Making Monsters for Pathfinder 2E | Design Tips from Jason Bulmahn

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hello everyone welcome to another exciting Pathfinder 2E lecture I am Jason Bullman the director of game design at Piezo and today I am joined by my good buddy Dan hey there Dan oh Jason what's happening I okay well here I am yeah hello everybody how are you no no waiting no waiting we're jumping right into it today we got a lot to do uh so uh Dan we've done a lot over the past few weeks we took last week off uh I I had a lot of stuff to do to get my uh my Kickstarter for Hope under up and off the ground but I did want to come back and continue our seminar series here um and to talk about something that you've never done before right uh you've never been a GM in Pathfinder before so you've never had a reason to interact with many of the tools that GM's use and one of the most important Tools in a GM's bag of tricks is the ability to create new and interesting monsters Dandy I like Monsters uh well it depends uh do I like Monsters inherently no uh I think that they are uh the one barrier to success whenever I'm playing in an RPG but however it would be boring without them so I understand that we need them uh and you're right I've never I've never had the curtain pulled back I've never been brought behind the belt The Velvet Rope of how to make a monster so uh this is all new to me yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna take you behind that Velvet Rope this is me clicking the little brass uh uh uh fob there and and pulling it wide and being like come come we are going to go and we're going to make a monster I must be in the front row that's right that's right right this way sir uh now we're gonna we're gonna go over here and swap over to our kind of work screen uh so that we can work on making a monster and and Dan like like anything in in Pathfinder the first thing we gotta start with when it comes to creating a monster is is an idea right you need to kind of know what it is you're trying to create um and then we'll walk through all of the steps of making and starting out a monster it's actually pretty simple and something that when you become very proficient at it you can almost do on the fly in a session right where the players encounter something and you're like ah it's roughly level four I know roughly what those stats are here's the monster hooray we're not going to do that here today we're going to be slow and deliberative but okay uh it all starts in the same place which is an idea so Dan let's let's kind of talk through what uh what kind of monster you want to make do you got an idea in mind I have I have a basic idea I'm not gonna lie it's pretty basic I don't have much uh but I thought let's build off of what we've already created uh all right and I think that our bar restaurant that we made uh definitely it needs a bouncer we need to make a bouncer I think uh to populate this thing and I don't know if it's just one bouncer at the front or maybe this is a reoccurring type of creature that you'll find randomly scattered throughout the restaurant or whatever but I kind of feel like we want to make a heavy that's out front maybe a little a little bow tie in a suit with his arms folded in front of him that's just looking at you waiting for you to do something uh and uh that that's kind of what I'm thinking sure so um for folks who who maybe didn't catch that video a few weeks back we did a video uh talking about how to build encounters and kind of how to build your own quick little Adventure in Pathfinder we'll put a link uh up there uh for uh that uh so that if you wanna you wanna go check out that video you can but the the the the the the gist of it was it was a uh Dwarven restaurant where everyone had died and the place was filled with Undead and constructs and stuff and um the PCS accidentally stumble into this place after after going to rest in a cave that happened to be the front door of this place so that's the kind of setup so Dan you're talking about building a bouncer type monster okay yeah um that's a good place to start now this dungeon this this setup was uh filled with Undead in constructs that was kind of the thing because it's how long has it been here a while um so nothing in there is alive so it sounds to me like we're building we're possibly building an undead creature which you know that certainly is is a direction we could go we could make it a construct as well but I think Undead might be a bit more interesting to play with here today okay I'm down all right so if we're building an undead creature um the the next piece of information that we need so if you go to your your game mastery guide right um you know and and again folks I've chopped up this PDF to allow us to just skip to the relevant parts and you jump down uh to page 56 you get to the the creature building rules and you know here we are develop a concept step one uh so that is kind of the first thing you do so we know we've got this this bouncer monster so uh and it's Undead so we know a couple things about it Dan but let's dig a Little Deeper um let's do it do you think this is uh the type of monster I mean obviously from being a bouncer it sounds like this is a monster that's it's kind of a Bruiser um gonna be a monster that beats you up yeah yeah I'm I'm thinking something along the lines and look I'm not trying to characterize uh you know uh uh bouncers at all but I'm thinking that something that's kind of hulking something brutish uh can take some damage do some damage but also maybe you can fool it a little bit maybe it's you know it's not like a super super intelligent that it's gonna be able to uh you know do a lot of really cool things so maybe that's its weakness if it I don't know does it need a weakness will we get into that do onions apparently need a weakness is that something you gotta do monsters can have weaknesses they don't have to they may they may you know sometimes you could give them a weakness to counter some other really powerful abilities they might have you can think about those things now but as we kind of walk through the process we'll figure out whether or not any of them makes sense okay cool so um okay so it does sound like we've got a big uh shambling Undead probably not too fast um I I can't imagine it being the type that that rushes after you quickly um probably does some pretty hefty damage with its melee attacks do you think it's a weapon user is it just use its fists uh look maybe it's got uh uh maybe it's got like a club or something if it needs it but that's like that's not its go-to you know what I mean like uh that that I'm thinking it's mostly just a Bruiser okay all right so we've got we've got kind of that all right it uses a whiskey bottle so so it's certainly it's certainly not going to be using well there is something interesting there we could play with that maybe it's really good at picking up objects in the environment and throwing them so it like improvises where it's like oh anything around me that is not bolted to the ground can be a weapon like that yeah I like to throw chairs at you at bottles plates you know whatever it doesn't really have a a set ranged attack just kind of has the ability to kind of throw objects at you maybe okay and play with him um I think that's a that's a solid idea let's put that on the board we'll put a pin in that one we'll come back to it because I like it yeah so uh we're working on a concept here I I feel like we're we're starting to narrow in on things we can develop it more as we go along uh so let's go here there's a bit in here about kind of understanding statistics and understanding what you know in the following Pages we're going to talk about statistics and kind of classify them as either wow that statistic is Extreme for this creature and maybe it's high moderate low or terrible and you kind of want to avoid the two ends creatures shouldn't be terrible at too many things unless there's a really good reason for them to be creatures should not be extreme in any things unless there's a really good reason for them to be and mostly things should be low moderate or high depending on the creature and what you're trying to do so that's talking about that uh and then it goes on to speak about the kind of push and pull of creature design which is understanding that you know you might give something a lot of hit points but then give it a low AC that way it expresses as kind of like this is a monster that's really easy to hit you're gonna hit it all the time but it's it can take one hell of a beating that might actually be something we do for this creature in particular based on the concept maybe it's not great at dodging hits It's not fast and agile it's just really tough it's it's just hard to take down and there's a couple different ways we can explore doing that um we'll kind of get into that here in just a bit okay so um the next big thing we need to do is determine its level now level is really important because level is kind of sets its benchmarks so for example if a creature is level two and you put a level 2 Creature up against a level two party it's considered you know a a pretty low threat you'd have to include a couple of them to kind of challenge the party because it's it's saying that the creature statistically is about the same power level as the as a creature of that level that's not entirely accurate there's some stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't really have to worry about that's built into the game engine but that's the Benchmark so if we're saying this is a level two creature that means it's appropriate for uh you know being a a kind of more dangerous threat to level one parties being a kind of average threat to level two parties and and once you get to level three or four parties it starts turning into kind of a mooc and then not a threat at all um okay so we never really kind of fully decided the level of the dungeon we were doing so I feel like we've got some play here um we can kind of make this whatever we want I I know we designed it as a level one dungeon um but for the purposes of this monster design let's assume that this can be whatever level we want right it doesn't have to be level two let's let's actually make it a little higher level just so that we've got more statistics to play with um okay so uh I don't think we want to go super high level because a dungeon restaurant is not going to be a a high level right no matter what we do are you sure come on that's usually usually where the the toughest the toughest of the tough like to go and hang out is a fancy restaurant right yeah um so uh I think what we probably want to do is shoot kind of maybe you know five six seven I don't know any of those numbers feel good to you Dan let's go lucky number six six all right so we're gonna say the creature is level six and at this point in time Dan I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and bring up yes here we are we got a blank stat block nothing too special about it just just blank stats I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna put six because that's the one thing we've decided thus far okay oh so okay the X's are waiting to be filled in this is an adult oriented encounter that you're designing right now it is not no there's only two just making sure um so I have to go in here uh the first now the second line here are Monster traits and for this one I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna put Undead in here because we do know that it's an undead creature so I'm gonna go ahead and get the undead trait in here we may add more traits as we go along traits are just kind of descriptive keywords that help us understand and remember what a creature is all about in play traits can be a signifier of certain rules affect this thing so for example if you've got a spell that does extra damage to Undead what that means is it's looking for that Undead trait up in the up in the stat block right so that trade being there would mean that Undead things work against it okay so we know that um now we got that we also have a space here for alignment now most Undead are evil of some sort right you know there's some some level of evil so this could be um lawful evil in which case it follows strict kind of rules neutral evil in which case it's just kind of there and is evil uh and chaotic evil which means it's kind of a chaotic mess I don't think it's chaos yeah I think it's neutral or lawful I feel like uh you know the the position that it holds where it's enforcing rules it's got to be I I mean is it weird to say that it's lawful because it's enforcing the rules so so we'll we'll go and put l e in there for lawful evil uh we got that that kind of going now as well all right or is that where is that lay Undead no are we going International with us now a French Bistro all right all right sorry um we should also get its size in here now that I think about it so size is another trait we'll put in here this goes right after the alignment trait um so uh I if I recall correctly the dungeon wasn't so big that we could have large creatures running around here so I think this thing has to be medium okay that doesn't mean it can't be big and hulking for a medium creature it's just still only me right right okay so it could be like uh like like like like a brick like it's short and squat and like you can't move it it's the fastest thing in three feet yeah Beyond three feet it's not going very fast after that I mean it's okay it's the size of your party's Barbarian right um but it's it's it's very made of meat all right so got it let's go ahead and and get back to this so we've we've already started picking up some very important uh things here um now uh one of the next things we're going to do is we're going to start figuring out ability modifier now ability modifiers these are important but in Monsters they're mostly there to kind of just give us a sense of what the monster is kind of all about they're not necessarily then used to calculate a bunch of other statistics but I will say that knowing what they are is important when you're making other decisions so that the monster makes sense and one way that I explain that is if if a creature has a melee attack that uses strength and a raged attack that uses Dax and its strength is a plus four and its Dex is a plus zero then it's mainly in ranged attacks should not be the same number because it's really not very dexterous so it's range attack should probably be less could it be four less maybe uh but it doesn't have to be but it should be a different number it should be lower it's range attack definitely shouldn't be higher than it's than its melee attack uh but that might tell you oh let me go back and and swap my strength index because I actually wanted to be a more of a ranged character right um okay so it's not a mandate but it is one of those things that when you're deciding how the creature is going to play at the table understanding that its stats its ability modifiers aren't mandate but they are informative and you should play with them with the rest of your stat block so let's go ahead and and what we're doing here is is on this this sheet box go away get out of here up here um perfect yeah just get out of the way um it'll fade away just a sec there we go um so if we look down here at the level six uh because that's the level we picked you will notice that the extreme is plus seven Pi is plus five moderate is plus four and low is plus two and even below 2 is going to be considered kind of terrible that doesn't mean it can't have a terrible score if we want it but that's kind of where it needs to be so um I I think you know we've got we shouldn't necessarily be considering any sevens unless we have a really good reason to right okay okay now this creature is a big kind of hulking brute that means its strength should definitely be high but I don't know that it needs to be extreme extreme may be too much okay yeah so so we generally recommend hey don't use extreme unless you've got a really damn good reason like this is the fastest this is the most agile creature in the world of its class right oh okay give it extreme uh but this isn't we're not necessarily saying this is the strongest creature in the world for level six um so okay I don't think it needs uh a plus seven so we do have a plus five though and plus five makes perfect sense for strength so that I'm thinking that uh but outside that then I think we're kind of in an area where um go ahead and bring this back up I already went in and changed the strength to uh from plus XX to plus five now we've got all these other stats as well um now the creature is Undead uh Undead creatures sometimes are are are Mindless uh you know and basically don't have much in the way of intelligence and stuff like that so that is something we can play with one other thing you you can do that I I recommend folks do is go and look at other monsters this is an important part of of kind of building up your understanding of how monsters work so I'm just gonna go and look at a mummy step one why did I pick mommy well mummy is um frankly uh right around the same level uh there's the mummy Guardian which is a sixth level creature it is a Bruiser it is uh an undead that's kind of its thing so when I look at the mummy right I start seeing kind of what it's good at and when I'm figuring out what this creature is I'm going to want to make sure that a I'm just not making a mummy by a different name yeah it's a re-wrapped mummy essentially yeah it's been unwrapped and it's it's eaten a bunch of you know uh candy bars so it's bigger right that's not it's not what I'm trying to make um but you know when I go and look at the mummy right I see that the mummy has a low incin not a very it's got a mild Charisma it's got a pretty decent wisdom uh and you know um it's got an okay con it's got next to no decks and it's got a very good strength so already we're saying um that this mummy is similar to this but we're going to want to make it different another way so Dan let's talk about its other here and what do you have in mind for I mean obviously it's not going to be a very dexterous creature um Khan an undead creature really is less important but it is a indicator of how kind of tough the creature is um and then you've got your mental scores right int wisdom Charisma what are you feeling well okay I feel like uh it here's the thing it does have to have some Charisma because it is the front line and not all the people that are going to be there are bad some of them are whales some of them like got some money and you want them to keep coming back so it's like ah or I guess in Undead speak it'd be like uh good to see you sir like you know however it talks I'm not gonna put a voice on it necessarily we're still building it but uh it needs to uh you know it I mean it is a greeter at its at its base so it does need to be I mean somewhat able to see people and you know that kind of thing um so that's my thought so one thing that you've kind of made clear here is that you think that this creature does have the ability to communicate so it's probably not mindless I I mean I I don't think it I don't think it should be what I don't think it should be able to do is think like in in terms of a fight it shouldn't be able to think much besides that person is not great they don't need to be here let me just remove them Hulk smash type thing uh so they're I mean that like when it comes to a fight they're pretty much a one-track mind that's my thought okay all right so uh when we're looking at the ability scores we've got int which is just kind of raw knowledge I don't think this creature needs much of that um wisdom which is its ability to spot things but also kind of sense when it's being deceived you know it's kind of useful in those sorts of situations then you've got Charisma which is how Charming it is but also its force of personality so that's kind of where those land um of those which do you think is kind of the most important uh I think charisma because also it like like it's it's neuro-linguistics you know like if if you can talk down the situation with this Gravelly uh Undead voice then then maybe I won't have to swing my Pummel fists and throw chairs at you in a precise manner I don't know all right so let's go and give it now we've got a range here from two to five I don't think it needs a five obviously um but I could easily see a three or a four Dan what are you feeling there um let's go three let's go three three yeah all right so uh let's quickly round out uh it's int and wisdom I I'm getting the sense that it's not very intelligent so that could be a plus zero that could even be a minus one it doesn't have to be that smart mm-hmm dude do you have a thought there I think you're right I think that's probably Fair minus one yeah yeah let's let's try that because I mean after we're done we kind of you know we can kind of step back and look at it yeah and kind of get a sense of what it's like and then be like yeah maybe that shouldn't be a minus one yeah I mean we can that's the great thing about these is that you can kind of go back in the process unlike in Pathfinder first edition in Pathfinder second edition you can kind of go back to earlier steps and just change things and it doesn't necessarily Cascade into having to make changes to the whole stat block again in Pathfinder first edition uh if you went back and changed this number of hit dice you literally had to recalculate the entire stat block we don't have to do that anymore so uh in this case we can revisit these things let's talk let's talk wisdom okay I think I think it should have at least a plus two um because that that's low or for a creature of this level is a plus two uh okay and it should be decent at kind of spotting things and whatnot it is a bouncer but you did mention that it it's it can be fooled um so maybe two is the right answer okay all right all right so we got a two um this thing's a wall of meat do you think it should have I mean what con I mean Khan isn't going to give it extra hit points we'll figure those out separately but yeah you could give it a higher con um I feel like uh boy now here's the thing are we in by choosing it to be Undead are we inherently saying that's like for instance it's Undead so it's Evil all right cool I get that but also when we look at the skills right are we inherently saying that well look it's Undead so these skills have to be here no no there's there's in fact no strict guidelines like that we will okay when we're done with these ability scores I think one thing we will do is jump to type um there is a little bit on creature type that we have to go through and fill in um but uh other than that everything else is kind of discretionary um all right so for Khan um yeah I mean this could be a four this could be a two this could be a three the only thing that's really going to affect is kind of we will use it to kind of look at its fortitude save and make sure that it makes okay okay but let's start let's start with three and then we'll see like when we take it for a test run we'll see if that makes sense all right now let's talk Dex what's the last score I I think I I don't see the decks being a very a very high stat for this poor fella uh we could actually make it up like it is it is but almost clumsy but wait if we were going with our original idea where it does improvise things like picks up a chair and throws it and does all of that stuff do we need to have it have good does is it ranged sex um yeah range attacks are decks um so but again we don't necessarily build attacks based on these numbers but we can use them to kind of inform what we are doing so it's starting to have a great ranged attack if it's dexist um okay so we can we can kind of figure that out but but at the very least we should say that Dex is I don't know maybe just like a plus one or a plus two or something right plus one let's go one but I I say that we we low ball the Dax because I I mean yeah that's what I would think right okay so there we go we've done all that now I'm gonna go ahead and hide this we're gonna go and let's go down here and and look at traits real quick because uh there is a bit here toward the end about trait uh trait abilities and one thing you want to do is just come down here and look at Undead it does say down here it says traits almost all in debt are evil ghostly Undead have the incorporeal trait Undead without Minds such as most zombies have the Mindless rate we don't have to worry about that there's a bit in here that says senses dark vision so um we should go in here all Undead can see in the dark so we're going to go ahead and put Dark Vision in um because they do get that and then in immunities there's a whole bunch of things that are Undead are immune to so you're on you're immune to death effects because you're already dead you're immune to para paralyzed poison sleep um uh and that's it if you're in disease oh yeah sorry I skipped disease look at that yeah so you get all those for free those those kind of come with the come with the kit as it were and I've already gone ahead and put all those in so there they are um the other things will leave be for now uh in this uh uh bit here that's the only thing we really have to worry about right now there are some other things like you could give it other traits like oh it's a fire Undead and then we would go and and look at adding those um now one other thing that is of note here uh because when we were talking um you know it it came to me that this creature was intelligent and the moment it's intelligent we need to know what language is it um so um it's Undead and it's uh in a dwarf uh restaurant so it probably knows Dwarven mm-hmm and as Undead it probably knows necro which is the language of the young oh cool okay and then is it just assumed that comment is in there is that just an assumed language for everybody or um with a monster is it different well we would have to decide if it's speaking common we would have to add that to the list right now that's not an automatic okay okay um do you think do you think it knows common or is this a place that was really for dwarves yeah I think you're right I think I think the Dwarven is way more important that's yeah that's fair all right okay all right so there we got that all right so we've done ability modifiers we're good on that front let's go to the next thing the very next thing is senses and perceptions language is following I've kind of jumped around here a little bit um let's figure out its perception now for a level six creature again if you look at table 2-2 a level six creature has a range uh from about 17 to 11. uh eight being kind of terrible So that's its kind of range now one thing I like to do just on base is tickets level at its wisdom and add to and it probably shouldn't be lower than that okay you don't have to do this you can just pull something directly from this table but one thing that I like to do is just kind of take a step back and kind of go well assuming it follows the basic rules of proficiency that everyone follows it's got a wisdom of two it's level is six so that's a minimum of eight if it's proficient you know if it's just trained in perception um it would have at least a 10. 10 is slightly below low so I would say that it might have like a 12. okay like you you yourself said that maybe it can be fooled maybe you can sneak yes maybe that's the thing you can do so maybe it's perception shouldn't be that high I know it's a bouncer but the bouncer kind of is working under the assumption that you come walking right up to it yeah not that you try and sneak past it right that makes sense yeah that's true uh yeah okay that made that does make a lot of sense all right so in this case we're going to go ahead and we're just gonna put this at a 12 for right now one too many one uh that almost it almost ended up with a perception of 112 that would have been very good oh okay that would be fun yeah no it's it's very perceptive okay um so we just did languages uh those are fine let's go to the next table here this is the skills table now you'll notice Dan that we're starting to kind of go quickly here once we've got our concept it's really just kind of a matter of filling in these numbers and kind of figuring out what the creature wants to do so um a level six creature can have a handful of skills or only one or two right it doesn't need a ton of skills it can it can have a few skills um and that's that's all it needs so a level six creature um it an extreme skill would be as high as 18 but high is around 15 and low goes down to about nine so you're really dealing with nine to Fifteen you you have a little bit more play here in skills if a creature only has an eight or something that's fine you're basically saying it can do this it's just not very good at it um okay the skill DC's are kind of all over them but if you want it to be a skill that the preacher is going to use actively and you want it to be good at it this is the time that you're going to want to do so let's think about skills here Dan and what kind of skills would this would this uh Undead bouncer have well now when we're talking about this uh is this where we need to start thinking about uh the the types of uh defense it would do and what sort of attacks it might make and things like that well we need to start putting that in there so this might be a good time to start thinking about well if if the if the one of the things the bouncer needs to be able to do is scare people then it would mean to intimidate maybe intimidate um if if it needs to be able to identify the right people when they show up maybe it needs Society if if it needs to be able to pick someone up and throw them out the front door it's gonna need Athletics okay okay and and you kind of want to think about this from the same direction that you would approach a character right if you want your character to be good at manhandling folks and throwing them out the door then you're gonna need Athletics right that's that's same thing here with monsters you can give it bespoke abilities later that work kind of differently but okay those those abilities should probably call back to these skills if they can right so if it has an ability later that is like it toss to toss a character um it's you know you we can we can build which is insulting being in a Dwarven restaurant that's very insulting Jason right that's right uh so uh but my point is that ability should probably use Athletics as part of its rules right yeah so we'll figure that out but okay for right now let's figure out its skills so uh you tell me Dan what skills do you think are important for this thing so that does make sense so I think that intimidation definitely I think that that would be important uh because again the non-violent de-escalation if that's if that's possible I can intimidate you guys you would just leave and everything's fine uh I think that Athletics uh just because yeah that I feel like a lot of the fighting and a lot of the uh uh you know a lot of the things this uh this bouncer is going to do is is physical so Athletics does make sense um I feel like uh I feel like some of the other ones like uh there's there's really no need to um like like perception I know that that's not even that's not even a part of this that's already done yeah um I'm trying to run down the the list right now in my head does it need some kind of knowledge like could would it need some sort of uh like uh like a a lore or some kind of knowledge check that would help me you could give it a lore but that's pretty unusual in Monsters unless who wants to give them something really specific if he wanted to just be able to recognize people and and be like oh this person's on the guest list because I know who they are um then it probably needs Society for that okay perfect uh you could also consider you know whether or not it needs diplomacy or something like that but I don't think this is the sort of monster that makes friends uh no and I don't I don't think diplomacy is a thing for it yeah and I don't think it needs um deception right because I don't think it's going to be necessarily lying to people um so yeah I mean maybe Society is the only other thing it needs okay um I don't know there's there's a there's a whole bunch of skills like stealth does it need stealth does it need to be able to kind of sneaky approach people does it need acrobatics no that doesn't seem like it's thing um it's certainly not going to need thievery or survival or anything like that um so this is basically the part where when you think about the character and start describing its traits this is like this is what it does like you're just using these skills to help describe that thing and and ultimately when building a monster I think it's important to note that you you don't want to really add things that don't have any context so if if you give it medicine it needs a reason to have medicine that isn't just I don't know maybe it could heal someone well why would it do that that's not even a um so maybe we're good with that skill list it's not a huge skill list but it doesn't need to be most monsters never even use their skills so okay all right so let's try and figure these out again I like to go back to the if I just give it its ability score and its level and a minimum of two what number do I get and okay for for athletics that's going to be creature level six plus five for strength uh plus two more that's a total of 13 if we look back at the the table 13 is a moderate for a six level creature the high is 15 so maybe we want to go 15 because this creature is good at tossing yeah okay I like that so let's go ahead and give it a plus 15. now intimidation is going to be different right because 6 plus 3 is going to be 9 plus 2 is 11. uh that gets us into the low category for intimidation I think you could go to 13 if you wanted right add another 2 in there that's probably okay but I wouldn't go any higher than that I mean it's it's just not charismatic enough um yeah and you know scary sure it can intimidate folks but it's not the world class at it the Barbarian in the group's gonna stare at it and be like yeah come on come on buddy let's Tango um so I don't know what are you feeling there 11 13 I think uh 13. we're talking about intimidation still yeah I think I think thirdly if we can go to 13 let's do that I'm happy with that we totally can um so okay we got that and then society and now Society for this thing is not going to be good um and that and that's okay right this should be something that's not great at but it's something that it can do uh so it's the minimum here is going to be like seven um we could get that up to a nine we could also just leave it at seven right it could be really terrible at this but right well it's it's one of those things where I feel like if it's Society based around his immediate area and this restaurant then maybe it should be good but if they're like hey do you know a good blacksmith in the nearest town there no they shouldn't they should know they should know that restaurant and particularly their station like where they're posted up as the bouncer uh and that's kind of it that that's what I think all right so I think we're going to keep this nice and low at like not cool something can do something that's not going to be super reliable on but it is something it can do okay so there we go we now have the entire stop top of the stat block is done right uh we know it's traits we don't know its name yet Dan I'm gonna let you keep noodling on that as we go along here I'll ask for that at the end um so uh let's let's keep moving here uh so let me go ahead and look now at there's a bit here on safe items these are the items you can give it that won't distort the party's treasure We're Not Really Gonna worry too much about um giving it a bunch of items this isn't the sort of creature that's covered in magic items I don't think okay so let's skip that let's instead go straight to armor class Armor class for this thing is going to range from 21 to 27. those are the extremes um Dan this is also a good point in time to talk you know kind of hit points saving throws and and armor class generally speaking it's good to kind of think about all of them together because these are really its key defensive abilities and if we you know if we're like okay this is the the thought behind this creature we want to do that in a way that um they all play together so all right we already know it's a big Bruiser that's kind of its thing so having a lot of hit points is going to be a thing it's it's good at um that maybe means it doesn't have a super high AC you generally don't want to do uh High AC lots of hit points kind of ever uh because that means the fight is just grindy and slow and and not very fun um you also don't want to do the opposite low AC low hit points means that the thing's just going to go down like a sack of potatoes you kind of want one of those to be kind of high and the other ones below or you want them both to be average um and and the more you push either way the more you want to push the other side um and then saving those just kind of play into that to be like okay well if it's if it's got kind of some lousy saves as well that's also going to play into its hit points especially if it's reflexive uh because that means uh it's gonna fail a lot of area of effect spells and take a lot more damage um so that's kind of where we're at Dan what do you what do you see for this creature in terms of of that mix well I mean I picture I picture it being pretty easy to hit I'm not gonna lie but okay the effect the effects of those hits it's going to take a while like that that's what I'm thinking um you know it's it's not hard to kick a brick it's it's just sitting there so it's pretty easy to tap with your toe but it's going to be really hard to kick a brick in half so that's that's how I feel so okay so we're looking at a pretty low AC then creature again I go back to the same thing if I take its level and its decks and add a minimum of two uh and then add ten because we're talking about AC um we're already looking at a minimum AC of 19 but but that doesn't take into account that it's maybe it's flush is tough and it gets an armor bonus right so at this point in time we really can just kind of pick whatever number we want uh 21 is kind of the where is is as low as we should probably go below that it'll get crit all the time so maybe maybe we go 21 22 and 23 are also puzzle 23 3 is moderate so if we go moderate that's kind of getting to the point where that's the expected AC for a creature of this level but we want this to be low so it should probably be 21 or 22. okay all right let's go let's go 22. okay if if you'll allow it and uh I I feel like and it's your monster if you want to make a broken monster we'll figure it out but look that'll be the follow-up video next week we'll make a broken monster yeah yeah that's called making a dragon they're good at everything um okay we oh that would be fun and yeah okay that's for something else like the difference between designing a regular encounter monster and designing something like it this is a dragon this is gonna be a good thing I think there is an important thing to understand that when we when we're designing Monsters of a level there are some monsters that we can consider to be kind of iconic Apex monsters and they are the best of class um and Dragons certainly fall into that but this this is an undead bouncer it doesn't need to be best in class so um perfect level six saving throws range from yeah you know 17 to 11 anything below that starts to get really terrible um so uh if we look at report we're at a minimum of plus nine plus 11 is the lowest it could really be uh I think this creature is probably got a pretty decent Fort of at least like plus 13 14 maybe 15 even um let's go 14. I feel like uh you know I I am trying to not build this thing super super powerful yeah even though my you know my my initial thought is when you're like well it's a range of this to this I'm like let's go to the highest one but that's not that we're not doing that like we're trying to make that's a bouncer and in fact now that we're on to the next stat its reflex should actually probably be pretty bad um because it doesn't have a good Dex we kind of know that already it's gonna have a fair amount of hit points so if we're looking at that uh you know the the the the the the the reflux maybe should be in the the the low range of like Plus 11. I think that's fair um and that yeah it's just bad at at will saves now or sorry reflex now it will save um should be a a bit better uh but not great either its wisdom isn't huge um we're at a minimum of of of of of 10 here uh 12 is is quite possible um you could go as high as like 14 without raising too many red flags I don't think uh but you know somewhere in there you could go 13 12 14. now you probably don't want to go 14 it probably shouldn't have it yeah that seems high right as good as it's Ford safe okay so uh 11 like 11 I think well 11 is the same as its reflex save and it it does have a slightly better so maybe 12 12. yeah okay yeah that's yeah that that it's it's it's reflex save uh is based off decks which is a plus one it's we'll save is based off wisdom that's a plus two right so the the fact that they're one off from each other ah it kind of makes sense it's fine okay yeah I'm down with that right all right so now we're going to get into hit points now when we start looking at hit points this is also where we might start looking at resistances and weaknesses and things like that now we've already given it some immunities that's things that just don't affect it um in addition to that creatures can have weaknesses and resistances weaknesses mean that the creature takes more damage when it takes damage of a certain type resistances means that the creature takes less damage when it takes damage of a certain type if you give it either one of those that should affect its hit points generally speaking you kind of add or remove some hit points based on what its immunities are because you expect that the if it has or sorry based on what its weaknesses or resistances are because like if it's a troll you give it more hit points because you know the pieces are going to throw fire at it um and it's it's got a little bit more give on that so you you kind of assume that but it you know the the reverse is also true if it's a fire giant um you kind of take away a little bit of hit points because it's immune to one entire classification of damage um there's a little bit of balance in there um if we do want to consider giving this thing any resistances or weaknesses we'll probably only give it five so it's like oh it has resist fire five or it has weakness fire five um but we don't have to give it either it doesn't necessarily have to have any of these now we can do what uh is done with like if you look at zombies right they have a weakness to slashing damage because if you cut them open they they come to Pieces but like bludgeoning and other things don't do any extra damage to them it's flashing does right so that is a thing that is a feature of zombies they have a ton of hit points but they take extra damage whenever you hit them with a long sword which is pretty common um so now we've also already said that this creature is going to be high in the hit points because it has kind of a lower AC so let's take a look at what a tip point range is its hit point range is anywhere from like 120 120 123 all the way down to as low as like 65. so we definitely don't want it on the low end um we definitely do want it in the high end so somewhere north of a hundred um doesn't have to be hugely north of 100 it could be 110 could be 115 um 115 is in range for high um but mind you we didn't tank its AC as hard as we could so maybe maybe it's just sitting at like 110. yeah yeah well it's like comfortably but it's kind of between the two yeah you know it it's yeah that that makes sense let's let's give it 110 for now and just see if that holds up as we kind of do some different things here now okay um we have uh some res do you see this creature as being particularly resilient to any forms of damage um or or particularly weak to them it doesn't have to be not all creatures are just because the line is here doesn't mean it's something we have to include no I I don't think so uh I mean I I feel like uh it's it's not like he was uh this character was sought out because of its famous resistance to X you know what I mean like and I don't mean ecstasy I mean X is in whatever yeah whatever that could be yeah no no Roofing to the door guard yeah he loves I'm not putting that in the notes um damn it all right so so maybe it doesn't have any resistances or weaknesses that's fine um so I'm just going to go ahead and remove these goodbye now there's a space on here for defensive abilities again this is a thing that not all creatures have um but maybe this creature does have um so this is the place where we might put something that isn't something that it reactively uses or that it like that it could be a reaction uh but uh this is also a place where you just put weird abilities that are defensive in nature it's not something you do to someone it's something that it's immune to or protected from and we don't I'm one thing I don't want to do here is get off into the languages of rules language right now we're just going to kind of just write what we want it to do and you can go back and turn it into kind of proper well-formed rules language whenever you want okay um but so it's already immune to things like death effects disease paralyzed poison and sleep do we want it to be like immune to like being able to be moved or pushed around like is it it's like like we could think about it from that angle like maybe this is the this is the undead that you can't move it if it's guarding the door you have to destroy it okay see now now this is the part where uh uh you know your your input is actually very valuable because I don't think about things like that I'm like well what would if if I was in the party what would my party do and I'm like well they would you know magic Missile they would put it on fire they would do all kinds of stuff but a very basic thing is yeah let's just like force this thing out of the way and it can't be moved I I like that idea because that's also way on brand for a bouncer so so I'm just gonna put an ability in here that's just called immovable right now um and uh it just says you know uh this creature cannot be pushed shoved or otherwise moved and that's not a great rule sentence I'm not going to pretend that it is but for the purposes of this seminar uh that'll do for now yeah um you could always come back and and make it tighter later okay so um it's got a defensive ability I think it's one that's pretty flavorful if we come up with more we can always add more uh but we'll leave it at that for now okay speed this is just kind of what do you think the creature should be able to do I don't think this creature can fly or burrow or anything like that so it's probably just got a land speed um the average speed of a character is 25 feet I don't think this thing quite has an average speed though just slow I was just thinking that I was like can it be less than average because I think 25 is generous yeah so what do you think 20 I think 20. yeah I think 20 is good there we go all right so we got 20. all right there we go um so I've got some space here for some attack rolls now you'll notice here I've already got the symbols in these are done by the way if you're curious how these things work because they they are tricky um you'll notice the moment I deleted a character it turned into text that is because this is a special font called Pathfinder icons you can get it through the compatibility license and what it is is it is a plain text that when you turn on ligatures and type in the right phrase it automatically turns into its ligature which is the actions so that's cool I love bracket in oh sorry and I have to do it this way it turns back into the actions now Jason is is that something we can link to up above uh it's in the Pathfinder compatibility license I'll put a link in the description okay perfect so you can also say oh I I want this to be two actions um so if you're wondering how I got those in there that's how those get in there um yeah uh I actually built that font myself um it is licensed to me and Sarah Robinson we are the creators of that um oh that's cool so that's really cool it is the only font I have ever made all right um so uh that is how the action symbol font works now we've got we've got some one action attacks here we probably don't want them to be not one action so we'll leave them at that um we we might be able to make a argument for the the ranged attack but let's talk about here that here in a sec let's start with its melee attack and um uh it sounds to me like this creature uh wants to be making a fist attack yeah yeah that's that's how I picture it anyway yeah so it's definitely going to be a fist attack one thing I just realized I forgot is up here in hit points I need to put negative healing because it's Undead oh right uh nearly forgot that all right so we got that in there um so uh fist attack let's get back to the chart let's go to the attack chart so here's the strike attack bonus chart the next page has the strike damage chart let's start with the attack bonuses first and then we'll get to the damages here because the damage is the one spot where this is actually a little tricky um so uh it's level six its attack bonus can be anywhere from like you know 17 to 12 I think this thing's probably on the higher end um you know its minimum should be a 13 um I think we might want to keep this you know maybe it's fist is really good maybe it is a 17. maybe it is Diet I'm in I am in Jason I like your idea let's go with that I I'm just working with what you gave me all right so we do have a spot here for any traits um if you look uh you know this is where we would put like agile or finesse but I think actually because we've given it a very high attack bonus we don't want it to have agile or finesse this isn't an agile or finesse creature but it's gonna try and hit you once and it's going to have a really good chance of that but its other attacks are going to fall off pretty quick so if you give it agile that means all of its attacks are going to be a bit more likely to hit what we usually like to do in a stat block one thing that you want to do when you're building a monster is when you're looking at its various attacks you want to think about them from the angle of if it has three attacks if one is demonstrably better than the others why would it ever use the other one right so sometimes what we do is we're like oh okay so it's got this one attack that hits at a very high bonus and does very good damage but it falls off really quick and it has this lesser attack that's agile that doesn't do as much damage but you might want to swap over to it because you have a better chance of hitting okay okay I'm not sure that this creature even needs that but that's something you want to do when you're kind of thinking about so yeah so let me can I just really quick ask what I what I think I'm kind of picking up on already but just to confirm so when you're building a monster you don't necessarily need to follow the same type of rules that you would if you were creating a PC no like you can you can fudge stuff like a lot more if you wanted to okay all right for some reason that just clicked as you were talking about it I was like wait we're not we we can kind of do what we want with this okay yeah we totally can right and and and honestly you know most of your attacks with the fist don't come with anything right so maybe this just doesn't have any traits and that's okay um so let's just go ahead and remove uh the trait line here from this one because it doesn't have one now while we're here we did also talk about doing um uh a a maybe you can throw things at you now we might want to give it an offensive ability that says it can pick things up and throw things at you but we might still want to include it as a ranged attack just so it's easier for folks to understand so I'm just going to put a thing in here that's just throne item and you'll be like Ah that's odd but then down here in abilities we might give an ability called throw anything okay so yeah I mean that's very descriptive and this ability um maybe isn't even a action right because not every ability needs to be an action maybe this isn't one and instead it's just a thing that says uh this creature can pick up any a adjacent item and throw it this is me this is done as part of the attack action so it's like picking up it's like firing a bow it doesn't need to spend an action to pick something up it can just pick up a mug and throw it at you it doesn't Okay extra action to pick up a thing that's kind of what I'm letting it do here and and that's based primarily off what you described now I could not include that sentence and make this an action that says as an action it can reach into any nearby space and pick up an item and throw it I couldn't make that an action but basically that means this ranged attack is going to be so terrible that it's never going to do uh because it's it's always going to be a better option just to go up and punch him a few times exactly yeah I kind of picture the the throw thing as a way of uh you know like I'm gonna I'm gonna punch you if I can but also oh you're kind of too far away right now let me throw something at you while I Pummel somebody else like that's kind of how I picture it it's also good to give a creature a a ranged attack so that it can attack flying characters or characters who are otherwise just out of a ring otherwise there's kind of the easy win button of well I'm just going to float up here and you can't get me and I'll just shoot arrows he's grasping like a you know like a Scooby-Doo character yeah no it's terrible um okay so um we gotta throw an item attack here this is not going to be a great attack though right because honestly it's a big burzer it's there to punch you with its bit um yeah but is it fair to say that maybe the throne thing is kind of more of an annoyance and like yeah uh you know it it's it's I mean it's it's not nothing but it's also it's just kind of more annoying depending you know so so let's go ahead and call it uh let's see it can be as low as 12 um I'm gonna be tempted to put it down that far um so let's see it's gonna be seven nine uh let's put it at let's put it at 13. um so um we do have that now one thing that we could do is there is a trait that we could give it that says it doesn't use its decks it uses its strength um on on Throne attacks right we could give it I think it's called brutal so we could give it the brutal trait which would then give us plenty of room to treat this as much higher right maybe instead then it's it's more like 15. okay we still don't want it to be as good as this fist yeah yeah definitely um now there is another trait we definitely want to put in here and that is the range of this and since it's a random thrown item it should not have a good range so this should be thrown like 10 feet right well even even more so fitting into the brand of what we're trying to build here yeah this is going to take place in a room this is most likely where the bouncer it's not this isn't an offensive thing it's it's very much like you're in my space yeah so I think that's 100 perfect sure so I I think we're in a good spot there on that let's um let's go on to damage and and and for folks who are watching this on YouTube I do see a bunch of great ideas popping up in chat that's the great thing about monster design you can take this in a bunch of different ways right you can be like oh it's got an ability to allows it to stun for a bit oh it's got an ability to you know uh uh uh you know uh have a surge of strength and stuff like that right there's a bunch of different ways you can play these sorts of creatures and and you can kind of play with it and make it be what you want it to be so let's talk damage here just keep things moving um so I don't want to go down every permutation but there is a lot of different things if you look at the strike damage it basically gives damage ranges and then it gives numbers in parentheses so for sixth level like the high is two D eight plus nine and then it says 18. that 18 means that the average is about 18. so you don't have to do those dice you can do different dice as long as the average comes out to about 18. so this thing does have a strength of of five so the bonus should definitely be five or more um it could be like five or you know whatever number you want that that's higher than five but because it's it's attacking with its fist it should definitely be adding at least its strength to whatever dice you're rolling but the key here is that we're looking for a damage range somewhere between 15 and 18 on average and when you're thinking about how much dye how much a die contributes to the average damage the easy way to do that is take the number of sides divide by two and add one half so for a D6 it's six sided you divide that by two it's three plus a half every D6 value add is about three and a half points a day and it's three and a half because there is no zero on I it goes one to six right so when you add all those numbers together and then divide by six the number you get is three um so a D12 adds six and a half so in this case if we're looking for something around we don't want it to be too high because it does have a very high attack bonus so generally speaking this gets back to like the AC hit point thing if it's attack bonus is super high you don't want its damage to also be super high but in this case this creature is really kind of a one-trick pony it's it's it's big thing that it does is hit you with its fist so um we do want the the fist to be something that is some of the players want to avoid but because it doesn't have any beneficial traits on it it's not going to hit too often so I think it's okay here to shoot high on this and you know go for something like you know 2D I mean you could even go as high as like 2D 10 10. I was just thinking can we do 2D 10 is that yeah I mean so 2d10 plus 5 is going to be an average because remember each each d10 is going to add five and a half so two of them is going to be 11. so if we do 2D 10 plus five the average damage there is 16 that is within range it's a little higher than than moderate but it's not quite up too high um that's a pretty good damage now what type is it it's going to be bludgeoning damage right yes now I'm gonna go ahead and add a bit in here Dan because because this is one of those places where what does this monster what's this monster really good at well it's supposed to be good at kind of blocking ways and preventing people from going where they're not supposed to so I'm going to say that it has a special on this plus grab oh nice okay so what I'm doing there Dan is I'm I'm throwing my mind forward to the fight and does it just sit there and punch you a bunch or does it punch you and then grab you as it's second action so what the grab ability does is it says after you successfully make an attack you can spend another action to automatically grapple someone that's going to be really important because I think we can write a cool special ability about that okay which also also restraint is a very uh you know as a very bouncer thing where it's like I'm gonna smack you but also I'm gonna grab you and I like that yeah that's really good so yeah this is me just playing with the kind of concept that you've already worked out so and now let's get to this Throne item I don't think this should do a lot of damage I think this is more of a nuisance thing so um let's see here if we look at sixth week we can drop this down to like 2D it could be 2D 6 plus 5 right and then we're talking about 12 average damage which is low um I think we do want to go down somewhere near that that level um yeah uh because it is a thrown weapon we will go ahead and add strength to it as normal um I'm gonna put type here I'm gonna put uh bludgeoning or uh slashing because he's kind of throwing random items at you if it's right if it's a if he throws a chair at you it's going to be bludgeoning if he throws a glass at you it's probably slashing as it hits you and shatters um if I could spell bludgeoning that would help yeah just right click on it it'll it'll make it right for you there you go I got it I got there right we got there so so um we're gonna say that this does uh bludgeoning or slashing damage and now Dan there's really only a couple more steps here I alluded to this earlier you we talked about maybe giving it some ability where it can throw so I'm gonna call this ability eject guest [Laughter] I like it and and I don't now this is where we have to think about how we want its turn to go if it punches you grabs you and then throws you if we wanted to be able to do all three of those things the throw action can also only be one act okay if we want it to be like oh it punches you grabs you and the next round has to throw you like you get a chance to break free or do something before it tosses you then we should make it two actions that way it's impossible for it to do it what are your thoughts there well my I feel like um I feel like there should be a chance to to get saved on that one I I feel like that should be a two action thing um okay personally the upside to that is that I mean I think that means that we can make it more brutal right so if it does do this it's really bad so we've all right because it's more difficult that means it's it's harder to to do that like you can't do the grab unless you've done the punch is that how we're seeing that yeah so that that the the basically for it to throw you it needs to punch you successfully hit you then spend its next action to grab you and now it doesn't have two actions so we can't then throw you but if honestly if you remain grappled until the start of its next turn it can throw you so okay um I think what that means is what you want to do here is kind of figure out what how would this actually work so in this case I would say the creature throws a another creature this is normally where I would put its name uh oh I have I have a name okay what's the name uh we're going with Steve Steve okay its name is Steve all right so I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna change this to Steve can pick up any adjacent item and throw it Steve cannot be pushed shoved or otherwise moved Steve throws a creature it has grappled Steve makes a Athletics check versus the targets uh we're gonna say fortitude DC okay so what I'm doing is um I'm saying it's when it decides to throw somebody it makes an Athletics check which is something we've already said is really good and it uses the fortitude DC of the target which is basically kind of a how big and sturdy is the creature um so you know you basically take the creature's fortitude and add 10 to it and that's the check it's making okay if successful the target is thrown 20 feet in a direction nice of Steve's choosing uh 30 feet on a critical success if thrown into an object the target stops and takes one D6 bludgeoning that image for each five feet not traveled oh nice oh so it's got inertia damage in there yeah that's what you're saying so so if it throws you and it just throws you 20 feet into an open Square you just land yeah I love this the Target Lands Chrome so if if it just throws you 20 feet you just land prone and you're 20 feet away but if it throws you instead into a wall that's 10 feet away you travel 10 feet and then take 2d6 and land Brown oh wow I love this so let's play around you know something like that right this is kind of and I grok that this is this is kind of some of the more advanced design of this this is the hardest part of Designing a creature is just imagining how it might work how its abilities might function how it could do its thing in combat and you said hey maybe it throws its guests out maybe it uses Athletics great let's talk about that let's give it an ability that allows it to do that that is fun and entertaining so here we are we've got Steve who can eject guests throwing them out uh out of the place makes on uh making make a Athletics check please yeah yeah I I let let autocorrect fix some of your some of your terrible terrible grammar um that that's another important step of creating a monster now this this monster isn't in a publishable format yet I would go through and rewrite half these abilities and make them kind of type rules language based on Pathfinder but for your home game frankly this is probably good enough you don't have to worry too much about whether or not everything is specifically tight because you can adjust it on the fly if you realize it wasn't quite doing what you needed it right so Dan that's it we got Steve that's it that's the that's Steve now you would normally at the end of this kind of just go back through and make sure all of your assumptions make sense make sure that you you created something that that works that is like okay I see why it would want to throw an item why that's better I see maybe maybe I go back in and I'm like you know what it could use a uh better intimidation ability like maybe I write another ability that allows it to intimidate and scare people and maybe it can do that right and it works like intimidation plus and it can do it against everybody in in a group right so you could go back in and add another ability that just says Mighty spooky right and and Steve is mighty spooky so uh when he glowers at you he can intimidate the whole group as one great that's fine you could go back in and add those things but frankly this monster as it's written right now is ready for prime time uh so a couple of things I I I'm just curious about and not necessarily important to Steve because Steve I feel like is uh no pun intended very fleshed out um so how often if you're doing a home brew how often do you find yourself just taking a stock monster from the book versus creating your own monster I I think you know when I whenever I'm riding an adventure or running an adventure I try and do a mix I I mostly rely on monsters from the best areas because they're there they're easy and frankly they're part of the kind of common weave and tapestry of the world that everybody understands so you want to use those monsters because the players know them and and that's part of the kind of shared story of the game I also like to throw in new monsters because I like to keep my players on their toes right yeah you know I I certainly have done that recently with you know some of the stuff I've been doing for Eventide you know the adventure we've been playing right there's there's you know one of the first monsters you fight isn't animated coat rack just a different kind of creature I invented that creature that's not from anywhere um why because I thought it was funny uh but you intrinsically kind of know what it is so a monster like Steve here baby is unique maybe there isn't more than one Steve there's just the Steve in this place he's a special unique monster um and that's all he needs to be um and that's fine too um but yeah I do kind of mix it up just to you know okay let everybody know that we're all playing the same game but also uh mixing it up so that everybody uh doesn't feel like they know what's around every yeah yeah definitely uh I I like Steve I I can't wait to uh actually take this that block throw Steven into a game at some point it's gonna be great well let's let's hop back here because I think that's kind of it right that's frankly how the monster design process works um that's you know I I think it can seem intimidating at first especially if you're familiar with Pathfinder first edition which had kind of complex formulas you had to follow with passenger second edition it's a lot more about just kind of figuring out what your concept is and then making those numbers make sense with the concept that you're trying to so um it it really quick if I can it just feels more fluid it feels more uh uh real I get I don't know I don't know the word to say but you're basically envisioning what is this creature what is it like what's its personality let's build it around that which I think is dope I love that yeah you the the design here is concept first um and in that once you've got your concept solid everything else just kind of clicks into place and the answers kind of come easy which is why you know frankly like I said when you get really good at this you know and you know what the numbers are on the table you can kind of do it on the fly right you can kind of just ad hoc bash together a monster and you know frankly you can also look at existing monsters and be like yeah you know uh maybe if I did want to make Steve um what I could actually do is just grab the mummy stat block strip off the resistance that I don't want him to have bump up his hit points a little bit to to compensate give him this throw ability and eject guest abilities and call it good right he's almost there anyway um yeah 100 The Mummy has a bunch of stuff I don't want right I don't want Steve to be giving people um mummy rot uh but but I I you know frankly giving him an ability to throw people around and stuff might make up for it so maybe we swap those things out maybe we tweak some other numbers at the mummy The Mummy just tends tends to be a little bit lower hit points a little higher AC so I'd want to swap those things around right you know but you can do those at the table without too much yeah absolutely uh I I found this will be I I was I actually that this is more fun than I thought it was going to be I'm not gonna lie when we talked about this I was like fun can't wait and I actually really enjoyed this so yeah going into this I I realize it can be a little intimidating but but Daniel made a great monster Steve is a lot of fun it's amazing so there we go everybody that's another tutorial we'll be back next week with uh with more exciting tutorials make sure to subscribe to the channel here and like the videos uh if you want to see more if you want to see these pop up on your feed uh other than that you can find both Dan and I on all the very social media platforms I'm at uh backslash Jason Bowman Dan you're at uh Dan underscore Servo come join me there you go so thank you for watching everybody I hope you've been enjoying these and we will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jason Bulmahn
Views: 6,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder 2e, pathfinder monsters, Pathfinder Monster Design, monster design tips, DnD Monsters, D&D, pathfinder vs d&d, pathfinder vs dnd, Jason Bulmahn, Undead Monster, Pathfinder 2E Adventure, Pathfinder Second Edition, Pathfinder 2E, Pathfinder Game Master Tips, Pathfinder Gameplay, dnd5e, D&D5e, Pathfinder dnd difference, dnd, Pathfinder New GM, Pathfinder New Player
Id: Tgs8eJSUezY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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