Making of The Monster Under The Bed! - Sculpting Process with Polymer Clay

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics build your online presence with Squarespace hey everyone ace of clay here and welcome to another sculpting video if you are new here I'm a self-taught sculptor and in today's video we're making the boogey man the creature under the stairs creature under the bed whatever you want to call it in my book it's the boogey man quick shout out to Heather ween cartoon fan 18 and keeping me sane on Twitter for suggesting him for this week sculpt and don't forget I'll be announcing the winner of the ultimate answer clay sculpting set at the end of this video so stay tuned for that now the question is what does the boogie man look like well to me I thought it would be cool if it looked like he was imagined by a little kid with like random features that don't really make sense but still work together to create one cohesive creature so if you want to see if I can pull that off let's get started oh and if you like my stuff and you want to subscribe that'd be cool too all right here we go first step armature I'm going to start shaping out the boogeyman's body from some aluminum foil and as always all of the materials and tools that I use in this video are listed in the description box below along with my affiliate links if you want to purchase anything alright after shaping out the torso and tail from one piece of aluminum foil and securing it with masking tape we're gonna cover the entire thing in super sculpey if I can get it out of the box sculpey I like your old boxes better then after running the clay through my pasta maker on the thickest setting I'm just going to add these nice even sheets all over the surface of the monster and smooth everything out to get it ready for details once everything's covered I'm just gonna poke some holes for the wire that'll be used for the arms and the legs we're gonna start with the legs I'm just shaping out the foot from the wire this is 12 gauge aluminum wire and I'm just feeding it through and then twisting it around like so to create each of the legs once the armature for the legs is complete we're just gonna cover those in clay and then if you can't already tell I want this guy to be sort of lizardy you can see that from the tail and all that in the shape of his body but I also want him to look random and sort of pieced together like I said in the intro like a little kid thought him up so that's what I'm trying to go for so half lizard half like Yeti monster half dragon you'll see then once the legs are at a good point it's time to add some clay for the fee [Music] then after completing the other foot off camera or just smooth an everything out being careful not to drag the clay around we just want to sort of push it in and that's looking pretty good now it's time to add some wire for the arms get those positioned and then I want to fill them out a little bit more around his middle areas so we're just adding some more clay Voki man's got a dad bod [Music] then we're just going to add a little more clay to even everything out then we're just gonna add a skewer for the neck right in the middle of his shoulders make sure I can get it into a good spot so that it's not too hunched not bad now it's time to add the toes I'm just shaping out these little balls of clay adding them to the foot like so and blending one edge in with the rest of his foot then I want to add some fur on his legs so I'm just adding these flattened upside-down teardrop shapes like so sort of overlapping them as I work my way up the leg and then we're going to texture these later to look more like Ferb super easy and super effective [Music] then once the last pieces of fur are on I'm just going to use a couple different tools to give them a nice fur texture [Music] then we're just gonna finish up the other leg off-camera and that's looking pretty good now it's time to add some plates or scoots down the front of his chest like a dragon or snake and then here I'm just attaching them I cut out these little rectangles that get bigger and I'm just overlapping them one at a time to finish off his chest and then throughout this entire process especially at this point I really wanted to make sure he didn't look like a dinosaur because he kind of started to at a certain point but then once I added the fur that kind of helped but he definitely doesn't look like a dinosaur when he's done then once all the chest plates are on we were just going to go in with our paralyzing tool this came in a three pack it has a large pearl size medium and small and I am just poking the large one and the small one all over the surface of his back to create the scales it's super easy and super effective [Music] not bad let's keep going now I'm just going to detail the feet a little bit and some joins to the toes then once both feet are looking pretty good we're just going to go in with our small paralyzing tool to add some scales that sort of fade away into the rest of the foot just gonna use my Explorer tool here to detail them a little bit more and then I'm going to use my medium ball stylus to press in the areas where we will be adding some claws and then for the claws I will be using some Premo sculpey this is just a stronger clay once it's cured and because the claws are pointy they can be kind of fragile so I just want to use a stronger clay for them then to finish off the boogieman scales I'm just going to add some translucent liquid sculpey and clay softener and brush them onto the surface to fill in all of the gaps between each of the scales this makes it look more like a bumpy surface not like I just poked in a bunch of circles everywhere and the reason I added the clay softener to the translucent liquid clay is because it thins it out a little bit and makes it easier to spread and then don't overdo it I do go a little heavy-handed in certain areas and I totally lost all the texture in some spots but it's okay moving on now we're just gonna brush the surface of everything else with some clay softener to get him ready for his first bake that's looking pretty good now that he's baked and completely cooled down let's look at how I screwed up on the translucent liquid clay I added a little too much in some areas but it's fine I'm not worried about it right now we're gonna start the hands this is a different method for making hands that I've never done before and I'm really glad that it worked out so well I want him to have really long skinny fingers so what I did was shape out the palm and back of the hand from the a piece of clay and I'm poking in wire for each of the fingers and they're ready to bake but before I baked them I did poke them onto the wire for the arms just saw it that's how I'm gonna stick them on when they're baked here we go not bad not bad now it's time to add the clay to the fingers I actually enjoyed making the hands for this guy and that never happens because I don't like making hands you guys know this then once the fingers are shaped out we're just gonna add some little tiny details and that's looking pretty good wait let's fix something really quick and then start the second hand off-camera and once they're both done I'm just going to put them very far away so don't smash all the work that I just did and now we're going to add some clay to the arms [Music] then I'm gonna add a little bit of fur to the arms but I'm not going to go as crazy as I did with the leg so I'm just going to add another little piece of clay and then make it so the fur is sort of just hanging off the back of his arm and then just detailing that with this tool like so then after completing the other arm off-camera I really like how this thing's turning out now we're just gonna attach the hands gently and then add more clay to the wrists like that he's almost done I was really really happy with how he was turning out now it's time to fake that again and then start the head I had a lot of fun making the head I really wanted to get out of my norm and push the stylization of this guy as far as possible and really make him look like he was imagined by a little kid but still look good and go along with the same style as the rest of the monsters in my monster universe if that makes sense so this was a lot of fun we're just giving him a nice football shaped head hello hey Arnold we're just going to use our pin tool to shape out the mouth and a little more clay at the ends here like that [Music] and now I'm gonna take my large ball stylus to press in the eye sockets and then add the eyeballs then once the eyes are in it's time to give them some eyelids so just snakes of clay of the taper at each end that I am attaching and shaping out with my spoon tool and then to form the teeth I am just using my wedge firm detail tool to shape them out and sort of rock it back and forth in between the indents just to sort of round the front of each tooth and this is again super easy and super effective now we're just gonna add a nice long a snake of clay for the bottom lip and then blend the bottom edge of that end with the bottom of his head like that not bad time for the top lip doing this the same way as the bottom one then once the lips are done it's time to give him a nose I'm giving him a nice big monster nose [Music] then to add some more detail to the center of his face I'm just going to add some ridges going up from the nose like that and then blending them in with my spoon tool [Music] I'm just gonna use a small ball stylus to press in the nostrils now we're gonna add some final details to the face with my Explorer tool adding some lines on the eyelids like that and then just really clean everything up now we're gonna add more of that scale texture to the back of his head [Music] we're getting there now for the next step I'm just going to use my large ball stylus to create indents for his horns and I'm going to make these horns out of primo as well again for the same reason as the toenails it's a stronger claim now we're just going to finish off the horns with a little piece of skin where the horn meets his head [Music] [Music] then once the horns are looking pretty good it's time to attach the head and then add some clay for the neck I did not wash my hands after using black clay I just went straight back to super sculpey original so that's why the neck clay looks a little gross then for a final detail working I give this guy a little goatee I thought this edits so much character and I absolutely love it like look at it then for the last detail we're just gonna give him some nice pointy little ears and then I'm going to add some translucent liquid clay to the scales on his head and neck to just to finish him off and he's ready for his final bake then once he's baked and completely cooled down it's time for paint we're gonna start with the plates on his chest we're gonna make these purple and then all of the paints that I used in this video are full cart brand matte acrylics then after the first coat of purple is dry I want it to gray it out a little bit more so we're just going over that with a second coat right here and then we are going to go in with some darker purple that I tinted with some pure black to shade all the areas under the plaits and we're going to take some lighter purple to highlight them and that's looking pretty good now we're gonna paint his eyes I'm going to use some hot saffron as a base color this is a nice vibrant orange very hot color then I'm going over that with some yellow bright to create this nice radial gradient [Music] now we're just painting the teeth I made this color with some yellow bright and warm white but I don't like it I'm just going to paint the whole thing dark first and then dry brush some yellow bright mixed with warm white over that and then follow that with some just straight-up warm white that looks pretty good now we're just gonna fix up some areas here and then start painting the rest of his body this nice dark gray color [Music] [Music] now we're gonna take a quick break and add the pupils to his eyes like that using a very fine paintbrush and an extremely steady hand don't want to screw these up and have to redo all the horns again glad I did it right on the first time now we're gonna Cohen with some of that dark gray again with a fine paint brush to get all the areas that aren't right up against another color now let's finish up that gray painting the top of his head really brought him to life for me I was so happy with how it was turning out he's just this shadowy creature that hangs out and you're under your bed in your closet in your attic under the stairs all that because he's the bogeyman alright now we're just going to go in with some watered-down black to add some shading beneath all of the layers of fur and then some other areas on him [Music] now dry brushing some pure black down the front of his face and his back just to create this nice black gradient then for a final step on the gray we're just gonna dry brush a little lighter gray onto the surface just to highlight some areas on him and then we're going to finish up the horns with some black and white stripes the black is already there so I'm only painting the white parts of course and I love how the horns turned out I think they've really brought him together then using a little ball stylus I'm adding some reflections to his eyes glazing his teeth with some high gloss varnish and then using some set and varnish to paint some of the scales on his back just to add another level of dimension and detail and then we're going to glaze his eyes with some glossy varnish as well and he's done the bogeyman is complete let me know what you think in the comments and then stick around now to hear the winner of my 200k giveaway [Music] [Music] [Music] and let's rap I really hope you like my version of the boogeyman he is definitely one of my top favorite sculptures if not my new favorite so let me know what you think of him in the comments and now for the giveaway winner thank you so much to everybody that entered I received over 6000 entries so without further ado the winner of the ultimate ace of clay sculpting set is Francisco Baez congratulations I'll be reaching out to you in the next couple days so that you can claim your prize and honestly if I could send this kit to every single one of you I would but that would cost over a million dollars and you know I can't do that so anyway congratulations again Francisco and stay tuned for the next giveaway that'll be at 300k and then before we close out I just want to talk a little bit about our sponsor Squarespace whether you're just getting started or you're an established brand the Squarespace commerce platform supports the way you do business whether you want to sell products directly or even bill for your services they've got you covered for me personally I love Squarespace for their portfolios I'm just starting to expand my website with more of my work and I love how customizable the galleries are and I also want to mention their amazing email support team that is available 24 hours a day seven days a week they're an actual team in an office that'll typically respond to your questions within an hour so with all that said get on over to Squarespace calm to start your free trial and then when you're ready to launch your website go to Squarespace calm slash ace of clay to get 10% off your first purchase and as always thank you so much for watching and being here be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and then follow me on Instagram Facebook and Twitter a days of clay for more content and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ace of Clay
Views: 193,598
Rating: 4.9574966 out of 5
Keywords: tim burton, halloween, ghost, ghost stories, creepy art, monster under the bed, sculpting for beginners, sculpey clay, polymer clay, how to model clay, nerdecrafter, lorechirik, clay claim, 5 minute crafts, ace of clay, troom troom, art hacks, character design, timelapse tutorial, speed art, art challenge, drawing to sculpture, skeleton, corpse bride, crafting ideas, sculpture inspiration, interesting video, dragon, fimo, diy, maquette, movie prop, grim reaper, satisfying, artist
Id: Lw0xXHKFhtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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