Making A MARBLE Factory Race! - Marble World

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what's up everyone dapper here we're back playing some more marble world today we're gonna be making a marble factory race with all of my subscribers as marbles if you want the chance to be a marble in one of my upcoming races all you have to do is like this video subscribe with the bell notification and finally leave a comment down below anyway without further ado let's get building all right guys here we are it is time to start building our factory marble race and uh as always we need to start off with the spawner but before i do that actually i'm gonna make a background so let's go ahead and get this piece here uh hopefully that's straight i think it is and now we can make it as big as possible that way this will be like our backdrop for the race i'm gonna kind of make this one like a 2d race we might go 3d at some point but i just have this idea of how to use some gears in the beginning and that's all i really got so far so hopefully we can come up with some other cool ideas for this but let's go ahead and give this a nice background so we'd be able to see the marbles okay and now it's time to get a marble spotter in here so i'm going to go ahead and drop this one in just like so let's go ahead and rotate it the correct direction and we're going to bump this up to 180 marbles i'm going to do a couple of these i want to do a lot more than 180 i want to do something like a thousand like normal so let's go ahead and copy paste this a couple times actually before we do that i'm gonna make this a bit thinner so i have an idea to use some kind of a marble mixer in the beginning i might have already shown this in the intro to be honest but uh that's fine we're gonna go ahead and make this uh marble mixer right now let's go ahead and get this painted as well there we go something like that that looks pretty good all right now it is time to make our marble mixer so the way i like to do this is just to grab a piece like this we can go ahead and copy it right away and basically make a pretty big circle uh something about that size i think will be good and let's go ahead and start copy pasting it all the way around all right i'm not gonna lie that looks pretty good but i also need a a marble releaser so i think i'm gonna grab another spawner here let's go ahead and bring it down and i'm going to rotate it 180 degrees and i'm going to set this one to zero because i just want to use the gate there we go just like that and then i think i can get rid of this piece here and i'm going to go ahead and make this wider and taller as well let's go ahead and do that there we go we'll make it taller just like so and now i can actually set it in a little bit just like that to kind of match the depth of the our circle here and i'll go ahead and make it wider like that all right i'm gonna paint the circle and just see if the marbles fit in here oh that's right i still need to copy paste this a bunch of times as well so let's go ahead and do that let's do like five so one two three four five perfect all right let's go ahead and spawn the marbles in here and uh oh yeah i forgot to kind of block this in so i'm gonna go ahead and make a copy of this and i'm going to make it invisible so we'll do that all right let's see how that works let's go ahead and spawn the marbles in now and i'm going to change the colors of those i mean i like the country marbles but um only when we're doing country races so i think i'm going to make these all colorful but i just wanna make sure all the marbles fit in our circle here so let's go ahead and speed it up and wow okay so i think i need to remake this we need to make it slightly bigger so let's go ahead and do that now all right so here we go i've remade the entire thing i've changed the marble colors and i've also added this uh this physics piece here to kind of mix the marbles up and that looks pretty good that's honestly perfect so the marbles actually fill up the circle perfectly and the mixer actually moves all the marbles around so no matter when i let go they should be randomized which is pretty cool uh the only thing i don't like is that it releases them slowly but that might be okay hopefully our race can mix them up as well but i'm pretty happy with that that's pretty good all right so now i'm killing my computer anyway it's time to add more to this race so let's get started so i really like the construction site look of things um like a black and yellow so i'm going to try to make that for here i think that'd be kind of cool so i'm going to make like like a little pillar here and uh now i'm just going to go ahead and copy paste this and i'm going to do something at like a 45 degree angle and let's go ahead and change the size of this as well that's good you can paint these black as well and now i can copy paste this all the way up and down actually i'll do that first i'll copy paste it and then i'll paint it yellow how about that and that looks pretty good uh now we can just copy paste this all the way up and down and then we'll have a nice little pillar here all right so here is our pillar which looks kind of cool i want to do this on both sides so let's go ahead and copy paste this to the other side as well there we go that looks pretty good so far now i think i want to do some type of like uh some gears here some gears would be pretty cool so i'm gonna go ahead and do that now all right that looks pretty cool now i'm just going to copy paste a bunch of these that way we can make it look good i'll go ahead and put that in the opposite direction and then we can do like another one down here all right so now i'm just going to fill this in and kind of see what i can come up with here all right so i've been working on this for a little bit and it's looking pretty good i added these like little knot gear motors otherwise i found that the marbles always go the same direction like they would always come down here and then they would always come over here and spill down but this kind of keeps them separated all actually all three of them keep them separated so they're on both sides let's go ahead and test this now just to see how this works so we'll get the marble mixer going just like so oh my gosh that looks so satisfying and cool oh yeah i've also added in all the names here as well for when we do the race later but we're gonna turn those off for now let's go ahead and release the marbles and oh that's right i forgot to block it in all right there we go the marbles are now blocked in let's go ahead and release them and see what happens all right so that's looking pretty good all of them are kind of going back and forth because of that one piece there which separates them pretty well and uh hopefully i think they'll all make it through here yeah that's kind of oh my gosh that's so satisfying i love the way that the gears just kind of move the marbles around slowly so yeah it's uh they're making their way through the factory which is awesome all right so that works pretty well i'm gonna go ahead and delete all the marbles and we are gonna continue this race all right so i think for this section i'm gonna do a bunch of conveyors i think that'd be kind of cool so i got this one conveyor here we put it at like a five speed and i think i want to add like a bunch um my idea here is uh to probably have the top row be faster and i want to make some kind of mechanism here that like makes them drop and it'd be interesting to have the uh like a bunch of lower conveyor sections down here which will move slower so the marbles if they stay up top they'll move through faster and if they drop down they will move slower all right so i've been working for a little bit and here is the new section i'm gonna go ahead and test it out now just to make sure it works um my computer is literally dying right now all right there we go come on computer speed up a little bit thank you all right the marbles are making their way down and i just want to make sure all the marbles make it through this like conveyor section so i did what i was talking about the top layer goes a bit faster than the bottom layer layer but they eventually join up over here and we're gonna kind of see that now so here's the little mechanism i came up with um so it kind of like lets the marbles go down and at the same time it pushes them and allows them to stay up top as well and it looks like the marbles down here actually made it a bit quicker which is interesting um i don't have this blocked in over here yet but uh because i just want to make sure this works but it's looking pretty good i think we can move on to the next section now alright so for this next section i think i might just catch the marbles here and i'm thinking about maybe doing like a turbine section or something like that i think that'd be kind of cool so let's go into my shapes here and see if i can create like maybe a practice turbine all right so here's my turbine which i think looks pretty cool but now i need to make something that kind of catches the marbles so i think i'm just going to use like some of these pieces here if i can get it orientated right there we go and then i'm just going to like try to catch all the marbles down in here just like that and it'll kind of funnel them into this sort of section here now i need to grab my turbine i think i'm just going to leave this one here just so i can make it easy to copy and paste them over and we'll do something like that there we go that looks pretty good now if i can just grab this once again there we go now i think i'm going to just start putting them next to each other and then i'm gonna go back and like open up the sections in between but i'm just gonna do like a little practice section here first so let's put these next to each other like that and there we go now i'm gonna open up the sections in between the turbines so i think it'll be able to push the marbles in between those sections i think i might need to change the directions of them like this one i think needs to go the other way so if they get trapped in here it'll push them out and uh yeah so i think i'm just gonna do this whole area with a bunch of these all right there we go the next section is complete i think it looks awesome again i did change the direction of most of them that are on the edges uh so these ones all spin a different direction that way it pushes the marbles along and they actually all make their way down to this turbine here so that's where actually where i had all the marbles kind of empty out onto another conveyor now it's time to work on the next section which i think i'm going to do another conveyor section here we're gonna keep it nice and simple i just want some kind of machinery to like push on the track i guess i'm not really sure i think i'm just gonna use these uh upward stairs here and we're just gonna make a few pieces that'll like go up and down and kind of push the marbles or like pack them in all right here we go that looks pretty good i made this conveyor go pretty fast because i'm scared the marbles are like going to clog up here possibly uh but then i have these pushers here that'll kind of like maybe push them down into their slots and just kind of keep them all in like a uniform line kind of like a factory normally would now this next section i'm not really sure what to do yet um i'm thinking maybe some kind of vacuum system at the end so like it sucks up the marbles that'd be kind of cool i think i'm gonna start working on that i think i'm gonna grab something like this we can just copy paste it over and then um we can make some kind of like suction tube that'll pull all the marbles up all right so i've started making this tube and now i'm starting to think this might be a little too plain it'd be kind of cool if they went into some kind of vacuum and then maybe there's like an upside down plinko board that would have them kind of get jumbled up and we can kind of make this vacuum section like an actual section that'll jumble up the marbles so i think i'm gonna delete what i made and we're gonna try again all right so i've been working on this for a while and here it is here's the vacuum it actually sucks up the marbles i've got like these uh these gravity pads that are not sitting where they're supposed to be right now but i'm going to go ahead and put those inside the uh the conveyor here and that'll actually let it suck up all these marbles and then it'll go through this plinko board and then come out over here it actually changes the direction of the gravity right here and then we're gonna go on to another section which i'm not once again i'm not really sure what i'm gonna do yet but it's looking pretty good so far i've done a couple test runs and it's actually pretty cool so everything works um but now it's time to think of what i'm gonna do for the next section here all right so i've been thinking about this for a while now and i really like this uh this whole gear setup like we did in the beginning i think i'm gonna make something similar but i'm gonna pack the gears in maybe tighter so that they actually have to go through the gears a little bit differently than they do here i'm not really sure yet i'm just gonna i'm kind of gonna borrow some of these pillars here we're gonna copy paste them over and i'm gonna see if we can do something similar all right here we go the next section is complete and i'm actually liking it a lot so it looks pretty simple the marbles actually make their way down in this essentially just send them down you know what no i'm gonna i'm gonna save that for the end of the race i'm gonna do the tests off-camera anyway um it's actually really cool because the marbles they actually fall or follow along with the gears but they have a chance to fall through so it's almost like taking a shortcut so it's kind of cool all the marbles make it through here and then i've got another conveyor that uh once again i'm not really sure what's next but we need to go back up so i think i'm gonna use some conveyors to start bringing them upwards um so yeah i'm gonna start doing that now all right here we go the next section is completed i created like these kickers to kind of kick the marbles up so that way they can gain more altitude and it kind of goes back and forth and not only that but the marbles will actually mix up by doing this as well because i actually slowed them down so this actually packs the marbles up which is kind of cool so it brings all the marbles back to the top and then from here i think i'm gonna do one final section and i've been thinking about this for a little bit i think i'm going to do a grinder so all the marbles will fall in the final grinder they'll grind them all up and then they will head towards the finish i like these sections a lot i think i'm just going to grab one of these pillars once again and just kind of use that so i got the pillar here i'm going to bring it over i think i'm going to just make like a um like a funnel in the beginning like right like that and then i can copy paste another one and do the same thing and then in the center of this entire thing we'll do a bunch of like spinning physics pieces i think that'd be kind of cool to kind of like grind up the marbles here at the end anyway back to building all right ladies and gentlemen the race is finally complete a few hours later starting with the beginning it has all been tested everything works but here is our gear section which goes into the conveyors down to the turbine section hold on let's go ahead and speed this up a little bit then we got the conveyor section down here again it gets sucked up into a vacuum into another gear section which then brings it towards a i don't know a conveyor kicker section i'm not really sure but it brings the marbles back up to the top and finally the finale here is a crazy grinder that i have made with a ton of physics pieces that just spin and kind of shoot the marbles all over the place and then i ended it with a gear section just because i love the gears so much and then it leads down into conveyor which all the marbles will then line up down this entire ramp so that we can see all the names who finished first who finished last all of that anyway we are about to get this race underway i'm actually really excited for this one so let's go over here to the beginning all right ladies and gentlemen we are about to get this race underway we are now spawning in all of the marbles you can see them all go in it's just so satisfying to watch this thing fill up and actually just kick these marbles around anyway this will determine the entire race here whenever i hit the start button anyway in three two one here we go the moment you've all been waiting for the ultimate factory race has begun or am i calling it the ultimate factory race now i don't know anyway we are the race is now underway i'm not really sure if i should do marble names during the race or uh after i mean it's like it's really satisfying to see both so like just watching the marbles alone or uh the marble names kind of get in the way when you try to watch them i don't know maybe i'll turn it on at the end but anyway the race is now going and we are now watching the marbles we got a ton of marbles taking the fast track up here which is pretty cool so these uh whatever marbles can stay on here will be the leading marbles uh for a little bit anyway until they uh the other marbles behind have a chance to catch up but it looks like we have a little pack here that made it out front and we got tons of marbles that are just kind of falling down oh look at this build up back here that's crazy so a lot of them are falling down and a lot of them are actually staying up top on the fast track anyway let's make our way up to the front of the race because i know a lot of marbles are already making their way down to the turbines and we can see them kind of flooding in now this is really cool i love that the i love that the factories bring each marble to the next section anyway who is in the lead i have no idea to be honest probably one of these marbles in this area here uh but we're just gonna have to see because the marbles are gonna have to catch up and we're we'll have to see who makes it up front i do know whatever marble makes to this section first is the last section that leaves and it looks like we might get lava and a what is that i i never know what to call that thing is that like a uh like a honeycomb marble anyway lava and honeycomb are now up front and uh as all the marbles try to make their way through the conveyor is making its way down i probably should have made this slower but at the same time i don't think i could have that's right i couldn't because of the uh the build up back here but anyway the marbles are now making their way into the vacuum which is now vacuuming up the marbles and they're going through this upside down planko board it looks like lava is still in the lead oh maybe it has been taken over by honeycomb followed by a black marble there who is going to win this race as you guys know anything can happen moving on to the gear section uh you know what yeah this section right here is probably my favorite again let me know down in the comments below what section is your favorite in this race but anyway this is so cool because a lot of the marbles can actually take a shortcut here so be sure to watch these center pieces look at that lava has taken the shortcut and is now down a level while all the other marbles try to catch up is it going to do it again it does not but this sky blue marble does see i love that i love that they can take a shortcut look black is trying to take a shortcut as well and does is trying to catch up with sky blue but sky blue is just going on to the next section holy cow sky blue has a crazy lead here is it going to skip through again i don't think so black marble could possibly do it and maybe it will oh my gosh that was so close that was super super close i don't think it did it though um yellow trying to do the same thing yellow actually does succeed and yellow i think is now leading this race unless sky blue can get another shortcut which it does oh but yellow yellow is like nah we're taking shortcuts all day over here look at that who is going to win this race gosh yeah i love this section i love that there's like the shortcuts that go through the gears anyway i think yellow is now leading let's go ahead and go up here and see how many marbles are up oh my gosh look at that so satisfying to watch all the marbles just make their way through the gears yeah by far this is definitely my favorite i love making marble gears in this game anyway let's go back to the bottom and see if any of the marbles have made it through yet not yet blue and are sky blue and yellow still battling out yellow does take another shortcut here absolutely insane but grass grass comes out of nowhere takes the lead let's go ahead and follow along with the grass marble yellow trying to catch up oh moose oh my gosh i can't talk almost shoots into the same exact conveyor belt as this the grass color what is gonna happen here are they gonna take the same one they are now into the same conveyor that is actually insane alright so we are on to the section where the conveyors lead up now these these conveyors here are actually slower so they're actually i guess designed to condense the marbles as you can see all these marbles have now caught up and it's probably going to get even more um packed as the the conveyors are moving a lot slower than all of the other uh components of this race so anyway we are now following along with the leaders here let's go down and take a look oh my gosh look at that that is so cool i love seeing all the marbles in the gear section anyway while we're waiting uh they are reaching the next section here i'm gonna go ahead and wait and see what happens so yellow is taking the first jump what happened oh grass almost makes it into the same hole as yellow but fails and actually falls back one holy cow what a race wow these marbles are actually super backed up so yeah this tends to happen when you have over a thousand marbles racing on a 2d track but uh luckily this race can be different every single time with the the jumbler at the beginning but anyway the marbles are now just kind of condensing up here's what i meant by the condensing look at this this conveyor right here it's so packed with marbles it's ridiculous so yeah i try to design this so that the marbles will all kind of catch up with each other but anyway it looks like oh these are actually pretty spread out right now i guess it's not uh condensing them enough because um grass is now in the lead in front of yellow man these marbles are battling it out for first you know what i think i am going to speed up the time a little bit here these conveyors are taking a little bit longer than i expected but that's fine we can just speed up the uh the time here uh actually put it back to normal that is oh yellow takes the lead with the uh the honeycomb marble lava is still in this race too trying to catch up oh we got a couple more jump sections here we got two more left and most of the marbles are now making their way through the gear section and they're mostly all on the conveyor oh my gosh what a buildup what a build up down there that's insane anyway back up front looks like we have yellow followed by honeycomb that's honeycomb is so hard to roll off the tongue anyway oh my gosh they almost changed positions right there anyway they're making their way to the last marble yeeter i guess this is a marble eater now anyway yellow goes down gets heated oh my gosh okay so yeah they all took different little holes there very interesting anyway we are now making our way to the final section you could be looking at one of our winners now um who is going to win this race we are about to find out i kind i'm curious let's see what the names are here just to see i have two names this up front let's see what happens going through the grinder oh i forgot how fast this thing is moving down going down to the uh the gears down here grass is trying to keep this lead or take the lead uh now has pretty strong lead yellow has fallen behind what the heck is happening here can they get through the gears i don't i oh look at that look at that the plasma green takes a shortcut is now the leading marble what is gonna happen here oh there's lava lava has come back and look at that plasma green has won this race and we're gonna check out what the name is here in a little bit i'm actually going to go back and kind of check out all the marbles going through this grinder just because it goes so fast look at this oh man i love this grinder so much look at the way it just kind of chews up the marbles and then spits them down here super awesome anyway what i want to do now actually a little different than what we've done before uh i want to check out the marble in last place uh so what's what's going to be our last place marvel here it looks like they're all fighting for it they're all fighting to get on this uh uh i want to call it an elevator escalator what is you know what we'll just call an escalator that's what it's called anyway uh conveyor belt that's what i'm going for anyway we're gonna see who's in last place and we're gonna see if we we can get like an underdog store here oh look at this alright so green is now in last place oh my gosh they just keep changing positions what is happening up there guys anyway blue blue is now in last place oh wait this is like more of a metal isn't it all right metal blue is in last place and i want to see if uh if there's some kind of underdog story here can this marble oh my gosh what is it what is it can astro stay out of last place we're gonna find out i just want to follow along and see what happens here will this marble come in last place or will they'll they be able to change positions we're going to find out oh my gosh trying to catch up as much as they can and um holy cow we're coming down to what we got three more jumps left here and then the entire grinder what happened to purple purple kind of fell down too very interesting let's see if astro can have an underdog story a comeback will astro be in last place or will astro be able to come back i'm also waiting for all the marbles to kind of make their way through because uh we are gonna be doing credits at the end of this race the credits we're gonna roll them we're gonna see all the marbles in all the positions that they're in a ton of marbles are actually over here in this gear section now too just want to check that out for a second look how satisfying that is i love it it's so good oh my gosh this was such a fun build i had a lot of fun with this one definitely let me know down in the comments below what you thought of this build and what you want me to do in the future but anyway let's catch up with astro astros no longer in the last place look at that we got an underdog story here but unfortunately uh somebody had to take the place of astro and i guess we're now following along with purple can purple catch back up i guess we'll see at the very end in the credits but uh let's make our way back over to this grinder man this grinder is awesome i i love the way that it looks and so it's pretty awesome but anyway all the marbles are here in the gear section we are almost completely done almost all of the marbles have made it through the entire factory which is insane and uh i've never actually tested this i hope there's a there's enough space for all of the marbles here but anyway we are at the last one right here purple following along astro still in second to last here will they be able to get the shortcut here they do not get the shortcut so it looks like we're just waiting on purple now holy cow what a race all right now it is time to go see the winners of this race and we're gonna see who made it in first and we're actually gonna see all the names on the screen here now all right here we go alright so we know plasma one i was gonna say we're not gonna be able to tell who won because these marbles are right next to each other but anyway here we go this is the credits i'm rolling them now we're about to see all the names on the screen holy cow what a race again if you want to be a marble in one of my upcoming videos all you have to do is like this video subscribe with the bell notification and finally leave a comment down below and you too could be a marvel on my screen right now but what an insane race that was 1080 marbles and you're about to see them all on the screen anyway i want to thank you guys all so much for watching uh thank you for your subscribes thanks to you for your comments um if you have any ideas for me to do in the future definitely let me know down below and uh hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to smash that like button if you want to see more videos like this in the future don't forget to hit the subscribe and i will see you all in the next one peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dapper
Views: 173,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dapper, marble race, marble world, marble run, marble, 3d Marble, HD, mikan, marble racing
Id: aaSXlMUr7L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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