I made tool that can tell TIME at NIGHT

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how's it go my good friends so and this time we're going to make the actual astrolabe a device and if you haven't seen the previous video I was just talking about the design and how we what is the nastily basically how do you use it and so if you have it watch it you don't have to I mean it's a cool put video with nice nice fancy animations anyway so yeah let's get to it and I will do the intro again because I think because I liked it so yeah let's get to it [Music] [Applause] case we're gonna clean it up so we will try to give to give the tint the toner best chance to stick to the metal [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so I wasn't super happy with how way the scholar sounded like it was a bit jiggly and all of that and I think I sort of I fixed it and I've changed the driving wheel and I also fixed the lager bit more properly in place and I think now it works much better and I was if I find the bed it really suits this thickness of material maybe time something like [Music] so what I need to do is to transfer both the plate and the Ricci templates Oh now agent Lee I want the plate to be on this steel plate and the Ricci on the blasts however the littie has much more fine and fragile pieces or shapes or whatnot so yeah so I'm going to use the steel for the writi and the best for the plate behind it's gonna be a little bit more difficult to cut but it should take the engraving a little bit finer and nicer so yeah I hope it will work let's see we will see so I've cut in such a way that I can hold it with some a masking tape it's gonna clean the metal a little well it's a bit pale but it's there so I think we're gonna go with that all right so now we gonna give it to go with engraving now I want to put it on my ball vise but this piece is a little bit too big to hold so I put it on the regular vise and I can still swivel it but it's not centered and also besides making my life it will be difficult I also cannot shoot it very nicely because I'm Lou come over here so but we'll make it somehow so we're ready to get with the Catholic adventure and I have this pretty thin and delicate blade so I can have some control but that also means that it's gonna be pretty slow but we'll see if it's too slow I will go for a more aggressive blade I don't have my cutting fluid just yet but I have some oil so we'll see how that works [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] so these that's the finish to rule hula Oster forever and so I hope you understand what the point of it is that yeah you can side through way there we go [Music] okay my friends the moment of truth has come and now we're ready to assemble this well it's the moment of truth for you because I assembled this like 50 gazillion times to try to work out if it a fits or not anyway so let's just assemble it and take it outside well not now outside because there's no Sun yet I'm still waiting for that to happen sweet so yeah that's the device and yeah let's give it a go and test it out okay so I was having lunch and I had to stop immediately because I had a very short time of having a son because the last few days well just everything was great so I'm gonna take it reading really quickly and try to I mean as you can see the Sun is not super clear but it should be good enough yeah so now because I can hopefully cite this yeah I think I think man to decided so what I need to do is to align these two dogs together you see I have these two those here phone I will try now the Sun is dying a cloud at the moment so I'm gonna wait like a second it should come any minute now so here comes the Sun okay I need to be quick so there we go we align it now we're pretty close actually already okay can you see that this the light shining through the hole that means we are just about the right angle yeah well we're just about right so we got the turn so we've got twenty degrees okay so now after we have collected the data and by that I mean this white piece of paper it says Sun 20 degrees on it we can figure out what time it is so the day you can figure out some other stuff but that's what we are going to do now and so in order to do that we have to basically figure out where the Sun is and put it in the right location on the device and the device will tell us the rest so in order to make things a bit simpler I will take this apart okay let's start with the Solidarity basically shows us all the star locations in the in the sky as well as the Sun but the Sun moves throughout the year so we have a rink that represents that and honoring we have all the zodiac signs which corresponds to you know different months or whatever and so today is the 26th of January which is right in the beginning of Aquarius and that we can find here it's called Aldo Lu in Arabic and it's right after Capricorn so I'm just gonna mark it with a marker but I can I move later so now we have the Sun location year wise like which date is it today and we need to figure out the exact time during the day so for that we have the plate and so the plate is basically a projection of the skies and here is the horizon line so on top of it is the visible sky and below it is the ground and so what we are looking at is this point right here is the zenith point right above our head and the ring is around it our altitude lines well in relation to us that is and because we took a twenty degrees so we need to look for that altitude line which is the one over here sorry about that so yeah that's basically it now we can assemble everything back together ok so now we simply need to take the Sun that we know where it is yearly annually I suppose and we move it to the 20 degree altitude line that we marked so now we can take the ala dad or the hoola and move it to that specific location and that should tell us what a time now this ring on this ring the hours are not written but basically it represents the 24-hour day cycle I suppose which means the bottom here is midnight and the top is known so we only need to count down which is every 5 degrees is 20 minutes so that's 20 40 60 whoops that's so around here and that's a shy of 11:00 in the morning and I took a shot of a watch right after we took the reading as you can see it said 1118 so that means we are 30 minutes of but to be honest for like a more than a thousand-year-old device that's pretty good and take under consideration that we also didn't take the measurement that accurate we just said 20 degrees or so and if it were 21 degrees probably we would get a much better result so yeah that's that's quite a cool thing and does get you pretty accurate and pretty cool stuff I mean if you were in the Middle Ages going to a tavern or something with this kind of thing people would definitely burn you on the stake for being a witch or something but they yeah you'd be a dumb fancy smoking witch so let's wait on tonight and hopefully we can see some stars but you never know it's pretty foggy outside so unfortunately there were no stars today hey when the world stars but it was foggy and cloudy and I couldn't see absolutely anything and but no worries I still have one trick up my sleeve which is using a tablet I mean phone ok so I thought I could use the phone to kind of sight the Stars through the phone and it is possible but it's kind of well meaningless I should say because their phone well the angle of the phone would be the angle that we set the sights on our astrolabe I mean you know just like ok so it's like straight to the phone that wouldn't really work and wouldn't be that magical so what we're going to do instead is to take the measurement that we've done yesterday with the Sun and basically figure out where are the star located in the skies so what I'm going to do is pick up a stone and I will take this one which is out tire I think you pronounce it hold a flying eagle that's pretty cool name and we'll look up online where this star should be so we can see how close we can get with the Esalen so if you look at this start we can find this star right there and it is at 46 degrees altitude and it's azimuth is at hundred and seventy three degrees all right so let's have a look at our estill app and see how close we got with our measurements so the first thing we need to do is to put the sun's location back to the right place which is 20 degrees that's our Sun over here I'm just gonna mark it again so it's here on the 20 degrees because now it's 11 o'clock or something like that and we can have a look at our star which is that one over there and I'm just going to mark it just about on this line right here so to make things a little bit more clearer I'm gonna take this about once again and I only need to use the plate now so this is the result we got and that's our star location and so we can have a look at our altitude and azimuth and figure out if we are collect with the result on the website and so our altitude is if this is 20 here is like zero and this is 90 degrees so just about 45 degrees which is awesome that's really almost exactly what we got and then azimuth which of these spider legs kind of lines over here this here is north so that is zero degrees and here is South which is 180 degrees that's East and that's West and so our location is yeah just about between hundred and seventeen hundred and eighty degrees and this is almost exactly what we should get which was 173 degrees so yeah you can see that is quite amazingly accurate this device and bear in mind that this is more than a thousand years old so so yeah that's pretty good we got very very close now I'm just gonna wipe this off so my friends and that's it for this project I really I really love these devices it's quite hefty hazard has a way to it which is nice it feels like the real thing you know what I mean what I mean it's same material so I suppose it needs to feel somewhat heavy but yeah I had so much fun and I probably couldn't have done this without the new school so that I feel built and I'm quite surprised that it does work as well as it does and super happy that it's pedal operated it gives me a lot of contouring and this this can get to quite a decent speed I think I I tried to crop myself and I got to about and I calculate that it can do like 800 rpms which is pretty pretty decent I wouldn't expect such a machine to do that kinds of speed but it's around but it gets around the middle to low speeds of an actual made powers console so that's pretty cool and and it also can go backwards that's whatever so anyway that's about it and I will see you again in the next video so I hope you enjoy this one and have fun
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 344,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, make, craft, woodworking, metalworking, engraving, carving, art, drawing, sculpting, painting, making, astrolabe, middleages, medevil, stars, space, planetarium, sun, orbit, earth, zodiac
Id: 8U7ED6k5NLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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