Making Layered Candles!

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I do whatever I want and today I want to make layered candles I saw this thing online where it was like lay your own candles but there was Zero instruction so I'm just going to make it up as I go usually I do crafts that have a little more instruction to it but this one I was like hey I'm getting really good at crafting so maybe I can wing it so I'm going to make three little candles and we're going to layer different colored wax oh I have hot glue I haven't hot glued anything in like a week good so apparently we need to just do a clear layer on the bottom just to get the uh Wicks stay in the place because the other colors were going to tilt these to the side while layering and if we did that these Wicks would just kind of slide so we're just going to do a clear layer on the bottom very thin just to get these to stand up straight in the holes oh also um I'm going to add fragrance because I don't understand owning a candle that you don't light or that smells like nothing so I'm going to add a scent I found this I wasn't even planing on this I just found it in the craft store and you just add this smell to candles and then they smell good like why wouldn't everyone do this I don't understand the candles at stores that are just for decoration yeah you know what's pretty a lit candle why would you sell me a $20 candle that doesn't have a scent it doesn't make sense anyway all right I've melted it it's melted it looks like butter do this quick before hardens again or whatever wax does yeah it Harden I didn't realize how like quick I have to do all this okay I'm just going to put a little bit down on the bottom and then I'm going to fill it a little bit so it gets stuck stay there stay no no don't do that stay stay no oh God okay oh God this is not going well I'm very stressed out and I'm just touching hot wax cute Harden I can only do one at a time oh dear God this is going to take forever no falling over stay where I put you these are the rules that I've created okay I've created these too thick things so that they stay in their spot day where I you toothpick also I messed up on this one as you can see wax drip down the side of it I have to remove that before I put in other colored waxes or else that's just going to look stupid so as these dry I'm going to create colored wax to layer so what's going to happen is I got crayons now with these apparently you break them up which colors you want and you mix it in with the wax chips and that way it creates a colorful wax yeah okay so I'm just going to fill each of these Dixie cup up like 3/4 the way fo I'm feeling the cups up I'm feeling the cups up I'm feeling the cups up so I fill each cup about that full and then I'm going to break apart the colored crayons I want and then decide how I'm going to layer them in the candle situation does this make sense I got these molten metal crayons they have glitter in them now while I'm not usually a fan of glitter it might look cool in a candle look at that purple do you see the purple color so I'm just going to break this open I guess I got to take the thing off break it into pieces and stick it in a cup so I've finished filling in each little cup with a different color this one I'm keeping all white so uh I you know I didn't put color in it cuz why would you put a white crayon in something that's already white when you want the color to be white that just seems a little redundant I'm going to melt one of these see if it works and then I'll pour that layer and that layer needs to set and Harden is the word I'm looking for but that needs to harden before I can add the next layer so this seems like it's going to take a while but I think it might be worth it if I do it correctly I'm going to go heat up purple I guess hopefully this works I have Absol absolutely no idea wait when do I add the smell add scent to melted wax just before pouring into mold or container it's so sciency all right right I'm going to go melt this and I will be right back okay I got to do this fast I've made the purple there are still crayon chunks in it but I'm hoping that just can be ignored it looks awesome but let's see if I can do this All right so you put this at an angle and then you pour it in at the angle I think and then I hold it there has got to be a better way to do this oh my God I don't want to hold this for 6 hours pardon can I create a little like holdy thing for this perfect genius I'm a genius oh I forgot to add the wax the smell the smell the smell oh God I can't do this my handed all right building a Contraption like a scientist stay that is not going to end well is it add the fragrance boop boop boop I don't know how much you're supposed to add get in there I added it I have absolutely no idea if that was the right amount how are you supposed to get the wick to stay in the spot that the wick should stay in you know what I mean I want it to stay there there no no no oh no guys I'm not doing well I am not doing well at all right now I'm trying to figure out how to make the wick stay where I want the wick to be I have no idea you know what why am I not just using tape tape is my best friend I think I'm a little bit of a genius just a little bit how long does it take to dry does this say does the instru where are the instructions I don't have any that was the whole point of the thing is I could do a craft without instructions then let's work on the next one shall we the next base layer well first we got to get this candle wax off the side of this one cuz this one has candle wax all up the side of it so I got to get rid of that well that wouldn't work out too well I'm going to go clean this melt some candle and put it inside of it sound good neat look at this I've taped this to this so that it will stay slanted why do was I freaking out tape is always the answer tape will fix anything you need o my hand smell like this and it's delicious I'm going to put a few drops of the smell into this melted wax before I pour it inop Boop Bo Boop okay now I'm going to pour it into this secure my Wick in its correct spot D oh no I'm pretty sure I just got a hair in there yeah you know what there's just going to be a hair in that candle cuz I don't want to get it out not at all now I'm going to redo this thing so that's it's like this so that I can do this base that I make sense right I I I I've made a mess like I don't know what I'm doing I'm just making all of this up and I've made a mess in the meantime thanks for sticking with me guys so I have all three candles hardening their base layer and then after that I'll flip them and do the other layer cool cool so I flipped two of the candles this one was still a little hot and so I didn't want to mess with it but I flipped the candles and taped them this way so I'm going to go melt the second layer add that um I cleaned up with a toothpick a little bit on the edges where like Wax accidentally got I was hopeful then skeptical and now I'm hopeful again all right so this is where I'm at I'm going to go do some more stuff and then I'll come back and then we'll do it ready cool yes now I'm like kind of nervous that when I add this wax the other wax is going to melt that seems like a normal concern right SMS like candle and the fragrance I picked pouring time that seems like a good amount right oh and then I have to do my tape for the wick perfect oh this is turning out better than I expected now I'm going to do the other one for that one by the way when the hair that was in this one I pulled it out with tweezers it was very satisfying that look good I'm nervous like they're not going to be very even I should have evened them all out more but this is what you get I think this one's cooled down enough where I can flip it looks like this one needs a fresh thing of tape when in doubt tape I think that should be everyone's motto in the world this one's not staying very good what is happening the other ones work so well why aren't you mother trucker you know what I'm going to tape the tape that's right now wood now what yes son boom now I'll do that one oh no I forgot to tape that oh no oh no oh no forgot to tape my Wick never forget to tape the wick that was a close one guys that was pretty close I'm going to fill that one let him dry and then I'm going to tilp them upright and do the last layer so I will see you for the last layer so I'm pretty sure they're dry and so I'm going to stand them up straight it kind of like dipped in at some spots for some reason the wax didn't like mold completely to the stuff like it should see how it kind of like has this weird spot where it like starts here but then it's also there I don't know but it happened I'm dealing with it for some reason it's not sticking to the sides correctly do you see that this is what I have so far do they look cool now I just need to add the last layer and we're done all right let's go melt some more stuff I'm adding it to this middle one boom move my Wick a little bit perfect that's it I did it I think that's pretty freaking awesome all right I'm going to do the other two and then we'll freak out about it all that was my freak out did you like it I did it look how cool they are okay this one for some reason green leaked a little bit and I don't quite know why this one crackled some don't know what's going on there and this one is very sparkly but I did it I create I think they look pretty cool right look I like this one the best I think this one looks cool well actually the colors on this one look really cool but it got messed up a lot like that looks really lame I think this is awesome I think I did a great job so I'm going to light this one because it's the most full these ones are very empty ready oh I so excited also I get to play with fire is it too late now to say sorry it's lit in so many different ways is this lit look at this but I don't care that much do you want to see close look how pretty it is I made a candle wait my candle's dying why is it dying my flame is dying do you see that excuse me no dying why is it doing that it is barely hanging on is it because it's a crayon would that influence it aren't crayons made of wax and coloring well I am very concerned right now they look awesome but they're not working as candles how do you not work as a candle you've got a wick and wax what could possibly go wrong in this scenario excuse me it's kind of doing this weird bubbly thing too hold on let me see if I can get a closeup come here do you see what's happening why is this happening what's going on how does that happen what if I do to one that didn't have glitter in it this is a regular crayon let's see if that changes it this one's dying too what in the world these candles don't work it just completely out these candles suck I mean if you know where I went wrong and you can fix it then by all means go ahead and make your own candle but I did something wrong along the way so that's it for today I hope you like this video I love you guys subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel if you like this video please give it a thumbs up I didn't know it would be that hard to make a candle you put wax and a wick together and then you make flame like come on how is this difficult dang it I was so excited about this too my rage emotions for this video just ridiculous that's it I'm done this time remember above all else gosh darn it stay awesome blossoms why don't you [Music] work
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 2,625,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, you, know, what, pisses, me, off, tuesday, video, making, layered, layer, candles, candle, tilted, diy, craft, crafting, wax, crayon, mix, colored, color, glitter, scented, scent, arts, artistic, creative, pinterest, crayola, melt, melted, melting
Id: 8EfX7QElxwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2016
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