Making the Concrete Pad for the second Mini-Barn. DRY POUR METHOD.

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[Music] all right good morning guys yesterday we did a short video talked about how we were getting ready to do this pad today so I got the concrete all over here uh the farm is up and squared off I just have to do a little bit of squaring on the sides but I want to get a little bit of weight in there first because uh some of it needs to bow out a bit uh so what I've been doing now is I'm just watering the gravel uh to give it a little bit of moisture on the bottom to Wick up and my brother-in-law just got here so we're gonna start ripping these bags so Cindy's got the camera she's going to pop in and out uh throughout the day just to kind of capture what we're doing and I'll make sure I stop at any crucial points so we can actually explain how we're doing this but to begin with like I said we got the three tons of gravel down we got the uh the frame in place I'm just going to put some water more water in the gravel just give it something to wake up from we're going to dump in the first half and adjust do any adjustments with the frame for squaring it's already level so it's just a matter of getting the sides a little squared up the the problem I'm having is this is the same form I used last time and I'm finding now it's starting to twist it's been sitting outside in the weather uh but again it's just a little mini barn uh nothing spectacular so I'm not super concerned about it but once we get the first half dumped in we'll bring you back out here City may come back and get a little bit of video of us doing it but before we put in the uh the reinforcement wire uh fencing or I'm not even actually sure what the actual name is for it uh before we put that in the center we'll bring it back show you that uh before we go any further all right guys so we'll see in a bit [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] okay guys so this is actually going along pretty pretty quickly uh we're at that halfway point where we're going to put that reinforcement uh paneling that goes in the cement you'll see because the the shed is 10 feet wide and uh the panels are only four feet wide there is a two foot Gap left over down the center uh what he did last time I'm gonna do the sanding this time is I have a roll of field fence I'm going to cut into strips lay that down the center to overlap it a bit to make up that difference and uh then we'll start uh putting on the next layer and make it look pretty so I'm going to keep moving and cindy'll keep taking some footage uh and Royal keep helping me my brother-in-law is not big on the camera okay thanks all right guys so just that farm fence I was talking about it's got these uh look like four by four squares the other materials six by six squares so this should do fine in the center just to give us some structure so I'm just going to buzz off four of these and that should be all we need okay guys so Roy and I have got the uh the reinforcement fence inside uh you'll see we got that uh two and a half foot uh section of field fence down the center just to give that fill up that Gap now what we're going to do is we're going to put that second half of the concrete on top um get the majority of it on top and then we'll start shimmying to get that finished look and hopefully sometime today my anchors will show up I order those for Amazon and they haven't quite shown a ship they're shipped but not out for delivery so I can't actually wet the pad until I get the anchor so I'm hoping that all comes together for me today but uh anyway we're gonna get back at it uh Gotta Throw Some More bags in here [Music] oh [Music] okay guys so at this point we've we put the second layer on top of that reinforcement that we put in um we're gonna start uh putting the 2x4 on it trying to get the finish that we wanted uh probably gonna have to add more yet because when you do this to get the Finish you want you actually have to have a good amount of material ahead of your two by four so that you're pushing in the rocks out and the fines are staying behind to get that top layer uh the way you want it so anyway Roy and I are going to get back out of here just stop for a second tell you that and we'll see uh see how far we get before we have to have more bags [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay guys we're back uh do a little speaking part here again we just took a break earlier it's pretty warm today I think we're pushing around 30 degrees Celsius plus humidity uh so we got to the point now we've kind of pushed everything along uh we got a build up on this end so now what we're going to do is we're going to take what's bulk of it here run it through a screen to get the fines then we're going to go back we're going to sprinkle the put the fines out on the pad again and go back over it to try to fill in all the little pits where there's uh gravel and things like that so we're gonna try to work it smoother yet but that's the point we're at now so I think the United saw is doing this in the last video all it is is this is my uh the screen that I use for the chicken coop for The Mulch and compost so we're just using it for the gravel like I said we're taking it off there putting it on here sifting it we'll dump the gravel around on the edge and we'll put the fines back on the pad to give us a smoother surface so we'll show you that after uh Cindy will come back out in a bit too because one of the other techniques we're going to use to get this uh pad to have a nicer finish is we're gonna use a paint roller on it I've seen this done in other videos uh that roller will kind of give it a textured to take away some of the lines from us shimming the board back and forth so that's where we are right now uh like I said it's we're we're getting a little slower because it's getting quite warm and um but on a good positive note I checked with Amazon and the uh the anchors will supposedly be here before 2 30 so probably within the next hour if everything goes okay we'll have those actually I just see it pulled in they're here now so uh because once we get this done and get the screening done and uh get the Finish finished we're gonna go around the edge with the edge trowel and before I start to water it we're actually going to put all those anchors in place and then touch up around the anchors and then we'll start to sprinkle this pad but we'll bring you back for all that guys I'm going to get back at it we'll show you the next step when we get there [Music] [Music] thank you all right we're at the point now uh Roy and I've got the shimmying completed so if you get a closer look here you can see that the uh the 2x4 leaves these uh kind of grooves or little lines as we go along so now what I'm doing is I've got this paint roller I've hooked it onto a two by two I'm just going to go back and forth and all this does is smooth out those little ridges just to give it a bit more of a smoother finish hopefully kind of fill in any of the little tiny little pits if there is any okay guys so I've done the rolling I'm going to come back through with this Edge trowel here and really probably wouldn't need to do this but I want to do it just to separate it from the 2x4 bit so that it doesn't uh so it's easier to take the farm off later on because it's not it's not a pad like a patio it's a pad for uh I'm gonna have two by fours on the edge anyway but uh anyways I gotta start doing this once I get this complete uh like Cindy will show me doing some of this once this is done I'm going to start putting the anchors in we'll show you that and then the easy part just uh just gotta spray so I'll get going so what I'm doing is I'm just marking out where the anchors are going to go I've got way more anchors than I need and uh I can do the sanding I did over there I'm going to use quite a few of them anyway and I'll uh once we decide where the door is going to be I'll take the grinder and I'll buzz off that anchor all right still got the sniffles too much dust so I stuck the anchors in I'm going back with the roller and smoothing out all those areas so I'm almost to the point where I'm going to start spraying I'll show you the guys that in a few minutes as soon as I get uh these edges done up foreign not super concerned with how these look around these anchors because the 2x4 is going to be covering it okay we're starting the last of the process guys this is the part as you can see this is the uh part I've been looking forward to all day sitting in the lawn chair with this hose so now what I'm doing is I'm uh I'm just gonna give it a good watering but just with a a light misting um the point of that is to get the top to start to get a crust on it before you uh start soaking the pad so that it doesn't leave big uh marks from um from when you're actually hosing it down so I'm gonna do this for a while let it get pretty wet and then I'm gonna leave it for an hour I'm gonna come back and do the same thing just missed it uh missed it for quite a while and leave it for another hour and then I come back but next the times the the following times I come back I'm actually going to soak it I'm gonna I'm not going to worry too much about misting I'm going to give it a good solid watering so that it soaks into the pad and uh that'll be it a couple days I'll be able to take these forms off and in a couple weeks I should be able to start framing um these little mini barns so uh it's it's definitely an easier process I wanna I wanna say it's got to be easier than pouring the cement if you're doing it by hand but it's still not it's still not easy easy I believe we were probably at it for a good uh five six hours today before we got to this point but uh I think it's a pretty easy process especially if you do have two able-bodied people for something this size but anyway guys I'm going to keep doing this not much more to show you until I start actually building these barns so uh thanks very much again for stopping by here at simple acre Homestead uh on camera I'm gonna thank my brother-in-law Roy and Cindy for doing all the filming today but uh we're glad to have you back if you if you like this video please uh hit that thumbs up and uh come back and keep following us hit that subscribe button okay guys thanks very much foreign [Music]
Channel: Simple Acre Homestead
Views: 102,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, dry pour concrete, diy concrete, simple acre homestead, homesteading, family farm, diy, barn build, diy shed, mini barn, animal shelter, dry pour, cement dry pour, concrete
Id: SmSZujPPaaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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