How to play pirated games on Linux

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hello everybody this is me Gabrielle and today I'm going to teach you how to play those those quacked games right those games guys uh just so you know this video is completely for education purposes so nothing that I'll show you here is to like incentivize piracy or anything like that I'm just doing this to show you how you could do this if you wanted and it's just a possibility and of course I own the game that I'm going to show you today just so you know I kind of have the right to do this because I actually bought the game so yeah you get it right so in this case I'm going to uh play a game called it takes to I already uh beat that game I was playing it with my girlfriend and I just downloaded it because it was not such a heavy game and I can show you so there are a lot of ways to do this uh you could add the game on Steam you could use lutus and in my case I kind of prefer to use heroic games launcher cuz I had the most luck with uh using this one you can go to their website and there's a very cool website here y y but I prefer to just come here to GitHub and download the RPM because I'm using Fedora so download the RPM they also have uh oh I already downloaded it okay let's install it I also um you could also download the flat pack that there is in the store automatically you don't have to kind of download this but for some reason I just cannot get it to work on the flatback version I have to use RPM and by the way just a heads up if you're not being able to open the game or if the wine prefix or something is kind of buggy you can just do sudo dnf install wine and it you can install it like this and it will probably work so now let's open this and you can close this so the first thing you need to do is to come here to wind manager and you're going to reload this so you it shows you the latest version just download the latest version of y g it it kind of explains you this because I didn't understand what this meant but Y is the one that you should use outside Steam and if you want another version of proton inside steam you should use proton G in some specific cases proton G can actually work better outside steam but it's like not the case most of the time so yeah anyways uh let me just show you something I have the game in my SSD here it's it takes two so we're going to come here to library and we don't need to log into anything uh that's what I think it's really cool about this uh it also takes the image automatically so it takes two if you type this here and exit this it's going to search for it automatically hey and it's actually really beautiful here it kind of looks like a an official game you know uh so let's come here to show why settings you should configure this uh to be the Y latest and now we're going to select the executable so other places we're going to go to it tak2 it's not binaries wi64 it Tak 2.exe if you're like playing some sort of Gog game you can run the installer first and then you select another executable but in my case it's a portable game so just do it like that and let's play finish and play if everything works as intended it should open the game but if it doesn't open the game it's because it's missing a specific Library probably it will not open right now yeah it wait yeah it worked actually it just worked um okay I was going to show you if it didn't work I was going to show you something but I'm going to show you just like let's just open the game first so I can show you that it's actually working fine and everything so yeah continue continue continue whatever no and yeah it's working pretty pretty pretty well so let's quit the game and in in your case if it doesn't open it's because it's missing a specific Library which is the Microsoft uh Visual Studio redistributable I never know how to pronounce that so what you need to do is to just uh click on the options of the game and you're going to go to win Trix yep uh open the win Trix GUI and you're going to go to select the default prefix yeah whatever I don't care yeah so now you're going to install a d dll and you're going to scroll down all the way to VC run 2022 and install this so This actually includes all the other um Visual Studio redistributables from the other years so just install the latest one like in my case it's 2022 and you know now you can just press cancel cancel and close this you can see that it installed yeah um but in my case it worked without this so I didn't even need to install it I tested a bunch of games doing this and for me was the best way to play the games I actually got it also working with like Steam and even lutrus but lutrus is in my opinion kind of too complicated and steam has a weird bug that if you play a game like a in this case a pirated game of course in Steam sometimes the like the cuts scenes will not work because they need a specific codeck and in this case it works on heroic games launcher so I don't know why that happens but for me the best way to make this work was always with hero games launcher I played a bunch of games like this and of course uh anyways uh you should buy the games after you play them or at least contribute in some way uh in my case I'm living in a country where like uh laws regarding piracy are more relaxed we don't care too much about it that's why I even downloaded this game to show you because I already played it officially of course and now I download it just to like just to show you how you could do this but anyways don't pirate games uh piracy is illegal in some countries and I'm not incentivizing piracy in any way possible okay anyways thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope it was helpful for you and see you next time goodbye
Channel: Gabriel's Lab
Views: 7,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, gnu, desktop, laptop, games, gaming, pirated, quacked, steam deck, it takes two, piracy, discussion, learning, windows, macos, hackintosh, gabriel, gabriels lab, pirate, pirata, piratas, ubuntu, fedora, arch, mint, kubuntu, kde, gnome, wayland
Id: Oqatqp4fjmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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