Making a Knob Without a Lathe for a hand plane
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wood By Wright
Views: 52,179
Rating: 4.9452991 out of 5
Keywords: no lathe, hand tool woodworking, tote, hand plane knob, how to make a knob, Wood By Wright, woodworking, Handtools, Hand tool, Hand Tools, Hand plane, Hardwood, Hardwoods, how to amke a plane knob, without lathe, make replacement part, woodwright's shop, woodworking projects, traditional woodworking, how to, woodworking hand tools, woodworking tools, wood working tools, diy woodworking tools, woodworking project, wood carving, do it yourself, diy tool, zebra wood
Id: KSrWokC8wAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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