Making A Crossbow from an Old Bourbon Barrel

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welcome to the shop everybody it's great to have you here i want to do a quick introduction on this video to kind of give you an idea what's going on so this is an old barrel stave from a bourbon barrel that i got from a local brewery and i really bounced around on what i wanted to make out of these i have a bunch of these left over and i landed on a bow and arrow a little mini bow and arrow for my kids so this project starts as me making a bow which quickly doesn't really work out because it's not long enough this is about 22 inches from tip to fit tip and it's not it's got the steam bent curve but it's not enough curve so i had to kind of improvise and turn it into a crossbow which actually worked out really well so we ended up making a really nice handcrafted crossbow out of these two of these staves in this video i want to preface all this by saying i don't know anything about bow making i know a little bit but not much or crossbow making and i don't do a lot of research when i do these videos i just dive in and build it because i think that's the funnest way to do it anyone out there with experience in crossbow making or bow making shoot me a comment let me know some things i could have done differently or better definitely in my mind this is a prototype i can make a second one a lot better having done it once and learned so much from that so let's just jump right in and get started thanks for tuning in hope you enjoy the video [Music] oh it smells so good mmm smells delicious [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so good so so so [Music] so so [Music] oh i am um so [Music] so so huh yes so so so [Music] so so this this is it all done it really came out looking nice obviously i've got just regular string on here um i don't really know what the proper thing to use but it works pretty good basically how you're going to use this is just pull this string down clip it right around that little kind of shoulder we cut out with the saw you see how that's holding it i shaped a little curve on it so there's no hard edges on your string wearing it and then this is just push this down and it's got the two little fingers there i just pop that string off and fire the darts i should call it a bolt i've been calling these darts um but i think proper terminology for these is bolts i could have made really cool one of these but i didn't really have the time so i found these on amazon super cheap i got 36 of these for like 10 bucks and they work great they're just aluminum with a metal tip and i put a little groove on the back and they can just pop right in and sit in there like that and fire off nicely put this groove here in the front is a half inch um i couldn't find a bolt that um was a half inch or three eighths would be ideal uh so quarter inch is a little loose in there it would be nice to have something a little bit better when it comes out the string when you're shooting it the dart tends to be a little bit off-plane so it's hard to be super accurate with this but it works and it's great for the kids they love shooting it um and it's not overly dangerous you know it doesn't have a high velocity it shoots about 40 yards 30 to 40 yards it's really difficult to explain to a seven and five-year-old the danger that this is especially with one of these uh bolts in there with a metal tip so having something that's not overly powerful is probably a good thing i put a little bit of epoxy on the front there to kind of just strengthen those outside fibers and then i love the look of the back where you got the burn char on there and then i've used walnut for the trigger so just a fun really cool little project hang this one on the wall and you know shoot at targets i hope you enjoyed the video leave me a comment let me know what you think i'm gonna end this video with some cool footage of me trying to teach the kiddos how to fire this thing uh so thanks for tuning in we'll see you next time okay here's the deal this is a little bit dangerous so y'all can only use this with me okay okay here it is check it out oh a screenshot what do you think but not a slingshot hold on it's called a crossbow it shoots it shoots arrows kind of like a bow and arrow hold on don't touch it oh hey see i got to teach you how to use it first daddy it's a bad idea to dry fire it so that's how it works grab it where's the bow and arrow i'll show you in a second i didn't put the arrow in it because i knew you push this and it goes off okay all right you guys ready to see how it works okay johnny you want to go first can we use it for animals here's this don't touch the trigger yet remember okay okay now when you aim don't aim it at the building aim down with that can ready no i don't shoot in there because we'll never find the arrow shoot it at the can and take your thumb off the trigger because i'm gonna put the dart in now now leave your thumb off now aim it is that where you want to shoot yeah okay now shoot it that mark we're going to need a better shooting range scratched my building up [Music] okay you ready oh shot over the top when you're ready yeah another skull nailed it okay john your turn bud see how it helps if you hold it up you can sight your eye right down the thing and shoot it also hold up where you can hold on hold the dart you get you hold this and get it all sided hold it in your hands perfect perfect now hold it up higher like that's right see how you can look okay perfect get the box it didn't stick good job nice shot bud okay let me
Channel: Andy Rawls
Views: 77,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy rawls, andy rawls bandsaw, andy rawls baseball bat, andy rawls bed, andy rawls boots, andy rawls demolition ranch, andy rawls instagram, andy rawls mallet, andy rawls merchandise, andy rawls shop tour, andy rawls spoon, andy rawls table, andy rawls workbench, woodworking asmr, golf ball, wood golf ball, making a golf ball, wood driver, lathe, woodturning, turning a shpere, making a crossbow, crossbow, primitive crossbow, barrel, bourbon barrel, taking apart barrel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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