How to do Dual Layers on Vac press. Canik TP9 SFX

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what's up guys iggy here with five second limit in today's episode i'm going to show you how to do a dual layer on the vacuum with a t-shirt press and this is a g-code rti 35 with speed lock hood now just this is what it's going to look like and it looks awesome the purple and the gray really really come out but stay tuned in this video i'm going to show you how to make this uh you see me do dual layers before uh with the oven but today i'm gonna do dual layer kydex in my vacuum press so i'm gonna be doing it in the t-shirt and in the vacuum press instead of my foam um so uh canik tp9 sfx we're going to be using a pale horse mold that i did a copy and modified it so this is what it looks like and i'm gonna go ahead uh this one is just a simple rti um 35 with a speed lock hood on it so we're gonna go ahead block everything i need to block do everything we need to do and then we're just gonna throw it on there the inside is going uh purple haze and the outside is gonna be storm gray carbon fiber so i'm actually really looking forward to how this is gonna look out um so without further ado let's just get to it before i get to it i wanted to show you this i'm actually pretty happy the way this come out customer requested a canon tp9 sfx like we're building now but with a biohazard green and black um theme so what i did is i went to the computer i took a black background to green haze with uh um biohazard on it and this is the mag area so you can see the black and the gray kind of reminds me of jurassic park to be honest with you but lime green inside and then uh it's like a smoked green and black and then i did the same thing with the holster itself i thought it actually came out really good um but like i said this is what we're gonna do but instead of this we're gonna do an rti 35 and this is a matching set that is going to be going out to this customer so pretty stoked about this but again let's get to this build while i'm doing this i realize i have a brand new mold on my table this is uh multi molds and on targets brand new mold it is the smith wesson csx and uh i am now going to be offering holsters for the csx i have to get this in my books and then you can put it on the uh the website along with like 15 others that i haven't done yet um so we're going to be adding this guy so but anyways let's get this so we know this is going to be going pretty much there and that's going to go there and that's what we have to block we'll go ahead do this first this has to be down far enough because the blocking or not the blocking but on the sfx the um rmr cut is like in line with this right here this body line so this has to be mounted below that so just have to keep that in mind when you're working off of pale horse mold i think we're going to rock it right about there these are directional so make sure you pay attention you mount the right way you got the wider set of holes on the bottom and that's going to go right there under that and of course we're going to need some sort of stand off underneath it that way it supports it let me get this stuff out of the way i just did a couple phone presses earlier hmm there we go get something that's the same height we're going to go ahead and keep that in place now for something like this it's a little different shape than the blocking that i made which looks like this i generally just take a big piece of tape and put it over it but in this case i don't need to do that so i cut it and i put it in between the mounting holes that way when you suck the vacuum it actually makes dimples so you know where to drill that way you don't have to change drill bits mount everything back up and do what you need to do my dogs are up here all excited we just had puppies i'm not sure if i remember if i told you guys but here they are they are absolutely adorable all right and they are a handful so but right now i'm taking advantage of them sleeping all right so there we go uh remember this is also keyed you don't want to mount it like that because it's not going to work or upside down so you want that right about there that seems good and we'll just mark this blocking in place and we'll see what i can fit underneath here oh half of that here we go and when you're doing vac forming you're going to want to make it so it can't get underneath the blocking because it will be a pain in the butt to try and get it all back so we're gonna do one more and it's pretty much right there now uh the pale horse mold that we're using the uh magazine catch isn't tall enough if you're using the widest one so i have just a piece of our aluminum blocking and that is going to go right there and if you haven't done this already my heat press has been turned on this entire time it is up to temperature uh it has had a um a section or not a section but it has had a time where it's already done it's uh it's heat press it's heat cycle so that is all set now we're just going to do this side and we'll put that we'll put that right there but we gotta go low there we go and again just remember that you're gonna have to get all the blocking out puppies are playing with a bone actually spent memorial day cleaning the shop i also did about seven or eight orders over the weekend i also installed the fence and did a few things with a buddy help them out like i said i was i was busy made a few holsters it had a gun show that we worked and killed and then um yeah pretty good time all right move on to the next step now what i found doing dual layers on a heat press is a little bit different than doing it if you are um in the oven or anything else so in the oven i wait until each piece of kydex reaches a 360 to 380 degrees and then i do those separately and i put them together this is not the case i have this set to 390 degrees at 375 seconds anywhere between 350 and 400 i find works seconds wise and uh i will show you why purple and the carbon and first things first we'll take the mold set the mold up where it needs to be but we're gonna have to cut this which no big deal these are 12 inches by uh two feet and we're just gonna right in half both of them now you don't you don't want the uh let's see here well first of all you need to take all this off because this will not help second thing i found that helps you actually want to cut the inside layer slightly smaller than the the outside layer of reason being it creates a better seal i've done it both ways codex wise and that's what i find to work the boat the best um but we're gonna do this regular um so we know this is gonna be on the inside so it's gonna be the second one in the press so let me point you at the press here all right clean yeah clean that off place it in there and then we're going to place that right on top this is going to be very thick so just keep that in mind and that's 390 degrees for 375 seconds now one thing i didn't tell you is that this is not two layers of .080 like is normally made from holsters this is actually one layer of .06 and one layer 0.08 otherwise dual layers of 0.06 or 0.08 is going to be ridiculously thick and it won't form that well and it's just going to be a pain to work with this right here the purple does not come at .06 so the purple is 0.08 which is the inside layer and the outside layer is .06 carbon fiber so luckily i was able to get that combination in from which again wearing their shirt and as soon as that pops out in 330 more seconds we're going to go ahead and do the vac form on it with the dual layer so get everything ready get your frame out make sure everything's all working copacetic and go from there yay out of the press all the blocking is out and i went ahead and drilled the holes but this is what it looks like it actually looks pretty damn good and for being as thick as as it is it's it's very definition is there put it that way but uh anyways the reason why i did it for so hot and so long is these don't separate now and the pressure together between the foam and the press it's just it's not coming apart so sadly i don't have a trim jig for this so i'm gonna go ahead and do this by hand so i'm gonna cut out the outside edge we're going to cut an angle off here and then we're going to use go ahead and use the blue gun to get everything all set up on it but go ahead and do that [Music] check [Music] apparently i never hit record from the bandsaw to folding it back to the bandsaw but pretty much bandsaw for the rough shape folded it added the hardware because it's a lot easier at this point and then i went back to the bandsaw and cut it to the final shape and now we're gonna just clean up the edges and uh get out that so i like to use the um not a buffing wheel but i like to use a sanding disc just to get that right edge off we'll do that just put it all back together [Music] all right so we uh we're all cleaned edges are all done and i'm about to spray this down with some rim oil give it a good [Applause] good wiping [Music] this is actually a damn nice combination i'm not gonna lie [Music] just remember when you have thick holsters though you're gonna have some serious uh rigidity to it so this is there's like no flex so but anyways let's go ahead and do our [Music] tension so i normally do quarter inch these are right around half inch so you have that a little bit extra adjustability and we need this guy um so these you notice some of these sticks sometimes so there's a couple things i do so like see how that sticks and whatnot there's a couple things that i do and it helps a lot take take your razor blade and this part here this is the release for it so i actually just bevel that edge i don't cut a lot off but just bevel that edge and that helps and then what else i do is i'll take one of these q-tips here and some white lithium grease and i'll put it right underneath here and then what i'll do is i'll work that a couple times and that helps inside here but in all reality the reason why it sticks is the pivot point they when they assembled it they put the eyelet in way too way too tight and that's what causes that to do that but by adding a little bit of grease it helps to slide and that's what i've been doing since i started using these throw those in this is the hardware for the speed lock comes with it when you purchase it i personally dump those and use a half inch i'll go ahead and put loctite on all the hardware now again these do not go super tight reason being is uh you'll tighten up the eyelets and then the part won't function anymore so i just goes until it stops jiggling and there we go all right and let's get kydex left inside from drilling all right let's get those on all right and then what i do is i'll check the clearance perfect you see it's not hitting right and then we're going to set the screw on the side drill that clean the outside now we're going to have to go with a bigger standoff i believe yep so i will grab a quarter inch you want the top of the post to hover just above the strap that way you can tighten this down as tight as you want and there will be no retention on the strap and then what i do is i like to move that curve to the center and then i'll try that there we go this one's sticking a little bit to the means i'll put another one on or keep working it but there it is oh god that looks good i like that but i'm gonna work on this for a little bit all right so you can see i took it off and what i did is when i shaved that i didn't shave enough over in the corner so i shaved that corner and it seemed to work in my hand so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna throw it back on the holster and i re put on the uh thread locker here so let's see here there we go cool all right and still sticking just a little bit the button but it pops right back up and we're gonna let's see here what they need to do is make it so this doesn't travel down as far because the retention or the pressure from this watch if i do this it'll fling forward i bet see so if they made this part thinner or they moved the stop point up it wouldn't have that issue but all right cool that just looks so good oh yeah you
Channel: FalTac Unlimited LLC
Views: 15,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #VideoGuru
Id: H6yu459YZgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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