Making Marines - A Drill Instructor Story - Part 3

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in my opinion the most challenging part of the crucible is that second day that second day after day there on that enormous high on that hike out to the crucible and then looking forward to that first day so the first day pretty much goes off without any problems without any issues but it's that second day after that four-hour nap that they get when they wake up that they're so slow lethargic they're not thinking properly they they may not get the counts down the right way or have a great plan in place what's your plan run put them to throw the rope over with the barrel tight on there you go watch your feet watch your feet I just have to figure out how we're gonna get all right don't let go girls found the honey out how they do a lot of ideas a lot of good ideas there's a little bit too late as far as the times - oh God Oh No but they had the gist of it they know exactly they know exactly how to get it through get your weapons most challenging part of the crucible would be the movement to contact and the mo resupply points you to work together you have a fireteam that you have to get to the end and then you also have you know you're doing the local and then ammo resupply one yeah oh don't you know used to eating Mickey D's but now I'm eating imerys now one of the most challenging parts of the crucible is definitely the the hike back for the recruits the these recruits depending on what groups they are putting into certain days are a little bit a little bit more rigorous than others depending on what they do or the first day or the second day either way it goes on that last day they leave there they went through everything they've ready to ran the gauntlet as far as physically mentally everything is going to be there they have they've been pushed to their limits and now they're gonna put all the gear on you know they had to hike back that the distance back to uh to you eternal Monument through my mind I don't eat during the Eagle of maker morning I feel a sense of pride of a very strong sense of pride that I am I am handing me the next comment on the Marine Corps the possibly the next sergeant major of the Marine Corps their ego Globe and Anchor that I'm going to be forever ingrained and someone's in someone's history someone's mind that I've given myself 100% at all times and I've made a Marine Hey this is the third graduation we've been to and how many people in your family are in the Marine Corps there are three who have been one is a marine vet now he's out and two one graduated in June and one graduating for gonna fund it this year oh my god here Oh oh damn screamer they are catchy father that's my best memories honestly is a family day and graduation day honestly could you get you know the families that come up they see their son or daughter from the foot Fork Italian they come up they see him a lot of nails I have nails that weren't fat when they got here but still lost 2025 pounds they're cut they're they're you know more physique in the way they act in want none you'll get the parents they kind of not in a bad way but they're like what you do to my son you know then I come up and thank you that's that's the biggest impact when you get the families and you know thank you for what you've done that's that's the biggest impact that I remember here I thought as a Marine down here I've learned that as far as putting out day to day it's to give 100% no matter what no matter how big or how small your recruits your Marines are going to feed off of you if you come out and you give 110% and you you don't accept anything else and you show them that attention to detail they're going to strive to do the best to make things better than what they were before to make a difference that's the biggest thing that I've noticed I think for me personally I think there was always something and went up growing up and personally in my life I think there was always something I've always wanted to do great things I always wanted to make a difference somehow someway I always wanted a you know my sound corny or whatever but do something to change the world you know do something to to make a difference in society for myself I think that one of the things that that kind of helped me out as far as being a stronger man a stronger individual for being down here as I lost one of my parents at a very young age so I was forced to kind of grow up and mature very quickly I think that's essentially what we do down here with some of these young Marines that we have down here we take them and make them a lot more as 9-day the maturity level if they are when they leave here and I think that's one of the biggest things is them overcoming a very hard hardship in their life and recruit training is just one of them just so far your job here you've been here a bit over a year I guess is it worth it yes it's worth it it's worth the sacrifice it's definitely worth the sacrifice definitely just the the the overall sense of accomplishment I guess just to to go from something I really never wanted to do honestly I didn't beginning I never really wanted to be a drill instructor and then when you first get here you're like wow did I make the right decision to you know becoming the senior drill instructor and seeing you know the overall product from the beginning not just having to worry about okay his fingers aren't curl then you know he's not responding the right way I mean it's still reported to worry about it but not to the extent that my you know my heavy in my third head worried about it and just seeing overall how this kind of watching supervising seeing how they are in the beginning how the end how they transition and how we said we really make Marines
Channel: Marines
Views: 908,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marines, marine corps, usmc, boot camp, marine corps boot camp, recruit training, devil dogs, parris island, drill instructors, drill instructor, semper fi, what is bootcamp like, what is boot camp like, what should i expect from bootcamp, bootcamp
Id: KbnmjbWqsnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2010
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