so it's what you're comfortable with um and then dee jen has started doing you know 40 loans 30 loans this is not the purpose of this it's trying to it's trying to keep the system healthy trying to keep um the price movement going up and trying to buy the order remove the cell pressure off the market um and if everyone is responsible everyone's making sure they're safe but otherwise i think everyone should be fine not financial advice the other thing we want to talk about here is um we know people are cautious about other projects and they have a lot of faith in richard hart projects um this vault this contract for liquid loans is immutable there's no admin keys um the the version that they are forking from which is liquidy on ethereum has been audited several times is on major uh indexes um and uh passport flying colors uh it is a stable coin unlike some people may have said in the past in a couple past couple days uh the usdl is a stable coin uh liquidy when we had the drop last week on last friday two fridays ago uh during that drop uh uh usdc dropped to 93 cents and liquidy was at a dollar two the the their coin uh their stable coin uh lusd take a look at that uh this is a stable coin it's an immutable contract and once pulse chain main net is up then they can get their audits done as well there's gonna be a preliminary audit and then there's going to be a main audit once the main net is live but you can't get an actual audit without the main net being live right it will be audited um before liquid loans launches but after the pulse chain launches exactly at that time [Music] and they've got some they've got some time right because they're they're not planning to launch straight at mainnet um they want pulse to calm down a little bit from the aggressive ups and downs and swings at the start so they've i mean they've got a little bit of time up their sleeves too right correct correct the poor team wants that what's best for the community i mean it's better it obviously is better to launch this protocol when the market stabilizes once the market stabilizes it's a good good time to launch it um because if if we see a gift of 50 and someone's polarized but um 200 they're going to get liquidated and we don't want to see that we don't want anyone we confirm nobody giving you this protocol right that's why we're pushing people to be very safe on the prolonged um and so on and so forth so the team the poor team um and that's why i like these guys these guys don't want us to sell out nor they don't want us to get what happens if you're liquidated in this if you're liquidated that means that um your pulse is taken but who's it go to the pulse goes to the um the holders of the loan token right so it doesn't get so complicated and borrower all all borrower fees and liquidations go back to holders of one token right so say this that they don't uh that it doesn't get sold on the open market like some other loan protocols that you may see when when people get their assets taken uh they are actually up for auction they get sold what have you this gets given to the stakers that are within the protocol which is freaking awesome let's go to the next one because this is a this is a kind of cool so this is just the spreadsheet in a nutshell but we're going to kind of turbo charge this a little bit and we're still doing the exact same thing that haunted's doing on his spreadsheet but instead when we take that loan we either take a a little bit larger loan or the same loan and shave a little bit off and we take some of that usdl and we put it in the stability pool the stability pool within liquid loans rewards you with pulse when people are liquidated or it rewards you with loan token so if it rewards you a loan token we're going to stake that and any liquidations that happen those are going to go back into our vault and add to our bag of pulse once you've staked that loan token you're rewarded in stability of the usdl stablecoin or your rewarded impulse and we're going to take the pulse and put it in the vault and we're going to take the stable coin usdls and we're going to put those in the stability pool so we're not doing any swaps here we're just taking the usdl as we're swapping it to pulse that's it everything else is staying as it is and it's going to a home and going to a stability pool or or the loan token staking pool it's kind of cool the entire time that's going on you're still taking loans and and very slowly every now and then when that price creeps up to above 10 or whatever your number is it has a 10 gain we take those coins we get the loan and we put those into the vault as well where you guys stand very cool very cool i know a lot of people wonder regarding usdl like how do you stake usdo you don't stake usdl you put it in the stability pool and that stability pool gives you rewards of loan and pulse as shown on here but just to clarify that you stake loan and you put usdl into a stability pool true and the cool thing about that is is hard pro is um if you go on vacation right uh and you're gonna be away from your computer for a while because you don't want to take your ledger or your treasure or your laptop on your vacation with all your crypto on it you want to leave it at home and a fire safe take that stability pool and pay off your loan if you're going to leave home for two weeks take your stability pool and pay down your loan you will get back down to the thousand percent collateral hundred percent you will yeah if not more if not more this is is going into the stability pool so therefore you've got more than what you're taking out as a loan which is making that bag grow over time so you might drop down to you might play the room up and go to like maybe a 15 100 percent rate so it's safer that way and also i want to note that these are one-sided tools so therefore there's no um in permanent loss it's one-sided uh stability pool and a staking pool so they're not lp creams that's one thing that people need to understand so there's not in terms of last year that's a good point so if i put in a thousand tokens into the liquid into the loan token staking pool i get a thousand tokens out there's no impermanent loss there that's awesome yeah this is just pure passive income exactly that's all it is that's that's really what wealth is is passive income it's not one big payout at least it isn't to me without a sales happiness keep that in mind the only swap that uses usd ultra pulse but you're doing that at the same price right so it's it's there's nothing here that's creating a um or from my from my understanding of a tactical income depending on where you live but there's you're not selling anything you're not spending this the um loan typing you're just moving alone before the stable coins that you make from there or the line trading you make from there you're putting into the statement and you just so you go in that percentage of report over time all right let's go on to the next one then we'll go to the spreadsheet so now you're gonna see some tokens we don't know what they are in the pulse swap area right um there was a sacrifice for pulse uh some of you may have been able to participate it i hope you did um there's going to be an uh a sacrifice for paul swapp soon and there's also going to be a sacrifice for the loan token so now we're taking our pulse swap sacrifice we're putting it into the pulse swap and we're gonna get uh hopefully a single sided pool there just like pancake swap has for cake they have an auto compounding one and they have a manual compounding one and if you can stick this inside a a single-sided asset pool it's gonna uh create you basically another small t-share if you don't touch it this is a money printer put this in paul swapp and let don't touch your bank and just let it generate you income consistently so we have all the same stuff that was going on before all the tokens are going back to their homes like they should be but on top of that we have paul swapp generating us daily rewards that you can put take those daily rewards in pulse swap convert them to pulse every day and put them into your funnel put them right into the vault your massive goal is to get as much pulse possible into the vault to borrow against correct that's all all of this ever really is and you'll get more and more pulse faster than you will mint your usdl therefore making gains i was retraining so so for the guy for the people that are wondering whether they should uh delegate or do this what what what's what's your take on i mean to me it looks like this is going to be way more profitable i wouldn't say or i think they're um some people aren't comfortable because they hear the word known uh yeah sorry there was a running class um but this is just for the people who are comfortable doing this um some people can delegate and many of the pulses that they've made the interest they've made from that start using this protocol so the what they've generated from delegating they can turn around and put that pulse into this protocol and start doing this um there's many many ways to do this it just doesn't stop here i've only created the excel sheet just to show you the power of what youtube notes can do and if you look down um if you look at the excel sheet you actually notice that you're buying more pulse as the price goes up so even though the value is going up and you're taking a ten percent loan and with the rest um with the compounding that loan at ten percent you're actually buying more pulse over time so it's not like you're gradually buying less cost because the price is going up higher you're actually buying more pumps and pulling it off the market and once it's in that bolt it's going to be there and you're pulling more pulses off the marker that's never going to fail the if as long as more people don't shelf pulse you're only going to see green candles over time and when people understand this or um understand they can extract the value by using this and not losing their pulse they're always going to gain that price appreciation from every single concept they had exactly so on the first slide we were waiting for the price to appreciate to take our next loan to buy more pulse but with this it's going to change our dtr our debt to income ratio uh huge because we are adding to our asset so we're kind of just turbocharging the original plan with this it's kind of cool i agree with what you said haunted about both delegating pulse or i guess state staking and delegating it's kind of a similar thing and using this strategy as well because um you know for the whole health of the uh you really do have to worry about the health of the system as a whole as well as our backs you know this is a fantastic strategy though i'll definitely be using this and still by delegating you can still put those rewards in this fault yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah that's true on top of this i'll also recommend um i would use the word sacrifice because some people because there might be a lot but sacrificing small portion over time right um as the price goes up sacrifice a small portion into a liquidity pool for pulse and um so we're creating the quality course over time and we've grown and it couldn't be caused on your own for yourself um and making the liquidity feel stronger i reckon i i i recommend create like i call it a sacrifice um because some people think of it there's going to be impermanent loss that's going to be um so on and so forth but say you give me that you're keeping the system healthy the political tools are very important for the system that's why richard hart is creating pulse because we need liquidity and we need um as much liquidity on the on the pulse chain to be available so that way it can be a working network so i recommend you know just every now and then depending on how big your bag is and how comfortable you are sacrificing just sacrifice a small portion to create more liquidity um for the network just keeping your bag healthy keeping the sister healthy is very very important so that's a good way to go into this haunted you can kind of take it into the to this um uh just so you know the value is frozen and the percent is frozen um so we have to stick with those numbers and i want to know what hardpro thinks about this go over some of your numbers and let's see what how this goes so where do you want to start exactly let's start at the beginning that's my favorite all right so um the first is the price now keep in mind that when nick would run launches we might see a 50x 250x 10x 100x we don't have that number um and you've got to understand that we can use this at any time it can start at any time so it doesn't matter if you find a 250x even 1000x we can literally start this at any time um that's one of the questions that i've been asked um a couple of times which if he does say for example it does do a um a 50x if someone sacrificed a thousand dollars now he's got 50 000 so so that the zero zero zero one seven is a price that we see a lot online so um if you're watching this you probably know where that come comes from it's been talked about in main chat it's been on videos um but the truth is um by the time liquid loans launches we're not going to be there it's going to be different so you may not need to have 123 million tokens to participate in this strategy one of the questions that we had uh all over our last video was i would love to do this but i don't have enough polls to to get a 10 percent loan uh on liquid loans you may by the time this starts 30 days later is approximately when that starts right you may be able to have this going uh just depends what the price is you probably will be able to i agree you know what let's go work fast worst case scenario you don't you just wait patiently don't do genuinely and keep yourself at a thousand seconds um push you to do things that's irresponsible just be patient and just wait because the price will go up and you'll be able to participate keeping it a thousand percent and above collateral so we've cleaned up this uh spreadsheet quite a bit so it's a little bit easier to see and read so so let's do it the loans uh haunted so we're at a 21 000 uh 21 000 worth of uh collateral right we're taking a 2100 loan we're taking that 2100 and we're buying pulse with it right yep we'll scroll it over okay so we're buying pulse with it um which is going to add 12 million units right to our so our 123 million units that we started with now just turned into 135 million right yes yep and the total the total value in the vault would be 23 100 correct so that's what you want to do uh what which one you want to do next uh a 10x each one of these columns you guys is a 10 gain so so you may as well just go to like uh ten hundred and a thousand because you already covered this right in the previous video yeah so let's do ten so at 10 go ahead haunted you describe this all right let me start the way what do you think this is that this is our 10x what what do we got going on here all right so now uh your loan size is going to be um the next lane you take out is going to be 319.44 the total loan that you've taken is three thousand two hundred and twenty six dollars and policing so what that means is that we're not the ten percent loan at that point is three thousand thirty two thousand but because we've already taken out a twenty eight thousand dollar loan we can only extract three thousand one hundred and ninety nine dollars thinking out of a thousand percent online rate um total uh the value of this out loan is thirty three thousand three hundred and twenty thousand dollars only on a 10x that's that's pretty big right um and we're adding that on top so now total width load that's going to be locked in the vault is 3200 i'm sorry 32 323 400 and not 59 um if you look at the units that we're buying the total units added to the loan is 1 million thirty seven 737 now this is where the magic comes in if you look at the next one below that we're actually buying more pulse even though the price is higher if you look at the one below that you're still buying more even though the price is higher so we've got even though the price is rising generally people is value you're buying less but because we're compounding price with the loan we're actually extracting more pulse off the market which means that if there's more pulse off the market um there's yeah that's where the magic is hot girl just had a oh yeah and this is where the magic is and so it was like this is where what what it is right this is the how much work we're doing um a lot of supply and demand the this is if 1 000 people started with a 21 dollar bag each one of these is an actual buy this isn't on top of one of them on this purchase as a group we bought 2.8 million on this purchase as a group we bought 3.2 ish million dollars so the buy pressure is growing over and over and over so it's it this is why this is so magical it's the power of true fight where's the buy pressure just go back to those two figures uh trip td where you rent the buy press is 3.2 million and then the buy press is 3.5 is that just the buy pressure is it the the number between 3.5 and 3.2 or is it no or is it or is it another 3.5 on top of this another another i don't know what happened but please continue to answer that question ty if you take the first 10 byes okay that's 10 right no that yeah that's 10. just off of the first 10 buys you're at 600 000 uh no 6 i see you're looking at the average the six million six million bucks yeah and the average is um half a million dollars into 10 percent and if you keep going down further and further yeah it just keeps growing and growing that's where the magic is the next 10 is 11 million dollars worth of by pressure yeah look in the early stages the by pressure is not so big but if you scroll down to go down further um 107. okay very noisy at 100x uh we're now at uh we've killed a zero right um our loan amount that we're taking is 40 grand twice that of what our original bag was which is absolutely insane right and we're taking that 40 g's and we're buying units with it we're adding 2 million pulse 2.2 million pulse to our bag so this was our bag briar we're adding 2 million to it now we have 222 million and if you calculate this by pressure it's absolutely insane so if you were looking at by pressure here one two three four five one two three four five six hundred and seventy two million dollars worth of buy pressure at only a hundred x when there's a lot of people when there's a lot of people out there within the first 90 days yeah and if you go back to what was saying before it was a live 11 million dollars worth of buy pressure now we're at 672 million dollars worth of by pressure at an average of 67 million that's a lot of fresh funds that nobody had originally and now they have it to buy it you don't it doesn't need to become from the real world it's using defy it's immutable it's beautiful and it's extra buying power over time so as the system grows as possible you're literally getting more by pressure and it's and you're still staying at the same collateralized way it's not like we have to grow our um we have to grow our loan and go at an unsafer rate we're sticking to that same 1000 percent collateral and adding so much by pressure this is where the magic is all right so should you covered this pretty comprehensive in the first video so for those who maybe find this video and haven't seen the first video i would recommend going back and watching that because the guys break down 10x 100x 250x 1000x quite comprehensively um should we move on to some of the questions from the first video yeah it's great podcasting some of this for the first time what kind of questions do you have bro well um i did i was able to look at the um the spreadsheet previously so i answered a lot of my questions just by looking at it and kind of analyzing what it was yeah the 1000x i remember asking haunted what that meant and that meant the users right the users on the uh protocol and what that represent so i did have a question about that and the x you know it's the it increases in that with the 10 on the first column i believe it was column b or something like that and um i don't really know it it seems to make sense to me i mean a lot of the a lot of this stuff this these are the fees that bankers make but now that we're going defy it's really in the hands of the people it's absolutely incredible there's a point here where where you could skim enough off of this to buy a house yeah you can it's unreal right cool what if you skipped one of those right and just bought bought yourself a property with that right absolutely nuts yeah let's go closer also look at the fees that's going into the loan staking pool so now that the fee that's the the sale 1000 the one x fees now that's going to the loans taking pool and you're going to start putting that into the um the us deal that you've left is going to be put into the stability pool so these fees are coming back to the people who are um using the protocol and selecting this pretty much clicking your own face this column right here um it were some of those flying coins on our last lot left on on the powerpoint that you guys just saw that's what this is and it's going to everybody that holds those coins going to the stability actually this is all going to the loan the people sticker pool right all right i'm going to stop sharing that one we'll pull up some of the questions and i think ty's got some of the questions too yeah i just took it because there's so many so i just pulled a couple out um i'll run through them i didn't take the people's names but uh one person thought that this this won't work if you uh have to take the loan out when it uh you have to take the loan out when it dips not when it doubles or when it gets to 10 growth so do you want to touch on that hornet yeah you definitely need to you definitely need both sides of the table like um you need people to do do it on a dip and that's where people are going to be comfortable they're going to be comfortable taking it alone on a bit and i see a lot of people actually see more people doing this than my strategy i believe that people will take a loan on it they will learn to do you know we're always here by the gift by the people that people are going to be loaning them and pushing the price back up to all times and then the people that are doing my strategy would start pushing at the price even further because now it's at new york time they've got a they've got more collateral to take a loan um to bring it back to a thousand percent and push up the price again so you definitely need both both sides of the table yeah just because we say uh take a loan on on a 10 gain that doesn't mean that we're looking for wicks at 10 gains right we're looking for a solid base at 10 and if you're super if you're conservative you could look for a solid base and a dip to a 10 game this can be customized to however you want to do it we're not giving you financial advice we're just giving a so another one yeah just leave it there because i've got that question there can the protocol produce enough liquidity for this i think there needs to include at least a few columns of putting back into the pool yeah i mentioned that earlier and yes it is important to always add to this i call it a sacrifice sacrifice but also say that what we were just talking about before previous is if the price comes back they're dumping into your liquidity so creating liquidity over time is very important whether it was one percent of the loan two percent of the loan i'm sorry um one percent of the uh yeah the loan one two percent of lending and just adding to that it's gonna keep the system healthy it's gonna keep pulse healthy and it's gonna keep um uh anyone that jumps onto onto uh anyone that dumps their pulse they're bumping into your bags that's a bonus so right here what if the price skyrockets too fast in the beginning you guys this can start at any time so do you mean before you mean if the price rises too quick before liquid lines is launched correct that's what this guy's saying i believe so say i had 2 000 say i had 21k to do this and the price did a 10 uh 10x um now i have 200 000 to start off with if the price does a a thousand x that's 100x now i've got 2 million dollars to do this with so it doesn't matter when it starts it's just that you start when the liquid loan starts it it's that's what i call the starting point that's where the whole game changes and that's why it's also being launched after the pulse chain is to avoid a lot of this uh volatility these volatility issues correct and there's also going to be people who sacrificed a hundred dollars sorry thousand dollars that i now can participate in this because a lot of questions that i received was i never um i never sacrificed that much how could i participate well you can start at any time even people down the track say what students we've been doing this for a while and it's sitting at a 5000 x you can literally start then you can sit there and start this protocol and do what do this um strategy at that point you can bring in fresh funds and you've never had pulse before you can start it then and keep doing this there's there's no really um correct uh starting point it's when you're comfortable or when you learn about it and you start it at a ten thousand x five thousand x uh fifty thousand x it just the numbers can be um it's just when you join this is when you come into the present protocol okay could it could any uh uh could any potential uh flaws be in liquid loans that's an immutable contract it's already up and running on another protocol uh actually several other protocols uh several other blockchains uh could pos drop more than a hundred percent how is that possible right right the the can't go below zero right can't that so i don't think so either he answers his own question how about you ty what else do you have question wise uh most of them a lot of them are just concerns about uh big corrections and violent dips and i think um porn has already you know touched on that with like keeping your collateralized level healthy how about this one um in order to get 40 million in by pressure each person would have to take out a loan for 40 grand correct you're you're muted haunted so yes if there was a thousand people doing this correct yeah that's correct look we say a thousand people um some people reported a thousand a thousand club but it could be only 500 people doing this it could be two thousand people doing this it could be five thousand people um it doesn't matter it's just as long as pacific people doing this it's not going to appear at that point you know there's going to be people starting with different size bags there's going to be people starting this with 20 000 bags there's going to be people starting this with 100 000 bags so the that by pressure will be there i think some guy in the community ran your numbers hornet and he he believed it would actually work with 500 people but then went on to say that you're going to have more than probably a thousand uh participate in this strategy hexycat said that we needed more yellow so we we did add yellow to the spreadsheet so that's awesome yeah hexy cat loves his yellow he is a lion so actually we actually match that color for him it wasn't yellow it's as close as he can to a lion we call that golden mane [Laughter] given a quite odd clue has a comment let's get a hot pools comment now in the uh oh oh yeah this is why i have seen the sheet before given a quite possible 85 to 95 percent dip uh drop in pls uh what would uh ten percent of a thousand kilo would be too much meaning wouldn't you get wrecked um at 85 percent no you would not get wrecked you would still have your pulse in your in your vault 90 yes but keep in mind that we're removing cell pressure off the market so it's not gonna it's it's gonna be different to like what ethereum did what bitcoin does this is it it's totally different it hasn't got this power we're not only we're early on pulse so we're removing cell pressure and we as long as we educate many people as much people as we can if they want to extract value then this is the this is in my opinion the best way to extract value without dumping on your heads you want as many people as you as you can to extract value from your loans so they're not dumping on your head and i believe that you'll see a healthier chart and the dips will be smaller um over time but i don't i can't see or imagine over time a 90 percent good because a lot of it's locked away a lot of people are going to be learning about you if they sell they've got a 30 tax or 25 tax people don't want that people want people rather access to a loan protocol and i believe liquid loans is the best loan protocol out there there's no interest there's um it's immutable the stable point is very stable and proven on other networks right the list can go on it's yeah and it's built by community community members who did not want to sell their pulse what more could you want yeah usdl is still useful even if you never actually used loan at all right even if you technically were not a part of the loan aspect of the protocol um depending on where you are what your tax situation is this is not tax this is not financial advice but sdl itself is worth it even without the cycle so that alone means it'll probably attract quite a few people or at least it should logically the other thing is is when we were taking a look at the the powerpoint you have three other bags there that you could empty if your priority is keeping your pulse safe and you decided this looks like there's going to be a a gigantic dip you can liquidate your stability coin you can liquidate your uh loan token you can liquidate your pulse swap and turn all of those into stable points and pay off your loan it's simple you there's going to be hundreds of others above you that would be wrecked before you would i wouldn't want to get rid of my lung chances it's too valuable those things are too good like that the things that i'm collecting from that protocol is literally helping my polarized rate i haven't got the stability if i ever wanted [Music] we're just talking about a black swan event here right if if your pulse was truly at risk um you set your priorities on those other three bags and you liquidate what you feel you want to um pulse and people usually using it to hold to remove cell pressure would you see this keep in mind that less soil pressure more blood pressure is going to push up america if you're even if you just remove just the cell pressure and don't add the blood pressure you're still going to see the candles if you go to any chart and you remove like ethereum if you're all bitcoin if you remove 10 or 20 of the cell pressure you'll probably see more green days than red days over time so therefore you probably won't even see the dips that that's happening coming from s-t-e-s-t-e is on on a chat a lot i've talked to you buddy um uh if you missed the party uh for the pulse chain sacrifice you can absolutely still participate in this and those other two sacrifices haven't even happened yet so you could still get your loan token you could still get your pulse swap and you can still get a pulse on on day one and you will probably get a number of x's before paul swap before liquid loans comes out so you absolutely if you had twenty one thousand dollars to invest you could still do this a hundred percent absolutely um where can i get this spreadsheet we're going to actually give you guys links to the new spreadsheet and probably the deck um in the comments section or in the information section of the this new video by the way can you link the telegram chat as well the liquid bonus absolutely good idea we'll help you in there we'll get some more folks in there um i can't tell you how many dms i have for this spreadsheet i can't wait to put a link for that you might as well give them the powerpoint as well so they can understand it visually yeah won't work you have to take a loan out when it doubles not dips we went through that that was my first question oh can you share the spreadsheet that what so so everybody thinks that or not everybody some people think that we have some secret telegram group and we're gonna coordinate these wise um where somebody clicks a button and says now buy right that's not what we're doing here you're picking your thresholds it could be five percent a ten percent increase it could be a twenty percent increase you could look to do this on only doubles it's it's completely up to you but this the by pressure will be there so this isn't coordinated uh uh a coordinated attack it's you looking to take a loan at where you feel comfortable with a very very collateralized part of your bag stay at a thousand percent and and purchase the token and put it back in your ball um [Music] cool idea ninety percent dip all your positions are liquidated uh not necessarily do do do you think this is actually hexo because that's a picture no i don't think your team will have to uh if you're uncomfortable using ten percent loan like i said earlier five percent money the three percent know it's up to you um it's not you feel comfortable do you think perspective or ninety percent can go to a five percent loan it's what you're comfortable and also if you got to keep in mind that if you had 100 pay worth of pulse 10 loan and the price of the dips you're going to have that 10k that if your pulse is worth 10k so these people are assuming that like the pulse can do a 90 if their values drop also yes we are buying pulses um but also we can grow that percentage by moving the stable coin into the that we collected is what you're doing if i feel comfortable at 10 i'm going to get 10 if i feel comfortable about five percent i'll be going five percent i might choose one day i'm gonna go five percent even though i believe that ten percent is very comfortable i might just go five percent because i know that that five percent is enough to to put up on the buy pressure right and that's it and then everyone is sitting at five percent and there's still enough fire pressure because everyone's written about um liquid language majority of people have learned about this language that self pressure is no longer there or it has been minimized and the price is still going up and i think that now the price that you dropped 95 ty ty what do you have you're good at the btc history well what's the largest dip that btc has had oh man they've had yeah 85 90s i mean you can go back in history it's you know how about the market 2017 was brutal yeah so so but even at the 2017 dip wasn't that 75 or what was that yeah from memory you'd have to look it went from 20 you would still have your pulse um but if you take a look at any of the block chains that are up and running right now um let's take a back for example the other day it went from 134 bucks down to 90 you're not liquidated um we're talking about a blockchain that's going to have projects on it uh up and running this isn't a token that sits in the ether like btc and its only function is to be a btc there's no commerce taking place with with a a bitcoin other than the loans and all that stuff that are out there to take on that but it it it doesn't have smart contracts behind it so it doesn't actually perform a function as a as a gas token for an actual blockchain um i think that's good you guys uh anything else you want sorry um as the protocol protocol that goes on and time goes on you're adding liquidity like i suggested i recommend adding equity to sacrifices so if the price did dump they're dumping on your bags then you can go change that uncouple those liquid pickles you're to have more pulses there add that pulse into your collateral and now you're at a higher threshold the stable function you've got buy more pulse you're pushing up the price and then you add that pulse back into your collateral now you actually have a better percentage as well so i do recommend adding the principles of people um pulse and the stable point as the price goes up as much as you can put aside this is recommended in my opinion do this as much as you can and um so that way if the price does go down and you've got some you'll have more pulses in there when the price done if it does dump you can add that to your collateral you still have stable point on the other side you can buy pulses to check the price which will hold that price and then you eventually have a higher collateralized rate so there's also that saving saving you if it did ever drop down to 90 you'll be probably be sitting so adding liquidity is very important okay how about you i mean i really agree with everything haunted is saying it's pretty it's pretty self-explanatory this is a great way to make a passive income a great way to actually add more pulse into your vault um you know being able to get more u.s usdl and to add that to the stability pool it's a great system yeah i love it too how about you ty any closing thoughts no i'm uh i get more afraid with it every day every time we talk about it more so it's just uh i'm good so if we post this in main chat can you make sure it doesn't get deleted i can't guarantee that dude you know just because i'm an ad just because i'm an admin in there doesn't mean i we you know we can't have our own thoughts and do our own things outside of that uh that is a voluntary loveless role um so i do it but uh we also have magic carpet ride and we're we're you know we're have a group that we'd like to discuss various uh projects and products um so yeah all right you guys well thank you hard pro thank you han thank you uh ty for uh coming in on this so this is a triplet dad uh double 07 signing off on the magic carpet ride thanks for watching and all the support you guys thank you very much and thank you rock out sir awesome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Magic Carpet Ride
Views: 4,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A_7O1plIexE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 22sec (3382 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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