Making A Sheath | Multi Layered Kydex Sheath | Horizontal Carry

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what's up everybody so we're back on the shot for day two of the daily vlog we're gonna be doing another sheath today this one's gonna be a little bit different than yesterday's I'm going to be stepping it up a little bit and doing something that I wanted to do for a little while and you'll see what I'm doing whenever I actually start making it but we're gonna be making the sheath for this survival knife right here so let's go ahead jump into it see how it turns out so right here we're actually reforming the Kydex sheath that I had already pressed I went ahead put it back in the oven flattened the Kydex back out and then I'm repressing it because I did not like the way it was set up before so I'm getting it put back in the press now and I like that spine to be all the way up to the top of the inside of that taco sheath style just like a is right there we did do an outline of the blade so that when we're running this eyelet down here we know that the eyelet is not going to interfere with the edge of the blade whenever we press it in I was playing around a few different shapes but I like my kayaks she used to be as minimalist as possible so we're gonna go ahead and erase those and now we're taking this little clip that I have off of one of my gun holsters because I like the spacing of the holes and we're just going to use it as a template to draw these holes for the eyelets now we're just going to fine tune the the back one the one that's directly underneath the handle and get it to where I feel comfortable with where it's at there we go that's the rough shape of it we're gonna go ahead and do a center punch on these holes so that we have a little guide for our drill bit on the next step and we are going to use a small drill bit to do a pilot hole and then we're gonna take that out and go ahead and go to the step bit again I like these step bits because they do not melt the Kydex I've used regular drill bits in the past and it just melts the konnex no matter how low the speed I go on my drill press and then again make sure that you put enough room on the outside of this so that you can sand back to the actual finish shape you don't want to cut too close to those holes or your eyelets will overhang off the edge of the Kydex and that's the last thing you want [Music] we're using a 120 grit drum on this oscillating spindle sander to get a nice radius where your Famers gonna go and you're grabbing the knife out of the sheath then we're using a 400 grit belt this is just a 400 grit ceramic belt and it does a real good job at not melting the Kydex as well and gets a good finish on there prior to hand sanding we just go through them to kind of start rounding the edges over just a little bit to make a real smooth edge it just feels comfortable when you're holding it and the final product you don't want any sharp edges on any of this really like that we're going to go ahead and hand Shan we're starting at 500 grit and we are going to final sand this with 1000 grit but we do want to hit all of the edges with the 501st it puts a good finish on the sheath itself and you can see that finish on the edge there it's just a real smooth finish and as you notice I have not put any eyelets on here yet you don't do that until after this because between that step and this step I did go through and wash it out to make sure there was no more dust and filings inside the sheath we put that one eyelid in there so that I can actually have it pinched together while I'm doing this step right here and this is just relieving the tension so that it's not being retained by the ricasso slash sharpening coil area I want the retention to be on the handle itself you can see there's already a little bit of retention on the handle but we're gonna go ahead and heat this up and pinch it down around the handle so we get it heated up go ahead put the knife in there and then we pinch it right there around the handle and then we're gonna go ahead and move that top piece up so you have a nice thumb perch I don't exactly know what you call this little thing I just know that it helps with releasing the knife from the sheath really like this shape and it has a real good retention on it a nice solid click into place it's not going anywhere now we can take it and go ahead and put the rest of the eyelets in I don't have a fancy press I have to hammer them in every single time I might get either a press or a small little anvil to do this so I could stop doing it on my vise but my vise works for right now so that's what we're going to be using now we're gonna go ahead and do a step that I didn't do on the last one it does help whenever you actually do it the the right way the shiny side on the inside instead of the outside but we're gonna go ahead and do a overlay on this sheath and that's what we're doing right now with this FDE Kydex so it did get a nice shape to it it fit this sheath perfectly and once I realized that everything was you know nice and smooth right there I did need to put in an area so that I could mount the hardware so I am heating up this one side addition of the overlay so that I can slide the sheath in there and then I have a piece of cut off stock that I'm using right here and I'm just pushing it in there and I'm gonna press the overlay around it to give myself a little space for the hardware to mount the ulti clip onto now we're just trimming it down to be able to fit the sheath the way that I want it to fit it after I get done trimming this we do take it to the oscillating spindle sander and the belt grinder and also hands--and it and get it all smooth I just didn't feel the need to show that step again because we already saw all of that it's just rinse and repeat to what I did to the main sheath now we're mounting the ulty clip on there the cool thing about this is this is removable so you can kind of play with that however you want then you just use regular sheath hardware to put this back together and that's how it turned out alright guys well that wraps up day two of the daily vlog so we've got our two pieces here got the ulti clip on the back here spaced out and then 100% flush on this side you can just unscrew this and remove this whole flat dark earth piece if you want to but that's it right there we've got our thumb perch nice retention on there that ain't going anywhere well the way that's turned out but guys y'all tell me what y'all think about in the comments section if you haven't yet give this video a thumbs up share this video or share a video that I've done in the past that might be your favorite and if you haven't yet Bob corner hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification bill so you get notified on whenever I do stuff like this right there plus some of that stuff and some of that stuff but other than that guys that's the end of this one y'all have an amazing day I'll catch y'all next time [Music]
Channel: The Rivers' Experience
Views: 31,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheath, kydex, knife, knives, knife maker, texas knife maker, blade, blades, blade smith, blade smithing, skills, hand made, shop, shop talk, the rivers experience, the, rivers, experience, grinder, 2x72, sanding, sand, sander, belt grinder, clip, ulti clip, layered, vlog, daily
Id: I45Zi5NNB1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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