Making The Best Of A Bad Situation Part 1 2020

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it's the 14th personal anniversary of Bishop Paul last morning if it wasn't for his mercy he looked beyond my faults and he saw my needs Sunday March 22nd with dr. T Delbert Robinson at 11:00 a.m. it's yours for the taking but God says in order for you to be able to recognize my good pleasure I gotta reroute you I've got a reform you sleeping on purpose he said son I'm going to revive you join us for the last pastoral anniversary celebration of Bishop Paul Morton and lastly a legend as he prepares to retire after 45 years of ministry on July 30th all services to be held at changing generation bold gospel Baptist Church 3350 Greenbrier Parkway southwest Atlanta log on to for more information coming up on greater change ministries in the 21st century do you think because you gave me a pink slip it's going to stop me do you think because I got a bad report from the doctor that it's going to stop me do you think because my husband or my wife walked out on me that it's going to stop me I'm here to tell you people of God you're going to have to learn how to make the best out of a bad situation Paul said even this is not without its effect to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God from changing a generation Full Gospel Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia and greater st. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church in North Louisiana pastored by Bishop Paul s Morton and dr. Debra beam or welcomes you to the greater change outreach ministry [Music] [Music] will things get back I know that day I can [Music] now prepare for a life-changing experience [Music] what god bless you my brothers and sisters we greet you in divine love God is so good and is worthy to be praised I hope you've been spreading the word about what's going on it's countdown time to my retirement July 30th 2020 God has been so good to me a total of 45 years of pastoring I thank God as I close this chapter continuing on to preaching the gospel to singing to doing the things that God has assigned me to do mentoring pastors but I'm glad that you're spending this time with me so today we're going back to the 90s we're going back to the 90s I preached in one of our Lord's Supper services on Sunday night making the best of a bad situation you got to do that you got to stop holding your head down and you got to realize how good god is so come on reminisce with me I know when I get ninety a hundred years old I got to sit in the rocking chair watch all of these old messages but you can watch them with me now making the best of a bad situation Philippians the first chapter and go back tonight to verse 12 I want you to see this passage of Scripture what the Spirit is saying to us tonight spoke to our hearts today but he's got something tonight but I would ye should understand brethren that the things which happen unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel tonight I want to talk again on making the best of a bad situation look at somebody tonight tell them making the best of a bad situation I got a deal with it I have to deal with it anybody have you ever had some bad situations in your life and so you have to know how to deal with these bad situations think about it for a moment people of God wherever there was a church in need Paul was there to help him he just believed in helping churches wherever there was an open door Paul was the first to step in nothing mattered to him except that the work of the Lord should go forward and that the work of the Lord should go forward with power but now there are to be no more adventures that part of the story has ended the days of open doors have gone all the doors are now barred all the doors are bolted because Paul is in prison people may need help but now I can't come to you because I'm in here the old adventurous spirit is now in Chains and in bond so Paul preacher man tell me how are you going to handle this situation you have always been so free in your ministry you have always been available but now you can't walk in and out of the jail you are now a prisoner so I need to know how you dealt with your bad situation because if you show me how you dealt with your bad situation maybe through what you tell me I will be able to make the best of my bad situation oh how are you going to handle it this is what he says now I would have you know that the things which happen to me have fallen out rather unto the progress of the gospel you want to know how I'm dealing with this situation it's for the progress of the gospel I have been assigned no matter where I'm at to make sure I help make the gospel progress so resignation vows his head and says what must be must be I must accept it but faith lips up its eyes and says even here in prison there's beauty even here in prison there is ministry even in here in prison there is meaning there is scope I see what I have to do in here some of you right now are in you're in here you prefer to be out of here the situation that I'm in but I am in this situation so I need to know how do I bring beauty how do I bring ministry how do I bring scope and meaning to what I'm all about well I want you to know tonight that it is a verdict of faith faith there is no submission about it Paul looks at his narrow confinement and he says even this is not without its effect you think this little prison is going to stop me do you think me being confined is going to stop me in the 21st century do you think because you gave me a pink slip it's going to stop me do you think because I got a bad report from the doctor that it's going to stop me do you think because my husband or my wife walked out on me that it's going to stop me I'm here to tell you people of God you're going to have to learn how to make the best out of a bad situation Paul said even this is not without its effect because his prison turns into a new kind of Pope ed don't mess with me I'll make a pulpit way about how man mm you do me wrong I'll stand on my enemy's head and preach anything she kicked out you gotta understand and you got to realize that God desires of us in our lives you've got to understand that the work goes on so maybe I need to ask the question what is the test or the task of faith in this world let me tell you what the test of faith is in this world not so much to explain as to overcome you have a lot of people explaining yeah they got to they got to explain but that's not what the test of faith is all about faith does not set out to give us a clear-cut explanation of the why the we're fours of things some things I have to be honest with you I don't know why I'm going through and no need of you sitting here acting like you know all the whys some of you have been faithful some of you been dedicated here's some old devil over here he's wicked and he's lowdown it looks like he has everything I come to church I pay my tithe I treat everybody right and it seems like I'm down but I'm here to tell you I can't sit down every day of my life trying to explain why because because because why will mess with my purpose because I'm dealing with the task of faith and faith is life not a scheme I want somebody to know that I am going to live and overcoming life I don't care what I've got to go through I don't care how many trials I got a face I don't care how many problems I have to face I am going to make the best out of my bad situation because the task of my faith is to be an overcomer any overcomers in this place tonight life is a mystery mystery broods over the face of things explanations are with hell people that come up with all kind of explanation trying to explain well what did your mama do your daddy must have not been no good ain't got nothing to do with some things you just can't explain explanations I will help and the whole issue comes down to this whether we are going to get out of life's problems and make some gain which can not be lost my goal is I I know that I may have to face some problems but you better believe one thing I'm coming out of the problem this problem is not going to last forever the longer you stick around trouble the longer you mess with me I'm gonna make the best out of this trouble keep keep on working on my nerves I'm gonna make the best out of you're working on my nerves because when I come out I am gonna have a testimony because of the test that I went through so never keep on messing with me if you want but I do know one thing I am going to make the best out of this situation you see the man of faith here there's good people of God the man of faith does not know more about the meaning of life's problems he doesn't know about the problems that people go through more than anybody else this man of faith does not have in his possession the key to the puzzle but the man a woman of faith has within him or her the spirit which challenges life to give up its hidden treasures see wherever I'm at that's a treasure right here so so devil I don't care where I'm at mess with me if you want to I'm gonna find the hidden treasure right here if I lost my job there's a hidden treasure in here cuz God has already told me whatever happens to me it's gonna work out for my good I'm there are more so what I'm doing I'm searching for the hidden treasure because while I'm in this situation I'm going to make the best of this situation so that will keep on messing with me but while you're messing with me I'm looking for the key anybody in here tonight you're looking for the key and I'm here to tell you that God has the key so the greatest test of theme comes to us when life shows its worst side maybe I better say that again the greatest test of faith you talk about I'm a man of faith I'm a woman of faith are you now greatest test of faith is when life shows its worst side because of it ain't bad you don't need faith I don't need faith when everything is all right in fact who's gonna know this faith if nothing ever happens in my life but I may have some witnesses here when you get down and you get out it looks like no way how your enemies are waiting for you to fall your friends are worried about you because they know that you're gonna fall but just about the time it looks like you're going down to the town in steps Jesus he makes a way out of no way that's the real testify when I deal with the worse things in life the worst it is the better the testimony the worst it is the better the testimony so if you go on this is going through something real bad you ought to be saying oh I will heaven somebody here got a good system man when you come out of where you are people better look out you gonna be so fired up because you're going to have a testimony of your bad situation and how God brought to you let me tell you this let me tell you this the difference between people it's not really the measure of adversity which comes to them but it's what they do with the adversity when it shows up because I'm here to tell all of us tonight in every life sona or later the rain's gonna fall sona or later the winds gonna blow sooner or later the floods are going to come especially if you love Jesus the devil hates you anyhow you got to expect some things to come your way so for one man the house of life falls in ruin for another person it stands secure so the difference lies not in the intensity of the storm but in the power to restate [Applause] you can be going through the same thing I'm going through but it all depends on how you handle what you're going through here's one who's standing at a bridge ready to jump off here's one who becomes an alcoholic here's one who takes drugs because of the adversity that they're facing in life and here's one over here self talking about I'm happy with Jesus alone I may be poor and deserted but I thank God I can see both have the same problem but it depends on how you are going to handle your problem you can make a bad situation a worse situation or you can make the best out of a bad situation now which one do you want praise God praise God I trust you have been blessed we're making the best of a bad situation I don't care what that situation is you've got to know that you have a victory in Christ Jesus tell somebody what's going on as we continue next week with another word oh you're gonna be blessed I'm telling you stay with me these past few months these future months as we allow God to bless us real good may God bless you may God keep you this is our prayer as we change a generation a greater change you crying about you got the greatest test well guess who's going to have the greatest victory see you don't have a great test and pass the test and have a small victory if you got a great test and you passed the test you get ready to have a great victory and then we'll you better look out I gotta test the male anybody in here old somebody knows where you come from you got a testimony tonight so you better think up if I'm going to a great test look out I'm getting ready to show up with my great testimony because I got a great victory the devil thought he had me but he lost he encouraged with this new message from Bishop Paul Morton when you write to us visit our website today Bishop Paul s Morton is on the move join us for one of the following Sunday March 15th in Lilburn Georgia at the Hudson community fellowship for the installation service Pastor Cynthia Hudson is the host call for zero four eight five nine nine eight one five for more information Sunday March 29th at 4 p.m. in Houston Texas at the new light Baptist Church for the gathering 2020 Bishop John Jasper is the host for more information log on to new light-bee CNET Sunday March 29th at 10 a.m. in Houston Texas at the new destiny praise and worship center for the gathering 2020 state overseer dr. Ethan W Ogletree senior is the host for more information log on to new destiny pwc org Monday March 30th at 7 p.m. in Bryan Texas at the st. James Baptist Church for The Gathering 2020 overseer bronze across senior is the host this event will be hosted at the new Zion Missionary Baptist Church for more information log on to st. james bcs org we're celebrating a legacy of faith with 45 years of pastoring for Bishop Paul as Morton and we want you to have a piece of the history a legacy of paint celebration series a legacy of faith in action this day he becomes the first presiding bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist churches in operated dealing with impossibilities if you can say wait a minute wait a minute I know that voice I know that voice Jesus is that you prepare to meet thy God the balcony view of life and an angry Jesus available on DVD or CD when you write or visit us online at WWE the 14th PESTEL anniversary of bishop Paul last Morton if it wasn't for His mercy he looked beyond my faults and he saw my needs Sunday March 22nd with dr. team Delbert Robinson at 11:00 a.m. it's a cake but God says in order for you to be able to recognize my good pleasure I got rerouted you I got a reform you and some of you into that have been sleeping on purpose he said tell him son I'm going to revive you join us for the last transform anniversary celebration of Bishop Paul Morton and lastly a legend as he prepares to retire after 45 years of ministry on July 30th all services to be held at changing generation Full Gospel Baptist Church 3350 Greenbrier Parkway southwest Atlanta log on to for more information next week on greater change ministries the a manifestation Oh somebody don't hear me tonight oh you can fool some of the folks sometime but you see when the truffle really hits that's when I know if you're in the word or not that's when I know if the word has been conceived deep down in your heart because as soon as a storm come Oh [Music]
Channel: Greater St Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church
Views: 2,630
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T-4Jn_VUBL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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