Making Connections between Texts || GRADE 9 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 2 | MODULE 1

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time check it's English [Music] o' [Music] englisher I made learning English easy for you please like comment and subscribe hello grade n it's the start of quarter [Music] 2 our Target most essential learning competency for this video is make connections between text to particular social issues concerned s or dispositions in real life reading comprehension is a valuable skill to develop in improving communication how you are able to relate yourself to the materials you are exposed to affects your understanding of their contents and themes in this lesson you will learn how to make connections between text to particular issues concerns and dispositions in life reading materials like poems novels and short stories portray particular themes and meanings by understanding their elements we can say that they create significant connections to our personal experiences and to the world we live in you might not have noticed but your previous experiences knowledge emotion and understanding affect what and how you learn that is according to Harvey and godv in 2000 called the schema your background knowledge and experiences actually help you make sense and meaning of the material you are exposed to learning how to access this prior knowledge experiences emotions and opinions can help you make a connection to the Tex text to help you understand Concepts better K and Zimmerman in 1997 as cited in Kardash 2004 concluded that students like you comprehend better when you make different kinds of connections these three connections include the following text to self text to text and text to world let's begin with text to self connections text to self connections are actually personal connections that you make between yourself and the selection you are dealing with previous experiences emotions or opinions may be similar to the ones present in the material here are the following questions to ponder or ask what does this remind me of in my life how is this similar to my life how is this different from my life has something like this ever happened to me how does this relate to my life what were my feelings when I read [Music] this let's proceed to texttext connections these are connections where you relate one material to another that you have read or have already come across text might be from a similar author same theme or topic same genra and the like here are the questions to ponder or ask what does this remind me of in another book I have read how is this text similar to other things I have read how is this different from other books I have read have I read about something like the before and lastly text to world connections these are the larger connections that a reader brings to a reading situation including our perception of the world which might vary since we have various sources of learning things Beyond personal experiences such as television radio magazines articles movies and others here here are the following questions to ponder or ask what does this remind me of in the real world how is this text similar to things happening in real world how is this different from things happening in real world how does this part relate to the world around [Music] me how you relate yourself to the character of Cinderella is text to self connection the way to compare the theme of Cinderella to princess Sarah is texttext connection relating real life issues and scenarios to things read from this fairy tale is text to world [Music] connection using this sample Community Connection reading response graphic organizer you will be able to craft connections between the text and the world in addition it is suggested that as you read you make annotations for you to remember and Associate your experiences to those presented in any text annotating is to make marks on the text here is an example of how a student used simple symbols and or annotations to note significant elements from the poem crossing the bar by Alfred Lord Tennyson it is not simply highlighting appealing words or sentences though you will most likely end up highlighting the entire selection it is a purposeful strategy to help you comprehend what you are reading on a deeper level than if you were to just read it straight through it is an excellent way to deconstruct the text into meaningful pieces for better understanding in its main goal is to make connections between what you already know about practically anything and the world around you there are four major benefits of annotating according to aedo in 2017 a it makes you more engaged on the material B it slows your reading that helps you to focus on details and have better retention and comprehension C it helps you process what you are reading and D it records textual evidence for later reference you may even note your questions for further research aedo added that the following annotation strategies may be used first Circle any unfamiliar words then look them up and and write down the definition two use question marks to indicate areas of uncertainty three use stars to indicate anything that seems important such as themes symbols for shadowing and others four use exclamation points to indicate something dramatic or a key turning point five Circle or Mark somehow character names anytime they are introduced for the first time six keep a list somewhere maybe on the inside cover of all the characters and their traits and to this list as new characters are introduced or as you learn more about existing characters seven write your notes in the margins that is the best method on sticky notes decent method or in a separate notebook least favorable method eight paraphrase or Summarize each chapter after you finish reading it you only need a few sentences to do this write them down at the beginning or end of the chapter nine write down any questions you have about the text either questions you are willing to wait to find out the answer as you read further or questions you want to bring up to your teacher in class the next day 10 use a colorcoded system if that type of thing appeals to you and 11 give its chapter a title so after you finish reading each chapter go back to its title page and give it a [Music] title so did you learn something today sure bed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn English in a light speed on notification [Music] button English teacher class dismissed [Music] see the
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Id: tcaAhyu6bPY
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Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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