What is the Least Amount of Bosses Needed to Beat Hollow Knight?

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how many bosses are actually needed to beat Hollow night in a normal playthrough you'll probably be killing around 10 before you even get to the holl Knight however I knew that a lot of them weren't actually necessary to beat the game f Knight can be easily skipped by breaking this wall and because of fireable Skips and low percent Hornet shouldn't be needed either you don't need broken vessel because monings isn't needed to beat the G Runing moac is only for a marshard so obviously not needed the only thing dong Defender get ous isma tier and that's not needed when you can do a crystal Dash acid skip the Mantis bus obviously aren't needed and with soul Master you can simply use lumafly Lantern to get into Crystal Peaks instead of D grother hopefully shouldn't be needed either so surely we can beat the game with these three bosses right well that's what me and a few other people from my Discord server all the links are in the description set out to try to do before I do the challenge I'm just saying that I'm not actually doing it since I'm using no clip and invincibility Etc because I want to see if it's possible not if I can do it myself basically I have a skill issue and just want to do this video it starts off like normal going through King's pass obviously doesn't need any bosses neither dirt mouth neither Crossroads up until false night of course false Knight isn't necessary the only thing it's useful for is City Crest and you can skip it by breaking this wall so I'm just going to hope that we don't need City Crest this is already starting to be a problem if I didn't kill false Knight and get SE Crest I would have to get into city of Tears for watch and I and other reasons as well but the only other way is through grother so how was I actually going to do this but before you rush straight to the comments I realize I'm wrong about this later so after skipping F Knight I headed straight for Green Path but obviously instead of going for Hornet I went down and round into fog Canyon now as I was through here I got to Queen station here is the first skip that I actually had to no clip through because I couldn't do it this is a fireable skip that gets you from Queen station to Funko waste without needing Dash I didn't do it properly but here's how you do it now we went into fungal waste with no bosses and after painfully killing the shomal ogres I headed further into fungal waste though sadly I won't be able to do eogo as in current patch you need Dash to be able to do it but going the longer around isn't much of a sacrifice so I guess I'll be able to do it just this way once oh wait we can't actually make this without Dash I can't believe I forgot that I should know from the second video that I ever did where I found this out myself but in that video I actually told myself the solution on how to get around this do a shade skip where eogo was like I said at the start I'm using no clip and I didn't actually do this shade skip however the shade skip that I showed was actually by a fan that helped me out in a video before now we just have to head through fungal corw and get to mantis claw now getting across these bits seems impossible without Dash but because of low percent runs I know this is possible all you have to do is poke on these guys' heads and I got quite far but in the end I just gave up and use no flip though it definitely is possible now I had mantis claw and still have killed zero bosses this was going well so far though the next part was the hardest now all I need to do was get to City of Tears obviously we can't go through City Crest or grother so I had no idea where to go grother not only gave access to C of tears but also gave access to Sly who gives you lumafly Lantern to get to gal Peaks and obviously I D to get there for C Dash unless I can somehow get isma's tear but we'll worry about that later right now I just need to get into city of Tears as of this moment I thought there were only two ways to get into city as I explained earlier however boom cat came in clutch he suggested getting pass from Deep Nest then going down to lower tram also in deep nest and going through to ancient Basin here I could just go up straight to City this was genius not only could pass get me to City of tears but I could also use it in Crossroads to get to resting grounds even though I could get there from Z of Tears anyways so now we know we can get dream now that's the next thing I need to do so let's head to deep Nest all I needed to find out now was where the pass was possible without Dash getting to the hot spring was easy but then the rest I wasn't so sure about however it was actually surprisingly easy mtis claw came in clutch helping me so much with ARs You' usually be expected to use Dash [Music] eventually I'd manag to get pass without Dash so I headed straight to Crossroads to go get dream [Music] now obviously we can't go under resting grounds to get to City of Tears because well we need dive so luckily the lower option was there to get [Music] there however the parkour from ancient Basin to City of Tears did not go as well as planned I had already come across a part that I wasn't sure was POS oh okay then I came across another jump that was surely impo oh okay well this one's definitely definitely impossible okay we can just go up the left Flo well surely okay po okay yeah okay this was pretty easy I was just being really stupid now we're into city of tears and have dream now we can go get watch I so that's exactly what I did though of course this run isn't about actually doing it so I'm not going to fight them I do already know I can do this though asz in my second ever video I beat the watch kns without Dash any of these on the last watch Knight I was down to one heart I was going to beat the Watcher Knights yes I had done it I had beaten the Watcher Knights without dashing and with the only gear I had so now the Watcher kns were ticked off as the first boss on our list and now we had dream now getting to Hera and monomon shouldn't be too hard but then I remember to get to monomon we need Crystal Dash which is got from Crystal Peaks and to get in there obviously we need lumafly Lantern because we can't get died from soulmy this Raptor did suggest that we just don't use lumafly Lantern and memorize this room but you can't actually buy the toll if you don't have lumafly Lantern so we're going to need it anyways so how do we get lumafly Lantern but then stylish Raptor reminded me that we're now in city of Tears so we can just go up to resting grounds and we'll be underneath it then through Blue Lake and we'll get to Sly and round grandmother without having to kill her so then all I had to do was Farm to Lum fly Lantern which I use for cheats here but obviously it's possible and now we we had lumafly Lantern so I headed off to Crystal Peaks now all I have to do is get straight to C Dash which I know is possible without Dash because most of the time you're just going upwards once we get C Dash not having Dash shouldn't be a problem for getting to Hera or one one as well we have a longer version of the dash so the rest of the game should be possible with the only three bosses but there's only one way to find out you're also probably wondering if the parkour to C Dash is actually possible without Dash but it is and I found that out after making my dashless video after someone told me you can do this fial skip here which is the only part where Dash was needed so now we had Crystal Heart the only thing left to do now is head for the dreamers and after one-shotting the acid [Music] skip I headed down F Canyon to teachers archives now we were here we could easily get through with Crystal Dash and get to umu umu fight was not hard at all of course I didn't do it it but I know without Dash this fight shouldn't be too hard so now umu is gone that's two bosses down and hopefully only one left to go which is the final Hollow night boss the first we need Hera and I don't know if that's possible without dash yet but we'll see [Music] wait a second is this possible any one way to find out and finally I'd reached Hara without using Dash once now the only thing left was the hollow Knight and I knew that getting to him was easy easily possible without Dash though fighting one the other hand was not going to be so easy luckily I'm not doing that in this Challenge and now I know that you can beat the whole game with only three bosses watch your night's umu and the hollow Knight if you guys want to actually see me try this challenge then let me know because in this video obviously I cheated out a lot of the things I really hope you guys enjoy this video and I'll see you guys in the next one also make sure to subscribe I really want to get to 10,000 subscribers goodbye
Channel: Masker
Views: 108,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZaSPekvaxy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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