The Ultimate Dinner Platter - Grand Aioli with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person Dinners

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this is like a Nigella Lawson quote from like such a long time ago where she says very few things cannot be improved by deep frying which is obviously correct same thing with aioli very few things cannot be improved with a little aioli on top and then oh no kitty no no no no stop it hey everyone I'm Claire staffitz welcome to my home kitchen today we are bringing you an episode of dessert person dinners this kind of periodic episode that we do where I make the dinner of the moment for me and one thing I make on repeat when lots of beautiful one thing I make on repeat is something called la gran aioli and basically it is a dish of assorted cooked and raw vegetables plus cooked proteins served with aioli like a garlicky Tangy mayonnaise it's so delicious it's a great vehicle for lots of vegetables and I'm going to show it to you [Music] this dish this is a thing you know this is a a well-known kind of um like meal in and of itself I think for me it feels like dinner it could be appetizers that you set out for a party or something you have within a pair of teeth but it's really substantial when you make some protein along with it and cook a lot of veg and it's like very low stress cooking so I love it and I spend so much time in the kitchen as it is that it's very low lift for me to just like have some stuff steaming in the background and whip up an aioli and then they have dinner it's really easy foreign so one item that I love is like fresh freshly dug potatoes potatoes to me are so underrated it's not just like a shelf stable thing it's really produce and fresh potatoes are so delicious these are so creamy I also found these little Patty pan squash this is a type of summer squash if not usually my favorite thing but they're so cute and I could see them being really tasty you know steamed and then just served with a little aioli broccoli always my favorite veg some asparagus and then as far as protein I'm going to hard boil some eggs one of these will go towards making aioli and then the rest I'm going to hard boil and I had some frozen shrimp that I just decided to thaw out and this will be the protein component the philosophy of this dinner is that you just kind of have your veg and proteins cooking in the background while you make aioli and I let you do it by hand it's really not a lot of work of course there's a food processor or blender options also so the base of the aioli is egg yolk and then I make it with I have olive oil I might also add some neutral well depending on how it tastes just for the right balance some Dijon mustard I love that sharpness and a little bit of heat lemon garlic salt pepper that's it okay so I'm going to start with potatoes I think I'm gonna go potatoes eggs shrimp and then steam everything else after that [Music] oh my God hello what am I doing whole reason of the stupid pot filler we watch them watch out watch how it splashes out I can't even tell if it's over it okay it's not gonna be splashing out of the pot but like that is the reason it's so high is because Harris has a stockpot that like comes up to here and he wants to to be able to fill in the popular so whatever you can I put the salt in when I saw water I put the salt in before it boils but after it's steaming because if you put salt in at the very beginning it has a chance to like it can make little pock marks in the bottom of your cookware so you don't want like salt sitting at the bottom of a pot in water for a while before it has a chance to dissolve so I wait for it to get a little hot so for trimming this broccoli I'm Gonna Keep the stalks really long it's like they have like a little handle you want to cut them to about the same size so that they cook at the same rate so if I have any really thick stalks like this one I'll cut it in half don't forget about the broccoli stems broccoli stems are so delicious I love the flavor it kind of is like what Kohlrabi tastes like it's a really satisfying texture so I like to cook the florets and just kind of snack on the stalk okay so I can hear that the water is coming up I'm going to Salt it oh wow I should just sweet broccoli it's so good next I have asparagus so I'm going to trim them there's that kind of natural Breaking Point with asparagus these are really thin spindly ones so I kind of snap a couple see where they break then I take the whole bunch using the snapped ones as my guide cut them all off at the same point easier than snapping one by one think chickens like this yeah okay chicken food my water is boiling I guess I meant to put the potatoes in cold oops I'm gonna drop the potatoes in the water typically I do cook potatoes from cold but I forgot so I'm just gonna put them in I can turn this down a little some are like a little smaller like this one some are a little larger so I tend to just test them and take them out as they finish cooking I don't really have much more to prep I already thought the shrimp seeds are just like a bag of frozen shrimp that we had I mean pretty much all shrimp is previously frozen so but if you can find like really high quality jumbo shrimp I would get those it's just really fun to eat that way those cook the fastest so I'm going to cook those last and then while I'm waiting for the potatoes which is the slowest thing to cook I'm gonna start to make the aioli so for my aioli I am using yolks there's some aioli that like add a whole egg I like just the yolks I have two these are very fresh eggs fresh from today so I'm going to crack them into my bowl and use just the yolks I can save the whites for later I'm going to add garlic next I also add at this stage mustard so both mustard and garlic are emulsifiers plus the egg yolk so this helps to bind everything and make a really smooth aioli the trick to aioli is adding the oil very slowly as you incorporate it so that it can emulsify in and if you add too much oil too soon then you end up getting like a broken mixture and you have to start over now when it comes to garlic if you are to chop garlic you will never basically be able to chop it fine enough that you won't have like little bits of it it will just always be in smaller and smaller pieces if you grate it however you end up pureeing it and then you don't get these like big hunks of garlic might not do the whole thing you can always add more then a glug of Dijon mustard you could use any mustard that you like I like Dijon because I like that sharpness it's a little bit spicy it's acidic that's probably maybe like a tablespoon then I'll add a little salt and pepper kind of right off the bat that will help me as I taste it to sort of gauge everything seasoning acid all of that so whisk all of that together now I'm going to start to add the oil this is a pretty mild olive oil it's not like super peppery or pungent so even so a a mayonnaise or an aioli made with 100 olive oil can be a little bit strong and a little bitter and so I'm going to start with olive oil and then I might switch to neutral oil like a peanut oil or something like that just based on the flavor so let's see I am at a cup and a half here so in the beginning you want to start by adding the oil really really gradually a few drops at a time and whisk constantly you don't have to like go crazy you know whisking furiously but you want to just start off slowly you want the oil to emulsify in gradually as it's emulsifying in it's lightning in color and in texture it's a little paler and it's getting thicker you will know if your aioli is broken because it will look greasy and separated meaning you'll have like liquid and then you'll have solids so that happens if you overwhelm the yolk mixture too fast with too much oil if you have a broken mixture it's okay it's not the end of the world you can bring it back together by basically start by cracking like a new yolk or two new yolks depending on how much you're starting with into a separate bowl and then stream in the broken mixture go really really slowly and that should bring it back together so it's not like you have to throw out the broken mixture you can try just really really slowly adding it to Fresh yolk so back to this once you incorporate around half of the total amount of oil you can increase the speed which you add it but don't want to pour it all in at once see how much I've added so far only about a half a cup and as I'm whisking I'm also working air into it so it's getting a kind of like fluffy light texture also going to add a little lemon very juicy lemon I'm gonna keep going with olive oil so I think I'm going to do about 50 50 Olive and neutral oil I think if I went 100 olive oil it would be too bitter but I still think it could use I don't think I'm ready to switch neutral oil yet generally I do like about 50 50 and it's not just about Flavor it's also like a cost thing it's like olive oil is expensive and neutral oil can still make up a large component of the mayonnaise and you still get great flavor so I've added about a cup of olive oil you can see it's really thick I'm going to thin it out with a little bit of lemon I'm just making like little adjustments as I go so I'm going to add now my veg oil and I'm adding this just a little bit faster than I added the olive oil because I can take it yeah I mean aioli is simply an Emulsion of garlic and oil and you make it like a mortar and pestle that's like the super super traditional way but generally speaking when you see like aeoliana menu it means like a garlicky mayonnaise I've added on the hole between the olive on the veg oil around maybe just under two cups it's really smooth it's really light I'm gonna add more lemon now this one I'm just going to adjust everything to taste yum oh yum garlic tends to as something sits it the garlic flavor will kind of like Bloom and become a little stronger so I don't think I'm gonna add more garlic I can always do that later I'm gonna do more lemon and if it still seems a little bit thick once I'm finished adding the lemon I'll just thin it out with a little water and that's it but I'm pretty much there and also stick a fork in those potatoes and see how they're doing so the fork should slide easily through to the center that's how you know it's tender I'm going to return to my aioli finish the seasoning so I'm going to set this aside I'm going to cover it because sometimes like aioli can dry out and get a little bit of a skin on the surface I'm going to drop my eggs you want to start with boiling water and room temp eggs that's how you can best gauge doneness just by time because obviously you cannot chicken egg as it's boiling so I'm going to do seven and a half minutes and I'm also going to get a bowl of ice water because I want to shock the eggs when they come out I have a hard time with hard-boiled eggs from fresh like eggs from our hens because the membrane like really sticks to the yolk I mean to the white oh okay so that was my timer I'm gonna plunge the eggs into ice water and that shocks them so it helps to create it not only stops the cooking and it you know prevents them from over clicking and being more done than I want them but it also I think like helps to create separation between the White and the shell to make them easier to peel fresh eggs from our hands are hard to peel because they're so fresh they're the membrane just is like really stuck to the White so I'm going to set these aside and also when I put them in when I shock our boat eggs I like to crack them and that I think like some of the water gets underneath the shell and it makes them easier to peel so I'm going to leave those there now I'm going to now shift cooking method so rather than boiling the rest of the ingredients I'm going to steam them so I'm going to dump out a little bit of the water and I don't have a steamer basket here I have to get one so I'm going to kind of improvise I'm going to use just my um my like little sieve so I'm going to start by steaming the broccoli that's only going to take a few minutes so the water is back at a simmer it's not like a hundred percent Tight Seal but it's pretty good and I'll check back in a few minutes and then we're just going to like keep running through the rest of the veg the shrimp and then that's it I just tasted a piece of broccoli it's done now I'm steaming it not boiling it in water so it's not seasoned at all so I'm going to throw a little lemon and salt on it just going to go right in there okay now the next veg goes in the steamer I'm going to do the Patty pan squash these are wildly different sizes so I'll have to just kind of take them out as they finish cooking that goes in there not sure how long that's going to take I'll just check it using the fork and in the meantime I'm going to peel my eggs which have fully cooled in the water what was your decision not to start to open the was trying to decide if I wanted to cut the Patty pan up before steaming but generally it's better to cut something after it's cooked rather than before and I didn't want it to like get kind of shriveled so we'll see so I'm going to peel my eggs now you can peel eggs under running water and that can make it easier if you have the shell well kind of broken up you can slide a spoon under the membrane that's between the shell and the white rotate rotate rotate slides right out let's check on the squash oh these these little guys are done all right I'll let the three larger ones go for a few more minutes so the only things I have left now to cook are the asparagus and the shrimp both will take just a few minutes the asparagus are super skinny so they don't take too long to cook they'll fit just well enough so that's oh my God created a vacuum okay I'm gonna check that after like two two and a half minutes just until they're tender and then shrimp and then we serve I want it to be very firm and to give me resistance but for it to be tender okay so into my veg salt okay I like to cook shellfish from room temperature obviously you don't want to leave it like sitting on your countertop all day long if it's room temp but you certainly don't want them Frozen and I think it's easier to gauge cooking you'll get more even cooking if they're room temp so it's okay to like let shellfish come to room temp on your countertop just before you cook it now that's about a pound of shrimp they are pretty small so I'm going to check them my guess is I'll take like somewhere around three minutes and I'm also going to toss them because they don't always cook evenly when they're like all together in there so after about a minute and a half I'll toss them and it's easy to tell when trimmer cooking because they go from translucent to opaque so you can really easily tell like where they're cooked and where they're not so I'm gonna check on these and let me show you how I determine if shrimp are fully cooked so if they're deveined which they should be you want to really look at this point right at the base the thick end of the shrimp right where the vein is and if that is opaque and bouncy then the shrimp are cooked so these are cooked I'm gonna make sure they're all cooked the same amount if that area is translucent and soft then they are still a little bit raw in the middle but these are done and I'm just going to let these cool in the steamer basket so now I'm going to arrange everything season my veg my protein double check the aioli make sure the consistency and flavor are where I want it to be and then serve I'm just going to cut up the potato and the Patty pan into more kind of like bite-sized pieces this seems like it's nicely cooked I feel like people Overlook potatoes as a finger food but even with like everything else here I still think the best thing on the plate is the potato with a little aioli on it no I mean no I'm talking about here like in this configuration there's no way that I don't like to eat potato but a boiled potato is so delicious I mean it has to be a good quality potato put things down where you want them to go process to arranging is never to like make anything look too deliberate or fussed over because it's just not like who is the time but I also think about ease of eating and so I'm kind of keeping things like in groups I also like odd numbers and I like when things look really abundant and plentiful that like it's very inviting to me I also like never want anyone to feel like they don't want to eat something because they're going to finish it it's like you know so it's like to me the right amount of food is always too much because I never want someone to feel bad about finishing something I'm gonna cut some of the eggs see the doneness level that looks great to me that to me is somewhere between Jammy and dry the whites are like really not rubbery they're nice and tender those look good you can kind of Tuck those eggs in here and then the shrimp so now before I finish everything off with aioli I'm going to do just lemon and salt over everything if you have like a good quality finishing olive oil you can do that too I would probably do that but I ran out of my finishing oil season with dry fingers so then you don't get the grains of salt like not only sticking to your hands but sticking to each other then you end up kind of over seasoning time to check the aioli it's been resting for I don't know maybe 25 minutes or so consistency still looks fantastic I feel like the acid is right where I want it to be it's not overly acidic but garlic is good I think I'm just gonna leave it I don't feel like it needs really anything unless I want to add like a little hot sauce to it a little spice so I'm going to add a little heat to it you could do like Tabasco you could just do a pinch of cayenne if you don't want to add the vinegar from it so I'm going to fill my little dishes oh a little full this is a nice little Finishing Touch some extra lemon for squeezing okay I'm gonna taste it I'm so excited I'm gonna start with a shrimp shrimp one of the greatest foods there is just swipe it through the aioli so good so tasty I'm gonna eat a potato my favorite food oh Felix no no no no no I started the potatoes my favorite thing creamy so delicious I love everything about this dinner I love that you can eat it with your hands I love that you can serve it room temp I love that you can swap in any vegetables that look good to you at the market and I get to eat all of my favorite foods topped with my one favorite food which is aioli this is exactly the kind of thing I love showing you on dessert person dinners I have a lot more time to cook these days and it's such a pleasure thank you for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe foreign [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 200,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aioli, How To Make Aioli, Aioli Recipe, Easy Aioli Recipe, Best Aioli, Simple Aioli, Grand Aioli, Grand Aioli Recipe, Easy Grand Aioli Recipe, Dinner Platter, Dinner, Dinners, Dinner Idea, Healthy Dinner, Vegetable, Vegetables, Dinner Ideas, Dessert Person Dinners, Dessert Person, Claire, Claire Makes, Claire Makes Dinner, Claire Saffitz, How To With Claire Saffitz, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Claire Saffitz Bon Appetit, Bon Appetit, Gourmet Makes, Pastry Chef, Ultimate
Id: 0uefQF9fX3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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