Making an RPG in Godot (Devlog #1) - Switching from Unity

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okay so this is the first devlog for this rpg project that i've sort of been working on in unity and i've been transferring it to godot and so i'm just gonna sort of dive into it i get nervous when i'm making videos especially when i'm just recording directly uh into vegas my audio so i'm just gonna say you know welcome to the devlog and i'm just gonna jump right into it i started this week by trying to make particle effects because i was really bad at them and want to learn how to do them more better so i started by making this sort of trail and unity because i was originally still doing a lot of the stuff in unity whereas prototyping and then i realized i couldn't really do this in godot because i think godot trails you can only use the gpu particles not the cpu particles and i think the the gpu power cords don't work on mobile and i still wanted the option of being able to deploy the game on mobile and have most of it still work just fine so i ended up approaching this mesh based approach to uh to doing the weapon such effects it's a thing that i've seen a couple of things do and it's sort of a more engine agnostic kind of thing and the way i implemented in godot was uh i didn't realize at the time that you could keyframe literally everything including the uv things and the material parameters so i ended up having to make a custom shader and i wrote code to do the timing and it turns i didn't do any of that i could have keyframed it i then tried making sort of a more interesting magical spell effect kind of thing this was from a guy on youtube who does a whole bunch of unity particle effects gabriel something productions if you just type in gabriel particle effects i think i'm pretty sure he's the first result um you can't really transfer them one to one from unity to godot because you know there are some things that good oh doesn't really do by default especially with the cpu particles but i feel like i got kind of a nice effect out of it so the main thing i wanted to do this week was sort of build a scene using uh sort of some of the improved art that i had and just sort of have something that i could really kind of show off and it didn't really turn out the way i wanted it to but i think it turned out okay i think when it comes to our i'm mostly shooting for like a six out of ten and then with some polish maybe 7.5 out of 10. i started by making some rocks in blender trying to make some rock wars for like a cave it didn't really work out it took me a few tries to get something i kind of liked and even now i i don't love them i started by trying to make them really big and i think the 1024 textures just they weren't don't use a 102 for texture if you're using it if it's a 10 meter by 10 meter kind of plane situation unless the texture is like very basic i think at that point you're better off using some kind of procedural shader most likely for geometry that large or a tiling texture that you can you know uv map multiple times for scaling i also tried to finish a character that i'd kind of been working on for a while it's i'm not really the world's best character designer i'm going to admit that you know i'm pretty sure i don't need to admit it you can tell by looking but you know this was certainly a step up from previous character models that i'd made in character designs it was basically about halfway done i'd reach apologize most of it i just hadn't finished it so i got that done i rigged it i made some animations i said you know i've got to paint some detail into this but that can wait until later that'll be what takes it from sort of a six to a seven hopefully painting in all the extra detail it was it wasn't easy getting all the animations into godot it took maybe two hours of exporting with different settings i had to delete past the skeleton and remake them and in the end it was kind of just pain in the ass but i managed to get it working eventually and then i i just used a very simple player controller movement script from the gd quest youtube channel it's like the 6 minute 3d movement controller it's a simple play controller it has some issues it's certainly a lot simpler than say the third person shooter which is like a root motion based one or the third person uh platformer one which uses like acceleration and deceleration and it's just very complicated to look at but i mean it does have a few issues that you can kind of fix like changing the velocity to movement direction to make it so it doesn't snap to a specific direction in the air constantly when you're not providing any input and also adding a little you know smooth look or loop angle to um make it so it doesn't just snap when it's facing certain directions so the scene i'd envisioned that i'd have to share by this point or yesterday rather on saturday which is what i wanted to share it didn't come out looking how i expected it to look in my head and i don't know why i had higher expectations for it than i should have had but i guess my immediate next goal is to let me just open up my notepad here my next my next goal for next week is hopefully to get sort of a battle system very rudimentary one done i basically had a lot of back end prototyping stuff in the unity project so i'm just gonna move over to godot this week a lot of the gameplay systems inventory menus just boring sort of back end stuff but hopefully i'll also have sort of a rough battle system by saturday as well at least something that just goes back and forth turn by turn you know just two things smacking each other
Channel: LawroraBorealis
Views: 4,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, devlog, indie game, solodev, indie game development, godot, godot engine
Id: qRth88pe9r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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