Making Of TYLER RAKE: EXTRACTION 2 - Best Of Behind The Scenes & Fight Training With Chris Hemsworth

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foreign [Applause] traction two it's a bigger crazier and epic extravaganza car chases High Falls fist fight Chris just incredible he's doing stunt sequences that go on for so many beats he's willing to put himself out there both emotionally and physically with the good of the film Sam's a real storyteller his knowledge for action and stunts and how to tell a story within it it's impressive it's a perfect collaboration our first day back and we decided to do a pretty simple shot kidding it's a very complicated shot for this movie we're going to come out with a Wonder sequence that's over 20 minutes long where we have real helicopters landing on the rooftop of moving trains that sequence was one of the toughest I was strapped to or moving on top of a speeding train wow a real helicopter was Landing three feet from me pretty amazing to watch this skill from everybody orchestrating that shot get some rest before you watch this film it's gonna take it out here we're about to light five stunt players and Chris Hemsworth on fire don't tell Netflix I'd come off the most recent Thor film so I was just like training and eating and training and eating big but in this film the focus was to strip that down being a lot leaner a lot more agile just because there were so many things that were required of me we were working from eight to seven a lot of preparation on the body army training today we're able to come out on the range with Chris we went over some of the basic stuff with firearm hammering down on those fundamentals of shooting thing about Chris is that he's a massive guy but he's super coordinated and super physical day in day out Chris trained to be able to do the fights himself and it allows us to do longer takes when normally you're hiding stunt double that's the oddest thing I've been involved in we really set the bar on the first one so the only place to go this time around was even more of all of that we wanted the audience to feel what it's like in real time to go on this extraction with Tyler rake I've got fist fights we got people on fire car chases helicopters Chris Hemsworth firing big guns he is the most humble International Star I've ever worked with so help me Chris has unique combination of somebody who is literally a world-class athlete is also incredibly talented well-crafted actor I can't express enough how impressed and also thankful I am to be working with someone who's both collaborative and willing to put himself out there with emotionally and physically exhilarating it was nerve-wracking the man it's a pretty wonderful collaboration it was our duty to come and bring it on this one and raise the bar again and we did that and I think people are going to love it we kind of set the bar on the first movie for this style of action so it didn't really feel like an extraction movie without a Wonder in it and figured what better place than this first big action sequence to show the extraction in real time like we did in the first film it actually was the first seed of an idea for the script and extraction from a prison in a sequence like this we hide Cuts in there usually after a big stunt or like a line of dialogue and it's really difficult to hide these stitches because there's so many layers you've got 70 to 100 stunt people you've got 200 background performers all moving and fighting and you have to break it down so that you could have small achievable bits we shot that over the course I think three nights because each one of those sequences takes time especially the part with the fire because we have to be safe relating Chris Hemsworth on fire you must be safe as a stunt performer I think it informs the way I direct because of that innate sense for Action because I spent so much time with it so my background in stunts informs where I put the cameras and why and how I try to add character to these action sequences easily the most complicated logistically was the train sequence you've got moving trains you've got lead actors on moving trains you've got real helicopters and you have to photograph that in a way that fits the style of our movie which is generally handheld and very up close and personal so we had different configurations of the train we'd block it out and say all right we're shooting this way because of the Sun or for whatever reason so it was just a puzzle broken up into a number of different locations because we had exterior train work that we started with and then when we would go inside the train some of that stuff was on stage which was months later Landing the helicopter took us five times the take that was actually in the movie I believe is take three Because by the time we got to the end the pilot was so good he was Landing it so perfectly that it looked fake so we wanted to make sure there was movement so people would realize it was actually real and we knew when designing this we wanted to do something with height so we were looking around for where's the good the high rise so we found Vienna we planned on shooting at the top of that building as fate would have it at that time of the year the wind up on top of that we measured it was 30 knots which is very strong so we had to build that set like replicate this big glass building on a set and we built it outside because we wanted the natural light so we had to build it high enough that we could get cameras and cranes underneath so we had at times Chris and go shift to up 15 20 feet in the air to get the shots it was all real meaning it was real glass Real Steel but we had you know blue screens below us so that we could safely have the actors out there and they wouldn't blow away in that Vienna wind inspiration for awning fight sequence probably from every Jackie Chan movie I ever consumed as a kid it was just relentlessly consuming this Hong Kong action Cinema and it wasn't just Jackie Chan it was a lot of Jet Li samohan you know all the amazing artists of that time period like the 80s 90s and early 2000s just voraciously I couldn't get enough and so when I think about action because of all the time I spent consuming that that's what kind of comes out so when Nick gets tackled off the top of the roof that's a very kind of Hong Kong style stunt rather than cutting it up like you know one two three it's like let's see them go over and then just sit back and watch them fall the physicality of a stunt like that to me that's art it's a thing of beauty and I've always loved watching it in the Hong Kong Cinema and then seeing it in a movie that I'm directing is a dream come true you know gold gave me a mission to Reign vengeance upon your head sometimes there's a great sacrifice in an acting God's will the reason we said it in a church was for the villains for the nagazi there's a bit of a cult-like connection within that group but then on on reg's side it's like you know it's a story again a kind of redemption oh Chris takes very fit and sharp mentally but what we tried to do with extraction 2 we both sat down and said how do we give people what they want but push ourselves and push the fans to like just new heights of excitement and entertainment he wanted to again do as much as possible that took a lot of training because the fights were a little more intricate a little more complicated than the first movie his collaborative spirit and his willingness to show up every day before work starts and stay after to commit to the best product possible is unparalleled and so when you work with someone like that it drives you to be better and I think that's how these movies are able to get better as we keep pushing each other you began talking about the possibility of a sequel during the shooting of the first film originally the character was supposed to die and that was going to be the end of his journey and his Redemption tale and we felt pretty strongly about that that's the way it should be and then the studio called us and said the footage is looking really exciting and fun and we should give ourselves an opportunity to do the sequel if the audience wanted it so we began the preparation for where this character could be taken and how the world could be expanded years ago when we're shooting the first film and then the preparation became about how can we Elevate the action even further how can we surprise audiences even more keep them on the edge of their seats continue to do that but also invest in the character emotionally on a different deeper level and so it became the preparation was obviously the physicality to it but a lot was about the The Narrative of the story and the emotional components being stronger and more specific and detailed the irony is when they did extraction they weren't thinking of doing any sequel or a prequel or nothing it was a one-stand movie they weren't thinking of doing the second or third so we weren't waiting for that it was a surprise and I think it's because of the great success of extraction one that they thought maybe there is a second story or third story lying in there it was incredible especially because I knew that they're gonna bring the character of Nick down on the ground from the headquarter and make them nakedness to fight with him on the field which makes the dynamic more intense and more we get to know even Tyler Rick better because we get to see him uh in the middle of all these people around him so I would say um it was incredible also knowing that you're what we're doing and who Sam is I mean he's a great incredible professional in action field working with him I we learned so much I think after this kind of movie whatever movie you go on in an action world you're like I've done it I know I know what it is so I can easily represent myself as an action actor so it was really really exciting I have this sort of not quite love hate but but appreciation for it and of also pure exhaustion when I do stunts like this it the the stakes are so much higher the risk is higher but the reward is off the charts and unlike anything I've experienced before and so my favorite yet most challenging would have been um probably the prison yard sequence where there's three or four hundred different extras and background artists in the shot and stun performers things are on fire things blowing up it's all shot in a in a wanna as opposed to traditionally when you shoot an action scene you'd have three or four cameras on it if there was a mistake made here you could cut to a different angle whereas this everything had to be perfectly aligned and everyone had to be in sync if not back to the beginning and start again so it was exhausting the repetition the rehearsal time was so much more intense but the Elation and the sense of achievement once we'd completed a section that the communal collaboration and excitement was was at an all-time high the most thing I really think about is this fight on the train because it was the fight and also for the whole stunt team and the choreographers they were really thinking about it working on it for months it was very important for them and at the same time I wanted to do everything myself I didn't want any stunt to do my work so the trainings I would say two months before the shooting that those days of training that we knew then we're gonna go to the next level of learning the fights the choreography of the fights the process of learning those fights with the stun team and the day of the shooting where we went on weather cover and we didn't supposed to shoot that scene so early we had still three more weeks to work on it but then suddenly they brought it three weeks forward and I needed to learn the fight in two and a half days and everyone was like but you can you can do it and I could see that they're all concerned about is it really possible and all the doubles they were ready on set but then we ended up finishing that scene with me and no doubles and we did it and it was the end of that day I will never forget it was like as if it was the end of the shooting it was the very beginning of the movie but it felt like wow we achieved something and uh I was proud and I was thinking all the work we did for months somehow it gave a fruit on that fight in the beginning and it gave me also a lot of confidence for the rest of the movie because it was the first week or first two weeks of the shooting so then I went on as Nick for the rest of the movie I would say yeah the and I had to change my under under clothing three times that day because it was we started at eight we finished at six and it was as if like we're running a football field for for like eight hours non-stop we didn't have any even lunch break so it was incredible I think what's really exciting about this film and and in the same vein of the first one is that everything is shot within camera I think you know myself audiences have become fatigued with the amount of visual effects we see on screen now and it looks like a video game whereas this is traditional style of shooting action where the preparation is so much more detailed the collaboration is so much more important and everything within the frame has to be perfect and has to work otherwise you do it again so I think there's a spontaneity and a danger to it and a visceral energy that audiences really appreciate and uh and can can expect from this film they're gonna love it whenever you get a cast like this together you know it's Chris and Gaul and Adam and these amazing actors from Georgia it becomes starts to become like a family and so you're having a really good time of you know laughing and joking where you're taking you're pla we're all playing it's all make believe like this is this is not you know not real life it's exciting and sometimes can be very dangerous but we try to play you know seriously if that makes sense so we're having a great time but we don't want to ever take ourselves too seriously because then I think it starts to um you know put a damper on the set you wanna I like to keep you know very fun open environment where we have music playing between takes and you know people are you know laughing and having a good time when it's appropriate and then when things get you know you have to have a dramatic scene we can all control ourselves and come into the art of it but I think um the fun it was just being around this cast and crew it was just some of the best people that I've ever worked with so I think that made every day a memorable and fun experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys over here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's enjoy some questions [Applause] thank you [Music]
Views: 851,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler rake, extraction 2, tyler rake extraction 2, tyler rake extraction 2 behind the scenes, extraction 2 behind the scenes, behind the scenes, chris hemsworth, netflix, making of, set visit, tyler rake 2 making of, tyler rake 2 netflix, tyler rake chris hemsworth, extraction 2 making of, featurette, extraction 2 stunts, Sam Hargrave, Golshifteh Farahani, movie, training, 2023, tyler rake extraction 2 netflix, chris hemsworth behind the scenes, extraction, tyler rake extraction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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