Angels Explained | Neon Genesis Evangelion Deep Dive

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hey what is up mortals it is lucky derp here with a new video for you we'll dive into the angels from the neon genesis evangelion anime i just wanted to greet you guys by saying just sit back and relax you're in for a treat in neon genesis avangelion angels are the main antagonists that descend upon tokyo to attack and destroy it these creatures are shrouded in mystery so we'll be taking a closer look and explaining as much as we can about them the first and second angels were created by the first ancestral race ancient extraterrestrial progenitors of life not much is known about these beings except that they were likely highly intelligent beings with hyper-advanced technological capabilities they lived somewhere in the milky way galaxy billions of years ago and at some point their planet faced destruction to ensure their species would not go extinct they created the seeds of life extraterrestrial entities to land on specific planets in the galaxy and spread life each seed of life contained the soul of a member of the first ancestral race and was placed onto a carrier vessel called a moon included with them was a spear of longinus an artifact with enough power to immobilize even creatures with god-like power this was used to render a seed inactive there are two known first and second angels that came from the seed of life both of whom landed on earth the first was adam who was sent to earth in the white moon years before the first sign of life made its appearance on the planet before adam could spread his life to earth with his angel children the second seed of life lilith accidentally also crash-landed arriving in the black moon and causing the first impact after landing on earth lilith's spear of lungus was destroyed leaving adams as the only functional one since only one seat of life was meant to land on one planet at a time adam's spear of longness rendered him an active this allowed lilith to spread primordial ooze which created a life that include lilin better known as humans since lilith is the origin of humans and by proxy evas we'll be going over her in a separate script we'll be focusing on adam and his angels for this video on september 13 2000 a group of scientists found an experimented on atom causing the second impact which was a catalystic event that almost caused the complete extinction of humanity with adam now active a group of angels adam's children began descending upon the earth with the intent to wipe out lilith's children the humans and take over this would be the event leading up to the third impact and the complete destruction of humanity although the angels seem to be different they are similar to humans with each retaining an individual soul the biggest difference is that they reject their human bodies and appears whatever they imagine themselves to look like almost everything about them including the creation is unknown they appear and that's about all we know their intentions also tend to vary by each individual some want to return to adam some want to reach lilth and reset all of life and some were wandering with no goal in mind now that we've explained the backstory of angels let's look at them individually sakil was the first of adam's children to make an appearance first seen swimming through a flooded ruined city its goal was to arrive and destroy tokyo three sakil was also the first angel to fight and be defeated by shinji ikari and ava unit one zakil appears an extremely tall skeletal humanoid that is a bit taller than ava's who are over 75 meters tall its skin is very dark blue and has disproportionate limbs its arms end reach more than halfway down its legs and is long sharp fingers it is bone-like armor covering its shoulders hips and ribs with a bird-like skull for a face under its bird skull is a second more human-like skull inside the ribs are its glowing red core the power of its life source this angel's main source of combat comes from the two lance-like bones in his forearm sakil can energize them to make their destructive capabilities much higher than normal after being blown up by a mine its bird skull falls off and its second skull can shoot long range energy blasts it is also able to use its at feel to enhance its jumps reaching greater heights than normal its final ability is changing shape by altering muscle mass and can curl up into a ball around an enemy self-destructing as a last resort sham shield was the next to attack tokyo 3 appearing two weeks after sakil's defeat shamshill gave shinji and eva unit 1 more trouble than the previous angel being more aggressive only falling when ava ran out of power sham shiel appears as an eva sized shephelopod with two forms a horizontally oriented form for flight and a vertical oriented form for combat when in combat mode its weapon for offense are two long glowing pink energy tentacles that are capable of lifting and throwing an ava unit it can also use its tentacles to pierce through in eva's armor its head also has two false eyes that are yellow with black pupils it has eight insect-esque legs below its head and its core is on the underside of the head as well ramil was one of the largest and second most powerful angels that managed to break into the geofront by drilling into the armor ramil proved to be very strong fortified the withstand attacks and almost killing shinji by shooting a particle beam at ava one's chest it could sense when an ava was nearby making it hard to approach it to attack it was only taken down after an experimental position rifle was used resisting the first shot and dying from the second shot ramil has a very unconventional form for an angel instead of appearing as a living creature it appears that an enormous floating crystalline octadron its main form of attack is an energy beam that is powerful enough to melt through an ava's armor in seconds it has an inner torus reactor that is used to power up its energy beams before it can detect any nearby presences it has long range firing weapons it is too dangerous to engage the direct combat with it ramil has one of the strongest at fields out of all of the angels being able to be seen by the naked eye and needing 180 million kilowatts to be penetrated because of its impressive offense and defense abilities reveal could be thought up as a flying fortress in addition to everything else it has a powerful giant drill although it appears as a machine it is organic and blood is seen when its armor is being shot by unit 1. gagil is the next angel to appear attacking the un pacific fleet who was delivering ava unit 2 and the embryo of adam in secret to nerve since he didn't want anyone to know about adam it was officially announced that kageel was after unit 2. this angel was the first to be fought jointly by asuka and shinji only being taken down when they force a few battleships down its throat and having them self-destruct blowing it up internally in the process gagil is a huge shark-like angel dwarfing the ava unit at 270 meters long it has tan colored skin with large jaws filled with many sharp serrated teeth there are muscles and veins visible on its face and its core is hidden inside the mouth it does not generate a visible at field but it is strong and durable enough to destroy u.n pacific fleet ships with its body israel file was next to appear out of the ocean shinji and asuka were instructed to sync up to fight it similarly to gagil but asuka defied orders and attacked it on her own after she sliced it in half it turned into two twin angels and defeated asuka and shinji after their defeat the un's secondary command attacked with an n2 bomb vaporizing 28 of the angel's mass israel was taken out but recovered from its injuries within six days it was finally taken out for good by a synchronized attack performed by shinji and asuka using dance moves to force it to split into two then back to normal when the two cores were exposed they were defeated defeating the angel is rafael has a humanoid appearance similar to sakeel it has sharp claws and has two cores on either side of its torso with four rib-like bones it has a weak at field and its special ability is splitting into twins the twins bear similar appearances to each other but with one core each and no ribs they use synchronized attacks to fight together and must be defeated together or they will heal each other cen delphon was an angel that was first found in its embryonic state inside of an active volcano asuka was given a modified heat-proofed plug suit and went into the lava with unit 2 to retrieve the angel while being retrieved sand dolphin became active and fought asuka she defeated it by using the progressive knife that shinji gave to her after forcing coolant into the angel sendelphon is unique to other angels due to becoming a baby when first discovered it is unknown if it had core or at field or whether it was attacking out of confusion or aggression when it prepared to hatch it let out a sound similar to a crying baby it then changes form into a fish cambrian amalekaris with a flattened head and its fins he was also able to stand being in extreme heat from the volcano with no issues even when its mouth was open mataril was the next angel to attack taking advantage of a sabotage power outage to tokyo 3's electricity since there was no electricity nerve couldn't detect materials presence or receive any intel on it while being undisturbed the angel positioned itself on top of the geofront and secreted corrosive acid from its eyes to breach the armor when nerve learned to the angel they sent the avas with extra battery packs when they climbed up to the access shafts the acid splashed on its units forcing them to drop their weapons and fall back down the shafts asuka decided to take charge and came up with a plan to defeat the angel unit 2 would extract it and neutralize its at field while unit 0 would retrieve the pallet rifle then pass it on to unit 1 who would shoot material once unit 2 was out of the way the plan was executed and worked defeating it mozzarella appears as a giant mollusk-like creature with four legs and a smaller body it has false eyes all over its shell to confuse its enemies although the central eye appears to be the true one the central eye also secretes the corrosive acid that can burn through almost anything similar to remyel and sand dolphin its core is not visible sahakil was an angel that first appeared in low earth orbit it had a unique ability to jam communications preventing nerve from contacting commander ikari or subcommander futsuki based in antarctica when nerve tried to analyze the angel it crushed the satellites with its at field attempts to destroy it using n2 bombs failed as well they proceeded to attack by dropping pieces of itself on the earth first hitting the pacific ocean then improving its aim and focusing on landing its body on tokyo 3. because of its ability to use its body to explode on impact this would have resulted in destroying the city and forcing it into crumble in the ocean it took all three aevas to intercept and stop the angels attacks unit 1 caught sahakeel then all three held it off on the ground unit 0 negated its at field followed by unit 2 stabbing its core with a progressive knife destroying it completely this angel has a very obscure shape with an orange elongated body that has a large eye in the middle and two false eyes on either side of it the large eye has six eyelashes on top and bottom on either side of the false eyes are three stem-like growths and purple dots on them e-roll was the next angel to appear initially be mistaken for corrosion in the prib now box deep in the geofront it made its way to the pilot performing testing where it was shot at with lasers then materialized its at field to block the shots after learning it was weak to the ozone retsuko and masato pumped it full of it irul quickly adapted the ozone and became immune to it and even absorbed it in changing form to appear as electronic circuitry using this new form it hacked into the muggy computer system and used its at field to protect it from being cut off while connected it read several critical files and attempted to self-destruct retsuko managed to slow it down enough to use the last magi to set the angel to evolve into its self-annihilation after e-rule evolves to hack the computer system it appears as a demonic creature it is the body of a man deep purple skin and red specks somewhat like a galaxy but its head and waist are made up of tied circuits it uses these to connect to computers the leel appeared above tokyo 3 causing shinji to attack what he thought was the main body the floating sphere was a false body prolonging to the shadow underneath that quickly sucked him in blocking all communications to nerve asuka managed to avoid being sucked in by jumping on a building and rey attempted to shoot at it but only damaged several nearby buildings once witsuko figured out the true nature of the angel she proposed a plan to have unit 0 and unit 2 neutralize its at field and use the 992 remaining n2 bombs to blow up its body this plan wouldn't have guaranteed chinji's survival before the plan was executed unit 1 went into berserker mode and destroyed the angel's body from the inside breaking out in a shower of blood and killing it completely lalila is another unique angel existing in a pocket dimension as a shadow the white sphere with black stripes is a false body and the true body is a shadow underneath in actuality the sphere is the shadow while shinji was inside the angel it attempted to contact his mind out of curiosity about humans bardeel was an angel that managed to take over unit 3 while toji was piloting it from the inside unit 0 unit 1 and unit 2 were all deployed to defeat it but hesitated due to toji being inside when rey was reluctant to attack bardeel used this to its advantage and pinned unit 0 to the ground it attempted to infect unit zero but nerve cut off her left arm and bertiel moved on when it faced shinji he refused to fight it gendo ikari ordered pilot control to be cut in unit 1 to run on auto unit 1 went into berserker mode and destroyed the infected unit 3 crushing its skull and ripping part of its body this ended up killing bardill toji survived in the anime whereas in the manga he was killed as well bardeel's initial form is unknown as it was hiding in a thundercloud but it is assumed to be fungus-like it spreads like a fungus and grows an infected ava unit succeeding in taking over unit 3. it can also mutate to ava units shown when unit 3 leaks ooze and extends its arms almost twice as long as an eva is tall ziru was the most powerful and dangerous angel in the entire series focusing mainly on direct combat it breached nerve headquarters before they had time to recover from badil's attack unit 2 was sent to engage it but had her arm and head cut off taking her out of battle unit 0 still missing an arm attempted to fight the angel but lost losing its other arm in the process unit 1 faced surreal taking it down and absorbing the s2 engine surreal appears as a bulky humanoid with a prominent core in its chest it has arms that are folded up when it's not used and become longer than its own body when used its face can change consistently becoming hard or rubber like and its eyes are hidden in the sockets due to its unique body shape it can work on all four or two legs along with levitating using its at field it has many offensive abilities its arm can be used to deliver deadly cuts its eyes can be used for energy and vision projections and finally it also has the enhanced cross-shaped energy blast able to take out 18 of geofron's 22 protected armored layers ariel is another one of the most powerful angels able to penetrate the mind of a living being and attack their psyche it was detected by nerve moving into orbit above japan asuka and unit 2 were sent to fight it head-on while rey and unit 0 were sent as backup a storm was raging over tokyo 3 as unit 2 seemed to be a stalemate with the angel ariel used a psychic attack to probe asuka's mind causing masato to order her to withdraw asuka refused to withdraw wanting to finish the fight rey attempted to use a rifle to defend asuka but the shots were deflected using a psychic attack a reel forced asuka to relive her most traumatic childhood memories and her reaction was watched live by nerve shinji pleaded with his father to save asuka but rey was eventually ordered to retrieve the lance of longinus from lilith in the anime asuka suffered no repercussions from the attack while in the manga she went to a coma the angel was destroyed by rey using the lance of longinus from above the clouds with incredible force it reel appeared as a traditional angel a multi-winged creature made of intense light its core is difficult to see due to its glow but is held by two small wings in front of its body it appears to be longer than an eva is tall based on its size relative to the spear of longinus its at field is unique due to it being able to analyze the human mind it is unknown what it wanted to gain by reading asuka's mind but it might also be curious about humans our missile is the final angel to appear the last offspring of adam it appeared dormant above the outskirts of tokyo three unit zero was sent to investigate and once getting close enough armasil transformed and attacked unit zero merging with it unit zero tried to attack and escape but was unsuccessful arma steel telepathically linked with rey and had a conversation with her remarking on their similar feelings of loneliness unit 2 was planned to be sent to retrieve rey but asuka's synchronization levels were too low shinji and unit 1 were sent out and just barely managed to avoid being merged with the angel unit 1 stabbed the angel's hand with a knife causing extreme pain ray set her at field to the maximum to lure our missile to herself and contain it temporarily using her self-destruct unit zero exploded taking armasil with it but also a large portion of tokyo three armisage initial form is of a large glowing white halo but it's seen transforming multiple times according to ritsuko this angel does not have a fixed form it is extremely large even larger than ava is tall its second form can move very quickly and although it doesn't seem to be biological it bleeds when it's stabbed by the progressive knife it can fuse with a biological being such as rey and mentally connects to them there's an additional angel tabrus but his story is another video all of itself let us know if you want to see a video on him thank you all for indulging yourselves in all this information thus far i hope you enjoy it now there are a few more things i'd like to go over before the video ends firstly if you're in the mood for some great storytelling we the celestials has got you covered our we the celestials my hero academia and naruto what if channels re-tell the story of their namesake anime with a twist check it out if you're interested secondly on behalf of we the celestials i'd like to thank everyone involved in the production of today's awesome content their details can be found in the description below lastly if you're interested in what we do here at be the celestials then i'd like to extend you an invitation to join the team the only caveat being that we only accept members from 16 years and up to join our crew you can sign up for whichever category fulfills your interest by joining the recruitment discord using the links in the description below we're always looking for members to join us well that's it from us for today's video so thank you all for watching and have a great day
Channel: Anime Deep Dive We The Celestials
Views: 733,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We The Celestials, Anime Deep Dive, What if, neon genesis evangelion, hideaki anno, evangelion explained, rebuild of evangelion, evangelion ending explained, end of evangelion, best anime, top anime, anime analysis, shinji ikari, anime zone, neon genesis evangelion explained, neon genesis evangelion ending, neon genesis evangelion asuka death, neon genesis evangelion episode 1, neon genesis evangelion 3.0 + 1.0
Id: BxjCMrNX9Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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