OMG! The Best IOT kit Ever from Arduino 🔥 | Arduino Opla IoT Kit

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arduino opla iot kit [Music] an enter level kit from arduino that lets you make various iot projects with its built-in plug-and-play type sensors so you can easily make your iot projects without worrying about wiring shouldering and hardware just plug the sensors code for it and you're good to go for making your iot projects so in this video i'll be covering everything regarding this particular kit like what are the box content what is included inside this particular kit what are the specifications of the board how to use this particular board i'll let you know how i uploading an example code what different kind of projects you can make using it how to activate the maker's plan that is included inside this particular kit and then i'll conclude this video and let you know whether you should go for this kit or not so there's a lot of learnings inside the single video about this opelio ticket from arduino so let's get started now before starting the video let me tell you one amazing feature of our sponsor ltm which is a pcb designer based software company and that feature is called as interacting with customers using ltm you can easily share your pcb design file maybe 2d or 3d and even schematic by just adding their email id in the list the client will receive a link using which he or she can easily visualize your schematic and pcb files without downloading any software on their system isn't this hassle free well even you can try out this and many other features of ldm designer software for absolutely free by clicking on the link mentioned in the description yes by clicking that link you'll be getting an access of a free trial version of ltm designer software and if you find it interesting you may purchase it later on now talking about the box content then on the front it has arduino plucket branding on it and also says it has 12 month subscription of create maker plan included with this kit on the back we get to see what's included in this kit and also at the bottom this stated eight different projects that we can make using this kit now of course we can make way more than eight projects using this kit whose tutorials you can easily find on internet but these eight projects are those projects whose detailed step-by-step guide is provided by arduino team which you can easily find on the official arduino website and trust me those articles are really well written and well explained as well so that was all about the box content now let's unbox it and let's see what we are getting inside it as we open the box the first thing we get to see is this arduino mkr iot carrier board which has all the sensors and connectors attached on it i'll talk about its specifications later in this video now here we also get a coupon code to activate 12 months make a create plan which we'll use later while interfacing this board with the arduino ide cloud now under this we get the arduino mkr wi-fi 1010 board which is the actual brain of this kit this board is based on samd21 chip with built-in wi-fi and bluetooth on board now i won't be going into detail about this board as i have made a dedicated detail getting started video on this arduino wi-fi 1010 borehouse link you can find in the i button as well as in description of this video so do watch that video out to know everything about this board and how to use it now this board gets easily fitted on the back of the carrier board and we can program this via usb cable putting it aside as of now so in the box we also get a pir motion sensor a capacitive soil moisture sensor after that we get a plastic box with its cap which gets easily attached by snap fitting without using any screws this box is really very nice much better than those 3d printed cases after that we get some screws to attach the carrier board with the box a usb cable to program the board and couple of connecting wires for the sensor so this is all you get inside this kit now let's focus on the actual carrier board so on the front of the carrier board we get to see the circular color display five capacitive touch sensors five rgb leds on top of each touch sensor a temperature sensor humidity sensor a light sensor which can also sense rgb color and gesture barometic pressure sensor and imu on the back we have a sd card slot a 18650 battery connector piezo buzzer three groove connectors for connecting external sensors and two relays now one thing which you need to take a note off is at the output side of the relay you can connect only up to 24 volt yes that's the maximum supply you can provide to this relays not more than that so that was all about the carrier board specifications and yes definitely this carrier board has a lot of things built in which is ready to be used okay so after getting the knowledge about the specification let's try to test each sensor out and let's see how it works now after researching a bit about the codes for this particular board i found out on the official arduino website that they have given a kind of an all-in-one demo code to test out all the built-in sensors on the iot carrier board okay so here is that particular code you just have to click on this icon to download this code i already downloaded it and opened it into my arduino ide okay now to test this demo code you need to have two things installed onto your system one is this arduino mkr wi-fi tent and boards packages and second is this arduino mk iot carrier library okay i'll guide you with the steps like how you can install it okay for the boards you just need to go to tools into boards and into boards manager and here just type mkr wi-fi and you just have to click on the install button to install this board and for the library you just need to copy this go to sketch include library into manage libraries here just paste that thing and press enter and then you just need to click on the install button and this library will be installed onto your arduino ide as well that's pretty much it now you can directly upload this board onto the arduino board and now let's see what is this demo code all about and let's test all the sensors out okay so code started running and we are able to see the arduino logo on the screen right now and it says arduino iot kit let's start the setup of the hardware yes let's start so first of all it says press all the buttons okay and let's try to touch the button number zero oh the sensitivity is amazing and as we touch the button the light turns to green let's try another button okay it turned green again let's try the second number button it turned into green okay so we tested all the uh five sensors like five touch sensors now it's showing the temperature 25.17 humidity 38.95 and pressure as 100.33 okay so we tested all the three sensors now let's test the imu so it says shake your device let's try to shake it out okay the movement sensor is also checked now it's the color detection time as i said it also detect the color so it says cover the screen i'll cover the sensor with the white object so i don't have a white object as of now but i have this arduino box so i'll show this box because this is white in color okay i'll show it in front of the screen okay so color is detected color sensor is also working fine now it says gesture detection let's try it out so uh move your hand left up down left right in parallel to the board let's try with the up now okay up sensor is detected down gesture is also detected our left is not okay left detected and right detected all the four gestures are detected successfully now what we're left with oh we are left with the relays of course let's test the relays out okay relay one on and off let's just try to press the on button okay as you can see the relay one turned on with this orange led let's turn it off okay it got turned off let's try the next relay because we have two delays on the board really two relay two on with the detector here and relay two off yeah relay is also tested let's just click on the next button let's see what we are left with okay the buzzer okay it says harvard setup done and it also uh you know played the buzzer sound so we also tested the buzzer so everything on the iot carrier board is successfully working and it is an amazing code which tests out all the sensors now let us move ahead and see what we are getting inside the maker plan and how to activate the maker plan using the coupon code so now to activate the 12 months make a subscription plan first you need to go to the arduino iot cloud website and now here log into your account after logging in just click on your profile icon and select my plans so here is your current plan in my case it is free so i'll click on modify plans now here along with this kit we are getting the makers plan subscription and this maker plans include 25 things unlimited compilation time unlimited sketch storage and so many other benefits as compared to the free version so after selecting it click on add billing information after that click on add payment information and now here click on add discount code write down your coupon code which you are getting inside the kit and after that click on the apply button as you can see we are getting the hundred percent discount using this coupon code now let's just fill up your card details and click on purchase plan so yeah congratulations you got the 12 months maker subscription plan for absolutely free okay so we have covered a lot of things about the opel iot decades starting from unboxing specifications how to upload the code on it and test different different sensors how to activate the maker subscription plan and now let us move ahead and test out those eight projects which were written by arduino team which is uploaded onto their website let's go through each of the projects let's see what you're learning from every project let me go through that okay so here are those eight projects written by arduino team which is listed inside the arduino website i'll leave its link in the description of this video and what i'll do i'll go through each of the project here in this video i won't be testing each of them right now but i'll let you know what the project contains and what you will be learning by doing each of the project let's start with the first one which is the remote controlled light so using this project will be able to control the relays attached onto the uh carrier board the leds like the rgb leds attached onto the carrier board using arduino iot cloud so by you know making this project you'll be able to learn how to use the relays attached onto the board and how to control the uh colors of the rgb led so that you'll be learning by doing this project second is this personal weather station so as the name suggests it's a weather station so you'll be able to affect the data of the temperature sensor humidity sensor uh what you can say um pressure sensor okay so these data you can fetch uh from the sensor it will be displayed onto the color display of this opelio ticket okay so that you'll be learning like how to access data of all different sensors that will be learning in the second project third is about the home security alarm this is very interesting because here uh you'll be able to learn how to interface the pi motion sensor with this particular kit not only that it will also detect if there is movement on the table or the desk on which the project is put on with the help of the internal imu and it will also be able to uh detect if there is a light in that particular room so if there is excess amount of light then also it will be detecting as an alarm okay so three different alarms motion sensor light sensor and the you know a shake sensor you can say okay so these three things will be learning in this particular project moving ahead we have a smart garden so obviously we'll be able to use the soil moisture sensor in this particular project to detect the moisture level of the soil not only that you'll be also able to detect the lightening condition whether it is too much bright or less light everything you're able to see that is required for the plantation also you'll able to uh you know sense the moisture and temperature levels so these all datas you'll be getting uh into the arduinoid cloud by making this project okay moving ahead which is thinking about you so this name is a bit confusing like what you'll be able to guess by reading this particular thing but yeah this project is all about a chat system in which you'll be able to send the data from the iot carrier board to the iot cloud account and vice versa as well okay so you can like if you shake this device uh device it will send the data as handshake onto the iot cloud okay so this is how you'll be able to communicate using this device and arduino iot cloud okay next is inventory control so inventory control is all about storing the data of how many uh x devices we have how many y devices we have okay so we can update the inventory using this uh capacitive touch sensor on the board and you can visualize the inventory on our arduino id cloud as well as the color display okay so that's the project okay so here you'll be learning how to use this capacitive touch sensors okay and moving ahead we have the thermostat control so here you will be able to get the data of temperature and humidity and here you will also be having a couple of buttons onto the arduinoid cloud platform so if it is too hot you can turn on the cooler if it is too cold you can turn on the heater okay using the cloud account so that's thing you will be making in this particular project so you'll be learning how to use the temperature humidity sensor basically okay straight after that uh the last project is solar system tracker now this is a bit different from what we have discussed till now as this project will be using the apis okay so using this you'll be able to fetch the data of different different planets and by using the capacitive touch button you can retrieve the information like how many moons are there of this planet how many uh light years uh away this planet is from uh so this kind of information you can fetch by calling the apis and you can display it on the screen by touching the buttons okay so these eight projects are very well written by the arduino team and you can try out all the projects so by trying out all these eight projects you will be able to use almost all the things that is included inside this carrier board as well as inside the kit and definitely this is not it you can make way way more projects by adding more sensors to it more uh interfaces to this particular thing you can definitely make tons of iot products out of it so yeah uh that was all about this project discussion now let us move on to the conclusion of this video okay so now let's come to the conclusion so undoubtedly this kit is a great kit to get started with iot project because you're gonna learn a lot out of this kit like how to use these sensors how how to use the apis okay apis to call the data from the cloud server how to use the arduino iot cloud and so many stuff you're gonna learn without worrying about shouldering and wiring at all just focus on the sensor specification this focus on the code and you are good to go and majority of time you don't need to attach external sensors as most of the sensors are built in on the carrier board so it's just like a plug and play so now if you find this kit interesting and useful you can definitely purchase this kit by clicking on the link mentioned in the description and of course if you like this video and like the getting started video and explanatory video don't click the like button and motivate us so that we can make more such videos just for you guys also do let me know like what kind of projects do you think we should make using this particular kit as this kit will be sitting in the studio only okay so do let me know your suggestion your project ideas that can be made using this kit down in the comments of the video and will definitely try to make a project just for you guys so yeah that was all about this opel iot kit video subscribe my channel if you want to see more such getting started videos of these and many different kind of iot devices and electronic kits and that being said i am just ending this video here and now just wait for my next one explore learn share with me techy sms
Channel: techiesms
Views: 11,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino iot cloud, Arduino opla, Opla iot kit, arduino internet of things, arduino opla iot kit, arduino wifi projects, best iot kit, electronics, electronics projects, esp32 cam, esp32 cam car, iot kit, techiesms
Id: M6sWngHAG2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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