Making Fiberglass Door Panels | EXO's Custom Car Audio Speaker Pod Tutorial For 2 10" & 6" Pods

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what's up YouTube Ulis EXO all excited today to start the big install video for the door panels man I even waiting to get my hands dirty with this particular project and today is the day can't wait my first set in fact it's going to be completely custom what you're seeing right here is only going to be our template to trace out and do a whole new whole new door panel we're going to make new ones out of this three quarter inch add the step-up rings make a little enclosure in there get it all sealed up with a fiber glass which we've got right there I'm gonna figure out which way to flood it so it's the most logical way to save wood so here we go guys without friggin bore on you anymore let's get into these custom door panels two tens and two sixes and potentially a set of tweeters in there but I might just keep me from my a-pillars if you know what I'm saying all right well there it is everybody cut out all the areas where it made it uneven for the door panel and she's mocking up just fine now before I get into the second one I figured I'd give you guys a little brief update it's like 11:30 at night right now but he'll this is what it's looking like one sheet a 3/4 inch burst all mopped up here's the second one right here just a quick little update I'm gonna go ahead and put the tripod down and get in this fast motion much like you guys like you alright guys well there she is sitting pretty granted it's only hauled in by two screws right now what this will allow me to at least get some circles drawn for where I'm gonna plot out my speakers so I'm gonna get sit I'm gonna sit my ass right down in here really and start to plan out where I'm going to be putting my speakers now I'd like to have my tents located about right here so I'm gonna force myself into doing you know that even if I have to remove some stuff and then the six is right here right next to my face so let's go ahead and start getting the circles drawn we got some of the Rings we got the Rings right there so let's do this I went ahead and screwed these two together so it'll be a lot easier you know to mess around with blotting it out on this here piece of wood so this damn like ah sorry I'm not gonna get frustrated I'm just trying to get this on film and it's frustrating so I've already drained then done my lines right down there I marked out where it's gonna have to be all around the edges and then to make it correspond with the other circle because obviously that means nothing in correlation to this because it could be over here over there over there and it would still line up down there so I marked the center of the circle right there with where I needed to mark up right up here son of a hole the kodak zi8 have a flip macro and it's hard to do it so right there as you can see circle centre lines up with this line right here so it'll be sitting in like that right next to me right like that and then with the sixes I did the same thing which they're already inside I got to go get them like I gotta go get them right here one's gonna be right here the other is gonna be right here so my arm my arm whatever there's gonna be like chillin up here whenever I have it next to the window and the sixes will be you know right below it so it'll be kind of chillin like this that's how that's going to work out all right let's go ahead and get back inside and show you what I did here because I still got to connect some of these we've got the Rings for the mid drivers all set rein it dry or he's going to let them sit here for a little bit and in the meantime we're going to kill two birds with one stone go out here to the expedition and run all the speaker wires that need to be going from the front to the back unfortunately one step ahead of the game actually got some hosing over here it's pretty thick but yet very flimsy and you can fish it right through with ease that would have taken me a lot longer to do by hand to fish through this hole and then tap through right there well this makes it ten times easier so we're just going to keep on pulling this through until we see the water come ah how long through come on baby you know you wanna go through that hole there you go and it should come right out there it is just like that they'll be able to run it through that booty into the door panel and hook up our speaker school and there we go a freaking seamless right job right through the boutique into the door panels it'll take care of my six and a half's and my tens I'm gonna be mounting all the tweeters right here in the a-pillar just because I feel personally I feel if that sounds better you know that's my own preference there I had to put my camera down and get focused and get those wires through this booty it was very frustrating and I ended up you know doing it without having to cut anything turn the macaron all the wires are right in through there just approved to let me see if I can skip you can see it check that out it'll go right in I'll probably zip tie em nice together make them all look nice and neat for the door panel that will go on soon so let's shift gears into the next side and see if we have enough wire here from audio technics big thanks to Coleman Bettinger for sending me over this wire for 20 bucks can't beat it it's friggin awesome got some eight gauge as well all right I'm gonna try my hardest here and show you guys what I'm doing this is gonna suck but try to pay attention in there I'm fishing through this little through the booty here oh yeah ah there it is you see it coming through the barn ah next thing I know I look down at my hand what the hell I even realized I had a cut there duct tape nature's band-aid okay now that we know where the speakers are gonna go we can go ahead and take this off and start placing the Rings where they're going to be permanently mounted with some step-ups with two by fours and other various pieces of wood to make it the height that it needs to be both to where I want it to be up here and then both where it has to be down there to fit between the seats okay back in the woodshed here we got the jigsaw already gonna go ahead and cut the platform that I need to step up my rings there in the needed places and then call it good from there because this is only gonna take about 20 minutes and it's already about freakin 1:00 a.m. so I'm gonna get this done and let's see how she turns out everybody coming back at you friggin burnt out my battery had smoke sizzling out of it this is where to end up looking like we got everything all mocked up looking real nice around the edges got everything all rounded over now we're almost ready to get to glass in here which we're going to be pulling fabric all across here coming down to here and then going flat down all around to the edges of the wood in the end I'm gonna have some flexin on this it's going to looking pretty damn good so it's just giving you guys a little brief update sorry I couldn't get the whole thing on film but basically just cut those really hard doing work and filming and doing videos all at the same time it's really like doing stuff like this it's a lot of work thanks for watching the videos and let's see what we can pull up together my my you you you my all right we got both panels off pretty much mocked up but now we got to focus our attention down into these switches now you know we made a whole new door panel so the stock switch holder was not going to work for this we're gonna have to make ourselves a little custom one so I'm going to go in sand off all the areas that's not gonna make it flush all right we got our all sanded down that way we can slip it right into the housing you my okay we got the air sander here now we're going to target all the areas that will be noticeable once we start wrapping it and then fiberglass it so corners like that corners like this and we're going to round these off of it's alright we're gonna round these off with an air saw like you saw on the other one and then sand that up too that way there won't be any blocks in the way of our upholstery there there she is sitting pretty right next to the other one left and right all taken care of now it's just a matter of getting our little Mickey Mouse fabric which is somewhere around here I don't know what right there we're gonna pick up just little Mickey Mouse fella we got this upholstery at Willis beber just that Walmart at the fabric section we're going to go ahead and tack it on one side pull it to the other and then gradually tension up all the loose fabric to where we can staple it on to the key areas and make it look like a door panel you you well there she is ladies and gentlemen two coats of Rezanov 52 dippity shining in the sunlight real good Miki's all happy about it the contours are looking nice and it's real thick but it's very hard and now we're just going to wait for this coat to dry and then we're going to be able to sand it out put some bundle in the needed areas like right there maybe a little bit just to round it off so I'm getting real excited guy just coming down to the wire alright - she's looking good we got the layer of fiberglass smack down there and make your X strong we got the Mar glass from Everclear that's the kind of the green tint that you're seeing they're still kind of wet got shiny gloss going on out to you so it'll probably dry in no time it's looking real good so I'll let you guys know when she's all dried up you're getting stronger and stronger by a second there they are guys first to the door panels looking pretty good if he asked me I'm really proud with the way they turned up took me about a week from start to finish and the videos in massive 23 gigabytes ended down to about 1.2 in two days so if you like this video go ahead and click the thumbs up and subscribe to stay tuned for the rest of the bill coming up real soon and until then this egg so signing out eyes are hurting from editing so much I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: EXOcontralto
Views: 474,996
Rating: 4.8956265 out of 5
Keywords: EXOcontralto, EXOabigdeal, car, audio, sound, system, build, door, panel, panels, stands, pod, ring, pods, speaker, rings, kick, speakers, tutorial, 6s, how, to, grill, bass, 10, subwoofers, loud, crescendo, woofer, mid, pwx, 10s, inch, jam, flush, ft1, tweeter, woofers, mount, sub, cover, wire, through, building, wiring, body, box, making, best, make, loudest, paint, grills, boxes, custom, trick, fiberglass, enclosure, mat, fabric, parts, subwoofer, run, bondo, molds, resin, tweeters, ever, fleece, wrap, kitty, hair, a pillar, exo, contralto, 2012, running
Id: -PpRMMok-5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2012
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