Making a Haskett Projectile Point

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Okay so I've got this huge piece of uh docite and uh it's looking pretty good let's see what happens we're gonna try and make a half kit kind of more of a glassy it's all obsidian at the end of the day but you know it's kind of nice to use some vernaculars to distinguish certain kinds from others it looks like there's a crack here big track see what this platform looks like it's really not great at all decent just trying to get rid of this big hump sure put on the ground for now all this napping would have been done in a quarry on the ground probably minimal braiding probably just kind of striking above based on the free forms that I've seen from Cory's but of course you know not all of them okay this platform is kind of too low for a Hammerstone to catch a good flick so it was just too bad of a platform crushing up here I don't want to do anything that's going to endanger the length of this piece so I'm trying not to work too much on the ends unless I have to width wise I don't really care much I'm just trying to get big flakes the crack over here it's not quite right of a platform right here but yeah it's not gonna work I'm excited to make another hasket because um I haven't ate one in a while foreign okay Contour is important and balance is important in this early stage because you want to make sure that you're maximizing your length because this area down here is curved and if an area is too curved it can be really hard to get it back and sometimes you might just end up be better off chopping it down and losing some length and so if you can try and get it straight as possible in the beginning you'll have a pretty good sense of how long the piece is going to be early on and you won't have to worry much about thinning it down this platform I'm just going to hit with a Builder certain platforms are better for the Billet and again it's curved up here foreign at this stage once you've got something this thickness in this size you don't have to worry a whole lot about thinning it if you know what you're making you're making a hasket you actually want quite a bit of thickness in the end because it's a strong body point and also because it's easier to send long flakes or nice contoured flakes if you have the thickness to do so because flakes like ridges and flakes like thickness so see this area this is where we might have to lose a little bit of length or we'll make this side the tip and then it doesn't have to and just taper but we do have this cortex in the base still so you should get rid of that first so that we can make a good judgment now if it wasn't completely confident that this Stone had was pretty solid I wouldn't be doing the kind of napping that I'm doing right now but because usually most of the cracks on this material are out towards the outside I'm pretty confident that this by now is a solid piece of rock and that's why I'm striking more aggressively on the base and tip areas on heavy platforms because I'm pretty sure it's solid but if it weren't I'd make sure to be really supportive and make good platforms and good judgment to ensure not to break it this is an elk Billet that got wet and got soaked by tannins from an elm tree and as the leaves were decaying it leached out all the coloration and the leaves so it has this orange red color or orange brown color well am I gonna have to clean up my debitage pie after this great part about making haskets you don't have to be a good point lappers at least get at percussion foreign damn I should have braided that more these are exact type of flakes I'm looking for the end of this bill is producing rounded lip flicks that remove a lot of mass off the edge so I don't have to spend a whole lot of time you can do this with a hammer Zone too probably what they were doing I mean you can't make a whole husky with a Hammerstone that I've done that before I'm sure that was also what they were doing this will be the tip up here because that's a little screwed up area some people might consider this a waste but if you're trying to replicate something done so [Music] wasteful in this archaeological sense of reproduction sense foreign ah don't fall okay so you got it down you got some good spalls and uh this will be part one but basically now it's time to do some thinning shouldn't be hard to do oh I just had a nasty baby burp Okay so basically this stage I am working on trying to thin this piece now but maintain some of the Contour that I created and that fake it's gonna really help a whole lot but most of this is uh pretty straightforward [Applause] foreign this is when something like this stage probably could have been transported out of a quarry and carried for a while it's light enough to where you can use it as a tool flake flake tool core and it's well on its way to becoming a finished projectile point as you chase the mammoths across the planes that Great Basin gonna need stone tools and I'm sure there's a lot plenty of good Stone tool sources out there like basats and Jasper and agate so it could be that a lot of these were just done in the Quarry hi Poppy last pocket right there get out of here Poppy a couple nice no it's not for you this is my tools my tools not your toys not a chew toy foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] good thing it's a hasket hey doesn't matter much does not matter much trying to get it to a reasonable thickness right now and also remember that it is gonna get thinner as we start doing punch work so I don't want to make it too thin now Contour is our friend uh nothing much um I'm Melinda and I are going to Chico for a couple days yeah she's gonna pick me up in the evening yeah and I'll be I'll be being productive while I'm up there though I'll be I'll be doing working on my laptop and finding opportunities and sending doing resume stuff and uh she has an interview up there at the uh Health Center for a basically for a graphic design job yeah it's funny I was encouraging her so much to apply for it she's like no I don't want to no I don't want to see like too shy though yeah and that's why she also sometimes not super confident in herself even though she does have the abilities to yeah to do it even though she is fully qualified ah foreign to some of those quarries like obsidian quarries and could find uh broken hasket preforms because I'm sure they're they are there okay this will be the tip this will be the base it's almost ready to start punching straighten some things out I can take this glove off now foreign foreign to do the hammer Stone because I want to hit heavy platforms that are ground nicely so that they kind of come out clean and I want the flakes to the flakes don't have to go that far but it's also just easier to not have to switch back and forth to make some stuff up here oh it is a hinged area in there it's a good thing about haskets too is usually if they're crushing it's going to be just on the tip there or near the edge I'm gonna try and get a longer flake up here we go tip you know the tip has to be sharp so it has to taper [Applause] it's just a tiny little platform I had to catch with antler I probably would not have been able to catch with the antler Army the Hammerstone that I'm using anyway you can still do little flakes like that okay yeah so this is the tip up here this big node right here can be knocked down got to be careful okay after a while we need to switch to the vertical punch that won't be until we're finishing oh do you want this one to be kind of nice because it's going to a friend as a gift so want to be nice it also helps to work on the ends first whether it be the tip or the base because that way you can use that not only to avoid breakage but also you can use it to isolate the interior okay okay foreign foreign okay let's get a punch out how many minutes 40 minutes not bad I thought it was going to be a lot longer but I guess not okay where are my punches hiding pressure flakers okay let me use this one right here [Laughter] [Music] oh okay so this stage is what takes long so I'm gonna film some of it and then I'll get back another time and I don't know if I have enough storage but basically this is this is the part that because there are so many little spots on this piece that will make nice flakes like this area right here let's check it nice this area up here and I'm constantly looking at the edge profile getting a lot of hinges right there foreign I just love these points they're so fun they're so cool they're so fun they're underrated in my opinion everyone focuses on Clovis but they're just as old tradition seems to have arrived or occurred longer than Clovis outlived Clovis I just bought a diamond scribe because I'm looking to sell more work just modern stuff I've never really sold much but I sold some to a friend recently and I realized you know I should probably yeah these are of course people that I trust that I'm good friends with and I know they're not gonna try and repurpose them or resell them as artifacts but if I start selling to random people on Facebook or whatever should probably know that they're at least gonna have a marking on them and I also document pretty much everything that I sell so if I ever sell something I document it as something that I made so I know people or you know if I ever see it on a Marketplace or anything like that I'll know for sure that it's mine not have proof and I don't make a whole lot of stuff so I always remember the points that I've made and that's why pictures also really help because if you have a bad memory you'll still have a picture and you'll be like that kind of looks like this one oh that is this one yeah so this will be the tip up here it's my crush oh lip flake maybe I can move the camera in closer if I can angle it downwards that'd be cool [Applause] from's too low [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa that was a hinge it's still a lot of lit a lot of width to lose I'll move this pressure flicker [Applause] yeah it's too heavy of a platform foreign oh my baby it always happens this way this would be a larger flake hopefully oh my baby [Music] oh my baby you know it always happens with me hey there [Music] now we're gonna lose a little bit of length down here just well actually not really I just have to get rid of this at this stage for me it's a mix between a small Hammer stone that I can change platforms with and the vertical punch and occasionally I'll hit a platform with the Hammerstone like you saw about three minutes ago two two three minutes ago this is one of those platforms that could go either way but I'm gonna go this way [Music] probably use uh smaller punch once this gets narrower oh baby oh my baby it always happens this way so this area right here is flat oh I think I've been working a little bit too far over it oh that's better is pretty flat and it's going to be harder for me to get some flakes so I'm just gonna go really high if the area is really flat underneath I'm just gonna go high can use a different side of my punch that's built less for grabbing and more for breaking see the angle that I'm punching at really high up I wish I had more salt and these areas left over make great ridges you can see there's about two of them there's one more here and do two more oh man foreign just needs to be just slightly strong enough I thought it was funny a lot of people were cringing on my video of napping the salt trust me I was creating I was cringing too I knew I was almost breaking it in a lot of areas I was just going for it though wow that was terrible big hinge there crushing what the hell is going on there hopefully I'll be able to get that out by the time those points finished but it is in a very awkward area I don't think I can get it out anytime soon foreign foreign big hinge [Music] that is a big hinge I don't have any I have one hasket cast and it's not as wide as this one but um I know there are some that have been found that are pretty wide foreign to be messed around with these edges because they have to be at least a braided a little bit and I want to make sure that this punch is doing well so those kind of hinged a little bit don't like that foreign sometimes flakes just fail up towards the tip I changed the angle a little bit to get these flatter flakes to make it nice and thin foreign nice and sharp hey I love Allison Chains I love Alice in Chains yeah yeah nice stuff like there this stack has to go okay wow why did I think that was a good idea okay it's just a little crushed in there still I think I'm just gonna ignore it for now because that's not coming out there's no way that spot's coming out this spot over here we might be able to get under Maybe I think we can I almost want to do it with a hammer Stone but I think I can get it like this oh well fortunately we still have some width to lose I don't know why it keeps doing that right there ah maybe I can get next door and get a flake to kind of spread out oh my gosh it just keeps crushing okay well we're gonna have to do some surgery I do have to lose some length but or some width still this is the stem but get into a dire point now that has to go we might just have to let it chill out for a bit go the opposite direction it's taking up too much real estate on this point though it's annoying me taking up too much real estate in my mind as well it's kind of irking me foreign turn pressure flake it out there goes most of it goes pretty much all of it just gotta get closer to the issue okay now let's move to a sharper punch some fine work in there now I'll keep this punch in mind but I have another one I don't know what it is where was it oh boy maybe I'll just sharpen the punch oh here it is so this is the punch that I've used forever and it's small enough to where I can get a nice accurate blue but I don't know it might be too worn out now this might be the day I throw it away yeah I think it's it's too old it's all cracked oh my gosh I hate this new iPhone sorry don't like how it doesn't Focus we'll just have to sharpen this one a little bit this is when the punching gets really methodical well not methodical just think it think a little bit more ahead really thinking about how these the flake is going to come out now and a husk it has a slow slow tapering to a tip very slow expanding it's not most of them aren't sudden foreign foreign foreign 's terrible I'm sorry I just didn't know where the sun was going to be today and now it's coming out in a different area this area is too low chopped chopped down flake needs to be taken right in the middle there just to have a issue there getting a pretty good Center Line kind of wonky over here I might be able to get a flake right here no let's not try that maybe with the Hammers down though perfect okay that means I'm always looking at the Symmetry too like where is it tapering less yada yada [Applause] this wide area is the blade and it it too needs flaking supposed to be wide let's see a nice transition that platform could have that last one could have been upgraded more would have done a lot better job if it were just slightly growing more oof a little bit of a lip flake not good because we're trying to keep this area in here kind of slender if we bring it too far in then it looks kind of strange like I was saying earlier a lot of that initial work could be done in a quarry I don't see why you couldn't do this in the Quarry just carry out quite a few finished ones if you don't have anywhere to be you know oh man a little bit of a crushed flake there it's not something that someone in pre-history would have cared about but I do I do because I live in a house that has running water gas lighting electric all that oh off to the side a little bit um I think I can try and get a flake right here hopefully it doesn't run into the next door there we go I was a little afraid about that one running into the other side because there was a spot where it could have crunched down into an area that was lower okay let's start to do some more finishing work I think the majority of the flaking on this thing now is punch work just with the exception of a couple of maybe Hammerstone flakes oh [Applause] foreign it's imperative that you have some sort of grind on these platforms because if you don't a lot of the time they will explode and hinge and Crush like you saw earlier [Applause] I miss Trucking dang I really want to get that out I really want to get that out but I don't have that much width to lose and I can't get it from the other side because I want to maintain that Center Line Struck it and instruct the Hammerstone okay there it kind of goes it looks like we got it out for the most part okay do do ctors what why did that Crush [Applause] come on now why did you crush that's more like it okay on the tip foreign [Music] [Music] and that's usually why see that the tips usually occur appear to be flatter changing the angle of the punch to make them go longer usually why you also see flakes like this that go across oh my gosh we're focusing is terrible this is a new iPhone it's like one of the latest versions my old iPhone would have had no problem oh this world's crazy man this world's crazy [Music] just a little bit more work on the tip and then we'll we'll call it good oh I want some flakes on this side this side over here oh the sun's coming out like that okay okay yeah just a little bit more on this side try and get one two flakes they're gonna this thing really really nice come together nice and sharp just like the ancients oh perfect perfect oh perfect look at that tip just get them so so Sharp like that what I would really like to do this with is a is a um an antler punch like a I mean a horn punch yeah that tip is looking good tips on these also get kind of triangular okay okay so it's pretty much done the rest of the work that needs to be done on this is mostly like Hammerstone work grinding and grinding away any little areas that are going to be problematic or that would be problematic If This Were to be hafted oh and then also the base here tapering at the base making the base look nice and neat and I try to avoid doing any pressure flaking technically what I'm doing right now is pressure flaking because I'm pushing but I'm talking about with an antler if I can really change the way that this looks we wouldn't want to do that I like the all percussion look I'm also I can change the change the angles and change these little areas that are sticking out like this right here just grind it down actually just touch the hammer Stone on the tip a little bit you heard it crush a little bit not a very pleasant sound so the grinding on this thing I think you might want to get one more flake right here cool yeah the grinding on this thing should stop about right here [Applause] [Applause] foreign okay let's just uh touch up the tip just a little bit because I I made it a little bit duller when I touched it with the Hammerstone but I like that overshot look on the tip there okay here is sticking out cereal here sticking out a little bit [Applause] okay here let's um let's get a flake or something I've got a piece of Farmington shirt down here this is uh oh they actually this local Jasper will work I don't want to cut myself though hold on a second not that this stuff would ever be sharp enough to cut me but oh urinated a little bit right there gotta be careful when you're grinding not to be so rough with it okay let's go show it in the sun before I break it I would love to have a big old case of these okay stretch the legs okay let's show it over the rock though pretty happy with it let's see is there better all kinds of Mayhem going on in the neighborhood right now I'm sure you can hear that oh I don't want to drop us cool
Channel: Zack Hansen
Views: 1,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ux-CNizCtxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 4sec (5944 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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