247th Marine Corps Birthday Message

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[Music] if you're a warrior and you're leading Warriors and you're about to step in the battle one of the key things you must have [Music] is an absolute confidence because that radiates out of you foreign spirit [Music] semper fidelis means that if you are a foe before me [Music] I will not quit until you fall [Music] thank you [Music] what keeps you awake at night nothing I keep other people awake at night [Music] the Marine just plain considers himself a better Soldier than anybody else Marines have never given anyone any reason to think differently we are unique not just among our fellow citizens but among all those who defend our nation we are defined by our war fighting ethos our intangible Warrior spirit that moves us forward into any battle any domain and binds us not only to the Marine on our left and right but to all Marines who came before us current events around the world show us that peace is far from guaranteed America's adversaries continue to present an ever-evolving threat to our nation's prosperity and security today almost 31 000 Marines are four deployed for stationed abroad in every theater and every time and place standing ready to confront those who would do our nation's harm the American strength is based upon the fabric of all of the different cultures and people that come to and that applies on the battlefield and I've seen that there that is an essence of the power of the American fighting spirit for 247 years capable and determined adversaries have tested the Marine Corps the enemy knows when they say that EGA and they say a real Marine hooked to that AGA that could be a serious situation on each occasion our poor Bears gave them reasons to fear and respect the title United States Marine our adversaries have always had a choice abandoned their aggressions or stand and fight some chose to fight and were destroyed today our adversaries still have a choice and they know if they choose to fight they will be defeated from the wheat fields of Bella Wood the volcanic signs of Iwo Jima to the crowded streets of way City or ramadi Marines prove time and time again they will claim victory on any Battlefield our mission was stay on the compound well things happen situations change and we got a call that gunny from the Marine security guard Force the RSO and their driver were involved in a vehicle accident we were driven out to the crash site Liberian Rebels armed to the teeth with anything that they had we had to do a makeshift backboard and stabilized them and got all of our Personnel you're trained for it but there's variables in there that you could never prepare for and so you just go with it and while battlefields and Technologies change the qualities of a marine are Timeless grit strength boldness discipline initiative adaptability honored courage and commitment it would be impossible for me to say with any amount of confidence that I would beware and who I am today if I didn't have the foundation of being a Marine the Marine Corps and how it shapes us and the history of courage and sacrifice that we fill the shoes of and that we follow it's almost impossible to not continue on and to not want to become the best version of yourself personally but professionally as a marine as well these qualities were birthed by the legacy of the old breed those like Herschel Woody Williams he really just was a huge inspiration growing up I loved Warrior figures and he was the main one the legacy of the Marines who came before us and of our Marines today when the nation calls we answered as America's Premier crisis response was Marines thrive in chaotic situations where friction is highest we have to always understand that there's always been troops on the deck taking the fight to the enemy on their distant lands we are proud to be first to fight we are ready today and tomorrow standing ready with undying Devotion to the court to the mission each other our very Freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts in 2001 when our nation was still reeling from the September 11th terrorist attacks Marines aboard the USS payload in the USS baton came from the sea and launched the longest amphibious raid in history we came 370 miles from the sea 25 aircraft during one period of Darkness we inserted 400 Marines over that distance we did what we say that we do we did it in an expeditionary manner we did it from the ships and despite a lot of risk we did it successfully the same War fighting spirit that secures our victory in combat comes from our ability to innovate to iterate to adapt and we find inspiration in each other I remember my first cat shot in an F-18 into a combat zone and that was a whirlwind of emotions right you're ready to go you've practiced you're trained but you're a little bit nervous that nervousness though I think is good right it keeps you Sharp see more than the national she is a Marine who's war fighter ethos shapes who she is she attested warrior with 47 combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan when I'm sitting on top of that rocket and they start to load the prop and it starts to shake and Rumble I hope that I feel a little bit nervous keeps me sharp I hope though that I have this calmness knowing that I'm trained my crew is trained we are ready to go and I hope that the second that we launched from planet Earth that all just disappears and we're in the moment while those who threaten our nation remain America sleeps well at night knowing the future will be no different because the Marines are always standing ready across the force we continue to innovate and experiment in preparation for the future fight where we will fight might be uncertain but we prepare for uncertainty when called we will fight and we will win today tomorrow and in the future these victories are not one because of our technology or our equipment but because of all of you because of everything you do every day to remain the best trained most professional most ready force in the world that has not changed we are War Fighters first and always if the Call Comes Today to go into combat we will win that's no excuse not to be better tomorrow is the individual Marines will make up the team they are the decisive advantage whether in combat or in competition training our future Marines of recruit training we're preparing to deploy on one of our Marine Expeditionary units we have always adapted the changing character of War why we fight and why we win is Unchained here's our ethos our character and our Unapologetic resolve to be the most capable and mostly for Fighting Force in the world Marines you are writing the next chapter of our core our Legacy rests upon your shoulders and I'm confident you will meet the task simplified Alice happy birthday Marines [Music]
Channel: Marines
Views: 621,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qAsCoJj_YfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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