I WANNA DRESS LIKE A PRINCESS! | Art with Sharpies | A Bunch of Every-Day Princess Outfit Designs

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Every so often there's little boxes in my way. So I have to move it and every time I do, I end up filming a video. Today is no different. It was in my way and just I don't know, something about the rainbow layout. It just inspires me. I use them very rarely just to label things. So it doesn't really make sense to hold on to them, but you know what, we're diving in, we're gonna make some art with them. I have three different types of sharpies. I have the ultra fine point, fine point and then some fabric brush markers. I used to have a wide black one, Ahha! I found it. That's a chisel tip Sharpie from the early 2000s probably. It feels really light, so it's probably empty. and I also found purple ones that I actually use more regularly. Anyway, like I mentioned I'm kind of inspired by the arrangement of the colors. So why don't I try and use one patch at a time. So let's start with the pinks Two of this really light pink. Two of these, two of these. This and that. And for our concept, I'm thinking along the lines of princess but hear me out! Princess is not exactly new and exciting here, but I have this one skirt that ends like right at my knee and whenever I wear it, I just - it's a little short for a princess skirt, but I feel like a princess and it makes me think maybe there's some way to dress like that on a day to day basis, so instead of just drawing straight up princessy designs. Why not try and normalize them and bring them into like something that could be more regularly seen in society, but also has a stays. Okay. I really want to draw stays. So that's what I'm gonna do. How many times am I gonna pick up and drop these markers? [Clatter] The world may never know! Basically like princess bounding because it's sort of like historical bounding but it's more inspired by like the way Disney Princesses are designed, so that they can you know go on adventures, and stuff like that. History bounding kind of takes a historical outfit, you know kind of like that sort of thing and they sort of just tone it down, so that you could wear it and still function. [Laughs] Basically, they keep the best parts of historical gowns and the knowledge that you can gain from studying them and apply them with newer techniques and less restrictive sizes, I guess. I don't know. It usually kind of comes down to like shortening skirts and sleeves and things like that. If you're interested in the topic, go look up some people that actually know what they're talking about, that would be my suggestion. [Laughs] But basically I want to do that but then also... Harness a little bit of that like Disney magic and in the end come up with something that like I would really like to wear. One of the most inspiring parts to me is... The stays I just love the texture of it and I was recently laughing at myself because I used to draw of corsets all the time, um but uh, you know what, it won me over again. I have a very specific look that I like. I don't like the ones that go like under the boobs or anything It's not - It's not my style. I like the ones that kind of come up here. I think it's more early 18th century. The style I'm talking about and like sometimes they have little extra bits. My goal here isn't historical accuracy, but something that I would love to wear, I guess. This is the, uh, the plan. If I had the guts, you know, to not wear jeans and a t-shirt out of the house. Basically, my skirt, if this is the knee, my skirt ends like right here and it's a skirt I actually made myself. So I double feel proud when I walk out the house. It's been forever since I've made any of my own clothes and I want to get back on that. I like the ones with the lace-up fronts, too, but I'm open to other suggestions. And basically when I mentioned like Disney Princesses, basically a team of Disney designers have sat down and done what I like. [Laughs] Taken history finagled a little bit of modern and then come out with like a nice cohesive design. So it's kind of what I'm talking about. So basically I'm takin' both the work that's already been done and this has inspired me and kind of like just stealing it you know. It's like one thing Disney has done is they've taken like these large poof's that are more historically accurate, you know like big... Big poof's and they've shrunken them down to just like shoulder size. So that, that gives our heroine more mobility. She can save herself. I'm thinking I do you want to pull the skirt down a little bit and that I think I'd be okay with. I feel comfortable in that but like another option would be to just like go mini skirt, and like - Let me see. Let me see what I'm thinking. So basically you got the character another way to like just modernize it and pull it a little bit away from even like the Disney Princess idea, would be to kind of give it maybe a cropped stays. Give it some normal straps maybe. Maybe buttons instead of laces. Maybe shorten the skirt, you know what'd be kind of cute, adding like - it's kind of like Wheelz's skirt. It's got like a pleat here, like the princess seams continue down. Make sure we give it princess seams. Oh yeah! We don't want to go like full gathered skirt 'cause that's just gonna have too much fabric and if the wind blows, you know what's gonna happen, okay. So this would be a nice summer sort of outfit. We can go with some classic Disney flats. [Laughs] So maybe we'll pull a little bit more of this into it and add the lace Another cute thing to add would be like a little shirt. The little poof's on it to go underneath. Then that kind of brings it into more of like a stays... Corset. We'll still keep it kind of cropped. Just like a little tiny bit of skin. Just somethin' like that. Not too much. I think what really takes it from being inspired from like peasant gowns of the 18th century to princess gowns is like embroidery and stuff and obviously like the fabrics that you choose will make a big difference, too. Oh man, I want a fashion line now. [Sniggers] And then if you're gonna be actually historically accurate they would have a shirt that goes over the stays. I don't remember what that's called, 'cause it's technically their underwear. Skipping that step. [Giggle] I think it would be cute because back in the day, they wore basically little purses that were pockets. Right about here, and then the skirt was tied around into sections, and then you tie up here. Buh-bu-ba-ba. And then they could reach between the two sections and get into the pocket, but why don't we just make a little pocket that we tie ourselves that can just sit on the top? That way we don't have to worry about carrying a purse or anything and it gives us pockets or we can obviously just give the skirt pockets. That's "sew" easy. I literally taught myself to sew to add pockets to things. It's pretty simple, you could do it. I have faith in you. So, yeah. Basically this would be like a really well... Embroidered pocket because they wear it every day. I like it. I would totally wear this out of the house right now. But I think I will elongate the skirt a bit, just 'cause that's kind of more what I'm looking for right now. Not only to draw but like, if I'm gonna make the skirt. Oh, but now it just looks to Rapunzely [Gasps] Maybe I just need to reevaluate why I'm uncomfortable with wearing something that maybe will look like a costume. Maybe it comes down to the colors, but obviously I'm gonna be using pink right now. So that's not something I'm gonna play with. but if you go with more neutral colors, it'll look like a more neutral outfit. Also, I gotta keep in mind. Rapunzel's outfit goes down to here, so. I'm still shortening it! {Laughs] For the actual one, we're gonna start actually using the sharpies. So like I set out here to do. I got a little distracted. I want to do it, like, without line-art and kind of a flat look. See how this outfit would look in action. You're not gonna end up seeing much of these legs. But they should help what I'm trying to create the flow of the skirt. Got a crop top but not to cropped Mmm diddly-um-Ssshh Start over with the skirt I think. We're just gonna.... We're just simplifying this a lot. I just want to color it at this point. There we go Heh heh We'll just make the skirt flowy to make it - To trick people to think there's something going on. Perceived motion. Mmm? We can also use the white of the paper. I think I'll let myself have that freebie! Alright. So let's erase first, so that the sharpies don't blend with the graphite. With my darkest ultra fine. Do the line on the eyes. So that I don't lose that, that's gonna get lost, if I'm not careful. Now I don't really want line art, So I'm not gonna outline everything. So maybe go with the less saturated one and we can maybe blend into the saturated one for cheeks That's gonna be my attempt here. Big fun ears Oh, perfect! I think I'm gonna use that line-art color for her hair We can actually use, since this one also has an ultra fine we can use that for a little bit of a hair fly-aways. Aw that really adds a little somethin', doesn't it? We're at the actual outfit and I have to decide on some colors that won't clash or blend in, we don't want either of those. I'm going to the undershirt white to just separate the colors and then give the corset some actual color Supersaturated Wowsers! Now, I do not want to leave that other stuff white. I could add stripes or something. Just like a pattern to keep it different from the rest of the skin. Grab that more saturated tone that I was using for accents on the skin and go ahead and - Oh, we could do polka dots or stripes. stripes is more common. So let's go stripes for now. I think when it comes to like normalizing an outfit like this for me, would be minimizing the lace. I'm not a really lacy person, but it is a princessy thing! Maybe the princess seam. So maybe for the skirt, just continue the color of her stays, corset thing. I don't know what you want to call it. Whatever! Just like a little pouch. So I think I'm gonna continue that fluorescent pink all the way down. Now, the problem with this one marker is it's not really the same formula because it's meant to draw on clothes. So it does create a bit of streaks, but it is also fluorescent which trade-off's. Add a little bit of embroidery and random designs at the bottom of this. Squiggles basically. I think in future I'm gonna try not to rely so much on the fabric markers because they're obviously not for paper. But I really like the other areas, the way the Sharpie looks it's just a fun texture and I wish I could implement it more into my art. So I'm gonna take full advantage of it while I've got it here. Move on to our next color. Which I guess I'm a little mix orange and yellow together. [Markers clatter on desk] I'm glad I'm including orange because I don't think there'd be any contrast without it. Alright, this time I want to pull a little bit more away from the princess, maybe go a little bit more modern. So we might shrink the skirt if need be. Also, orange just makes me think of pixie cuts. So we're going pixie! Let's just draw the character so I can throw the clothes on That's the only reason I draw people is to draw the clothes. Definitely don't think I like how much this does look like a Disney Princess already. One of the things is probably the color but the other thing is I really did take a lot of inspiration from it with like the stripes and the top and everything and the lace. So let's try to pull away from that just a smidge. Maybe modernize it a little more. Something I'm seeing a lot of in style lately is like laces on the top that tie. That seems princessy to me. I don't know. Let's do straight across tank top situation. Crop it right at the small of the waist. I think that's what looks most flattering on me and then we'll grab like a skirt. Actually, they make shorts that are very similar to skirts. I actually have a pair. So maybe we'll do that. So they kind of just look like shorts, but they also look like skirts and it's hard to tell which one they are and then they usually have hidden pockets in there. Okay, I basically own this outfit already. Let me try and [Laughs] Not in yellow though, that does not work really with my skin tone. [Laughs] Pull this up so I can pull the shorts even higher. I think we'll keep the lace up because I like that, with the princess seams and then maybe continue with the embroidery at the bottom. I think I'll just give her sneakers. I feel like that could add color to this one. I don't know what else I would change. So maybe these laces will be a different color than this Basically, this will be a strapless corset with like extra laces on top. It'll make it look a little bit more like underwear I feel like but oh well. The sacrifices we make! I feel like she needs some kind of apron but that'll hide the fact that they're shorts, so we'll just save that for another one. Let's just lightly erase that. Okay so since we have a lot of light colors and only one darker tone. I think I'll try to use that for the skin tone and then we can be really bright with the clothes maybe I dunno. You know, try something different this time. It might not work. That's what happens when you experiment. Feels really familiar for some reason. Have I done this before? Okay the light colored line-art doesn't quite pull it off I don't think I've been picturing really light pastel colors for the outfit the whole time, so I'll go ahead and do that. So that leaves us with this and this I think. Try yellow first 'cause I feel like I can go over this if I don't like it What if we color it sectional, is that interesting? hmm. I think that makes it look a little bit more modern. Use this for these. Hehe! I like it. I'll probably use that color for the shorts. I don't think anything needs to be a different color there. So just color that all in Oooh! I like it so far. It feels right. It just feels right! Now we haven't used this color at all. So it's sort of like peach. I wonder if I can use that for shading like this. Makes it look more like shorts, I guess. Because it is supposed to be! I feel like it needs some pattern. I guess for areas that are white, it needs line-art What if we put like polka dots that are more - That get more scattered as it gets to the top. I like the outfit but I don't have the drawing as much. I have almost this exact same outfit just less princessified but it is very modern and something I would totally wear, you know in a different color. [Laughs] Let's move on to green! Oh, there's a couple of yellows in here. We'll make do we'll figure it out. These are all more pastel than I anticipated. Mm-hmm, interesting. Try some different shapes maybe even for this because so far they've always been flat on the bottom. I'm gonna need a body again. Ears. Neck. We've got a body! Now for the design! For this one. I know the stays is like my favorite part why don't we going like a pointy one with actual sleeves? We can add some laces. I might actually go with more of a buttons. We'll see. Go with a longer skirt again. A little bit more hobbit themed. [Laughs And since it's longer we can gather it a bit more without having to worry about any accidents. Wardrobe malfunctions. Go with like a 3/4 length sleeve on this guy. We could also just do like a normal t-shirt underneath. Let's bring this skirt to the knee. Then for hair, let's go with a band and a messy bun. [Laughs] My usual state. Oh, this isn't blue. But I kind of like picture, maybe something to make it look a little bit more modern would be to make little corset thing denim. mmm? Oh and I wanted to try buttons. I think buttons will pull a little bit further away. Or even a zipper. Interesting idea. I don't know. I'm so torn about what I want it to look like. Like what would I be willing to wear out of the house? Like I wanted to be fun, adventurous and feminine but I also don't want to look like a costume and I'm thinking the dip in the vest is really pulling it too close to costume. So, by modernizing it a bit and making it flat on the bottom, I like it a little bit better. We're could even continue the buttons down this skirt. Oooh! I could probably throw in like one of those... patchwork pockets. There we go. I think I did a good job of modernizing it. It doesn't look very costumey anymore. Especially if we give her - What kind of shoes what I wear with this? Probably just white flats. White sort of sneakers Redraw it from scratch. All the limbs and everything else that goes with that! Okay, get the outfit on there. Let's just add a regular t-shirt underneath. Buttons, princess seams. Maybe that shirt pokes out through the bottom. Actually I wanted that skirt a little shorter. So the problem here is if this is a crop and this is high-waisted and there's a little gap there, that t-shirt would be showing through, so I would picture it kind of buckling out a bit. So I'm gonna draw that. Why not? This one ended up being more me than any of the other ones! Let's go ahead and throw some color on that! Just realized how much white space there is at the bottom of this! [Laughs] Well, it's better than hanging off the edge of the page, I suppose. Use the darkest color here for some line-art. No for the colors, I think I'm gonna try, if this is supposed to me, I need to lightest color for my skin. For some reason on camera, my skin looks way darker than it is. I think it's just the white background. So don't be fooled! When I go out and the sun, people need sunglasses. I'm Elphaba! hehe Thinking yellow for the shirt. Well, I guess I'm doing it. Pffft! I just did it! Ouh-la-la-la-lah Keep that space filled. Try yellow for the hair. I'm gonna try layering it with that really light green that I used for the skin. Just make it less yellow. [Laughs] It's as simple as that! Now, I think I want, kind of like this. I want this and this to match. So I'm thinking one of the darker greens. Maybe you start with this green. And then add the darker colors over top. Maybe leave the pockets this color. We'll see. We'll see! Leave white space and blend it out with one of the other greens That'll just look better overall. Yeah, I definitely need some more contrast here. I'm kind of likin' thje idea of like a contrasting color for this button flap. But I'm scared! Well, why don't I try it 'cause I'm thinking about coloring the whole skirt in with one of these darker colors. So let's try it with a contrast color first. If I end up just leaving it that way . I find not coloring small areas so difficult. Oh my gosh. That didn't quite work. So I'm gonna color these pockets in as well. Actually, I might leave those. I think I do want to go over the yellow with this light green, too. Just looking at it, I don't think I would wear something with that... Contrasting... Color segment. So, I think I'm gonna go ahead color over the whole thing Just so it's a little closer to something I would wear. Now, do I wanna to keep the contrasting pocket? Probably not. [Laughs] It's cute, but it's not my style. I'll leave a little seam there just so you know there's a pocket. Then I guess I'll go with dark shoes. I'd probably wear my white shoes, like I mentioned earlier, but I think it would look better with like a green shoe. And again since I used the light color for the skin I feel like it just needs line-art because it's blending in too much with the page. So I'll just grab a random one. Just kind of outline it. Like all of them better as sketches. [Laughs] What a curse. Olright, I guess gonna turn the page. I've run out of room. I think I'll save this page for some - Oh wait, we're gonna be drawing in pencil, huh. What's the next color? Blue! I love blue [Markers clatter on the desk] I'm not a huge fan of any of these colors. So maybe that one. Probably that one. Now, for this one, I'm going to take a little bit more inspiration from history and uh, not let the stays be showing. we're gonna give her an actual shirt Okay, so from here we got to decide on the outfit and I kind of mentioned what I want to do. Thinking basically just a dress for this one. Right at the knee where I like it and then we'll keep - You know how there's like the princess seams and the buttons, we'll keep that and obviously we want that same sort of silhouette. There's also a style where these sleeves kind of come out a little bit further It's a bit of a 60s kind of vibe. It's called like a boatneck, but I don't know with the sleeves. It might be cap sleeves on a boatneck for all I know Uh-huh. Let's give her like a more modern purse. Three quarter-length sleeves. Now, it's losing some princess vibe. The style of the dress... Let me try adding some more princessy elements. Like maybe lace or - Wait last time we did buttons, Let's try adding the lace up top back in. Then lace at the bottom of this. Give her some nice long flowy hair. Although you're not gonna see it. 'Cause she's standing straight on. Remove some of those tangents. How do I make us a bit more princessy!? Like as it is right now, It's totally something I would wear but for the purposes of today's drawing session, I want it to be a bit more princessy. Should we go with a gathered skirt? Oh, I could continue the princess seams, just like that first design. That actually makes a huge difference! Oh my gosh. So I think I want to pull this seam further down. I actually really like this design. Ooh, let me draw it again Although I should have drawn it over there so I could add color Um... I could change my mind about the sleeves though. We could add a little poof on them though. I don't usually like too much poof on my shoulders. It makes my shoulders look more broad than I would like but in art it looks good on everyone. I don't know what it is. it's probably just my inability to draw anything anatomically correct, but - [Laughs] Who wants to do that?! Ooh! We can give her a little adventure boots but also lace-up, ooh fun. All the outfits I've kind of done so far are more summery. So boots didn't quite suit it. Oh I wanna color that one. I really like it! Although maybe it's best because maybe I would ruin it. [Laughs] I like short skirts as much as the next person but knees!? I don't know. They just don't look good in photos They're kind of gross. Okay! So if I can hide that, let's go for it. Okay now I gotta add color though, the whole point right? So let me just try... I'm actually gonna try and just immediately - I'm just gonna try and exactly repeat this sketch. I don't know if that's possible, but it's probably a good lesson to learn anyway So let's practice that. So we have the head looking up. Their hips kinda went this way. Um, Hmm! [Laughs] Not quite working. Keep trying, keep trying, don't give up! How's it going? I'm getting there! Copying things is not my specialty. Okay, let's add some color then. Ah, die sketch. Well the dress it's probably gonna be all one color. So it shouldn't be too difficult. Wait start with some line-art for the face. So we don't lose it. I didn't mean to do line-art on the chin! What am I doing? Do the hair next What color should be the hair. I don't have this in a fine point only ultra fine. I could do this like light color. I'll color that over so we don't lose it. That's supposed to be a different color. So it blends more into the background and then I guess this could be the skin tone This is a very good blueberry color This really would have been a good color for the dress now that I'm looking at it. It's so pretty! [Laughs] Shoot. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, shoot, shoot! There's also a three-quarter length sleeves! And I just colored in the skin. Go back over that purpley blue! This is the only blue left. I guess I have to use it for the dress, but I kind of wanted a more pastel color for the dress! Let's use this for the boots then. See what I can get away with. I don't know if I can get away with that being the dress! It doesn't leave any room for like patterns. Oh we can use this for her purse. There we go. Although this probably creates more problems for me than it solves. A headband. I think what I'm gonna do is just take that color I did for the back of the hair. So it's layering that purpley blue with the greeny blue because I think I can rather make the dress that purple color. Crazy these are all blue because they don't really look blue next to each other. Oh, this is the purpley blue. yeah, I haven't used that on the skin have I? Interesting. This would be really cute with just like a fun. Hand-drawn sort of pattern, with some kind of theme. Not sure what that would be, you know, like flowers or frogs or something. It's blue, so maybe like... Rainstorms and petals and poodles! [Gasps] Puddles and poodles!? Oooh! Add in the [Taps sharpie on book] Laces. Let's add some kind of pattern. Um. Maybe if it's just - Maybe some like contrasting seams How's that looking? Is it bringing more blue into the design? That's kind of what I was hoping for because this light blue I use is just quite purple. Does it look like flowers or cheetah print? Be honest. [Laughs] There's no wrong answer. here we go that kind of more up my alley of what I was thinking it would look like. Alright, what's next? Purple purple purple! Only a few colors here. Maybe this one won't take so long. Tsss We keep those same kind of silhouettes that I like. I'm very... Simple Aw, shoot I'm going summer again. I can't help it. It's summer. I'm thinking about summer. I see the back of it being very shirred. I think there'd be a lot of shirring, S. H. I. R. R. I. N. G. shirring, 'cause like that just feels princessy to me like casual princess. [Bird tweets] Maybe add like a panel here that shirred. Is that even possible? And then here. I want the laces. Maybe cut out the shirring I dunno. A real seamstress could tell me what's possible. [Laughs] So let's crop this a little bit more. We'll go back to the croppy tops. And if I don't feel like wearing a crop top, I can probably just pull up the skirts a little higher. Depending on the occasion. This one I think I'm gonna add one. Oh, you know what'd be kinda cute, What if I add lacing on the side? Is this actually all that different from anything else I don't even know What if there's one that like actually is like a turtleneck? I guess if I was gonna do it like turtlenecky. I might move the lacing to the side. This is a bit more of like the Dragon Rider princess. 'Cause like this panel and this panel could be separate. So basically you can lace it up and down as far as you want. And then if you're like riding a dragon, you lace it up to about here, so that these areas, you can like stick your legs out through them and ride I'm gonna give her a big pony tail. [Laughs] More adventure boots for this one. What would it look like short. too? Is there a short version I could do? It doesn't require that much effort to make it shorter. You just cut it, right? Then maybe this one's made out of a more like leathery, painted fabric so it's shiny. Alright time for some color! I forgot this one this purple, now I'm double excited. All my characters have been looking up and to the right. I just realized. Oh, shoot, I did it again, I drew the chin. This is kind of competing But it's the only option. Actually, I could have used this purple. Which actually looks blue. Okay. Hope this is an arm. I'll use this maybe for the hair. Oh yeah, nice contrast in there, love it! Blend them in with that other color. Fill in the gaps Then use this one for fly-aways! Now for this section, I think I'm gonna reach into my blue, and grab those, too. Yeah, look at that they fit with this. Although it is very similar to this color. Oh shoot that's really blending in, isn't it? Well shoot I guess we're going with the dark color. Oh, that's nice and purpley, I like this. Now, how do I make that look more shiny? I'll go over it with this Looks shinier. [Giggles] That's gonna be that same thing for this skirt, too. We'll do that same thing, I really liked this color purple. Further down in case it wanted to be laced up more. Okay, then let's add that other color on top, make it look a little shinier. Tada! And for the boots, the schboots. Oh we can do the same hair color again, maybe. Do I have another - I guess this is the only good line-arty color I got. Try that stained marker. These colors definitely blend in a lot, too. What I could do, I could grab this dark purple and color in the top I'm gonna do the same thing on this under section. Actually, maybe the outer section. This will be like there's different fabrics. Yeah, I like it better now there's a little bit more contrast Keep drawing that one foot almost forward, one foot to the side, one foot forard, one foot to the side. And those are all to the side, never mind. That's it for the purples. Which leaves the final category Buh-bu-bu-bah! Neutrals! I have no idea how I'm going to use these together! Let's go with like a more Dark Arts mysterious magic princess with like a hood or something. Now, we're kind of going away from what I would wear [Laughs] Is this kind of - When I drew this, this made me kind of think of something more this style So like no sleeves, but with a hood. So far. I like the sketch. I don't know. It's not much to the outfit but the sketch is looking nice. Hmm, not gonna go that way with the arms. Could do the underboob, why not? This one's not my style anyway, you know the usual. Okay. Okay. [Mumbles] I think I need to move the head down, but I really like the way it looks so say goodbye. Alright. Move it there. Okay add in her lace! Drawing it in this less flattering poses tricky for me. Her hood is difficult! The hood is throwing me off. I can not find a reference in this angle. So. [Frustrated squeal] This is why I usually design my outfits in this pose. Oh, well, let's just go for it. Let's see what happens. I guess I'll use black for like the face, too. Um, yeah, don't like this. Oh well, keep going! Just color this whole thing in black. Then I guess I'll give her a silver corset. Um. Can I give up? [Laughs] Like. I'm not having fun with this at all. Haha, like it never happened. There we go. Let's just leave it at this maybe. Second times a charm. Now, do I want try to add color again? It's on a sticky note. So I got to be a little careful. Let's do it. Oh shoot. What did I say about being careful? Darker Brown. For the inside of the hood. Black for the corset. What's it? Line-art. It's like Jedi and Sith mixed together with this color scheme Yeah, I don't - This was just a bit of a miss, but now I have something that I can look at without feeling nauseous, that's an upgrade. Oh gosh, yeah, pfff. Ended that one on a high note. So here we have my little Sharpie princesses. I actually used every single sharpie. That's funny. We have the pinks, orange and yellows, the greens. The blues, purples and the neutrals or whatever. I think I really like the blue with the florals I like this one because it's a little bit different. This was really fun. I think what I learned from this is that I really like drawing with pencil. [Laughs] And I really like the way Sharkies - Sharkies. Sharpies look when they're dry. I like the texture that they give off. Yeah! Thank you guys for watching Thanks for coming along with me on my little princess design session. Let me know if you would wear any of these outfits. Thank you guys are watching. I'll see you guys all next week and I hope you have a delicious evening full of waffles. Bye!
Channel: DrawingWiffWaffles
Views: 933,589
Rating: 4.9593968 out of 5
Keywords: DrawingWiffWaffles, drawing, wiff, waffles, art, illustration, sharpies, making art with sharpies, rainbow, rainbow sharpies, rainbow characters, princess, princess character designs, history-bounding, history bounding, disney bounding, modern princess, modernizing, fashion, princess fashion, character design, Historical Fashion, drawing with sharpies, sharpie colors, swatching colors, permanent markers
Id: GIT7ALrR0_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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