Making Even More of Your Games DRM-Free, Goldberg Emulator

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so after much toil and trial and error and messing with things um I think I've kind of figured out I haven't tried any of the other builds but Goldberg emulator this is basically a program that in essence acts as a shim to some games that expect like steam as a dependency or as their method of DRM and it kind of stands in there and like prevents the game from running steam basically right from the get-go so if you remember in some of the previous videos where like steam would run almost immediately by default again this is kind of one of those hit and miss things some games are still going to error out others won't some may give you warnings and so on so this is what the git lab page looks like it's Mr IO um Goldberg underscore emulator if we go to the base I mean yeah it redirects you to The Goldberg emulator so either way so you can download like the latest builds for it and it'll give you this and that is basically this build right here anyway pretty much so that's what it directs you to and this build includes everything for Linux and windows so when you get it it'll basically be a zip folder Goldberg land steam emu and so you've got debugs experimental so these experimental ones are basically cut off everything so that it's exclusively LAN Network traffic that it's looking for and filtering and allowing again so yeah it's basically a firewall that blocks anything outside of the Lan Network so that you can play Steam games on multiplayer on your Lan as a big LAN party the Linux one basically you've got oh 32-bit and 64-bit kind of make sure that you have the right one for the right library and you will replace it basically so you'll see it's you're replacing that so I would recommend like renaming the original so that you've still got it backed up just in case but then you just copy and paste this slip steam API in Steam in place I'd copy both of them over in case like even if you've only got like lib steam API I'd copy the steam client to Esso over just in case and then more often than not you're going to need to have a steam app ID dot txt which is what this is for you just copy this rename it like it says and edit it with the game ID oh a lot of games do require this in order to run because some games will run Steam anyway in spite of having the new himmed libraries in place in spite of them being there it'll still run Steam to get that app ID or whatever once you put that there quite a few games actually don't go and run Steam right from the get-go so you've got Lobby connect there um and their read meets for everything so it's like documented throughout it source code bundle steam settings this can be very helpful for certain settings that you want or enabled DLC as well um some games will not enable DLC so some of these you may need the readme kind of goes into depth about this so yeah it's kind of gives you all the documentation that you need depending on if it's older or not you may need to put the dlc.txt in to enable certain IDs and then the games will run fine some games may need this like oh eu4 or Stellaris in order or ck2 which I haven't gotten to run even with this shimmed in and then the interfaces kind of tells it different things too so that that's kind of the folder structure that you get you do have various tools that come along with it okay so yeah it'll generate a so this allows you to generate interfaces for your game if you've got the original dll it'll read them and generate that txt for you but yeah those are your settings um one thing that it's going to do once you run it at first video downloader why is it will create a Goldberg steam AMU saves folder and so in here you've got various saves that it's going to have but the settings folder is the One You're Gonna probably be more interested in because you've got your account name it'll set the company for the interface you've got the language of course and then the port it's listening on and then the steam user ID these are important for like multiplayer things particularly if you're running like multiple instances of it there are tools out there for running like split screen stuff using multiple instances of the same game and you've got to emulate different accounts and steam user IDs on the same machine in order to get them to work because you can't connect with the same ID to a server so that's kind of the layout of the whole thing so the next thing is actually getting your games to run so there are there are a number variety of games so some games may not have those Library files as I indicated before so if I go down to monster sanctuary if you remember in my previous video about DRM free stuff oh monster Sanctuary never had a steam app ID in it a steam client or a libsteam API in it so what this allows it to do is if it doesn't find those in the current working directory apparently what it does is it runs Steam from the get-go if you recall from last time when it looked like the game ran fine but then it pulled up steam now when I run it what happens so now it doesn't run Steam anymore but I do not have a functionality of continuing from a save game that from before that's within Steam so if I were to start a new game I could go in here and I pick foreign so when I start a new game skip all that Bonk Eagles fine skip all that and then I can save and quit and then exit and then let us go back and check our Pi doesn't save that there interesting um so I'm not sure where it saves that stuff let me go back in foreign it might save it in a separate directory because it's running without steemit place so that's what I'm going to assume currently so it does keep the safe so it's probably got somewhere in the home folder that saves it but I'm not looking for that right now so monster Sanctuary runs without steam in place um if you remember my industry um I have the lib steam API dot which is the original lib steam one and then it's got lib Steamworks which is basically the Steamworks Java library that they're using for this and then I've got steam client here and then the Steam app ID um so yeah so it'll error out on like steam but it comes up with the game and it actually doesn't kick me out so instead of like running steam it just like ah we can't do this there's some things that won't work and then I can go into campaign and it runs just fine so I quit and that's fine and dandy some games I've still run into issues with so like Metro did I add okay so it already has a steam app id.txt here oh but Metro still runs steam in the background for some reason and there are probably some other configurations that I haven't looked into which is where more experimentation comes into play oh so for games that are windows games on Linux I found some of them are still hit and misses so Skyrim crashes straight up but my summer car when I I found that when I run that it so it has some of the stuff that's different but I can go into the game and I can still play it so before I think it had problems I don't remember exactly but it runs just fine and it doesn't use the steam save to do stuff um music is not exactly imported but you know what that's okay I can go into new game last name come on yeah I could change that if I really wanted to but I'm not going to right now Perma death no permadeath um granted blah blah blah Grant Turf blah blah blah blah and then we can go begin so I know so far I've shown once that have worked so far yeah we'll just give it a second before I can like get out and then bye [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you come on boy you're killing me to me [Music] nice filter effect I like it anyway yes I'm sure anyway so that that's an option you know um so there are some games that I haven't quite tested oh and some games that get kind of weird so let's see which ones did not quite work with this there were some I can't remember which ones that complained about not having access to steam API when I did it that one see I think part of Skyrim's problem was something else other than the steam libraries blah blah blah [Music] might have been since of a solar Empire but that messes with my oh stuff as well oh wait maybe it was so since the solar Empire when I tried running the launcher it oh complained that I didn't own the game apparently and then oh that it couldn't connect to something so some games will still complain that it can't connect to the steam API but that may be due to certain interfaces not being able to run oh okay so let's go back to Metro actually because that one was a case of this might be a case of interfaces but so give it a second to scroll on the screen so see it still has to run Steam for some reason I don't know if it's something to do with the app ID txt or what foreign [Music] [Music] we're gonna pull out the big guns kill it foreign oh I need to quit steam so it runs Steam and runtime so not everything seems to work like I said oh some things do work quite well though which is cool when it does so what we do um one example is factorio so when I ran factorio and so it's got an interesting struck here so you've got your libraries here and then your bin here so like I said you drop it in the current working directory and then after that you run it so those are basically the base three files if you're running Linux native games that I would drop in make sure it's like either the right 64-bit or 32-bit as necessary if you're using a file manager like LF it will tell you that but then it'll complain that it couldn't initialize a steam API and run anyway and so then you can still play your game so you can new game blah a lot of the steam stuff won't work but for games like factorio you still got access to mods and whatnot the other so yeah I think there was one more that I was thinking about so and then again remember some games are not gonna have that oh DRM all the time so some games are going to naturally like just be like oh you got this but that's okay like rise to ruins okay [Music] so it comes up with this don't believe in DRM again this is one of those DRM things and with companies that Implement steam as a soft DRM Goldberg kind of helps remove some of that layering but there's still some tweaking that you have to do Goldberg is of course open source which means that it is updated on occasions so yeah I'd recommend Goldberg for like those games that are a little bit more picky but again it takes some tweaking to do if you enjoyed the video then like comment subscribe feed the algorithm boost the video up share this video with your friends if you found it informative or you just want to chat I've got plenty of places in the description Discord gilded and what have you check those out and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Nephitejnf
Views: 35,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam games, steam free games, steam drm free games, goldberg emulator, goldberg emulator linux, linux gaming, drm free gaming, gaming on linux, remove steam drm, drm free games
Id: c471q3VS2Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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