Draw & Chill | Mermaid Marker Illustration

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hello hello friends welcome to another live stream i am going to be working on this cute little mermaid if you saw my my youtube video that i did a couple of weeks ago i did a video where i illustrated and created characters based off of a color and so i actually did this sketch for that video with the intention of creating like a like a pink red color palette um but i never got around to it so that's what i'm going to do now and it's kind of perfect since mermaid is upon us you know next uh tomorrow starts the month of may um for those of you guys who have no idea what i'm talking about um i did this illustration based off of the color green and then i did this illustration based on the color blue and uh yeah that's a video on my youtube channel i created those gals um yeah so if you've saw my post on instagram yesterday two days ago um i recently got the artx markers these are all the swatches here i'm gonna have a full video um on these markers later so um but yes i will be testing them out in a video it just turned from 3 to 56. i just woke up a little crazy timing hello thank you for joining i also just woke up from a nap i apologize in advance if i'm maybe potentially a little bit lower energy than usual uh it's been very kind of gloomy and rainy here the past week or so so um i think in combination of that and just i don't know i've been very unmotivated and sleepy this week more than usual so but i'm glad that um you guys can spend some time with me working in my sketchbook i'm just kind of darkening some of this this sketch a little bit here just so i don't lose it when i start coloring i also just woke up a couple minutes ago how are you doing um not too bad thank you for asking i'm yeah i'm very sleepy um i had a coffee i had a nap trying to uh wake myself up for this live stream but you know i've been taking it a little easy this week maybe too easy i don't know i am just yeah motivation is is uh hard to come by these days for me i just want to rather just watch anime and read webtoons all day but you know in any case i think that should be good would you ever do fanart for juju then oh my gosh um i definitely want to i have been proper obsessed with that series lately um it's funny that you should mention that actually because exclusive near all of you i am planning to do another six fan arts illustration for an upcoming youtube video actually um specifically for the youtube video testing out these um our x markers um the and one of the characters that i want to do will be from jutsu sakaisen i'm still trying to decide which character is going to be um which is kind of because i love i love all the characters in the series um so i'm trying to decide on which character um but yes so that will be coming and fan art in general will be coming in a in that video [Music] i feel that um it's funny because i have drawn i've been drawing mermaids for years now and um i still find them really difficult to do i think maybe i struggle with like how i want to proportion the tail um but yes they um there is something really fun about the fluidity that can that comes with drawing mermaids over someone with legs [Music] will you save this live stream yes um pretty likely i've been the past couple of months i've been saving the live streams and i will likely do the same for this i i always hesitate just because uh in case i do or say something like extremely embarrassing um but i think it should be fine you watched bungo stray dogs because it's one of my faves i recommend uh i haven't i think did i just spit oh my gosh um i haven't seen that yet i've heard about it i think um someone had recommended to me in a live stream before so i'll definitely have to remember to keep an eye for that in the future all right how do i want to approach where the torso meets the tail because usually i like to have the tail be like a slightly different color than the rest of the mermaid i think i will just do this for now and then maybe i will yeah use a different marker for that what are those hex code looking color swatches um yeah this is the color swatch that the markers came with um they're they were like pre-printed and they came with the the marker package and i used it to swatch all the colors have you read or watched the way of the house husband i haven't i've been seeing i have someone one of my art mutuals uh she did fan art for it like a while ago and i was like what is this uh and then i saw i think the anime popped up on my netflix um i haven't seen it yet but i think uh i don't know anything about it but the concept or that's just based off of the name sounds hilarious never do any planning before i jump on these live streams i really should uh let's see i think i will use this color for her hair or maybe maybe i'll give her purple hair purpley hair let's see 150 146. have you watched shadow and bone it's so good i've watched it three times already oh that's another one okay so yeah so i've that was another one that's been like recommended on my uh netflix and i am very intrigued i really enjoy fantasy series so i feel like i would probably like it i've never read the books um so do let me know for those of you who've read the books if you think that the show lived up to uh lived up to it because i know that's um you know people who've read the books i'm sure are very passionate about how the tv show did it uh tina i think you'll really love dansai and atsushi from straight dogs i will keep that in mind have you seen rock's ladybug i feel like you'd like chat noir because he's very flamboyant i have seen i have seen uh miraculous ladybug but i haven't seen it in a really long time like when it first came out like many many years ago i had started watching it and um i thought it was adorable you are definitely right i thought chat noir was super fun definitely a character a character that i enjoy because they're yeah i kind of like the sassy flamboyant um cocky uh characters that are a little cheeky um yeah i thought it was really a really really cute series um but i didn't uh i haven't kept up with it in quite a while i think when i when it first came out i think only one season was um like out and um yeah so i think that's pretty much the extent of what i've seen okay let's see i saw that my connection died are we back sorry about that guys i think the weather is really affecting my wi-fi internet connection so now i'm on my data on my phone um let me know if we are back sorry about that um gotta love that internet connection issues um do you like to paint with watercolors i do i love watercolors um we're back now okay yay um have you seen attack on time because i've heard you talk about it i've never heard you talk about it yes um uh yes in terms of i don't talk about it because i've never seen it before um i really should i so many people are really into it and i think it's like on its final season right is that what's happening um it's all over my my instagram people doing fan art and stuff for it um i i think i the reason why i've never gotten into it is because it just looks so intense and people are always talking about how um i guess like emotional it makes them because it's so drama filled i guess um and that like a lot of stuff goes down i'm trying to mimic like some scales here i'm not sure if this is going to be successful or not but let's see scale even though like i mentioned earlier like i do i've drawn mermaids many times before but i always struggle with how i want to interpret the mermaid tail and i don't think i've ever have i drawn a mermaid with markers before i'm not sure i feel like this is easier with uh paint but we are going to attempt we're gonna do these little strokes to mimic some scales i suppose not bad uh it's brutal definitely not one to watch for a fun time but really good um yeah that's that's i think that's exactly why i have never finally gone into attack on time because i i'm someone who gets like very emotionally invested in um like the tv series and movies that i watch and i'm just like not emotionally ready to handle that i like instinctively know it's gonna be like that so um yeah we'll see i'll uh i'll definitely keep it in mind for future future moments do you like acrylic paints i don't use acrylic paint very often to be honest i own an obscene amount of acrylic paints uh for someone who doesn't use them very often um i've been meaning to use them in a youtube video for a while now ah ashley i truly appreciate your work what your uh what advice would you have for someone brand new to character illustrations and beginner and drawing such painting in general thank you so much for the little tip oh you're so sweet um okay let me answer your question um what advice would you have for someone brand new to character illustrations and beginner and drawing and painting in general um big question uh let's see um so i would say that when starting out i would say like a good thing to do is i think a combination of studies from real life but also um studies from [Music] like things that you find really inspiring so what i mean by that is like for characters and figure drawing especially definitely do like figure drawing from either like obviously life drawing is not really an option right now but there's lots of like online resources to do life drawing or even if you just like look up on pinterest or google [Music] poses of people i know i forget their name at that moment um but she sometimes does figures drawing studies practicing um based off of like pictures of baseball players which is which seems super random but it actually makes so much sense because when you look at pictures of baseball players they're always in motion and i think it's a really great way of like trying to capture dynamic posing and things like that um something that i used to do sometimes is i would look at pictures of like um like if you're not comfortable with like looking at nude figures you could always look at you know like bathing suit ads and stuff because in that way you're still seeing like most of the form but you don't have to deal with the nudity if that's something that you're not really comfortable with um but yeah so even if like you are wanting to go for a stylized um way of drawing it's good to learn the basics and the foundations first before you foray into like uh stylizing and then i really like doing like screen shot studies um i've done a few on my channel uh of like my favorite movies and tv shows and stuff and that is another way of a really great way of learning as well but i think the important thing is to be doing these studies from like multiple different sources not just one because then you end up being like a copy of that thing if you only focus on one style of somebody else's does that make sense i find that like answering these types of questions really nerve-wracking live because i i don't feel like i'm very good at compiling my thoughts concisely which is why i try to like give as much type of advice like that in my youtube video so that i'm a little bit more prepared but i hope that makes sense and i hope that was helpful um but yeah inspiration comes from like all sorts of places and you should always be like striving to incorporate little bits and pieces from a little bit of everything as opposed to you know one source because like nothing is like truly truly original something is always going to be inspired by something else just so long as you are taking inspiration from like many many places and that's when you can start uh turning it into something of your own but also just being patient is a big thing too i think a lot of people are always um in a hurry and i'm definitely guilty of that as well i've not i haven't been very satisfied with like my work lately and i'm getting you know increasingly more frustrated with it but again it's gotta you gotta trust the process it's a journey that was a mouthful everybody drink some water how do you commit to one piece of artwork and finish it before starting another piece um i think i think um for me i i get bored of stuff pretty quickly um and so if i like if i don't finish something you know within a few days or whatever it is i will i'll have a harder time going back to it so i think that's why i am the type of person to kind of start and finish something um fairly um consistently it doesn't always happen um doesn't i there's definitely a number of times where i've abandoned something but um i feel like i if i were to like move on to the next thing then i won't return to the other one so it looks like mermaid isn't sneaking up on you this year it's funny that you say that because it is um i had intended to do or i still intend to do uh like two like really fully realized illustrations but i have not really gone around to actually like starting planning that yet and like the way that my youtube schedule has worked out this month like i don't know where i'm gonna fit these mermaid illustrations other than this one but this is more this is not really like a finished illustration to me this is more just like a thing in my sketchbook so we'll see um i do really want to do some like actual mermaid paintings that can be you know turned into prints with like backgrounds and planning and all that stuff so we'll see i really need to find the a way to fit it into my schedule what is a tv show you are currently binging i am currently binging naruto shibudin which i have not seen since high school and i've i'm in i'm a millennial so high school was a long time ago for me um yeah so i've been watching that and it's been so much fun uh i mean all of quarantine i've been very very much on the nostalgia kick in general but yeah i [Music] because it's been so long since i've watched naruto ship it in or naruto in general i started with naruto and then i'm on chipidan uh and i never actually finished shippuden when it originally came out i think uh i just sort of dropped it at some point so i'm really enjoying that it's been a lot of fun revisiting these characters and it feels so it's like it feels new in a way because i forgot most of it i haven't seen the whole thing so i'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out um oh my god my partner and i just started naruto also but we were also going back and forth with bleach oh my god that's amazing i was also watching i also had started watching bleach like at the beginning of quarantine and then like the whole eisen arc like the first like rookia arc it's so good the drama it's so juicy i was really enjoying that as well but i haven't i kind of dropped it for a little bit um yeah uh have you watched any asha i freaking love inyasha actually uh inyasha was another one that i was binge watching and i finished i had never seen the final act before like the final season and so i watched that um finally a little while ago and uh that was extremely satisfying um to finally see how it all concluded after all these years um so much um so much sashomaru content in the final act i was into it i was like he has he's shown so much emotional range and dialogue more than he did in all those seasons before bleach has so many filler episodes but the canon story lines are great yes um i uh when i when i've been watching both bleach and naruto i have been skipping the filler arcs um i just like google filler arc lists or something and i just skip over them because i can't handle it um it'll make it too long um so that's my that's my uh that's how i've been viewing it watching it i know some people like the filler arcs um i know i mentioned that i skipped the filler arcs um [Music] before and people were like oh i like the filler arcs um which is totally fair and that's great um because that means more more viewing content for you but for me i'm not i'm not too crazy about them i'm too impatient for that tina i think you missed a super chat oh no um let me oh sorry oh here um mephoria editing thank you so much um for the super chat um how has life been with being a freelance illustrator if i'm not mistaken that you are or just take art seriously after your last job um yes thank you so much um so uh it has been good good and bad um i think uh i mean obviously great that i get to be an artist and creator full-time is absolutely amazing i it's you know um i've been working towards it for a very long time and it's still like very surreal to to really grasp that because prior to um you know last year i had been working retail uh part-time retail for many many many years um just to like try and supplement because i wasn't making enough um on my own uh art wise and um yeah so it's been amazing in that regard but also being uh you know your own business essentially is very scary because there's a lot of stuff that um i have to learn on my own and figure out and uh like taxes and just running a business in general is just a lot of work and when it's all on you the pressure is on so definitely a huge learning experience and an ongoing learning experience but overall very incredible thing to be a position to be in i'm very thankful for that so you know everything has its ups and downs for sure um [Music] also this hair color is really cute i'm really into it love the mermaid thank you so much question why do you think people like your art like obviously everyone has different reasons but what do you think it is um good question hi clara um i guess i know people have expressed uh they like my color palettes um i think also uh i think really a lot of it comes to the interests uh like i do a lot of work that's very much kind of inspired by uh fashion um so that's like one of the things i think as well as fantasy type theming like obviously with this mermaid um i think as well i use a lot of different mediums like art mediums um for those of you who are new to my channel i primarily work with gouache and watercolors and inks and then markers is something that i've kind of in the past year or so been using quite a lot lately but i would say that i i would consider myself primarily a water coloring gouache illustrator painter so i think that's another thing that people enjoy from my work is that i work with a lot of different things i guess i don't know it's kind of it's interesting to try and describe um my work objectively in that way um for me you represent women really diversely and beautifully it's very inspiring oh thank you so much i'm glad that means a lot um did you watch death note yes i loved death note i read the manga and i watched the anime like many years ago in high school and i was obsessed with it and then i got my partner to watch it because he had never seen it before um last year right um and yeah it's great i still love it it's um it's quite cool it's a cool series okay i'm gonna try let's see i'm being very timid with this because it's so pastel right now and i really i'm like digging that it's really pastel but also want to give it some variety so i'm trying to decide what exactly where i'm going with this are you drawing for mermaid i um i want to i was mentioning earlier oh no okay that's much darker than i thought it was gonna be um let's see okay we're gonna [Music] all right this was a risk that i took and i don't know if i like it but that's like you know what we're going with it um yes i i'm not doing any like prompts or anything for mermaid uh nothing formal like that i really want to do some kind of more finished illustrations for mermaid as well at some point but we'll see if i actually find time for it yeah this purple is not i think i grabbed the wrong one let's see i think this is the one i wanted yeah that's what i had wanted but it's okay um hi tina just came back from eating oh yay good good good um do you like cooking i don't actually if i've joked with people if i was filthy rich um one of the things that i would love to have is uh one someone to clean for me like a cleaner that'd be great i hate cleaning um and also uh like i'm so so lazy about cooking as well so that would be the two things i would spend my money on if i was filthy rich basically uh i would not be able to be a housewife is what i'm saying do you like other disney movies yes i grew up on disney like the 90s disney movies and they are very near and dear to me those ones specifically very very influential in my childhood and i used to do a lot of disney fan art as well for those of you who don't know i just recently did a video where i did like um a study of some screen caps from mulan it was very fun when you finish a drawing how do you turn into a picture do you scan or take a picture um both so if i'm planning to make prints out of the illustration then i will scan it and then for posting on instagram and things like that i'll take a photograph of it i actually have a video on my youtube channel where i show how i photograph my artwork and also how i film my how i film my videos and then if you're looking to see a process on how to scan your illustrations i would recommend checking out cosmic spectrum uh she did a video recently kind of recently about how she scans and edits her traditional illustrations for print so yeah i would say that is a good place to go for that information because her process is essentially the same as mine will he be on tick tock soon no i um keeping up with social media is so exhausting to begin with um so adding another one adding tick-tock i think is too much work for me um like youtube videos and keeping up with instagram it's so so time-consuming and um yeah just adding another would be too much um so i will not be joining tik tok although admittedly i did join artful which is a new art sharing platform but it's only images not video so it's um less less daunting because i don't have to make new content i'm just sort of using the same content that i would use on instagram for artful i didn't know this was live yes it is hello welcome let's hope i don't do or say anything super embarrassing yeah video is blurry for me too oh no sorry guys i am i know my internet connection was not great i don't know how to i don't know how to fix the blurriness i'm currently using my data on my my uh for internet so i was hoping that was going to be a little bit more consistent but it's not blurry for me okay that's good okay good clear on your end that's good that's good thanks guys i'm glad i'm glad also i apologize this this scale part on the tail is like so time consuming and maybe really monotonous to watch but um i'm being very hesitant on it still trying to figure out how i want to approach mermaid tails especially with markers it's a bit tricky but you know you never know until you experiment right and try it out so originally i thought this tail was going to be pink but i guess we're going with purple mermaids are vampires ooh that's a tough question um i really enjoy both but i think i think i might have to go with vampires just because i think i've consumed more media surrounding vampires uh if you've seen some of my youtube videos you might know that i used to be quite obsessed with the vampire genre especially in high school definitely went through that twilight phase among other series like vampire night and vampire diaries and uh i have also been reading this um this webtoon called unholy blood recently which is also about vampires so yeah i think i gotta gotta give it to vampires [Laughter] but i do love mermaids um little little mermaid is a one of my favorites for sure favorite disney movies i recently started watching uh webtoon on holy blood and no father michael oh my gosh okay yeah the father michael chapter chapter 12 i was bawling bawling my eyes out um reading that i was like not expecting that at all uh very emotional about that it was very very sad i love how vampires became their own genre for reals for reals um stefan or damon oh my god um i it's been a long time since i watched vampire diaries uh i never read the books i only watched the tv series um and i never finished it but i remembered i remembered originally i was like oh she should end up with stefan right um but then when sh when she turned into a vampire she like her human the human version of elena like died essentially and i think that it made sense that um she was kind of fundamentally different and that her human version was suitable for stefan but her vampire version wasn't so i guess it might have to go to damon i think although he was he was crazy um oh my gosh i'm like i'm late but i finally caught the live stream yay thanks for coming i'm getting webtoon on holy blood ads now oh my gosh that is uh the algorithms are their ads are listening and holy blood is really good though um it's really really good i swear okay i'm gonna leave the tail alone soon i swear i just want to try and get a decent gradient going here in the show i love stefan and caroline together oh yeah that was very sweet i liked i liked the development of caroline's character because originally she was just like um i think they initially thought she was gonna be like this like one-dimensional character but then she ended up like yeah she ended up kind of um becoming a pretty cool character so good for her everyone loves damian but stefan's such a sweetheart i agree stefan was definitely a sweetheart damon was a lot but people love a bad boy right have you ever watched the anime your name if you haven't i definitely recommend it so beautiful i've been meaning to watch it i keep seeing like screenshots of it and stuff and it looks stunning like incredible i think it's on canada's netflix so i really should uh get around to it soon looks amazing all right let's do the tail i think i want to make the tail a little bigger actually that i love about brush markers is doing the nice like wispy wispy motions very satisfying for sure [Music] sorry i'm not keeping up with the chat uh [Music] oh my gosh i'm trying to keep up with the chat um are you going to do mermaid um i'm going to try uh i haven't done traditional in a while i left all my out supplies art supplies in the city ah bummer um yeah traditional art is definitely my favorite um i do digital art every so often but it doesn't keep me engaged in the same way that traditional art does [Music] okay so let's see i used this color already um i was low-key team close to just um misunderstood dude oh yeah the characters oh yeah yeah yeah klaus was um he was like the original the original in vampire diaries right oh yeah and he had like a thing with caroline oh yeah i do remember that i was yeah i was into them i liked that pairing actually very true very true it's been a very long time since i saw that series from my understanding it was very different from the from the books i never read the books but that's what i had heard i think that's one of those cases where the tv series ends up becoming like more popular than the book series because it strayed pretty pretty far away from the original content i'm drawing with you and uh enjoying yay yay i'm glad um i'm glad to be keeping you company while you draw it's like we're having a drawing date i also really enjoy putting people's live streams on when i'm drawing and stuff too so i am uh i'm glad that i can be that for you also i i technically have a twitch account but only to currently only to watch other people's streams um not for my own streaming i don't know if i will do streaming on twitch um i i don't know if i'm ready for that so youtube it is for now i've heard kind of mixed things about twit uh streaming on twitch so we'll see what do you watch on twitch um i want i watch a few different artists um cheyenne barton um her uh twitch streams are really fun uh my friend tall and cr uh tall and quirky um she's like my friend in real life um she has a twitch account um who else i know piper does twitch streams every so often as well i'm being very hesitant on my shading here i think i need to commit and pick a different a darker shade let's see do you play against in impact i do not i have been seeing so much um fan art and talk about genji and impact and the character designs look so beautiful so i definitely am feeling that fomo but i am not a gamer like at all so um yeah unfortunately probably won't be playing it anytime soon i think it's a pc game right i think i've gotten ads for it um but yeah the character designs look beautiful beautiful um but i'm not a gamer so unfortunately no gentian impact for me it's like animal crossing all over again when everyone was playing animal crossing i was like man that looks so cute or um persona 5 right that's another one that has a lot of like really beautiful uh character designs really hesitating here on how i want to approach these shadows yeah i never grew up with like any game consoles or anything like that and so i just never really got into gaming but i remembered i almost i almost considered it um when uh i remembered when i was younger i watched my friend play kingdom hearts it was like also one of those games with like really beautiful character designs and stuff but yeah persona 5 is recognized as universally the best jrpg oh interesting [Music] i have two i have to do two oil paintings for my class on tuesday but i'm starting to starting the sketch but it has me really stressed and i feel like i will not be able to finish um i believe in you school is hard school is really tough because you have to like meet um those deadlines it's uh definitely could be stressful so i feel you on that um but i believe in you just do your best that's all you can do right [Music] i don't know where i'm going with this um [Music] uh music in the background be giving me minecraft vibes yeah it's uh like a lo-fi playlist copyright free because that's uh that's an issue that arises sometimes i don't know where i'm going with this but you know we're just gonna keep i mean this is this is like genuinely what a lot of my process ends up being i'm just like confused half the time and just hoping for the best uh you said you don't plan on doing any prompts for mermaid but do you have some other plan or just going to go with the flow um yes so my hope is i want to do two mermaid illustrations and i want to do one with like really like pastelly pretty uh mermaids much like this one with like pearls and um super feminine and then i want to do like a paired a second illustration of more like sirens and they're a bit more like ominous and sultry and kind of spooky so that's my hope we will see if i actually find time to do it um but yeah that's the that's the plan um and i'll probably be i'm thinking a combination of watercolors and gouache i'm not sure how i'm going to fit it into my schedule but we will see do you also feel guilty when people say to you stuff like i will never be able to draw like you or your art is so good it makes me feel bad because i never know what to say in response um yeah that is a really tough situation to be in um because you know obviously it's it's um it sucks to feel like you're a source of discouragement for people and that's you know that's obviously not my intention but you also can't really control how people are going to react to seeing your work um and i've definitely been in that boat too like of you know seeing um somebody's work and feeling discouraged or um you know falling into the trap of comparing myself and thinking oh wow like you know i'm never going to be that good or whatever um but i think you as artists we all just have to i mean even as just people in general we just have to remind ourselves that everyone is on their own journey everyone's got their own background and their own thing so um yeah it's uh just gotta gotta remind yourself of that and hope that uh you know for the most part you know you posting your work out there is going to be more uh a source of enjoyment and encouragement for people rather than discouragement but again it's not something you can control do you practice every single day i can't because i have school no i unfortunately don't have the time to practice every day if i could even if i did have the time though like i as much as i love obviously i obviously love making artwork and drawing and painting but you're not i'm not always in the mood for it either um and i think that um it's important to take breaks and to live your life and ex you know enjoy other interests so uh yeah no i don't i don't practice every day it is probably a good habit to um you know find time to like doodle or work my sketchbook like every day which is something that i've over the years kept trying to get myself to do but it is really hard to do that um especially lately i've just been like so demotivated in general so yeah um all the art supplies are in the description below if you guys are wondering what is being used question um what do you do with your finished pieces especially your larger one storage is always paint for me uh yeah storage is um can be tricky um i currently have uh most of my like stuff just in portfolios in or folders like in drawers like scattered around my studio space um and then for like wood panels i have them just like stashed in a bag in my closet nothing fancy it's uh there's nothing nothing fancy going on with it but yeah the like those like book portfolios presentation portfolios with the like clear sleeves um that's what i have a good majority of my my paintings in okay i guess i'm just gonna go ahead and fill in the rest of this section because why the heck not or at least most of it i'm glad that people were saying that this they were finding this therapeutic because i'm like i feel bad sometimes if uh the content becomes really repetitive but i guess that's just the nature of live streams in general um that's just how it is and that's just the the also the reality of um seeing something in real time [Music] um so your canadian have any moose jokes or soda uh or assorted moose trivia for us uh yes i am canadian i do not have any moose jokes or moose trivia uh i have actually never seen a moose in my life before um i live in uh like a very very urban city so it's funny when uh i think for the most part canada is seen as this like mountain woodsy um terrain which obviously there is places in canada like that but i personally have never seen or experienced that side of canada before i've always lived in cities so all the like um kind of cabin in the woods vibes of canada is something i've never um related to i guess as a canadian person uh but yeah i would like to see more of canada one of these days when traveling is a thing but ironically it's more expensive half the time to fly within canada than it is to like a lot of places in the states which is weird hi tina do you watch we bare bears it's a really good cartoon show especially the kids edition i've never actually like sat down and really watched that show but i've seen the characters and i've seen like clips and it looks adorable um looks super super cute wouldn't recommend meeting a moose in person yeah i imagine that's um they're very big and uh could definitely cause a lot of damage so i'll probably continue to keep it that way okay um you know what i think at this point i might actually start using some colored pencils hope that is darker than i thought it was going to be i just realized this is what happens you go to art supply stores without a plan i just realized i have the same three pink colored pencils they're literally all identical and they're all like brand new i just hopped on i have a big set of oh who i need to play with more yay that's exciting i um markers has been [Music] something um that's taken me a while to like get a handle on i feel like uh for a really long time i didn't really feel very confident in using them and that's still an ongoing thing but um over time i feel like i've slowly gotten more and more comfortable with using them but that being said i still enjoy using colored pencils on top of my marker illustrations because um i like the look of it and also it helps sort of fill in the gap sometimes that i am not confident in achieving with markers is summer in canada now uh it is spring here in canada um very rainy uh currently for us bri uh summer is like june through like early september have you ever dabbled in 3d art uh not a lot when i was in college i did a little bit of like sculpture stuff uh but not a ton um 3d is definitely not a strong suit for me but i will say recently um i actually did a youtube video on it i um i dabbled in some clay polymer clay i made some polymer clay earrings and that was actually quite challenging but very fun so that's uh that's kind of the extent of it right now i'm hoping to continue making more polymer clay polymer clay earrings though because it was uh pretty rewarding to be able to make like a wearable thing out of my hands so that was pretty cool what's your favorite medium it's a toss-up between watercolors and gouache i think i have a really hard time picking one over the other because they are fairly different but i really enjoy them both and i often use them together so and i'll go through phases too like sometimes i'll be like yeah i'm definitely like feeling watercolors more than i am gouache lately or whatever or vice versa what was your least favorite subject in school uh definitely math and science [Laughter] very bad at math so which uh i think explains a lot considering that i am now an artist so math was definitely not my strong suit thank god for calculators whoops um everyone remember to get drink water hey i love math and art that's great i love math but i hate history that's fair that's fair math equals mental abuse to humans oh my gosh uh i'm good at math i'm an accountant i prepare tax returns and i'm good at art and good at literally nothing in between that's hilarious um it's good to have uh multiple skills i think that's great i'm definitely someone who sort of put all of my eggs in one basket i think that i'm pretty much useless at everything else other than visual arts also another reason why i really enjoy using color pencils on top of markers is it creates like a really nice texture i feel like it's um [Music] it's nice i don't like it although something i never really think to do is like as soon as i start putting colored pencils i never try to put the markers back on top i don't know what would happen if i did but maybe that's something to think about i'm good at life just not school well it's good to be good at life that's what's important school is not for everybody to be honest um it's a very specific way of learning and uh i don't think it necessarily caters to everybody the waxiness might repel the ink that's true i guess only one way to find out we'll see if i end up doing it or not but in any case this is um this is this is the reason why it takes me so long to finish sketchbooks because i spend so much time on every individual page which is not a bad thing i think that's something that i just like have to like accept and that's okay like um that i am not the type of person to [Music] um zoom through finishing a sketchbook but when i finally do finish one of my sketchbooks i will definitely do a sketchbook tour there is a sketchbook that i'm like close to getting done um finally literally the first couple of illustrations in it are from 2016. that's how that's how long it takes me okay that doesn't uh it seems to well we'll see what it looks like when it dries i guess but going on top of the mark uh colored pencils doesn't seem to be causing any issues i don't think how many sketchbooks have you finished i finished none i need to get the habit of drawing in them um honestly i think maybe like three or four um although i guess that doesn't count my sketchbooks from maybe high school and stuff um like my from my past uh those ones i'm not 100 sure i over easter weekend i was really hoping to go back to visit my mom so that i could one obviously see my mom and my family um but also to try and find some like old sketchbooks because i think that would have been really really fun to show you guys uh in a video and just to look through in general but unfortunately because of the um ongoing pandemic i did not go back to see my mom but hopefully um when everyone is vaccinated i can go see her and see if there's any sketchbooks laying around i think i might just do this my sketchbooks from my past sounds like an art themed horror novel i definitely know that there's tons of cringy stuff in there um but i think i'm at a point where i can laugh and enjoy it um and not like die from embarrassment who knows i could be wrong i used to draw a lot of like shirtless anime dudes so maybe it would be mildly embarrassing to share that with everybody but uh i think entertaining at the very least have you worked with clay before uh yeah i was actually mentioning earlier i've worked with clay a little bit um recently i did the um i made some polymer clay earrings and in the past i've also looked for secret santa gifts and stuff i've made like little planter pots for my friends for for gifts unfortunately um my friend recently informed me that i definitely used like the wrong varnish on one of them um on his gift because he was like yeah three years later it's still tacky and i'm like oh my gosh um so uh yeah all a learning experience that's for sure [Music] um tina have you ever see do you ever see like the normal paper from the front is like so nice but when you flip the paper looks like something really ugly yes for sure um let's see this one so that's the back of that one illustration that i did of me of um of this gorgon the mermaid is so pretty i remember when i was a little all i wanted was to become a mermaid and have a pet shark amazing uh yeah i i think we all we all secretly wanted to be a mermaid at some point like in the little mermaid which she when ariel is like i want to become a human i'm like girl why what did you uh who did you want to win or were paul's ragdoll season 13. ooh um i was very very torn between also i guess spoiler alert for those of you who have not seen the finale for rupaul's drag race season 13. um it's been out for a while now so we're going to discuss it now um i was very much like torn between simone and gomik i think that both of them equally deserved to win and they both performed really really great on the season and i think both either of them winning was like um still very impactful um so yeah i think simone winning was great i think that she had a lot of really really great moments on the series and uh so many good references and fashion moments and super funny and charismatic um so yeah i thought i was as um happy that she won would have been equally happy if god make one as well so yeah um i was also i was definitely one of those people who was like devastated when denali got eliminated because i loved her um but i think that she will make for an amazing all-stars contestant whenever uh that happens um yay i'm covering from oral surgery i actually have time to be here during live chat and not watch after you're done streaming yay thanks for joining um have you ever drawn a drag queen yes i have i've drawn um i've drawn a few drag queens now um all from drag race um actually yeah one year i drew when i drew um kimchi from season eight she actually shared it on her stories and i was shook i was so excited um i was like whoa she saw it and she shared it amazing and then um a while back i did a drawing of shay coulee uh and she followed me on instagram which was like i was like what um which was amazing i mean she follows like thousands and thousands of people so i'm sure like you know um i probably don't even show up on her feed but it was still pretty cool that she you know clearly saw my work and liked it enough to hit that follow button so that was quite cool is cool i should say how fun i love kimchi ugh yeah kimchi naomi smalls bob the dracula that was a really good top three um season eight i love i love all three of them i also drew naomi smalls um as well i really want my hair to be this color is so pretty [Music] can you show a drawing of you drawing by you of a boy i'm so curious please um i draw it's funny because i feel like i've definitely been drawing more male people in general uh more lately but it seems to be something that uh eludes people um but i guess to be fair if you're new here of course you've never seen any of my other work let's see do i have any male characters in this sketchbook oh i do here this is also a youtube video but i did um beth from queen's gambit eliza from hamilton tamaki from orange high school host club and inosuke from demon slayer uh using the ohuhu markers so yeah that's um an example i guess let's go back let's go back yeah i finally finally got to watch hamilton when i got on disney plus um and i was obsessed um have you ever drawn somebody you liked romantically oh no no i don't think so uh i yeah no i think the only people i've drawn like that are that i know in like my real life are um my one friend elise who um she's been in my a couple of my youtube videos before um and i think that's it honestly um um sorry just drinking some water um i listened to the hamilton soundtrack almost every day it's an essential for me uh yeah i feel you on that i was definitely listening to it a lot um last year like spotify you know how spotify does that like um the the year-end wrap up or whatever it's called um at the end of the year where it shows you like what you mo like what you listen to the most and one of the genres was like original soundtrack or something for mine because i listened to so much hamilton that year um so yeah i feel that uh yeah actually speaking of musicals i recently watched the trailer for in the heights i think which is also written by lin-manuel miranda right um and uh has the i forget his name um but the the actor who was in the original cast for hamilton is like the lead i think um so i'm excited for that i've never i've never seen or listened to in the heights but i like um lin-manuel miranda so i think it'll be good [Music] what's your favorite hamilton song i really love it's quite uptown even though it's so sad oh my god it's quite uptown made me cry guys um but my favorite song is probably um satisfied or um [Music] uh why am i drawing a blank on the other one but satisfy satisfied was definitely like the standout for me i remembered um spending a lot of time learning the rap but yeah it's uh it's a good soundtrack [Music] um i guess oh yeah i forgot to fill in the rest of these stars so i should do that um before i i think i'll probably do the line art finally i cried during hamilton if you don't then you're evil satisfied and burned were my favorites oh yeah brown's a good one too i will say when skyler sisters came came on like that was like that's when like i got i finally got hooked when i was first watching it um so super fun just like really really fun which color this one let's see [Music] and i mean anything leslie odom jr sang also really good like wait for it epic so good uh does anybody know if she goes live on instagram um i used to uh i do have like a lot of my instagram lives saved on igtv or whatever but i haven't gone live on instagram in quite a while but yes i used to back in the day but youtube makes more sense for me i think because i can have like a long description where i can list like all the art supplies i'm using and link to uh like frequently asked questions and uh stuff like that which like instagram i can't do that like the comment that i can pin to the the chat is like very limited so that's why i kind of generally prefer doing them on youtube do you plan on going live on twitch someday i i don't know i don't know for sure um i have a twitch account i made a twitch account because i have been considering it also i just watch i watch people on twitch sometimes um every so often but um unfortunately i was not able to get i'm a wonder which i was like really mad about um so i'm i was i had to claim i'm wonder art which uh you know c'est la vie um but yeah so i don't know if i will be on twitch uh streaming on twitch anytime soon it's um but i'm not ruling it out it's just uh i'm not 100 sure if it'll happen or not it could be good obviously because there's obviously you know it's a new audience potentially uh but i think like with twitch you kind of have to have like a pretty rigid schedule it seems like or you have to like really upkeep a schedule and i don't know if i'm ready for that okay i think i'm going to start doing some line art i really like this like very like pastel vibe that we're going for here so i might actually just use colored pencils for the most part rather than um a black brush pen or whatever that i thought i was going to use i think uh yeah using a color pencil will be much softer and then yeah and then after this live stream i have to run to the post office to drop off my last batch of orders from my shop um hopefully it doesn't rain today because usually so like they the post office that i have to go to is kind of far um and i like to walk home from it which takes about an hour which is good to get outside and walk around since i spend so much time indoors but if it's raining that's not fun so hopefully it's cloudy today but it shouldn't i think it's supposed to not rain uh tina have you seen venti from genji app impact i love her design so much uh i probably have um i was mentioning earlier that i have been seeing a lot of gen impact uh fan art and stuff around on my instagram page but i don't play the game so i'm not super familiar with um who is who but yes the character designs in that series or that game is are beautiful um venti is a boy oh my bad i don't know why i assumed it was a girl but yes all the characters male and female are beautiful uh venti is like dark blue hair and like greenish tone shirt uh [Music] i don't yeah there's so many of them [Music] right have you seen an attack on titan that's heartbreaking i have not um i don't know if i'm emotionally ready to handle attack on titan it seems like it is a uh really intense show for uh for someone like me who gets very emotionally invested um [Laughter] but i have heard it's really good so i'm sure i'll check it out eventually are there certain prints like the coraline print in your shop sold out um i yeah i'm um i had to i'm trying not to uh overwhelm myself by having like too much stuff in my shop um so unfortunately yeah no coraline prints at the moment but i think maybe when halloween rolls around again i'll i'll uh get more i'll restock the core line prints it's so tough like trying to decide like which prints to stock and which prints not two because i just realistically like i can't uh i can't offer everything all the time but the coraline prints were pretty popular i think when i had them so i will bring them back probably for for halloween hello hope you have a great stream oh thanks so much um yeah it's been good um we're having we're having a chill chill day chill day when i finish uh yeah i'm kind of like getting getting close to finishing here when the all the line art is done and then i got a gotta run my errands for the day have you tried bullet journaling before it's like a planner but you design it yourself yeah i actually do bullet journal um that's how i personally prefer to organize my schedule i'm not uh really good at keeping it up with it and it's not like super fancy or anything like that but i do have a bullet journal hi my daughter and i love watching your channel while we draw together she loves your eye and wants you to know she's a big fan aw well tell her i said thank you that's really really sweet i'm glad i can keep eel company when you're making art too i'm glad i went with this um the color pencil for the line art i think it definitely suits this illustration better than uh a black black um brush marker finer wood sometimes it's would have been too harsh for this uh do you ever see a piece and see all the imperfections i don't know why but that's all my mind can see how do you get over that uh yeah absolutely um i don't think i've ever i don't think i'll ever be like 100 satisfied with anything that i make um but i think you just have to accept that nothing is ever gonna be perfect and if anything just take what you are dissatisfied with and you know keep note of it for the next time i think that if i were to i feel like yeah if i agonize over every little detail that i hate about an illustration then i won't have time to make new ones um plus that's just exhausting because i uh i'm never yeah i'm never fully satisfied with anything that i make so um rather than um yeah like obsessing over how much i hate it i just move on to the next one how long did it take you to improve on anatomy i still struggle with it me too man i uh i added to me as hard i still don't know uh whoop just cracked that um yeah i definitely think that i'm far from being adequate or proficient with anatomy which is why i um [Music] recommend uh life drawing because it's um the best i think one of the best ways to learn and improve in that department [Music] actually i might use maybe i'll use black for the eyes just so they stand out more let's see if i have a black colored pencil somewhere maybe i'll just do the other features first i used to rip the pages off my sketchbook if i didn't like the drawing but i've been trying to do that lately uh yeah i think that's um definitely a habit that a lot of artists do but i think it's good that you're recognizing um the habit and trying to not do that because i think um hanging on to the stuff that you're not satisfied with helps you see where you need to improve and then that way you can compare it to uh your newer stuff and you can actually like visually see your progress and i think like yeah just getting into the habit of like hanging on to stuff you're not satisfied with also helps you create a habit of like letting go of the perfectionism and accepting that not everything is going to be amazing i love the texture of the scales you accomplished here it's fantastic thank you so much uh your art helps distract me from my depression and also helps me sleep thank you i'm glad um do you have a personal sketchbook that you keep only for yourself to see i have one that i i call it like my ugly sketchbook that i don't show much of it um sometimes my patreon page i'll post like little snippets from it but yeah but for the most part um i show most of what i have to offer somewhere um if i'm not like super happy with it usually will live in my on my patreon page oh actually you know what i do have a sketchbook that i do like a lot of life drawing stuff on and it which contains like a lot of nude figures so that um i don't really show anywhere um because social media platforms are scared of nudity so um okay i need a black uh pencil for i understand that euro draw this in yourself challenges past due but may i still participate in it yeah of course um yeah i only have it i only had a deadline for it for the prize um people are definitely free to join in on it whenever they feel like i do apologize for those of you who have participated in my draw listener style event and i haven't um liked it or commented on it i've been um there's been so many entries which is amazing but it's hard to keep up with and um i will get around to them when i can i've been uh trying not to spend as much time on social media because it can be social media is a double-edged sword right so i'm trying to be a bit more mindful of how much time i'm spending on there i definitely still spend like a ton of time on social media but you know trying to be trying to be aware of it ah man i love i love drawing eyelashes so fun and it really like brings the face to life you know i was skeptical about how this was gonna turn out but i gotta say she turned out pretty cute if i do say so myself so many artbooks lately is there any tips or advice please thank you uh i would say that my go-to or one of my go-to's is uh to do screen cap studies or screen cap redraws i recently did some screen cap studies of some screenshots from mulan and that was really really fun and i think that in doing that it helps you like it gives your brain just like you can kind of go on autopilot because you're just like replicating um this scene from a movie as opposed to having to like use any creative brain power and you get to learn and study from uh from a still from a movie so and i've seen i've seen people do with live action too you don't have to do animated obviously like um sibyline maynette she's done screen cap studies from like romeo and juliet and marie antoinette so definitely not limited to animated content for sure just you know pick something that you enjoy uh ghibli movies always help with my art blocks they're like therapy yes i love love love love studio ghibli um very very inspiring for sure okay i think oh yes let's outline her tail actually for that i'm gonna use maybe like a pink of some sort rather than this purple just to go a little bit lighter let's see this might do it shaky line yeah keep it soft on the edges there just so it's kind of getting that translucent vibe these lines are like really wonky but that's okay okay ah she looks cute um i guess i will outline these stars uh so far i've only done one screencap redraw from sleeping beauty currently doing the sailor moon jaw the very popular image of usagi oh yeah i am sleeping beauty is gorgeous those backgrounds are amazing um and also i love sailor moon so i am very much on board with that i i've done two sailor moon screen cap redraws actually i didn't i didn't do the like really iconic one that like um um that is like super popular right now but um yeah one of them is actually on my youtube channel i did uh musagi with prince and demion i guess yeah it would have been uh i think yeah princeton did me on because he's in his like prince outfit tuxedo mask was my first first childhood crush tina have you seen mermaid melody i have not it sounds familiar though i think i've i feel like i've probably heard of it before but i i've never seen it before the ultra satisfying moment of adding the highlights and the eyes and her nose adding the highlights to the face always makes me miss putting on makeup just something i haven't done much obviously because quarantine things okay okay something that i keep forgetting to do lately is sign my illustrations so i'm gonna do that where do i want to sign i guess i'll sign on the bottom here the year 2021 oh my gosh i almost put 20. i love the different tones in the tail thank you so much all right so we finished yay she looks cute right um let's get a little close up here the music is calming my bird falling asleep that's so cute um yeah that's the mermaid thanks so much for hanging out with me guys i will be signing off here i think i didn't do anything super embarrassing right uh so i will keep the youtube video up for anyone who wants to watch it from the beginning um yeah i had a lot of fun hanging out with y'all it was um it was a good time and i will catch you in my next video i will i hope that everyone has a good day or evening wherever you're at and i'm sending you lots of good vibes and encouragement and um thank you so much bye
Channel: imawonder
Views: 60,557
Rating: 4.9344673 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 16sec (6076 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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