Making Splatoon 3 BEFORE its out!

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oh hey leo gamers it's poohoo here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video i'm gonna be doing a showcase of some some oh i'm gonna be doing a showcase of some splatoon 3 concepts and edits that i have in myself platoon 3 isn't coming out until 2022 and that's quite a bit of time and while we wait for nintendo to finish developing the game the fandom has came up with something else concepts i bet you've seen quite a bit of splatoon 3 concepts everywhere from artists to editors who just everywhere you go there's there's just concepts of splatoon 3 and i've made quite a bit that i would like to share with you today so why don't we get into it so here's my first photo this is the ui that i designed for splatsville there was a couple things i've added here number one we got ourselves a location tab or a location mark and here's my prediction for splatoon 3. there have been quite a bit of speculation and some theories regarding a possible train system or metro system for splatoon 3. you'll notice that in splatsville there is an actual train station off near the main battle lobby so it could be possible their inkling or octoling is able to traverse the splats land we could probably visit different locations to access certain modes such as story mode which may be only accessible if you use the train station next up we have is the main ui so these are going to be our well this is the main ui thing that we'll have access to we get to see our levels the amount of sea snails we have our currency and our rank so a couple things i want to mention is number one sea sales they're back either they are returning or nintendo might just have to switch it up and give us something new who knows but i think c sales are definitely returning back we also have our currency now here's what i'm thinking i think our currency might this is just a concept or idea but i think it'd be pretty neat if instead of actually having like a coin icon we could probably have like a credit card i know it sounds kind of wild so our inkling right here is level 143 splatoon 2 the max level cap you get 2 is 1.99 and then you prestige to star one ollie disturb 99 and then you keep on resetting your level but i think we need to increase the level cap because 99 is cool and all but if you get into the triple digits then it's like whoa you better watch out that person plays splatoon 3 quite a bit um just below the level is that we had is the rank so i'm thinking nintendo will definitely include a new rank this time around we have stuck with well we have stuck with s plus one began speaking two so in splatoon three we'll definitely have an x rank but i think this time around nintendo might include an additional rank known as elite x elite x is basically a new rank that is above x rank this rank specifically is meant for players who have a crown so crown is given to the top 500 players in splatoon 2. so this ring specifically would have the top most competitive players battling each other and it's just a rank that people try to get into so below that we have is our power level and i think it'd be a pretty neat idea nintendo was able to display the crown icon in the hub world ui indicating that you are in fact the top 500 player down below that what we see is that we have our splatnet icon kind of like in ammo crossing how we have access to um what's it called again the nook phone or something yeah something like that but um this time around we may be able to access flatnet and splatnitt isn't just an app where it just shows you stats or whatever it has a lot more to it this time around so yes we will have our stats for the game but we'll also have map for the uh hub world instead of just calling it a menu nintendo could call it this platinum and it's a phone also you'll notice that there is a notification sign right there beside the phone i don't know it's super smash brothers they had a feature where you could share videos screenshots and just stages and me costumes and whatever wouldn't it be neat if nintendo included something switching three where you're able to communicate with your friends and other people around the world maybe you could share some fun gameplay moments or spectate people or share things like oh here's my outfit for today and show off your inkling wearing some pretty neat attire whatever it is you could just share different content with everybody in splatoon and if you want to check other people's work you just pull up your phone in the game and it's like okay you could take a look at what other people are sharing that would work really well with nintendo switch online as well right um yeah so this is basically the entire ui of splatsville next up we have is the lobby ui this one has a lot going on so i'm gonna try my best to explain it first things first is that we have the same the same kind of ui design as the previous one we have our super sneaky snails here we have our currency here and then we have a bubble right below that we have is our freshness level in splatoon 2 it was mainly just a bunch of flags and just give you a title like oh you're super fresh you're dry or you're raw or whatever it was right this time around i thought it'd be neat if we had a metal instead so for every weapon instead of just giving us a freshness level from one two i think it was 20 um this time around we could have something around possibly a medal so i think that'd be a unique achievement that nintendo could definitely add just increase gameplay and um they really give you an incentive to just really play with a certain weapon more and maybe if you're a um completionist you'll definitely want to use every single weapon to get that platinum metal so beside that we have our mode here so we have turf war classic so i'm going to do a video more in depth about different game modes ideas that i do have so stick around for that and don't forget to subscribe for that because i'm gonna go in-depth about all these modes that i have planned but i thought it'd be neat if we had two types of turf war modes instead so we have two for classic and then we have something called turf frenzy and i'll explain a bit of that later in a different video but um currently the mode that is selected is turn for classic below that we have our stages nintendo include a win rate just like they had on splatnet this time around it's accessible in the lobby so you can see what your win rate is for a stage and there's also a little um five-star ranking thing too depending on how good you are so right now we have a starter dig site now this is the map that they showcased in the splatoon 3 trailer it doesn't have an official name but i thought okay kind of looks like a dig site there's some dinosaur fossils i was like okay started excite darter is a fish breed i have no clue but it's a good pun and below that we have salt spray rig yes please make this stage return i know people didn't like it like it's not a good stage it's it's poorly laid out but you know what saul spray ray i'm an og splatoon guy okay i played splatoon 1 when it came out and it's close to me close to my heart i don't care if it's bad just bring it back i don't know i had fun on it below that we have is our abilities this should happen for sure please because i know i've been in a lobby and i have literally no clue what my abilities are what i'm wearing currently like yes you should technically remember what abilities associated with what piece of gear you're wearing which just makes it easier for my life i just displayed the abilities right there in front of me like i don't want to open up my equipment menu again and then have to look through and see what i'm wearing and just too much work so just showcase the abilities you have i will do a video that go that will go in depth about what each ability does so don't forget to subscribe for that too as well i have a lot of different concepts i wish to share so if you guys want to see those hit subscribe so the ability right here is actually called withdraw it just increases with certain abilities if your team is in danger you know when that little danger sign pops up yeah exactly increases some of your sub abilities just to help you out if you are in danger besides that we have is that looks pretty sus it's literally called sus um how do i explain this it lets you splat your own teammates without them knowing the sad part is i put this concept up on twitter and people thought this was real and then someone said like oh this is fake because there's an among us ability was that that obvious um beside that we have is an ability called quick start up quickstar basically lets you increase mobility if you're in your spawn point just increases your stats if you're in your home base so i guess if you have to split a map into three sections there's your home base your opponent's space and then mid your home base is where your abilities get boosted so who knows nintendo could possibly add a sort of territorial ability so basically those are the three abilities briefly summarized um below that we have is our equipment you could you know same thing as between two the equipment and then we have our menu that you know pulls up your phone again so here's a comparison between the splatoon three concepts i made and then the splatoon 2 version they have very similar um designs and basically the same layout i thought i'd just play around with mainly color and just the aesthetic of it in general and added some little extra bonus features so beside that we have our different modes so what we have right here is called regular battles so i was thinking instead of just having one turf war we could have two modes returf for this time around so we'll have classic and frenzy tier four so classic tier four is basically the same thing as previous games nothing has changed it's the classic regular rule set nothing too crazy frenzy on the other hand is a little bit more chaotic you could probably get i mean who knows maybe get your special like you get unlimited specials or it's just imagine splatoon hacks but they're not hacks anymore also we have a new logo upgrade as well so it looks like our original logo is here but this time around we have a new logo and it's definitely more chaotic below that we have his tourney battles so i've heard a lot of people wanted this but a dedicated mode for tournaments it'd just be easier to organize a tournament to join a tournament but that we have his ranked battles back this time instead of being orange it's pink why not color change that'd be nice but yeah ranked battles is basically back above that what we have is a notification thing i thought it'd be pretty cool if if a friend wanted to invite you to something it would pop up with notification and you could click on it really quickly and allows you to get into the game faster next up as we have is our intro for a battle same thing as platoon two we have our intro but this time around it labels what the stage is um we have dirty dig site down here and um what's a more chaotic look this time around you can definitely see with the text it has a more sandy dirty looking look to it yeah this is just the battle intro nothing much else to say aside from the fact that we get a pretty unique look at the new stage okay this is a nintendo doesn't give dedicated servers this is basically going to happen next image okay so this is our gameplay footage i decided to slap on a ui for our gameplay footage and we'll describe it real quick so number one the person who is jumping here actually has a splat bow this time around what we're gonna see is probably three cursors for each individual shot as you know the splat bow does shoot three projectiles so it would make more sense if we had three cursors that indicate where our shots are gonna go above that we have is our ui that that indicates everyone's weapons so yeah same thing as splatoon 2 it shows off what weapon each team has and it also indicates if a special is ready this explanation mark what does this mean down here where our callouts are so this way in booyah we have a special indicator that gives you an explanation mark to alert to your team that something is important if you want to call up something like hey look there's someone over there they're hiding or whatever it is you could call that out with an explanation mark and your team would know beside that what we have is actually our special gauge now there's kind of a lot of things i'll explain so what does this up arrow mean this up arrow means that our special maybe it's like a special boost that we get who knows maybe you could fill up your special gauge faster at the beginning of a match or something like that just a little extra what are these little extra marks here i was thinking maybe maybe a little stretch but if nintendo allowed us to special maybe a little bit early on but if we use it earlier that means we just get less time to use it so if you load up your special halfway you could use it but it'll be a weaker version of the special we also have our icons for the special ones this thing zuka and then below that we have some for abilities here about that what we have is actually two subs so in mario kart 8 deluxe there's actually two items that you could access i was thinking weapon splatoon 3 you had actually two subs that you can use and you could interchange and use whichever one you wanted next image is our victory screens instead of just inkling standing in a straight line and doing their little dance or animation or whatever wouldn't it be better if nintendo did a dynamic group photo thing that would be a really cute idea so what we have here is that we have our little bars once again returns with the whole percentage and the points and everything and then we have our wind bonus but this time around we have is our way more dramatic pose position as you can see we have we have our inklings and our octopus posing god caught you 4k look at these names aren't they funny a wreck um so i can't with your face [Music] right so what we have here is an mvp feature i thought it'd be neat if nintendo includes a special reward for any player who sells better than everyone else whoever focuses on the objective the most or maybe covers the most turf gets some more splats whatever player is basically the most valued we get a special reward and an extra little bonus aside from that there's not much else to say aside from just a more dramatic victory pose that'll be kind of fun and yeah so that concludes every single image these are all concepts just putting out there right now these are not real but i mean it's pretty cool to discuss about ideas that we could see in splatoon 3. so it's not harmful right i mean i might have said it was real a couple of times and tricked um quite a bit of people into uh clicking on a link that sends them to a baby stroller that's a story for another time [Music] do
Channel: Pufuu
Views: 84,288
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon 3, Splatoon, Nintendo Direct, Pufuu, Pufuulive, Splatoon Concept, Splatoon Leak, Splatoon leaks
Id: jTaIOjCDzsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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