Making an Arduino Oplà IoT Weather Station with Cloud Dashboard

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today i'm going to show you how you can use the arduino opela iot kit to make your own weather station this is where the station posts started to the cloud which you can view on a dashboard on your computer phone or tablet from anywhere in the world towards the end of last year arduino launched their oppa iot kit i did an unboxing and first impressions video which i'll add a link to i played around with programming the arduino locally and using it to fetch information from the internet but i didn't get into trying the arduino iot cloud so today we're going to use the kit to build a weather station which we can view from the iot cloud this project is primarily based on the personal weather station project which is included in the kit but we'll also be making some improvements and enhancements to get a bit more out of it for this project we're going to be using the iot carrier board the arduino maker 1010 board the plastic case power cable usb cable and then the screws the arduino maker 1010 board is the brains behind this project it plugs into the carrier board takes readings from the sensors and then posts these to the cloud using the wi-fi connection to get started we'll follow the project guide on the hopeless site as you can see there are eight included projects we're going to be running through the personal weather station [Music] project we're going to be using the temperature and humidity sensor the pressure sensor and then the light sensor on our carrier board to start off we need to set the board up as an iot cloud device to do this we need to plug it into our computer and install the arduino create agent this is a small plugin which allows the web interface to talk to the board we then go across the devices on the iot cloud page and set up the arduino device this process uploads a generic sketch to the device which enables it to connect to the iot cloud and can be seen as an iot device once we have our device set up we can start creating our first thing which will be our weather station when you first create a thing you'll need to assign a device to it which will be our maker 1010 board we then need to create variables for all of our metrics which you'd like to control over the cloud this doesn't need to be all of the variables you're going to use in your sketch but just the ones you want to be able to view or control over the cloud for our weather station this is going to be the temperature pressure humidity light and then a weather report string for each variable you'll need to tell the system how often it should be updated and whether the cloud can just read the variable or read and write to the variable [Music] once all of your variables are created the last thing you need to do is put in your wi-fi network name and password so the board is able to connect it in the same area you're able to edit the sketch and view the serial monitor but we're going to rather do this in the full online editor where we have a bit more space before we leave we just need to rename the things that our sketch is named appropriately we've now got the web editor open and you'll see a basic sketch which looks similar to a typical arduino sketch the main difference is that the cloud connection code has been added to the setup function and the variables that we created earlier are already available to use [Music] we're going to remove the main portion of the code and replace it with the personal weather station example code as a starting point let's have a quick look at what the code does in the setup function we start the serial monitor for debugging information and then establish a connection with the cloud we then create an object to control the carrier board you'll notice that there's a line called carrier case which is set to false this sets different calibration set points for the capacitive buttons so they're able to be activated through the case when the carrier is in it we'll be using it out of the case for now the loop function we update the cloud variables then get readings for the state of the buttons as well as readings from all of our sensors we then check if any of the buttons have been pushed and if they have we update the display accordingly lastly we have some weather condition checks which generate a single line with the report if they're met let's try upload the sketch to our board and see how it works [Music] when the board is mounted onto the carrier it makes some ticking noises when the sketch is uploaded as the two relays are energized and de-energized once the code is uploaded we need to open the serial monitor to allow the board to run as there was a pause for this in the setup function we can then see that the board connects to the wi-fi and then establishes a connection with the cloud let's see what's displayed on the [Music] carrier we saw from the code that we needed to touch one of the first four buttons to get the display to work [Music] the first button is the temperature then humidity then light and finally the pressure the fifth button doesn't do anything yet now that we know that the board is connected to the cloud and should be posting data we can create a dashboard to view the data of the internet [Music] in the dashboard creator we can create and arrange a number of displays charts and buttons to view and interact with our arduino we're going to start by adding a readout for each of our variables [Music] [Applause] instead of just being able to see the current values of the variables it would be nice to be able to see the historic data as well so we're going to add a chart for each variable too adding a chart allows you to see the data for the past hour day seven days and 15 days all plotted onto a line graph [Music] once you're done creating the dashboard we click on use dashboard to save the layout and start using it the data will continue to be logged on the cloud and you can access this dashboard through your browser from any computer there's also a mobile app which you can load onto your phone or tablet to view your created dashboards [Music] you can try and play around with the sensors on your arduino to see them respond on the cloud by covering up the light sensor one limitation of the included sketch is that the data on the display is only updated when the button is pushed so if you leave it displaying the temperature it doesn't update the display until you press the temperature button again the general layout and colors are also a bit boring so we're going to change those too in my version of the code i've added some splash screen text which is displayed on starter i then also modified the code so each button selects a display mode and the display is then updated in the background without having to press the button again i also added some color and changed the font size for each of the displays so let's upload my code and see how it looks [Music] [Music] [Music] the displays now look a bit more vibrant and they continue to be refreshed in the background also added some functionality to the last button which now blacks out the display this could be useful at night to make it less distracting and may use less power when powered by a battery you can now watch the display and the app update simultaneously [Music] the last thing i'm going to try is putting the weather station into the case and powering it using an 18650 lithium-ion battery for that we need to add this little power lead between the board and arduino we can then screw the carrier into the case to hold it up against the faceplate now let's add the battery to power it on and close the back cover one thing i would have liked to have on the carrier is the power switch as soon as you put the battery into the carrier then the arduino turns on and you can't turn it off again without removing the back cover and removing the battery [Music] we can now change the display by pressing on the cover above the buttons the buttons work really well without the case but are a little bit too sensitive when inside the case it's really easy to activate them by mistake when you're handling the case or even hovering a finger near another button that's it for our weather station we now have a standalone device which is connected to our wi-fi network and is continuously posting data to the cloud which we're able to access on a computer or mobile device next i'd like to try adding a rain sensor and an anemometer or wind direction indicator to the station using one of the analog inputs [Music] thanks for watching please remember to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more tech and electronics projects tutorials and reviews [Music]
Channel: Michael Klements
Views: 11,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, Opla IoT, Oplà IoT, Oplà, IoT Cloud, Arduino Cloud, Arduino IoT Cloud, Weather Station, IoT Weather Station, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Light, Weather Report, IoT App, Mobile App, Internet, WiFi, IoT Remote, Arduino App, Graph, Gauge, Trend
Id: I3oY2qT5ny0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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