Making Sense of REBUILD Evangelion

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the four film Evangelion franchise more commonly known as the rebuild series at first glance may just seem like a remake of the original but that couldn't be farther from the truth this four-part movie Saga W into existence by ano himself was very much his closing remarks to his treasured franchise and a Curt and call to fans of the series a series that expanded past the expectations of an anime becoming somewhat of a cultural Keystone of anime fandom picking up where I left off and making sense of Evangelion I'll pick apart and analyze Evangelion 1.0 2.0 3 3.0 and 3.0 + 1.0 making clear how all of these followup Neon Genesis and end of Eva on a rather linear timeline I've sectioned this video by each movie where I'll guide you through and make sense of what exactly is the Catalyst for these drastic shifts in narrative and how the movie Saga transform the story of this young depressed kid shinji's story has always been his to write from the very beginning and this time he may have finally got it right even gallan you were not alone is the first and most similar entry to the original Neon Genesis story which means this will be the shortest section of the video with that said there are some very important differences that play into the entire reason that the story drastically shifts the most vital change is found in choices made which for a show with heavy Central focus on character relationships he's make for a heavy impact Shinji is noticeably more driven to help those around him and way less sulky and self-centered here he decides to Pilot 01 for the first time just for the sake of saving Rey and needs no more convincing from the mech itself saving his life like in the original and then there's misato who is more Hands-On when it comes to the pair's relationship a course separation in NG between Shinji and her was the lack of communication where Shinji needed a parental figure to help guide him misato lacked the ability to sufficiently fill that role but here she does a much better job at it chewing him out for disobeying her orders during the fight with Sham shell showing worry and frustration when he up and leaves without telling her and all around helping him grasp the cause of effect he has on others these two of a much more put together relationship because as individuals they are in a much better head space while they both still fight with the same issues they fa during Neon Genesis they're much more fit to deal with their trauma and struggle resulting in a different outcome a large piece of the puzzle that is the new story why these two have a changed personality even if only slightly is an interesting question to pose one which can be answered by the wild twist sitting at the core of the movies while a massive spoiler I think to fully understand the events as we move forward I should fill you in now the characters of Evangelion are in somewhat of a loop with kodu at the center of this anomaly it's assumed that the original Evangelion series was the first outcome of a string of rebirths after leaving Shinji and death koru wrote their names in The Book of Life meaning the two are bound by Fate to meet each other for eternity kodo's love has driven him on a multi-life journey as he attempts to give Shinji the happy ending he deserves being born with the memories of his past lives and hopes of one day being able to break the cycle of demise his friend has found himself trapped into the final scene of 1.0 teases that this time thing are different near the seal moon base that is manufacturing Eva Mark 6 a new Evangelion that is supposedly created of a vessel of one of the atoms a plot point that lives largely in mystery it seems during the second impact this time around there were five atoms this Mark six being the first atom sealed even gallion which uses one of the bodies while the souls get a very different use which we'll get into more later but for now just know that there's something else at work here something we aren't directly told kodu sits up from a line of once more he awakens to a new world once more he attempts to guide Shinji to the life he deserves an angel Dean III has escaped captivity from underneath a Euro Russian base in the Arctic Mari a new even gelan pilot launches the Eva provisional unit 05 to successfully defeat the angel self-destructing her unit to finish it off Kaji comments on her ability as a pilot before she's presumably taken to infiltrate the Japan ner Wing now the confusion around MTI and why it was decided to add a major Eva pilot to the series can be explained in several ways for one ano just wanted to add a new character and that's that's pretty much it another more narrative driven reason is that mari's inclusion heavily shakes Up character relationships pushing them into positive directions which is exactly what a lot of them need to reach a happy ending gendo and Shinji visit ui's grave which is just an empty plot of land UI soul is once again inside unit 01 with the approach of the seventh Asuka makes her arrival she single-handedly defeats and kills the angel before meeting Shinji for the first time oddly though there seems to be something that feels different while she may still be the sundrea we all remember her personality is slightly altered and more obvious her last name has completely changed as it turns out this Asuka is the sole surviving clone of the shikinami line created to Pilot 02 in a similar manner to raise creation this Uka never had parents never had the trauma that came with her mom's crazy state or her dad's neglect this time she faces loneliness in a much more different Manner and because of this change she becomes a whole new character this Asuka is a bit more direct and more open to Shinji lying in the futon with him of her own valtion and not by sheer accident she is more expressive of her emotions and this personality change along with Shinji helps move the relationship in a direction away from the iconic End of Evangelion scene that was built upon their poor communication and immaturity these two along with most of the characters in the series act more grown up and a little less self- focused a point we shouldn't Overlook instead of delivering the embryo of Adam Kaji gifts gendo with the key of naukar and items name that I most likely completely butchered but will allow gendo to attain a type of godhood when the time comes for instrumentality as for now the object remains an item shrewd in ambiguity the group joins Kaji aboard in aqua reservation center that hopes to bring back life to the sea that is Tainted in red much like the oceans of end of Eva while exploring this vessel sahak quel the eth attempts to attack Tokyo 3 the pilots are forced to band together and launch a team effort attack to defeat the angel the group surpassing their individual limits to prevent destruction from being brought upon their city in the aftermath Eva 01 and 0 are heavily damaged seal makes note that 0 has served its original purpose and that only 01 should be repaired what 0's purpose was is not explored any deeper and my assumption was to assist in defeating Angels prior to the arrival of 02 M arrives in Tokyo meeting Shinji for the first time in a rushed confusing entry into the main story that ends with her running off not to be seen again until the climax 2.0 during this futy and gendo gaze at the Marvel of Eva Mark 6 as production is near complete of the moon Gundam kodu sits upon its finger pondering what's to come Ray has taken it upon herself to try to mend the relationship between gendo and Shinji she cares for them both and unlike her NG counterpart she gets more emotionally involved with others and desires to bring upon change in their life she gets gendo to agree to a dinner party with her and the rest of the pilots but a wrench is thrown into the system as Eva for is delivered to Japan that very same day and the activation does not his plan in rebuild toi never becomes a pilot takes it upon herself to activate the Eva on behalf of Rey so that she can prepare for the dinner party a very selfless act we would normally not expect from the German suere but it seems that karma is not on her side Riel engulfs Asuka drawing her near its core somewhat consuming her she's confronted by Giggles of a child soon to be that of the DNA donor of her clone series The Rush of images presented to her eventually halts and the ninth Angel is born from the body of 04 with 01 being the only operable Eva Shinji is solely dispatched to confront 04 he refuses to fight in fear of hurting Asuka who resides inside but by choosing an action he provides nothing of service to her not death nor a saving hand gendo once more has not the patience for his child's morals and activates the dummy plug once more Shinji watches on in horror as Ziva rips the angel limb from limb once more crushing his friend along after shinji's attempt to assault nerve HQ goes arai he leaves bowing never to Pilot again in his absence the 10th Angel makes its assault on nerve with 01 refusing to accept the dummy plug nerve's Only Hope for survival is the hijack 02 piloted by motti she attempts to defeat the angel using a power much like the berserk mode of NG this time deemed beast mode which similarly activates when Evas surpassed their limiters but this power proves not to be enough to bring this Angel down Ray launches in a suicide charge and her defective Eva an N2 m in hand with the intent to the angel but her bravery is in vain as the bean emerges unscathed consuming Eva 0000 along with Reed see in this chaos Shinji breaks his vow and once more pilot 01 he forces the angel out of nurb HQ and loses power during the confrontation on the surface his Eva enters a berserk State fusing with Shinji but this time he surpasses what we would initially expect as the story he makes a mental connection with the angel as he tries to rescue Ray from inside as he does this though the body of Adam along with the soul of Lilith and a lan all combined with the Angel's core creating a pseudo Godlike being the final form of Evas 01 flails into the sky as the world around it shifts into horrific shades of red and purple the third impact begins it seems this is what genda wanted all along a stepping stone in a plan that we have lost all knowledge of the story has drifted too drastically from its original tracks and what comes next is not something we could predict from past events we have reached an end as something new begins 01 is struck down by kodu piloting the now finished Eva Mark 6 Wheeling the Spear of casassus he makes a comment that this time he will show Shinji real happiness to stop the near third impact a human must be sacrificed Kaji decides to be the one to burden this task much to mis's grievance she attempts to join him but he tells her she can she has an obligation to their unborn child to see him to this new world and she knows this too his heroism prevents the total Destruction of Earth but the landscape has completely changed the event has given the name near third impact Asuka and Marti launched an operation to retrieve Eva Z1 from orbit since the near impact has been dormant in a test RCT like coffin Shinji trapped with it along with Ray after successfully retrieving and warding off the ambushing Nemesis Eva drones Shinji is salvaged from the core of 01 being returned to a human form Ray on the other hand is not found within when waking from this dormant State he's extremely confused not only has 14 years pass but everybody hates him his actions have created an apocalyptic landscape and he's become the scapegoat blame for the state of things even misato the head of Willie an anti-al organization that has imprisoned Shinji and I don't say that lightly on his neck is an explosive device that will activate if he triggers another even gelion Awakening like during the near third impact on top of that misato has the kill switch to use at her own bition if it be so needed the Salvage 01 has been repurposed to power the ship that Willie uses as Shinji will never be allowed to Pilot again the carrier is given the name wonder and has strength equal to Evas given the device that powers it Shinji is confronted by Asuka while being interrogated she meets him with a cold anger demeanor that more closely resembles the Asa of Neon Genesis yet more put together and less volatile at the same time miraculously she survived being crushed 14 years prior and since then has not aged stuck in the body of her 14-year-old self a curse that she and Mari suffer from supposedly caused by prolonged exposure to LCL and since the pilots all sit in this stuff for extended periods of time they've all developed this curse further explaining why shinji's body didn't age while he was in a pseudo coma as Asuka antagonizes Shinji he becomes even more confused and distressed not only is he constantly blamed but he's refused answers to his questions he's unsure if these people around him are really his friends from long ago sharing nothing but physical features to his memories he ends up dissociating refusing to accept that this is what the world has become his sole desire being to find Rey almost as if answering his calls Ry infiltrates the ship piloting Eva mark9 given his situation aboard the Wonder Shinji finds it difficult to think of any reason to stay and decides to leave with Ray he is unable to bring herself to flip the trigger on shinji's bomb collar as he escapes into the clouds when arriving at nerve HQ Shinji finds it in Ruins despite this it's fully operational his father welcoming him explained that he and a boy named kodu are to Pilot Eva 13 together and retrieve the spears of casassus and Linus he doesn't put much thought into the motives behind this action and simply agrees to do it not even curious about what Eva 13 is is after being dismissed he finds that Rey has no memories of their past and acts simply on the orders of gendo he desperately attempts to find some of the old Ray in her but is left disappointed and further depressed his final hope for a piece of the reality he knew prior to his coma has proved futile this is not his Ray as he fiddles with his broken Walkman kodu approaches him asking if he'll play a piano duet over the course of time the two form a deep bond and during this time Shinji also attempts to bring back some of the way he knows unable to give up the hope he holds on to delivering her favorite books to the shank she stays eventually after the two had built a closer connection kodu shows Shinji the true scope of his actions 14 years ago the truth behind the hate Humanity has for him the crystallized destruction before them coats much of Earth leaving a Barren red desert near incapable of cultivating life the near third impact seem to have started a confusing and ambiguous process that attempted to bring out evos from the earth a core-like Crystal covering the entirety of Earth and crude likee variations of Eva roaming about doing everything in their power to prevent this destruction from being reverted Shinji is left in awe and becomes deeply disturbed by the consequences of what was just a selfless action saving a friend seeing shinji's attempts to connect with this new Ray fski feels the need to explain the true nature of Ray to him that being she's a clone of his mother one of many and that his mother lives on within Eva 01 this information causes Shinji a spiral resulting in a panic attack he feels himself collapsing as everything he thought he knew becomes doubted afraid of the truce hiding behind Each corner of his existence kodu intervenes calming his friend and taking the collar around his throat and Dawning it on himself a symbol of him removing the burden of Sin from Shinji onto himself since they must P the Eva together to retrieve the spears as long as one of them has the bomb CER on in the worst case an impact can still be avoided codu explains the spears will allow them to revert the damage he's done allowing for a return to the world that Shinji desperately clutches on to calming his panic the two enter the double plug Eva and descend into terminal Dogma where lth lies in a large and crude form that remains unexplained we received minimal information of the horrors that must have taken place over the past 14 years and all we can assume is that the state of things is just one of many failed attempts by gendo to achieve his goal mistakenly KOLO believes that gendo will allow them to return the world to its original state blinded by his desire to see the best in others Ray follows as backup in the mark 9 as gendo knows Willie will make a move on them during the operation and just as predicted Asuka and Mar launch an ambush they're surprised to see Shinji behind the controls again Asuka angrily asking if he plans to start another impact which he asserts he can save the world that he can write his wrongs she claims he's a fool to think that he can fix anything but he's blinded by his hope for a solution a way to bring an end to the resentment cast upon him hka and Marty are unable to stop the manic Shinji As Eva 13 approaches the decaying Lilith as they move closer it appears that Eva Mark 6 has connected with Lilith and the Spears present are both of linous the cassia spear has somehow been replaced kodu realizes he's been tricked by gendo and he insists that they stop but this enrages Shinji believing that he too like Asuka and misato is betraying them these heightened emotions semia awaken Eva 13 as it sprouts two additional arm and K's controls are deactivated as Shinji removes the set of Spears from the skull of lth shinji's begs not to go through with this but in his Mania he can't hear them too focused on his inmate desire to change everything back with the spears removed the Evangelion Mark 6 is removed from imprisonment Ray cuts off its head releasing the 12th Angel an entity with very little background except that killing it would only bring death and destruction a reason that it may have been sealed in terminal Dogma the Eva 13 absorbs the angel fully Awakening Dawning two Halos suspending in the sky the doors of Guff open allowing unborn souls to pass into this realm as the truth or impact begins gendo shuts down the steel monoliths thanking them for their service to human civilization over the years it seems that seal were not necessarily humans like an NG they were life forms that altered their existence to live on indefinitely to help guide humans to the events transpiring today and now that their service is complete it's time they join what lies at the end of life and beginning of death hodu explains to Shinji that he was the first Angel Adam since he is not his original pure form he is the acting 13th Angel one that comes after the assumed last he tells Shinji that he will do what he can to prevent the impact from happening the choker activating around his neck since the Eva 13 needs an angel and human pilot there is a way to prevent the events Shinji realizes what this means but his cries cannot stop the [Music] bomb Ray loses control of Mark 9 as Asuka attempts to destroy it before it can get to the core of the Wonder ship where 01 lies not much is known of the mark series besides that they house Adam's vessels these strange Souls seem to desire a future that is somewhat in line with the goals of nerve assisting gendo and his Endeavors and then there's the mysterious Unit 13 and Eva created of the body of these vessels but that which is very unique compared to the other four and is equal to that of 01 Unit 13 can be seen in the Dead Sea strolls bringing upon something like the apocalypse surrounded by the mark series that act as the horsemen of the apocalypse and then there's Mark 6 a unit also created from a body of these vessels that at some point became occupied by the strange 12th Angel it's worth noting that that these atoms described are very different to kodo they are not the atom if that makes any sense at all to you if it didn't that's completely okay this is the most unexplained cryptic plot point of the entire rebuild series and no matter how much I try to make sense of it it's still just confusing and so we just push on moving the limiters of 02 Asuka enters beast mode allowing her to fight the a Walmark 9 into submission Ray is forced to make a decision for herself on what it is she should do she decides to eject her plug allowing Asa opening to self-destruct 02 with Mark 9 along with it before ejecting and suit inside Eva 13 Shinji has become mentally withdrawn reaching a degree of inaction similar to his Neon Genesis cell mty grabs a hold of the Eva and force launches his entry plug before nerve can fully draw his energy the unit 13 dropping to the ground a lifeless husk the third impact has once again been somewhat avoided despite being saved Shinji remains unresponsive to the world around him aimlessly going through the motions Asuka forces him into while initially thinking of leaving him she can't bring herself to go through with it and so she acts as a shoulder to lean on Ray joining them as they wander through the barren landscape in search of [Music] rescue with the absence of Asuka m is taken to Paris by ritzo and a squad to perform an activation protocol that wipes large chunks of land clean of the crystal core likee substance and shields them from the angel Evangelion likee creatures that have been roaming the Earth since the near third impact these creatures have little background information but are most likely amalgamations of Angel Souls that slip through the doors of Guff during the two3 impacts molding with even gelion pieces over time creating subpar vessels these creatures act against the luan's attempts to purify the world which is precisely why MTI was brought along to fend off their offensive until the activation sequence is complete this machine creates a safe area where life can prosper once more not much different from the The Village the pilot Trio Now find themselves in after days of wandering Shinji collapses having refused food and drink for days unable to move his body any further Asuka has grown tired of his self-loathing and lucky for them kensuke shinji's friend from Tokyo 3 finds them and takes them back to the main settlement that holds most of the survivors of the Tokyo area Shinji awakens not much later in the home of toi now a doctor with a child he shares with his wife Megami the class leader from their school days he Al with kensuke try to get Shinji to open up and interact with the world once more while this is an endearing effort Shinji is haunted by his actions that led to the death of the only person that truly understood him it seems that as of right now nothing will awaken him from the abyss of mental torment that he has sunk into kensuke takes Shinji with him and Asuka to his stay while Ray who is showing great interest into the village life stays with toi's family here she finds an existence that is of her own not one to fulfill gendo's selfish goals or shinji's image of her day in in and day out she works making friends with the Villagers learning new parts of life from them and especially meami at kensuke Shinji continues the same pattern of behavior he slumps in the corner refusing to interact with his environment when confronted by Asuka when he first arrives he sees she's been equipped with a bomb choker as well the sight of it brings back The Haunting last minutes he had with kodu causing him to P it seems that both she and Mari have been deemed dangerous persons and just as Shinji was earlier equipped with his collar along with no longer aging ASA suffers another ailment as well when absorbed in the bardel she lost form contorting with the angel into something like a mixing pot When It Was Defeated she was originally presumed dead but through sheer will she absorbed the angel and returned to shape but it came at a cost she was no longer human she had no need for food water or sleep also gaining unique angel-like abilities this semi-human semi- Angel existence along with the Hostile treatment she's met with because of it has made her turn cold and withdrawn on towards Humanity something she projects onto Shinji kensuke tells her she should cut him some slack as he's probably been through a very traumatic experience which makes her pull back the relationship between these two is somewhat of a guardian in their Ward I personally see kensuke as filling a role that bounces asuka's dismissive Behavior towards others prompting her to see a different perspective this relationship however never really crosses on romantic it only takes a few days for Asuka to explode towards Shinji angered at his disregard for the things he still has forcing food down his throat upset that he takes for granted the ability to still eat this aggressive maneuver causes Shinji to storm off he finds an abandoned Tower which he now uses as a place for Solitude Ray eventually wanders to kensuke's home asking Uka where she can find Shinji she tells her but not before advising her as a clone they were both created with limiters so they could never surpass their creators resulting in them lacking in areas of emotion Ray's series was always created to like Shinji that's just how they made her however Ry has no issue with this and continues to show him affection because that's what she wants to do she begins visiting him every day at the tower bringing him food to eat which for the most part he ignores every once in a while caving to his hunger and devouring the rations sobbing afterwards at his inability to stay committed to his wish to starve and [Music] die Ray is eventually able to get Shinji to communicate his emotions in an outburst of pent up feelings he declares that there's nothing he cares about anymore he's destroyed everything that he's better off being alone where he can't hurt anyone and no one can hurt him a state similar to the self he was in the end of Eva he questions her on why is she so nice to him her response being that we as an all Rays love you these words nud Shinji to once more take action he begins to assist kensuke on his various jobs and fishes for The Village at the abandoned Tower when he is off duty one day kensuke takes Shinji to meet Kaji but it's not the one that we are familiar with his son named after him and in honor of his sacrifice he knows nothing of his parents a wish that misato had as she felt she could offer nothing for him as a mother so she stayed out of his life the realization of what misu has been through puts her actions into perspective for Shinji he begins to understand what she is fighting for both in the present and in Legacy Kaji died so that his child could live and misato chose a life for him that she personally thought was better than what she could offer as a mother as Willie's Commander she Shields him from the harshness of the world protecting him in some ways she's more of a parent through this sacrifice than if she stayed and raised him kensuke believes that misato regrets the fact that Shinji became the scapegoat for everything that came after the third impact a concept supported by her inability to blow his bomb choker when he left the Wonder despite the danger she'd be let and walk free meaning he holds equal weight to the person she has chosen to protect just like her son she loves Shinji more than anything as Shinji is fishing one morning Ray visits him she hands in the walk he let her borrow and asks him if she thought of a name for her as she isn't the ray aami he talks about he tells her that to him she's still Ray despite the differences the two clones may have the fact he gave consideration to it was enough to make her happy Ray tells Shinji she can't stay here something that we were all eerily thinking after she collapsed earlier she tells him she liked the village the people there the life they had together she wanted to stay with the boy she liked forever but that isn't possible for her there's a reason we see Ray constantly bathing in LCL pools she needs to in order to survive and this Ray has reached this limit we won't never know if this was gendo's cruel programming so that Shinji would experience the same loss his father suffered or just some twist of fate a question fudi poses to himself aboard the nerve ships regardless the ray we became attached to is gone once more the wond ship returns to the Tokyo settlement to deliver supplies and retrieve Asuka for the final assault but it seems Shinji has decided he needs to go with despite kensuke and toi and imploring him to settle here that he doesn't need to protect them anymore he can't leave things how they are his father is out there and he's the one who should stop them you can see in his flush cheeks that Ray's death has left him grief stricken but it seems that he has matured grown out of his pattern of inaction knowing that doing nothing will not bring upon change there's something only he can do and he has to see to it gendo has retrieved Evangelion 13 with ambitions to reactivated at the epicenter of the second impact in Antarctica using the black moon which has been turned into something of a space spacecraft misato has gotten heat of this and Willie launches a final operation to neutralize Eva 13 and bring a final end to nerve as the ship makes its way to the southernmost continent the characters reflect misato who has played the stoic leader for far too long is hazed by reito for doing so she points out that holding these feelings in will only cause trouble knowing full well she's happy that Shinji has returned but has decid to not see him again the same way she distances herself from her son thinking that it's best for them if she has no role in their lives Asuka on the other hand confronts Shinji communicating what's been brewing between them all this time Shinji makes the realization that Asuka was angry at their first meeting because of his inaction when she was trapped in Bell 14 years ago he didn't help her or kill her afraid of taking responsibility in any given situation Satisfied by his ability to recognize his greatest weakness she finally expresses to shinshi that she had a crush on him all those years ago but now she's gone and grown up before him those same feelings being but a memory having expressed the feeling she's kept to herself all this time Asuka leaves content with how she's left things Shinji has a vision of kodu who affirms that they will meet again giving Shinji comfort and closure as he moves forward nerve launches an assault on wonder coordinated by fui as the ships enter Naval Warfare the two even gelion piloted by Marty and Asuka ward off the Swarms of Eva Mark sens equivalent to the mass-produced series in the end of Eva as they near Eva 13 Marty covers osar as she presses forward to neutralize the unit she's stopped when her Eva instinctively activates an at field and a fear response to what lies inside 13 she chooses to ignore this and unseals the power of the ninth angel that lies within her shattering her own Eva's at field with the one resonating from within her allowing her to attack unit 13 but stripping her of her humanity and playing right into gender's plan he attacks and removes asuka's plug from the even gallion inserting it into his own unit which needs a little and an angel pilot to operate at full potential inside her plug ASA is confronted by her original the DNA and Doner of the shikinami series who prevents her bomb choker from killing her allowing Unit 13 to fully reawaken a remodeled Eva Mark 9 seizes control of the Wonder and along with the three nerve ships project wings of light caused by the mark series now present aboard each ship after Mark 9 ret took Wonder from Wily's control this ritual uses the black moon to create two new spears to be used to activate instrumentality yendo moves into the Wonder core where he plans to seize evaero one which is the last necessary element to the instrumentality activation he's confronted by misato and ritzo who shoots a bullet straight through his skull before giving him a chance to talk surprisingly this has no effect as it's revealed that gendo used the nabuk gazar key on himself abandoning his humanity and gaining a form outside the logos of our realm the logic that our world abides by he reveals that the second impact was done to purify the oceans a third to purify the land and this fourth will purify the souls of humanity he rationalizes his efforts by reasoning that the only paths forward for Humanity were to be exterminated by the Angels or Rob the angels of their seats before God raising Humanity to a new existence with this he takes the Eva entering a realm where time and space lose all meaning with Humanity on the brink of Extinction yet again Shinji approaches misant and ritsko asking if they'll allow him to Pilot 01 and prevent his father from rewriting the world miso agrees but the rest of the Willie crew is less than on board toi's sister who was the first to show compassion to Shinji after he awoke has taken a turn pulling a gun on him and attempts to stop him from piloting afraid of the damage he could cause still scarred by the events 14 years ago where the old Shinji would have caved at the distrust and hate pointed towards him he now Stands Tall able to take the burden of his past sins and the responsibility to pursue a new future for himself and those around him knowing that this is what must be done he can't back down isato takes the bullet for Shinji her full faith that he will see this through MTI arrives to Fair Shinji through the portal his father created her even capable of navigating the realm after consuming the mark 9 that held a vessel of Adam this realm they will enter named minus space is a place lacking physical laws the barrier between individual Consciousness being very slim the human psyche is only able to proceed this realm through surreal spaces within the Mind somewhat resembling dreams Shinji bids farewell to misant and enters the portal Mari drops him off at unit 0 1's plug and asserts to him that she will find him at any cost no matter what may separate them before she leaves Shinji is met with Ray in the Pilot's seat who is saddened that she was unable to prevent him from having to Pilot again he thanks her for what she's done thus far and takes her place which a SN rate surpassing Infinity he regrows the evil limbs ripping a spear away from his father his spear taking the form of casassus Spear of Hope the opposer of his father's Spear of Lous the Spear of Despair the two duel through minus space taking them through surreal environments seems recognizable to any fan of the original series gendo's desperation to be reunited with his wife and shinji's determination to save his friends leave them evenly matched and the momentum doesn't shift either way the two agree that there is no solution they will reach through might and so a battle of wills assumes gendo's goal is to use the spears to slay the gods taking their place so that he can reunite with his wife by rebuilding the world in a new image one without barriers between individuals and one where no one can die this process which will exhaust the spears knowing this misu attempts a last miracle hoping to deliver a new spear created by the Wonder and it sibling ships to Shinji inside minus space so that he may alter the course of his father's rebuild but she'll need the help of Mari to do so gendo reveals to Shinji the imaginary Evangelion an Evangelion that exists only as Theory here in minus space only able to be perceived by humans who have the ability to believe in both fantasy and reality equally he givs the spears to the being allowing him to activate the additional impact which will allow him to rewrite the human cognition as well as reality itself he justifies his methods with the Classic this is the only way the only path to seeing yui once again unaccepting of the reality of his situation of death or possible alternatives to sacrificing the entire universe because of his denial all must suffer for his desired future a surreal Ray emerges from minus space as the world etches closer to the end motty finds futy on the Bay of one of the three nerve ships she comments on the density of the LCL on the captain's deck being dangerously high for a human he admits he's been Reckless but did so out of delusional hope that g could reach their shared desire of reuniting with UI he tells Mari that everything she needs is on board knowing her goal is to absorb the remaining Evas that hold vessels of Adam allowing her to accurately Traverse Mina's space with misato to hand off the final spear she tells her she can do as she pleases before dissolving into LCL fluid he dies the same way he lived impartial Guided by a sense of hope for reunion but welcoming to conflicting ideals and methods she merges with the remaining Eva Mark series and along with misato depart on their final mission aboard the Wonder the last hope of humanity Shinji questions what it is his father plans to do what it is he wishes for he talks of a world Shinji once refused A World void of at Fields where all are one a place without pain loss or suffering one that we know all too well he assumed Shinji would understand his suffering after witnessing Ray die before him confirmation that gendo intentionally made her life very short but it seems in some twist of fate that gendo's desired reality is Tainted he quickly real realizes that this isn't what he first expected everywhere he looks yui cannot be found it seems he's been looking in the wrong place this entire time shenji appears before his father who's taken back by his presence here they're within the epicenter of instrumentality yet his son has followed him here when he poses this Shinji states that he followed in desired to learn more about his father why he became such a cold man before he consciously stayed away from him to avoid finding out if his father held hatred for him but now he moves towards his father brave enough to find the truth which activ Ates gendo's at field despite having thought he tossed aside his Humanity his fear of Shinji activated the field well he may have thought that he had overcome being human The Roots still run deep it's in this moment for the first time in years he refers to Shinji by name instead of third pilot upon handing his father his Walkman the tool that the two of them have both used to Shield themselves from the outside world Shinji enters his father's memories learning the tendency they both shared to isolate themselves from others and fear of the sadness that comes from attachment he sees how his mother opened up his father Father's World only for her losss to leave him a broken shell hellbent on reunion sacrificing every ounce of his Humanity but here now at the Pinnacle of his plan he's denied once more the reunion he so desperately Desires in anguish at this realization he wonders if it's that he's too weak to reunite with yui but Shinji points out that it is his failure to accept that weakness that has held him back all this time we Santo and mi's Miracle is a success and Shinji has delivered a spear inside minus space at the cost of their lives as he clutches the spear a symbol of their sacrifice gendo comments on shinji's maturity his ability to heed the word of others and accept their death this causes gendo to reflect on his choices as a father his neglect and abandonment of Shinji that he brought upon as a punishment for himself a sacrifice for what he had become he thought that would be best for his child but he realizes now his mistake instead of abandoning his child at the station he turns embracing him and In This Moment he realizes that all along the one he was searching for was within Shinji yui had never left to her son's side this realization causes gendo to abandon his efforts leaving the train that acts as The Surreal interpretation of the core of instrumentality with the weight of the world's future still at the brink hodu fills the Gap gendo leaves he once more asks Shinji what it is he wishes for with a new perspective on life and existence as a whole shinji's answer is different this time with certainty he states he can handle the pain and heartbreak that comes with living he'll be fine his worry though is that of saving USA and the others so he calls out to her on the beach where it all ended the two are reunited once again but this time they've both matured Shinji thanks Asuka for saying she liked him and tells her that he felt the same way he reminds her that there are people out there that care for her like kensuke despite her childhood trauma that's convinced her she is and always will be alone what she always craved was in front of her this entire time she was just too blinded to see it and so after being wiped the curse of Evangelion and returned to human form she's sent to her happy ending kodu wonders if Shinji sad seeing her go he assures that he'll be okay she's off to a better life now is the Angel's turn for a happy ending here in this Gap known as minus space Shinji remembers the lives he's lived that time and time again their paths have crossed destined to meet in what kodu thought was a quest to make Shinji happy but as it turned out it was just a warped perception of his own happiness all kodu wanted was shinji's happiness to make him happy he assumed that the extent of his role was an endless cynical existence only ending at the vacuum decay of the universe basically the death of everything but in a symbolic gesture Shinji offers him a hand out a new existence free of this torment kodu enters a world where he along with Kaji and misato can build back the earth a new at place he finds new purpose and the three receive their happy ending with kodo's departure Shinji remains along with Ray the final one he's determined to Grant a fairy tale ending she is at first reluctant to leave him satisfied with where she is he mentions to her how one of her found a place she could call home in Tokyo 4 thinking maybe she could find a similar happiness he mentions that his plan isn't to rewind or revert the world but erase Evangelion from it something Ry deems a Neon Genesis which means the creation of something new while Ray shows concern for Shinji being alone he assures her he will be okay telling her to enjoy her chosen happy ending besides he won't really be alone M assuring that satisfied after hearing this she thanks him for all he's done for her her and so Reay receives her happy ending Shinji attempts to use the spear to impale himself and complete the ritual that will wipe even gelion from existence but is stopped by his own mother she along with gendo in Unit 13 impale themselves fulfilling shinji's wish of a world devoid of Evangelion he too receives his happy ending as he sits alone on a beach contemplating the state of things Mari enters a portal in the sky assuring that she would never break her promise promise she used her Adam vessel consuming Eva to navigate to shinji's chosen life says goodbye to the final Evangelion as the two start their new life together free from their pilot roles time has passed M and Shinji have grown up living in a world free of Evangelion a world that is similar to our own M removes shinji's choker a symbol to us that shinji's vicious cycle of suffering has ended this is his new beginning the two run off into a new life in a city very similar to [Music] anos despite me trying my absolute best to explain and really lay out the story of this franchise there are just some things that go unanswered are too open-ended or just don't add up the easy way to explain all this reality is subjective and what may seem like an unexplained plot hole or ambiguous thread is just inflated to be more prominent because your perception gravitates to the elements that didn't meet your personal desires the long answer this show has a lot of possibilities with little substantial evidence I gave my best go at keeping it as fact-based as possible but there may have been some points where you disagreed with my interpretation of events that's okay one burning question I do want to answer that never is really addressed is who is Mari why does she exist and why does she end up with Shinji at surface level Mari is just a character that didn't exist before the rebuilds and her original purpose was just because Anna was asked to have another pilot and so did the role she plays in the story has a few more complex elements than her creation MTI is either a clone of one of gendo's Partners at seal or is just an extremely close lookalike to this girl that has shown in one of gendo's flashbacks and if you know anything about even gelan you would deduce that this is no coincidence and she is in fact a clone although they never really go into detail about this and just drop subtle hints that are a little too ambiguous to know for sure but fi's casual Behavior with her on the dock cannot be ignored so I will to the day I die argue that she is in act a clone of their partner now the reason she ends up with Shinji is another beast in itself for one of all the pilots she is the best fit for Shinji if you went with Ry he'd just be running back into comfortability into his mother's arms he went with Asuka the two have such a Negative history throughout their past lives that it's best of the two part ways what they have is more of a passionate affection towards each other and not true love so the most loving thing they could do for each other is parting ways Mari on the other hand represents a fresh start for Shinji a chance at true happiness and for Mari Shinji is an echo of her past a lost pup who just needed some guidance through his mental hardships who she eventually grew infatuated with of all the pilots Mari is the least mentally distressed she currently faces No prominent mental health issues and really pushes Asuka and Shinji towards reconciliation and assist them in facing their struggles so really we have Mari to thank for that fairy tale happy ending if she wasn't there Shinji and Asuka would have never reconciled now besides Marty there are an infinite amount of elements to pick apart and analyze and this video is already well over 30 minutes there is one last major point I want to touch though which is why even gelling is one continuous timeline and these two separate tellings are forever interconnected into a linear story rebuild is a goodbye to even gelion an acceptance of that at some point all things must come to an end it tells a story that builds off of the original giving the characters a true farewell ano made this a proper sendoff when creating end of Eva it may have been that he felt we will always be plagued by our own faults stuck in a vicious cycle unable to let go to rise above Shinji when choking Asuka was a symbol of his inability to shake his demons unable to overcome but through rebuild he was able to confront them and help others as well he realized that even the most despicable people are a prisoner of themselves to their faults and sometimes all they may need is to be shown another way to enact change ano felt that we are able to start again to choose a fresh beginning despite our past we carry the burden of our sins but we can choose the way weight of the load we can rise above reflecting on our mistakes and correcting our futures we all deserve a chance at a good life at a good existence and Shinji chose to rise above his cycle of suffering this movie series completes the story of Shinji and the rest of the cast bringing them to The Brighter Futures they deserved in offering others atonement for their actions while it may have not been perfect and not without flaws this is the true End of Evangelion the end of a cultural icon and a teacher one that will forever be remembered bye-bye eveling [Music]
Channel: Sock Sensei
Views: 555,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sock, sock sensei, sensei, anime, anime channel, manga channel, luke sokolowski, crazysok, anime sensei, anime sock sensei, anime youtube, rebuild evangelion, rebuild evangelion explained, evangelion, evangelion explained, evangelion movies explained, evangelion ending explained, evangelion rebuild explained, making sense of evangelion, making sense of rebuild evangelion, evangelion 1.0 explained, evangelion 2.0 explained, evangelion 3.0 explained, evangelion 3.0+1.0 explained
Id: 4F4rlafkbyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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