Product Showcase: SparkFun Arduino IoT Weather Station

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hi there spark fans Rob Reynolds here for many people checking the weather is as simple as looking at your phone tablet your computer or if you want to go old school watching the news and while that might be great for giving you a loose forecast or an idea of what weather is kind of in your general area for many people who live in mountainous areas like myself we might find ourselves living in a micro climate so while your local meteorologist may be underneath blue Sunny clear skies giving the forecast you might find yourself eight miles away getting pelted with hail I know what's happened to me so having a weather station at your own home or business or wherever you are is a great idea and of course ideally you'd be able to read that data from inside the comfort of your home well now we have a kit to make all that happen introducing the new SparkFun Arduino iot weather station now we've had our weather kit available for quite a while now and it's been a big hit but then you also had to pick up the weather shield or the weather carrier board depending on which microcontroller you wanted to use you also had to pick that out we've eliminated all that and made it all simple put it all into one this kit can get you not only up and running with your weather station but also get that data transmitted to say the Arduino iot Cloud so you can watch the data from your home anywhere in the world included in this kit are the full weather meter kit the SparkFun micro mod weather carrier board without a UV sensor a SparkFun micromod esp32 processor a SparkFun soil moisture sensor are the one with the screw Terminals and a 10 pack of Premium 12-inch jumper wires now let's look closer at each of these components the weather meter kit contains a wind vane cup anemometer tipping bucket rain gauge two-part mounting Mast rain gauge mounting arm wind meter mounting bar two mounting clamps and four zip ties the included version of the micro mod weather carrier board features the super reliable BME 280 temperature humidity and barometric pressure sensor there's also an as3935 lightning detector operating in spy mode there are two rj11 connectors to connect the Wind and Rain sensors plus a three pin latch terminal to connect the soil moisture sensor it's got a Micro SD slot for logging data and an m.2 connector to allow you to insert a micromod processor board and for that connector this kit includes a micro mod esp32 processor board this processor is a Powerhouse a dual core tensilica lx6 microprocessor 240 megahertz clock frequency 520 kilobyte SRAM integrated Wi-Fi transceiver integrated dual mode Bluetooth and Hardware accelerated encryption the soil moisture sensor is pretty straightforward two large exposed pads functionist probes together acting as variable resistor more water in the soil needs better conductivity between the pads resulting in lower resistance and a higher signal out it has a triple screw terminal to allow easy connection to the three pin latch terminal on the weather carrier board we've chosen the micro mod esp32 processor for this kit because of its ease of use in connecting to Wi-Fi and that makes this kit ideal for uploading weather data in real time to in our case the Arduino iot cloud and then being able to read it from anywhere in the world where you've got a web connection now if you're going to recreate this the way I did it you'll first need an Arduino account that's fast and free to set up and once you've got that done you can start working with the Arduino iot Cloud you can use this for free or for what I think is a really reasonable price you can upgrade to one of their subscriptions which will give you more freedom in creating now for this project I'm simply using the free version and all I did was I took our sketch for the weather meter from our Sparkman Library combine that with Arduino sketch for uploading data to their iot Cloud put them together and just like that I'm able to read data from this weather station from the comfort well relative comfort of the SparkFun Studio it is a little hot in here today see oh yes it is 86 what is that 30 yeah 30 Celsius and no wind oh wait I think we can fix that oh yeah that's going to be refreshing our weather meter Kit's been a big hit whether it was used with the red board the micro bit or even the photon well now we've put it all together and made it simpler to use simpler to connect and simpler to read your data from anywhere in the world with the new SparkFun Arduino iot weather station pick up yours over on our website connect it up the iot cloud and until next time stay safe be kind and happy hacking cool watching the news excellent excellent start whole sentence for many of us especially those who live in uh mountainous area uh mountains so it's really a good idea you'll need an Arduino uh Arduino [Music]
Channel: SparkFun Electronics
Views: 7,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5l8uYuk8B2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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