Dry pour concrete - An Experts Opinion Dry pour concrete slab details

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can you make concrete without mixing like adding  water mixing up all the ingredients can you make   concrete without that well that's exactly what  dry pour concrete is all about and what do I   think a dry pour concrete I think it's got its  place and what are you gonna think about it I   think it's all about how do you like to make your  brownies and I'll explain that more later my name   is Tyler Ley I'm a concrete freak thank you so  much for watching this video and make sure like   subscribe and leave me a comment especially  if you've got some cool stuff you want me to   do in the future about dry pour concrete now do  you need a small concrete slab somewhere in your   life right maybe to put your air conditioning  units on or your trash cans or just outside   your door well why not try dry pour concrete and  this was popularized not invented popularized by   this group called Cajun Country Living they've  got their YouTube video they're fun they're cool   and I'm linking to them above so you can check  them out they say this you you make your forms   then you take dry bags of concrete pre-mixed  material together and you dump it into the   forms yeah dry dump it into the forms then you  smooth it out what am I talking about well that   is the dumped concrete mix over there that is  a two by four that they use to strike off the   concrete and oh look at that smooth concrete  mix over there pretty cool right yeah but you   can do more to it you can Edge it you can add  some kind of texture to it if you want to and   after that then you missed it and you wait  an hour and then they cured it as all good   concrete people would but they said it's to keep  the chickens off yeah watch out for those chickens   um then you missed it again after waiting and you  wait another hour and you soak the slab then but   be careful to not disturb the surface don't just  hit it hard just get some water keep soaking the   surface again then you wait an hour and you soak  it and you repeat this three times and then of   course you sure everything at the end and you want  to leave the forms on for about 48 hours to 72   hours depending on what you want to do because  this stuff takes a little bit longer to gain   strength now drip more Concrete in summary is done  like this you place your forms you dump your dry   concrete into the forms you strike it off smooth  it out you finish it make it look as beautiful or   whatever you want it to look like you missed it  a couple times you add water to it a couple times   then you cure it and then you're done let's talk  a little bit more about that misting and adding   water because I was a little confused at first  and then I made a chart like this because kind   of a graphical learner and I said at the beginning  if we have time here when we missed it we need to   wait an hour and then Mist it again and then  wait an hour then spray it then wait an hour   then spray it another hour and spray it another  hour and spray there's some sprays there and   hours there but you didn't have to mix anything  and it's not a lot of work to mist and spray and   I would cover the slab between mist and sprays  because chickens right yeah and also curing and   keeping that water inside of that concrete so how  does this work what is this all about well this   this our dry concrete mix that are within the  forms if you go to mist it then you see that   water start to penetrate that is now the wet  concrete mix and as it sits there it will start   to harden that surface will start to get some  strength to it and so that when you missed it   again the water goes through and penetrates deeper  and then you wait a little bit longer and then you   pour a lot more water on top and it penetrates  deeper and then you pour more water and then it   penetrates even deeper now what are the advantages  of this system of this craziness of not mixing the   concrete well there's no mixing isn't that awesome  you don't have to have equipment you don't have to   have a lot of people you can just put some bags  and dump it inside the forms and you avoid adding   too much water a lot of people add way too much  water to their concrete you're probably not going   to do that with this procedure right with with  dry mixed concrete and then little experience   needed to do all this and there are no time  constraints at all on finishing you can get that   sucker looking exactly like you want and it's  easier to look at it exactly what you want it to   look like something like if you want something  like this you may have to pay someone really   skilled to get it you can do it yourself with  dry Mix Concrete you can get dragon scales if   you want on the surface of your concrete that's  pretty cool right and you will make concrete it   will be great it will be hard and yeah it's going  to be some concrete so that's pretty cool right   notice about the disadvantages because there are  disadvantage to this dry pore method and you will   not get the same performance as mixed concrete  you you just won't it's what why not well dry mix   will have more large air voids big pockets of air  inside you're just not going to get them all out   that's why we usually do that with a vibrator that  shakes the concrete and gets all those air bubbles   out of the insides you can't use admixtures ad  mixtures are a game changer for concrete and   make your concrete a lot cheaper more durable more  sustained attainable more just awesome and one of   the big ones is an Aaron training admixture that  actually helps stabilize these microscopic bubbles   inside the concrete everywhere and they are the  key for free style durability I talk about that   in this video here make sure you check it out but  your cement will not be well distributed it's just   going to be where it's going to be probably  clumping around Rock and Sand particles and   not well distributed like you could would get if  you made a slurry and you mixed it up and there's   some questions here now does adding water to the  surface does that create micro channels on the   surface what am I talking about does that create  like something like in the ocean right where you   see a lot of water coming through and you see  those channels where the water starts to be if   those were there does that hurt the quality of  the surface the durability of the surface the   abrasion resistance of the surface I'm not sure  and will dry mix Bond a rebar I mean rebar is   another game changer for concrete do you get it to  bond now I know you can put rebound inside I'm not   saying that but do you get the bond do you get  the performance does it tighten and stop those   cracks from forming or at least getting large and  end of this how have to do with brownies right   I talk about that at the beginning well have you  ever bought a box brownie mix before you know what   I'm talking about right like the brownie mix where  you add water an egg and maybe some oil in the mix   and you get yourself some brownies was it the best  brownies you've ever had in your life probably not   was it fast was it simple yes you know what the  best thing of all you got brownies right and like   Rachel Ray would say yummo baby so this fudge box  brownie mix is kind of like it's like dry mixed   concrete I mean that that's kind of what this  stuff is it's kind of like the Box brownie mix   of concrete is has its place so in summary really  truly honestly dry poor has disadvantages but it   is a simple simple easy way to make concrete and  you know what I'm a fan of simple and I'm a fan   of easy and I know there are the the zealots the  people that are hardcore concrete people have to   say that's not my concrete I don't like that and  I get that I I get that but you're kind of like   being the Mandalorian right when he says this  is the way I mean aren't there other ways but   concrete can be overwhelming I get it if you are a  newbie to concrete and I'll tell you if this helps   you if this makes your life easier if this gets  you over the edge to do that concrete project then   by all means that you should use it so but how can  dry Port I think really be a game changer I mean a   big time Game Changer and I'm being serious here  I mean if I had to make something like this it's   like beautiful crazy sand art but in concrete that  lasts forever I think dry poor concrete could be   an amazing way to do it get it all carved in there  and then add some water to it I think it could be   great what if you wanted to add the opening scroll  to Star Wars to your driveway so you can see it   every single day I think tripod concrete could be  an awesome awesome way to make that happen so in   summary I hope you like this video I hope you  will like you will subscribe you'll leave me a   comment especially about future tests you want me  to do to drive more concrete because I'm looking   to do some my concrete freaks check me out on  the gram and the book take care everybody peace
Channel: Tyler Ley
Views: 30,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, dry pour concrete, dry pour, dry pour concrete slab, concrete slab, diy, tyler ley, concrete freak
Id: nA6rhtWVt6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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