Making Marines - A Drill Instructor Story - Part 1

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A Drill Sergeant is Army. The Marine Corps has Drill Instructors.

Edit: Spelling and capitalization

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Dakaramor 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2012 🗫︎ replies

Op, you fucked up your title. All you had to do is look at the title of the video you watched, think for 3 seconds, and type it right.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ApolloHimself 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2012 🗫︎ replies

Their voices are shot, but they have to keep on screaming.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WorkingTimeMachin 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2012 🗫︎ replies

I have an uncle that watched this video, he said "Damn. It was so much worse when i was in." Mid 80's.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2012 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how society would be like if America was like some other countries and had mandatory boot camp even if just for 3 or 6 months.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/uriman 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2012 🗫︎ replies

Who misses working the butts?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AleEater 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2012 🗫︎ replies

This one seems pretty watered down.

Watch Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click for a more documentary style filmed @ MCRD San Diego.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iBird 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2012 🗫︎ replies
sitting real quick it's all oriented towards we want it towards comment you know is any we've been told to do something you told moving or do something and you don't do it people can lose lives I think that the end product the end state making a marine that's the most rewarding feeling that I think any drill instructor can say that they've experienced someone that could say that they've actually felt what it felt like felt the goosebumps when they watch their recruits walk across the deck I'm doing something to better these recruits I'm doing something to change their lives in a positive way hey now get any single-file line take it go all right I'm gonna take three pitches 1 2 3 but basically in a nutshell they get here you know they get on those yellow footprints they get down here they come here with all their hair they come here through civilian clothing that all gets stripped away from them you know we break them down to that basic take away the individualism take away the eyes that can no longer say I and we break them down we start to build that team concept first phase they are still learning they're still learning they're brand new here they are being taught the basic fundamentals of customs and courtesies they get a bunch of knowledge classes and physical training as well they PT an awful lot during first phase that gets them into the groove I think it's three or four they're still 17 years old you know they had to get their waiver to come in and whatnot in there and they're young and you can tell they're young the younger the younger kids that simply come here during their summer after they graduate high school they're there they're more willing to to do the things that we tell them they just whine about it a lot more they cry about it a lot more they complain a lot more and they expect sympathy because I guess that's what they're used to as they grow up the the older crowds the ones that come during the winter and in the fall they they typically don't have those problems they just don't want to deal with a lot of the nonsense in their mind it's a lot of nonsense I'm a grown man I have my own kids I got my own family you can't talk to me like that you can't make me do that all the course the Boyd they come down here they're gonna get the discipline whether they were old or young out of high school or 35 years old they're gonna get the discipline that's first training day they had no idea what to do what was expected of them doing everything has an order to it it's not just like okay get dressed no you you from the deep from day one you need to tell them like no joke I like address coz-theta the time and you know we don't always have time to mosey around but they wanted to be they were hungry they wanted that knowledge they wanted to experience boot camp a couple days later an awful lot of them are down in there down in the dumps for lack of a better terms they're uh they don't want to be here they don't understand what's going on the adjustment has not set in now we're gonna be moving all the time you know trying to get them ready for a fight oh do so we need to do it now and it's it's all oriented towards what we want it towards combat you know cuz everybody told to do something you told you move it or do something and you don't do it people can lose lives so we try to relate as much as we can to that that's and we orient it and explain to them and they and they start to understand okay and when you told me to do this it's for a reason it's you know instant obedience so everything you do as it has a purpose going into second phase we start orienting the training into a rifle marksmanship with a week worth of classes during the grass week and a week worth of the actual firing we're the first Marines the recruits see outside of their drill instructors and we teach them everything about their m16a2 service rifles for the first week all the fundamentals and we train them to become basic riflemen in the United States link or put those shots right on you might have to go back to 18-2 but then you'll be fine chug they'll stay a 3-1 for tomorrow and then when you start doing it if you see that your shots are high go back to a 3-2 so we tell them at the beginning the first thing we try to do is let them know that we're not there drill instructors that we're not going to kill them we try to let them get relaxed with us and kind of kind of get down on their level a little bit because they've been shaking up a little bit with their first phase so we let them know right off the bat to be relaxed and that's the best thing that's gonna put that shot in the black every time if they're relaxed setting that weapon and walk up crews come down here and get tense up they're scared to fire the rifle most of them about 98% of them never fired a weapon before so we try to get them relaxed when they come down and see the only second phase they actually they're doing in their minds more marine type things it's not the knowledge it's not the drilling wow we're actually down here pulling trigger seeing rounds go downrange and you know it's becoming more of a reality to them what they're doing why they're here
Channel: Marines
Views: 1,987,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marines, marine corps, usmc, boot camp, marine corps boot camp, drill instructors, recruit training, paris island, devil dogs, parris island, what is boot camp like, life in basic training, life in boot camp, quarterdeck, drill instructor screaming
Id: -s72Ln9pzKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2010
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