Making Fire In The Rain Using Natural Materials

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welcome to survival theory today we're going to look at building a fire in the rain first thing I'm going to want to do is find some way or checked any small flame I get going well let's get busy it's been raining for about a week everything is pretty much soaking wet on the ground which I can find like be able to find some beautiful fats found a place but I want to get alright shut this fallen tree somewhat does give me a little bit of work area now to find some fat food I'll use this for a baton dry in there let's soaking wet soaking wet and fill the bugs have to try for another piece outer part is rotten put it a little bit dry it's a pretty good pretty good fatwood they're a lot of orange in it definitely got the smell hopefully this will work there's not much daylight left so I really need to get a fire going see if I can shave some of this fat would well my hands are kind of getting it wet now I used to flatten my blade try to get some shade scrapings in dark I don't know if you can see that but getting a little bit of shavings off there I'm gonna cover that up try to find some small yo pond twigs that will dry very very quickly and catch on fire so get busy with that alright I was able to find some yo pond it's not too saturated some of the tiny ones under this log we're actually dry the question is can i light this fat wood but before I like that I really need to get some small slivers for sustainability well these knots really don't want to split these little pieces are already getting wet all right running out of time I want to see if I can get this started dripping off my hair alright so I'll get my Ferro rod I try to like this small bundle we've got some other pieces here I've got the twigs everything is getting wet so I better get busy there's my chance I gotta start getting this stuff dried out as quickly as possible you lean to to get these pieces going and actually getting more shavings as I go one good drop mess it up and I'm still feathering putting more material on there till these larger pieces catch still feathering just to make sure everything catches all right I'm kind of fairly confident now put these sticks on here actually I'm gonna wait a moment make sure those are well lit here we I'm gonna go ahead and move this bark but keep it handy cuz I'm gonna put the fire on top of that move it to another location all right so I've got over here at the pine bark it's not a very sustainable fire but I'll get it going some more pine now this would it's not the best but it will keep the flame going it's almost dry wet there use the dust here's what I want this heart right here [Laughter] his hearts got some good wood in there oh yeah so I've got a fire that somewhat sustained I'm definitely gonna have to gather small twigs this yo pond offers a lot of small twigs that even though they're wet they'll dry very quickly and start to burn I can start to work my way up on this stuff hopefully will dry very quickly cuz it is soaking wet now I'm coming back to the fire every chance I get to add wood because it's wet and it needs to start drying out and again I'll keep adding small sticks down in their sticks that can dry it quickly and keep the flames going drying out these larger ones log-cabin here didn't I when everything is wet like this let's dry on the inside there takes a little maintenance keep everything going now the rain has let up a little bit to just a sprinkle but I've got enough coals there enough flame and heat I've got these bigger pieces catching twigs are drying out catching the largest stuff on fire so we've got a sustainable fire now well we made a sustainable fire in the rain things worked out I was able to get some fat wood and build a shelter to protect the material from the rain so I'm good to go well thanks for watching this viable theory please share like subscribe and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Survival Theory
Views: 631,745
Rating: 4.8723493 out of 5
Keywords: survival, building a fire, making fire in the rain, fire building, survival theory, survival snake, camping, hiking, wrol, SHTF, wilderness survival, building a fire 2018, fatwood, firestick, fire in wet conditions, fire with natural materials, fire with fatwood, bushcraft, primitive skills, ferro rod, lighting a fire, ferro rod 2018, apocalypse, outdoor skills, fire in rainy conditions, survival fire
Id: N3KsbS60pEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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