Making Hollow Knight Silksong in 2 weeks (plus 1 day)

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(sigh) Hi there, Hello! Welcome to my first ever video Today I'll be making Hollow Knight Silksong A 2D side-scrolling Metroidvania And the sequel to the amazingly successful... Hollow Knight Silksong was initially announced WAYYY back in 2019 And since then, there has very few update on its progress And still no confirmed release date :( So I decided to make it myself But in 2 WEEKS For some reason Anyways, I started by booting up Unity and creating some basic shapes I then added some basic movement Now, I know that it currently doesn't look very pretty But when prototyping games, it’s best to prioritise mechanics over aesthetics in the beginning Because it's more important that your game works and it is fun to pl- So I spent an hour perfecting my player model In the original game, I believe that all the character models were animated via sprite sheet animations Where each frame was a separate drawing But that takes too long! And I already wasted- I mean extensively dedicated my time on perfecting a different part of the project So instead of using frame-by-frame animation, I used skeletal animation Which is a more efficient and flexible means to animate As it only requires a single drawing that is composed of multiple layers In which the image is manipulated and contorted with BONES Similar to how most 3d animation works So you can do stuff like this... WEEEEE!!! After creating some PERFECTLY accurate animations I called it a night for Day One Day Two I added some more advanced movement such as wall sliding and wall jumping I also gave Hornet a sprint Which activates when the player presses and holds the dash button whilst on the ground Otherwise if done in the air, Hornet will perform a short air dash I then used Unity's Particle System, to make the dashes look more exciting (TOO EXCITING!!) Also if you press jump whilst dashing, you go torpedoing in the air (inaudible noises) Day Three Now one of the main differences between Silksong and its predecessor Hollow Knight Is that Hornet can ledge grab (sugoi) The way I understand how ledge grabbing works in video games is that basically there are two short-range invisible lasers (raycasts) coming out of the player Typically one above and below the character’s shoulders If the lower laser detects ground whilst the upper one doesn’t, it triggers the ledge grab This is actually the second Metroidvania game I have ever made, and my first already has ledge grabbing So this should be easy to implement (muffled) Why?! Why?! JUST WHY?!! Why?! WHY??!!!! (muffled) wha... wha... wai... wut... HUH??!!! NOPE!!! (x3) I'M DONE!!! (x3) THAT'S ALL I'M DOING TODAY!!! NOPE!!! THAT'S ALL!!! (x2) (distant) NOPE!! (distant) I'm done with this! (distant) Nope (one for good measure) (DOOR SLAM) Anyways After an EXCRUCIATING amount of time later Everything is finally working as intended (yay) Day Four to Five Next up was giving Hornet some basic attacks Which I implemented through keyframes of Hornet’s attack animation Which changes depending on the Player's movement If pointed down, Hornet will perform a downward diagonal strike Actually... gimme a moment... If pointed down, Hornet will perform her infamous SHAW attack I then got starting working on designing a simple ui for the player’s health and special meter I designed it so that every time you lose a health, the screen will shake and Hornet will flicker in and out of existence You know… as you do to indicate temporary invulnerability to bodily harm In Silksong, Hornet has a special meter or silk meter Which fills up one notch each time she attacks an enemy Once she has enough silk, Hornet can perform special attacks or abilities One of which, allows her to quickly heal three health by consuming nine silk notches Next i gave Hornet some special attacks The infamous Gossamer Storm attack, an AOE (Area of Effect) attack that continuously strikes nearby foes Which was also in the original Hollow Knight game And this new "Stabby Stabby Strike" attack A quick an powerful attack Essentially, these attacks and Hornet’s heal ability both consume resources from the same meter In order words the player must choose: to either play it safe and reserve their silk for healing or spend it on dealing higher DPS (Damage per Second) Day Six to Nine ;) I decided that this project will take place at the citadel, because I think the design of this area looks really cool I modelled the enemies based off these three goons However, there has not been any official names for them So I decided to name them... Kevin, Stuart and Bob Since they remind me of the Minions from Despicable Me There has been very few footages of the areas and enemies So I had to fill in the blank for enemies' behaviour and the map design I started by created an abstract class to encapsulate the mutual variables and methods all enemies will share That way I can avoid repeatedly typing the same code and thus save time I designed the enemies to have two main states: An Idle State And an Attacking State Such that when the player enters the enemies’ line of sight, that enemy will enter their attacking state After putting a bit too much time in the detail of Stuart I designed him to simply patrol a small area And chase Hornet only if she is in sight Also I made it so that whilst Stuart is chasing Hornet, he has a random chance to jump at the Player BRUH! I designed Kevin similar to Stuart, which was easy to do because of the abstract classes But instead of jumping, Kevin will strike with his weapon twice Which can potentially deal two damage if not careful Whereas for Bob... I honestly have no clue what he can do! Truthfully, I cannot see him as very hostile or dangerous (attempted kawaii voice) He's just a baby So I decided to give him the harmless ability to... STOP TIME!!! [ZA WARUDO sound effect] But in all seriousness, instead of directly attacking the player I made it so that Bob has the ability to summon more enemies Either this flying lad... Otto Who flies around an occasionally throws (static noises) Who flies around an occasionally throws a bell at the player Or this flying chad... uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... (you try naming another Minion) EDULITOH!! Who is essentially a combination of Otto's movement and Kevin's attack Day Ten After spending a bit too much time playtesting the game, I felt like something was... missing So I decided to add parrying Another mechanic that appears in the Hollow Knight series I'm not exactly too sure how Team Cherry Designed it (Team Cherry = Creators of Hollow Knight) But when Hornet's and an enemy's slash overlap Before hurting Hornet, I made it so that the enemy's slash hitbox will be disabled. But the visuals are still there (deep voice) omae wa mou shindeiru [TR: You are already dead] NANI?! [TR: WHAT?!] (explosion sound) Day Eleven and Twelve I designed my own original boss Because I wanted to Most of my boss’ attacks and design took inspiration from the character Death From Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish (highly recommend) Where my boss "Demise" will perform one of four attacks A triple strike A jumping lunge attack This fiery attack... Don't ask how this is possible And this Captain America throwing attack™ Which the player can deflect, and somehow the sickle will always return back to the boss Please don't question the physics Day Thirteen and Fourteen Now that I created all the enemies, I began working on the art of the area to make it look more like the Citadel Shouldn't be too difficult- Good enough (this took so long) After drawing all the area assets, I used a tilemap to simply paint on top of the existing colliders I then added some post processing to make everything look better and more like the actual game I added vignette, which darkens the edge of camera As well as a depth of field and grain to blur the background To really draw focus to the player And that's all folks! Its been two weeks and it's time to wrap things up And there's definitely no more time to do anything else However... [DUN!] After playtesting some more, I felt like something was missing for my boss It didn't feel like a Hollow Knight Boss So after rewatching more Silksong footage. I realised what I didn’t need to, but really wanted to add So I decided to go overtime with my project I added phases to my boss, as well as a staggered state where if the player rushes the boss enough, the boss will be temporarily stunned Rewarding the player with a brief uninterrupted time to do extra damage or heal I also gave my boss two new attacks A Parry move So that when Hornet strikes him in his guard state My boss will block the incoming attack and unleash a flurry attack that takes 2 HP Similar to this fight I also added this ultimate attack Where my boss will charge up, then zip back and forth potentially dealing 3 damage to the player And now we have a fairly believable Silksong Boss And there we have it Hollow Knight Silksong made it two weeks Honestly, there was a lot more that I wanted to add I had originally planned to also work on Hornet’s tools and crests, which allows the player to have various play styles But I somehow ran out of time I just don’t know what happened, I had a schedule and everything I finished all the coding parts on time And there was definitely nothing else that I wasted my time on Oh well Anyways, I made this video because I was tired of waiting for Silksong And this has kinda re-hyped me for the game’s hopeful release Honestly, I don't mind too much about waiting for the game I just want more updates from Team Cherry (wow my voice really changes on the recording) Even them just saying “they are still working on the game, as they want to give us the best possible player experience" or something like that So unfortunately, I will not be releasing this game due to legal reasons. Anyways, feel free to tell me in the comments what you think about my scrub Silksong game or my first video Or if you have any suggestions on what kind of game you like to see me make next, let me know So I'll stop my commentary for now, and let you enjoy the rest of the gameplay And there you have it Thanks for watching Until next time How do I end this? umm... Have a goodbye Have a good day
Channel: watermaaron
Views: 187,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HollowKnight, Silksong
Id: 9hh1a6UCfew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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