MAKING ART WITH PATTERNS AND CALLIGRAPHY?! | Mystery Art Box | Scrawrlbox Unboxing

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Hello, welcome. Today we're going to be going through yet another ScrawlrBox. This is a UK-based art subscription service. Today we're going to be digging inside and uh, making something with the contents. 🎵 [Package rips] I've been really digging the packaging lately. It just feels like a lot of attention and care went into it and I [long sniff] appreciate that. Anyway, let's see what's in here. It's very square. Just open up the paper towel. Paper towel!? Paper tissue. Whoa! I 'm seeing a lot of colors! [Gasps] Oh, I thought it was a warhead and I was like [slurps excitedly] It's not! It is a Uncle Joe's mint ball. I'm guessing a UK candy because I've never seen it but I like his top hat. We have the ScrawlrBox sticker. I think this is the October box. It's really pretty and I love the warm fall tone. Here we have the menu listing the art supplies that are inside this box and then we have the art supplies! I love just seeing a little rainbow, can't go wrong with the rainbow. What is this? Feels rubbery. Odd. Oh it's the Kuretake Food Twin Tip Marker. So it's got two ends, that looks like a brushed nib and that's like maybe a more flexible brush nib...? Let me read this. Oh, one side's just gray and one side is black. You can't really tell when you look at the nib because those are both very dark colors but when we swatch it you'll definitely see. We also have a pencil, this is the Koh -i-Noor Hardmuth 1860 in the tone B. We have a pen, this is the - Oh I've never heard of this, the Centrepen Liner 2811F. Interesting. Apparently supposed to be good for accuracy because it has a soft nib. Looks it like that. [Laughs] and now... for the rainbow! This is... Buh-buh-buh-buh! The Manuscript Califlex Creative, Cali flexi Creative. Flexible Italic brush tips. What is that word? Emponts? Oh, it's different language. [Inhales and breathes out in embarrassment] Dies in uncultured. So it has a ventilated cap, washable ink and 12 colors. So it has a chisel nib that's also flexible, so it's almost like a brushed chisel, that's very interesting to me. So it looks like it's used by a lot of maybe calligraphists... is that a word? a Calligra-fist. [Laughs] A calligraphy artist, maybe that's... more correct. Lettering artist, okay I guess that's what they're called. The Cali creative flexi markers. So you're supposed to read it that way. Oh I just ripped it but look at the colors! Oh what the heck, it's pad of paper...? Hmm. I love when it has their branding on it, I don't know what it is. I just really like it when it's all cohesive. Oh and then you have the Zine - Ii'm getting really distracted here. Look at the markers! They're kind of short. They look very cute. I like them, so you have black, gray, brown, purple, blue, teal, actually is this more like a - I don't know, this one could be teal. Anyway, green, magenta, yellow, orange, red, and if we take a look we can see that... flexible chisel nib. How interesting, I don't think - Oh whoa, it's super pointy! So like a chisel nib that I'm used to - So if you look at it, it's got that familiar chisel shape and then on the top it's like the same - How do I show you this? It's the same width throughout, whereas these manuscript pens - Oh black probably wasn't the right color, you can't really see, it's actually thinner at the tip of the chisel than at the base of the nib. Hopefully you can tell. [Laughs] Oh we have the print! Oh that is cool! Look at all the fun textures and lines, it's really cool. I love all the ink - intric, inter, intricacy, got it! So it's the artist known as Calligrapaint, very cool and you can see their social media right there. Where do you get the inspiration for these different lines and yet they look so good! I really like looking through these zines. Oh there's the artist! It's like a mixture of Arabic, Cyrillic, Latin and Kanji calligraphy. Oh yeah now that - Now that I know that, I can kind of see some familiar shapes. oOo, Tips on calligraphy. Doesn't have to be legible to be beautiful! Well then maybe we can achieve beauty today. To warm up try filling a page quickly with large and overlapping letters, don't think about it, pick a word and write it over and over and over again, as many ways as possible until the word isn't a word anymore and just a collection of lines. This is cool, this is like not like anything I've ever done before. I just love the colors of that! Okay so I'm going to start with that one thing they mentioned with warming up. Which was just writing the same word over and over again. I want to use this little pad of paper, Does say what this is? 140GSM cartridge paper and uh we'll just write the same word over and over again. I might go in rainbow order. What should we write? Well I've never used these yet, we haven't even swatched them! What do I write that's not too cheesy/ Try it. oooOoo! Okay that's not how you do this, right? Upstroke should be skinny, downstrokes should be big, there's like little tips on how to do calligraphy and things to try. Oh how do you do an S? Ah! Okay, not my strong suit but this pen does make it look cool anyway. I need to try these things too. What do these do? Kind of like outline it. I have like my way of handwriting that you know I've been doing for - Oh shoot they're wet. Oh shoot! [Giggles] But I have my way of handwriting that I've been doing you know for years and then trying to like think of letters in a completely different way is boggling the mind! Look, I have lowercase and uppercase. Woohoo, bad! I feel like that's a no-no. I wonder, there's no white gel pen or anything but I wonder if you can use like this gray for shading. Ooh that's dark. Such a good fruit. I don't know why I chose that word. 🎵 Gotta swatch them all. Swatch them all! Mmm-hmm-mmm. What about cursive? 🎵 Yeah, I know. [Giggles] I'm so good at it. 🎵 I forget that they're like still wet, after you put them down, you gotta wait for them to dry. Kind of remind me a little bit of like magic markers by Crayola... 🎵 In the way they apply, I don't know if that's an insult. I like the way the rainbow's getting more condensed. It'll be funny if I'm writing, like spelling this word wrong and I just wrote it this many times. That would be hilarious. Oh! This black is nice and bold. You know what this looks like? It looks like when you go to the store and there's like the sharpie section and they have a little piece of paper so you can write whatever you want, that's what this looks like. Now what? I feel like whenever there's like an art supply that I'm not familiar with, I get so much more... nervous...? I don't know that's probably a good thing...? I don't know. I think what's really frightening, isn't specifically the art supply but the like the very skinny paper. So I don't know if maybe I should just jump into my sketchbook. So that I don't have to be intimidated by that. I really like these designs. Oh they blend together! Huh! So if like I do that and then I grab like maybe the yellow one, blend that out again. Interesting because they dry so slowly you can blend them out, ponders the possibilities. I do think I will jump into the sketchbook though. I wonder if I should try to like incorporate something I'm more familiar with. Reach for the sketchbook. You know like characters and stuff like that. Oh no, what's this? That better come off my desk, okay, good. I don't know what it is! Oh it's probably from my hands! Yikes! Anyway, I feel like what might be smart is to like start with something that I'm familiar with, maybe perhaps a human person and see if I can somehow use like calligraphy in a way like, sort of like this owl but not exactly, you know? Try to find something that feels comfortable to me because what I like to do is try and find a way to incorporate new art mediums or art styles I guess into my own without being like untrue to myself, you know like I want to give the art supplies a fair shake but sometimes when it's your first time using something like, it's kind of hard to give it that fair chance because it is, there's so many different factors and like if you try to draw in a completely different style at the same time, you're not really giving it the fair shake because you're not experienced in drawing those objects either. So if you mix that with the new art supply, it can be very, very overwhelming. Gotta do a smile, yes please! More happiness in the world, thank you. I could do like some flowy hair. Try to find the arms in here. A little bit long maybe. Now my thought here, so try and just fill sections with patterns or something, you know, along those lines. This arm kind of competes with that hair, iI might change something [Laughs] but what, I don't know. So like if I look at the owl, there's specific lines that are important for the owl but then you know they're filled in with something else. Could I do something like that and then what colors do I use? Hmm? So many factors! What I might try first - how did he...? Like if you put down a line, can you go over that with one of these markers or does it bleed or do you have to do that afterwards? Look, it does bleed out, So line-art would go last. So it goes over pencil fine but then obviously you're not going to erase it once you go over it. Oh wait, what you can? What!? What is this magic Never experienced that. Huh. So maybe we should try that. Well. [Laughs] The pondering is real, um. Also the way these markers feel, it feels like the ones that are gonna start ripping up your paper if you layer them too much. So I don't want to go too crazy here. What happens if you like mix this with like an alcohol marker? I'm curious. oOo. Blend out that line. Oops I went right through the paper. Just thinking, I'm just thinking out loud. [Dog Barks] What's wrong? [Laughs] I should just experiment, I shouldn't let fear failure stop me from trying. Give her some clothes and then... go from there. Now, I'm gonna do something real silly here. I don't know, feels silly. And I'm gonna use the word of the object I'm coloring to fill it in. That make sense? So. I don't know we'll start with - What color do we want? Um, I don't know we can mix it up. We'll start with yellow because that seems like the easiest to layer on top of. If I so choose and we'll like fill in like here, I'll write the word hair, you get the idea? So like here I can do it again. Hair. [Laughs] I'll fill it in here too. Yellow's not the best option, I'm thinking 'cause I can't see it! And don't let two written the same orientation next to each other and make sure you can read the whole word. I guess. It sounds like a weird paint by number thing. [Laughs] Hair,, hair, hair. Fill in some of these smaller spaces that I can't fit the word because the nib's a little too big for that. Should I outline it in some way? This feels like a graphic design homework assignment. Let's give her a t-shirt. Could do like oversized so it gives more surface area. I'll tie it. I don't know if I'll be able to fit... words in here but we can try. I will do long sleeve under that. Oh shoot but I colored in this. Oh shoot. Well it's yellow, maybe we can, we can find a way. Let's do t-shirt and then maybe just shirt for these in a different color. What color do we want, we want to go rainbow all the way down. [Giggles] Is that a John Green book? Write t-shirt, i want to put one big one right here. So it's like written there. I'm really not taking advantage of the brush nature. We could try writing them in different ways, I don't know. I want to vary the size if possible. Ah I'm getting them too close together and you can't read it! I like this one, oh that one might be my favorite, I like the shape. I forgot the r in that one. [Laughs] You know what we could try do is fill this whole section in. Oh that's kind of cool. That might be cool to kind of do that in sections instead of the little pieces but we'll see. I do want to go over some of these important lines with the fineliner. Is that what I dropped on the ground? Oh, no, it's right here. This kind of wrinkle. Although I guess that kind of means you have to go over all the lines, doesn't it? It feels weird to not. Yeah? Is that an improvement? Alright next we need red, yellow, orange, red! It's hard to judge how long or big you need to make the letters to make it last the whole thing but I do like that idea of fitting the word to the shape, I feel like that looks kind of cool. Wow it looks so much better once you erase the pencil, it's like so clean. For the next part of the shirt we can go with red and I'll just write, well, the shirt's too close to t-shirt. Maybe sleeve, write sleeve. Oh I didn't leave enough room. [Giggles] That's a longer word. Ah! It's not working, here it should work. 🎵 That one's a little bit of a fail and that looks like an A for some reason. So the idea isn't foolproof but I mean, I think it still comes across. Now for the pants. Also we can like use the fineliner to add a little depth to some of these places. Make it look a little less flat because like the letters obviously are going to be very flat. So if we can help that out in any way that seems smart. This kind of looks cool, I just can't decide if it's like cool enough. I don't know, does that make sense? [Laughs] Alright we need the magenta! We'll do pants I guess. I want to follow this whole thigh, I think I can fit it, should I plan it out? [Laughs] Does that work? Then I just fill it in. 🎵 Pants. What I don't like about the big letters is it does leave... I feel like a lot of gap of white space whereas when you do it smaller it doesn't do that. I'm gonna go over it again just try to fill in some of the unnecessary parts. Widen up areas, make sure it follows the leg a bit more. Like here, I kind of went outside, oopsie. [Laughs] That doesn't look like a word! Pants. Am I spelling that wrong? How else would you spell it? [Giggles] Pants I didn't leave room for this hand, so i guess it's just going to go behind the hip but this hand fits. Throw that in there. Add a little depth where we can, especially back here since that legs in the background. I feel like we need some purple up at the top. We didn't really have room for green, we could put green in the background. [Laughs] Just write "background". Let's add in the line-art for the face. Oh I could have wrote eyebrow, missed opportunity, although I have not been able to write them that small so it's probably for the best. I think I could take some of the colors and just fill in some of the empty spaces even if it's not technically a word. Just so it doesn't look so empty. The yellow was a bit of a bust because I definitely can't read that. Okay, oh dude that was a bad idea! Eurgh! She looks like she's from the goofy movie! Where's my white gel pen? Save me! [Tapping] I did what I could do. So there, there was my idea. I think it definitely fits the theme and everything. I feel like I need to do something different. While I'm thinking i'ma just sketch because it's - I can't tell if it actually speeds up my brain or not. I know in like school I used to always doodle on the side of my page while they were talking and then if there was a note that needed made you went pew, pew, pew, note and then you're back like this and I don't know, I mean I did pretty well. [Sniggers] So maybe it helps me but if I'm talking at the same time it's not gonna help, I gotta... Think here, what can I do that includes letters but isn't like completely out of the comfort zone. 🎵 Not any closer to an idea. [Laughs] Maybe the drawing thing is too distracting. I kind of want to try and replicate something like this, I really, really like this. I wonder if I created like a gradient with these, if we just try to like recreate this, we don't have like the exact colors, I don't think but if I like - if we draw like a square. Right and we fill it all in with yellow. [Marker scribbling] Then we add in a little bit of orange like here and try to blend that out with the yellow. Upwards. Like they're not alcohol-based so they're not gonna be the best blendy. Actually, what if I just use my alcohol markers for the background. 🎵 Oh I'm destroying the chisel. Okay so that's not working. but we could probably still go over it with like some of these more neutral colors, kind of try to create some of these fun shapes. So there's like swirly ones like this with squares every once in a while. It looks like sometimes they're in pairs and um it kind of switches between colors. 🎵 Add in some interesting different shapes. It looks like eyes. Maybe back to the orange. And do the same thing. Now you don't really see that but you could probably do this over the yellow. 🎵 Yeah I don't think this is the same art supplies that were used for this. But there's my little uh, replication. [Laughs] Do something with the greens, I haven't used these. What do these even look like? Seems important to know. Blueir one and then the blue. Those are pretty. Oh! The problem is they're all very similar in tone, so they kind of compete with each other or value, I mean. So - Except for yellow, yellow just tends to be that way. So I mean I could try doing another yellow square. Maybe a little smaller this time and then use the greens and the blues on top of that. And just kind of create some fun shapes. Think about like letters. 🎵 Yeah, not as pretty. [Laughs] I think the varying the line widths is something that looks cool, too. And I like the little dots. Oh musical notes would have been cool. It's just occurring to me now. I'll switch to the last one maybe. It's kind of look the same over the yellow. Probably take the green and overlap some. Interesting. It's a kind of a cool pattern. I think this just looks too much like the letter "r" though. Is there a way to fix that maybe add a new squiggle. Alright, I like that better, that's kind of a cool geometric - Kind of looks very like a 70s t-shirt, well not, a 70s blouse or something. I want to try - The problem is yellow and maybe this green are the only ones that this works with because they're the lightest Okay green and magenta weren't the best options. Polka dots. How about some pokies. oooOooo! That kind of brings it together in a way. I like the layering. Some polka dots, polka dots. I really like that, okay, these patterns are really fun. Which one do I like the best? Oh that's really dark, we'll see what layers that well. Red and blue maybe. 🎵 Just drawing rando shapes. Ooh a mix of squares and circles. I like that one. So does this blue... (bleed through) ? Not really. I think a blue would look good on this. I'm gonna do the same basic patterns but it not overlapping perfectly. Make sure it circles and squares. Try to vary the widths of them and some are hollow and some are not. oooOoo I like that one, That one looks like one of those things you're supposed to like squint at until a shape pops out. Now what I gotta do is draw another person but then add one of these patterns on it instead of doing the like (stumbles on words) Why can I not speak? Calligraphy, I could see this working really well with Copic markers, too but I'm gonna stick with these. Let's draw a little bigger. Maybe we'll just focus on like one pattern on the shirt or a dress or something. 🎵 Oh, we could put a scarf in the hair or something. 🎵 Okay that looks like a pirate, I don't like that, [Laughs] Too much! What about a side profile? 🎵 I think can I fit like a scarf in here. Head, head scarf. What if it's like huge, so it like has all these like wrinkles. Maybe it comes overlapping here and then we can add that fun pattern. I might keep them bald. Still thinking it over. I like the idea of the huge knot and then the pieces back here. Something like this and then we learned we don't want to put the line-art down first. Which color scheme? I kind of like, kind of likin' this one except I want it more condensed. So let's color it in yellow, see what happens. 🎵 Before I add in the pattern. Okay, so I want, it was the two greens. They are these two. Let's layer this one first but I kind of want to follow that design or this one, I don't really care for that one. Now, I got to keep in mind which parts are overlapping. I like the mixture of squares and circles a little too. 🎵 Fill up the space. 🎵 I gotta remember this is just the first layer there's gonna be more on top of this. This makes sense? I feel like the knot's a little low, so it's kind of thrown off the shape a little but we're gonna go with it. Okay now we try not to overlap these exactly. We're having a little problem with the page ripping up underneath. I think it's because there was a pencil and then I erased and then I layered colors because like here it was ripping up but like because the pencil didn't go down first, it gave me a little more leeway, now we're having some issues. Trying to do like perpendicular to like whatever's there already. Does that look cool? does it? [Laughs] I don't know, I mean any kind of element of design always kind of looks cool with illustration. Very cool, very 70s, I feel like she needs like circle lenses, colored circle lenses. Maybe yellow or green or something. Kind of like that, does that work? Did it work? The fine pen, I don't recognize it because it's white, it looks like a white gel pen to me. Add in some line-art kind of give it a finished polished look. Add a little depth if I can. I guess the skin's just going to be paper. Interesting, we could add like a blue background, we could use this color. I should probably erase and see what's underneath here. It's a cool concept, I like the idea of using patterns. Uh the scarf looks a little bit more like laffy taffy than I intended. [Laughs] But it still looks cool. Actually, it looks like those tattoo fruit roll-ups. Do you remember those, where it would tattoo your tongue? That's what it reminds me of. [Giggles] Where to go from here, am I done? [Laughs] I don't know. I would like to add - Maybe use that black (stumbles) Why can't I talk? The black calligraphy pen and kind of outline our little squares. Kind of cool. I could also use this to add a bolder line around some of this to make this pop a little bit more. Make it or break it. [Laughs] I mean such a weird graphic kind of illustration that I think it helped but I won't bet money on it. [Laughs] I wonder if I could use like a gray design on this. 🎵 Like I don't want it to be like unappealing in the shapes, kind of have to keep in mind the structure of the body. 🎵 It kind of looks like a space outfit. [Laughs] Maybe add a color...? What happens if I layer a color on top of the gray, does it disappear? There, I still see it. Just give her blue hair then. While we're here. What about that other - This one, that dual wielding Kuretake, is this gray any lighter? I mean, I could do finer lines. I can't really do lighter lines, I was thinking if I could layer that, that would be cool. I'm gonna layer this in black. I love drawing in solid black. The coverage you get. And then I feel like it's only natural to take the fineliner and do the face. Just to make it pop a little bit more. 🎵 It's kind of cute, it's coming together. Oh and then we'll be able to erase the pencil that's underneath it and it's gonna look even cleaner! There's my hand, beautiful! 🎵 Might use a white gel pen for a little beret up here holding this piece of hair back because it just looks a little unnatural as it is. Oh I forgot this hand. Why do I keep doing that? See if I can [laughs] throw it in there last minute. There you go, there's a hand. This is cool, look at all the patterns we made! I really like when I try something new like it's the feeling... I hate trying something new but I like having tried something new, you understand? I'm sure you do, (sure you do) My favorite face of the day, too. Nice. Squares make this look kind of cool. 🎵 Make it look intentional. Nice. Nice! I like it. I forget how squishy it is because I'm like Oh it's just a chisel. So my brain thinks chisel and then I push hard and it gets huge! [Paper flapping] Stick that in there. Proud of myself for sticking with it. I feel like around here, I was like i have no idea what to do next but then I done something cool! [Chuckles] I gotta thank you guys for watching. I hope you enjoyed coming along with me as I tried a new art supply and uh, tried to find a way to use it that was still like true to myself, you know. Found something. It's actually - I don't know, I find it very hard to describe what I mean because like I'm trying to take something completely different than I normally do which is like what, calligraphy, and bring it in to something that I'm interested in, I guess. That's probably the best way to put it, maybe. Let me know what's the most recent new thing you've tried that really intimidated you at the beginning but you stuck through it. Thank you guys for watching and a big thank you to ScrawlrBox for sending this box my way to try out and share with you guys. I'll have a link in the description if you're interested in more information. I'll see you guys all next week and I hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles. Bye! 🎵 [Dishes Clatter]
Channel: DrawingWiffWaffles
Views: 626,646
Rating: 4.9615364 out of 5
Keywords: DrawingWiffWaffles, drawing, wiff, waffles, art, illustration, Scrawlrbox, Uk art supplies, mystery art box, mystery art supplies, art supplies unboxing, mystery unboxing, markers, calligraphy, rainbow, illo sketchbook, pens, pencils, brushpen, brush chisel, white gel pen, Scrawler Box, flexible chisel nib
Id: 8kuljfbLtF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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