Making a Bushcraft Sheath for My Woodlore Clone

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[Music] you hey guys welcome back to our craftsmanship my name is Dustin and today in the shop we were going to be making a bushcraft sheath for the wood lure clone bushcraft knife that I made in the last video so this sheath is going to be a little bit different from the previous sheath that I made for my last kind of bushcraft style knife this one's going to have a dangler on it it's going to either be able to be worn as a dangler or a regular on the belt it'll also have the bottom we shaped a little difference that way you can wear it and customize it and maybe tie it down to your leg different ways that way as you're out in the bush camping backpacking that way it'll fit you and you can kind of customize it to fit and work exactly the way you want it so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a template so let me show you how I do that first thing we want to do when you're making your template is just take your piece of paper and fold it in half because we're dealing with a folded sheath so you only have to do one side so I'm gonna take my knife and I'm going to Center the spine right on the fold and have you come in just a smidge so the thickness of the blade and I'm just going to roll the knife handle over on the thickest spot of the handle and then I can trace around my knife we really only have to do the one side of the knife because this is the side that we're going to have to account for on the next step when we're measuring the welt so we're measuring out the distance where we're going to kind of incorporate the welt and I was to remember the leather has to come back around the thickness of the handle and come together and then have enough room to stitch it together so I'm gonna go out about an inch from my widest point here which puts me just about a little over two and a half inches so I'm gonna go ahead and mark up here at two and a half inches and then we'll come down to the blade and we'll mark out from the widest part of the blade an inch and that puts us at just under two and a half inches so it's only about a quarter inch different so I'm gonna go ahead and run down here and I'll make my same mark there now I'm not you can see I'm making I'm not following the curve of the blade because I want to incorporate just a wider part down here that's going to have a hole in it here that'll be able to attach a lanyard to the bottom of my sheath [Music] then the inner width this is about an intranet eath so I'm just gonna go ahead and just put a piece of tape on the back of this I want my hands will come up just above this rivet on top maybe another eighth of an inch or so so you can see actually trimmed my template now and I just trimmed off a piece of tape on the back so I can make some adjustments now put this where I want it so I'll just make my adjustment until this paper template is about where I want so again I want about an eighth of an inch or so just let it'll come up now with this sheath it's gonna fold like this and the belt flip is gonna fold back now that will fit on my right hip because I'm right-handed so I want it over here now if I were left-handed I'd one on the opposite side so with this being what's going to be the outside here this is the inside of my sheath so if I'm right-handed I want this side facing up so I marked an R here and an L here if I was left-handed I'd wanted the opposite side so I put my L facing up so being able to see your marks then you know which side to trace for like a right-handed or left-handed sheath so we're gonna head and trace around this and then we'll cut it out [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and mark the center now of my sheath on the top and bottom because I want to cut a groove a couple grooves down the middle to help the spine fold around the blade [Music] I need to cut out some leather for my well so I'm just going to trace around the outer edge of this and then I'll trim this off and then trim the inner edge where my blade will rest now you can see I have this template part just underneath of my welt leather I'm just lining it up and making sure that everything looks right I'm going to have the handle coming out right with the belt loop and down in just past here a little bit and then this is my mark I want so I need to just tracing the blade on the welt here and then across the bottom this is how far down I want my blade to sit and then I'll just come out the world has to be able to fit inside here the widest part so that's where I'll come out to about my half inch and then I'll just follow back about that same distance from the edge so at the bottom of your welt you always want to trim off some so this line here is my middle line so right now if I fold this it's going to go all the way around so I'm gonna go ahead and mark and trim off about another maybe eighth of an inch or so to make sure that I have a hole in the bottom of my sheaf now that you want that there just in case you ever ever in water anything you actually get water or any moisture inside your sheath it'll have some somewhere to escape so you don't have an actual pocket holding that water so what's gum that off and then that should account for that once this is glued obviously I won't be able to see inside to see where my welt is so to be able to know where my wealth is once I glued everything up to be able to do my stitch lines because I want to do two rows of stitch lines one that follows the blade and one that goes in the outer edge and so to know where that is I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just cutting out my paper template so I'll be able to lay it on top later and have my stitch lines so at this point in the order of operations I want to prepare my belt loop for stitching in the back and to do that I want to skive this leather down so skiving is the word for thinning out leather I don't have a scarf skiving tool but I do have a really sharp blade that I just made so I'm gonna get and use this I'm gonna start maybe about an inch up or so and then just taper evenly down to about half the thickness of the leather I'm gonna go and flip this over put it where I want it and I'll mark it off so that way I know what area to avoid while I'm dying so now I'm gonna cut a couple pieces of leather to be my dangler strip and my fire still loop so the fire steel is gonna be about an inch and a half by maybe three or four inches enough to fold over and stitch inside along the welt and the fire and the dangler loop will be about 10 inches or so enough that I can fold it three times and put my snap stone to make the dangler [Music] [Music] I just picked up a couple cool new toys this morning before we started shooting today I got a new edge beveler which you saw me just used to kind of trim the edges of each of those two pieces I also picked up some dye dauber so I'll be able to use these to apply the dye which would be fun and last thing I got was some gum tragacanth now gum tragacanth is an application that you put on to the flesh side of leather just move it out as well as your edges when you're when you're burnishing your edges of your leather so it helps to you know keep all those edges down so we'll be able to use all these today in the building [Music] so you see I'm just gonna go ahead and die these edges now and I'm gonna burn her stairs as well so I'm gonna use my gum tragacanth to burnish the edges and see how that works it would be the first time we get to use it [Music] alright we'll go ahead and let these dry for a minute or two make sure they're nice and dried before we do the second coat I'm gonna go ahead and put my second coat on and you can see I put my D ring on now cuz I want to forget to put that on once I actually glue it go ahead and let this second coat get tacky on both sides and then I'll stick them together just adding a little bit of water to make this Bend a little smoother [Music] alright I'm gonna go ahead and start marking my holes now for the stitches for the belt loop just laying down the line this will help the stitches and the thread to actually sit down inside the leather shall preserve it for longer late sitting down below a little bit keep it from getting rubbed and and worn out I'm gonna go ahead and hit that with dye again to clean up all that light whether this is artificial sinew which is what I'm going to use to do all my stitching just got to find the end of it so let's pull the length and then I'm going to do a saddle stitch I mentioned it just a minute ago but I'm gonna do a saddle stitch so what a saddle stitch is is you have a length of cordage with a needle on both sides so the way you do your saddle stitches you run one needle through and you Center your line I have my two ends of my line evenly centered so you're gonna go into your first hole from one side pull it out and then from the other side I'm going to go back through that same hole and pull it out the other side and then I'll pull that tight and I'll continue doing that so what's that doing is going up and through both sides in the same hole so that way you get an even you get your stitches on both sides of your leather and that's the saddle stitch you just continue all the way around and then we'll overlap at the end and do a few final twists before we burn it and finish it off to finish off this stitch I'm actually going to go back over some of my existing stitches and I'm actually going to go all the way across the top again and then that'll be bound tight enough and I'll just pull each end out trim it off just a little bit and then burn it and it'll hold it perfectly good I need to leave a space for my fire steel loop now this is going to be like this but I want to prepare all this separately I'll do on my burnishing everything and put this in at the end so I just need to cut out a space for this loop so I'm gonna go ahead and wet this now get it nice and saturated I'm gonna form it around my fire steel so this will squeeze the leather down and actually flatten it out more so then it'll be closer to the size of one width of leather rather than two widths of leather which is what I need it to be when it's inside of my welt and this still fits in Nice that should be good all right so this is now both sides are tacky so I'm gonna go ahead and put them together so at this point just want to be careful you put it down to the right position because this is designed to attach and not move it's a little bit forgiving but you want to try to just get it in the best space you can on the first try oh because I just picked this up today I wasn't really thinking about it but I'm gonna use this on the inside of the leather as well so the entire inside of the shoe thief I'm going to use the gum tragacanth and this will just help to bind all of those leather fibers together and just give it a little bit more protection on the inside and also kind of add a little bit more barrier for dirt and oils and water as well as it gets inside there it will add more of a barrier so I'm gonna coat the whole inside of the sheath with the gum tragacanth and then burnish it all down all right now we're just going to put it all together and just line up our sides I have my belt loop now folded into three and I'm gonna go ahead and set where I want to put my two snaps this down a little bit here and the second one we're gonna go out maybe about an inch or so from that one just go ahead and punch off for my holes and this is the same size as the post for my snap I'll do the bottom half my snap first add my anvil put that on here and bottom half is going to be that part we're gonna go ahead and pull off all these clamps this should be plenty secure now we go ahead and take this over to the sander I'll clean up all these edges and then we'll finish the edge before we put the firesteel back in and the reason why I'm doing that is this way I can kind of access everything I can burnish everything and dye it all get all the way up to these edges where the firesteel loop is going to meet and not have to worry about trying to get my tools inside in that little that point where the two pieces of leather come together they say I should be able to prepare everything really nicely now I'm gonna go ahead and die my edges now again I'm still waiting to put my fire steel loop in till the ends and die everything and finish the edges now I want to do a final cone of gum tragacanth across the edges for burnishing [Music] see you there and now this squish this leather down nice and tight and that will fit inside our welt really well [Music] you got to start off by making my stitch line all the way around the edge and then I'll put my template on and this just shows me where my actual wealth comes to and the inside so I can stitch here [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna go ahead and finish up now with my saddle stitch and I'm gonna clamp this into my wood vise I'm gonna start at the top corner and work down around and then back along the curve of the blade and finish up right where the two meet and for my artificial sinew I'm gonna cut a lot of extra line you know obviously if you go through you can't add any on so if you make yourself around you didn't have enough to start off with then you're gonna have to go back pull your stitches out and start over so I'll give myself a lot of extra line make sure that I have enough to go all the way through all my stitches [Music] alright guys well the last thing you saw me do is finish up the stitching and it turned out really well last night overnight I actually wet molded the sheath around the blade and so what I do is I just completely saturate the sheath in water and then something I did this time which I haven't done before and it actually worked out perfectly is I covered my knife completely in oil before I wrapped it in cellophane so I always wrapped my knives to cellophane to protect them from water getting in from wet molding but this time I covered in oil wrapped in cellophane and put the knife in and that just added that little bit extra security to make sure that there was no chance of water penetrating in through the cellophane and getting on my newly finished knife blade which worked out perfectly and this sheath formed really well so it's fitting really nicely now around the blade I'm gonna go ahead and punch my hole now and I just want to give myself just a small mark so I know where I'm gonna do it and this is the lanyard hole that'll go through the sheath [Music] dies occasionally can dry out your leather a little bit so I'm going to go ahead and soak everything saturate everything in neat's-foot oil now I'm going to go ahead and let this sit now and just let the oil soak in completely and then I'll do my last coat of finish which is the carnuba cream everything nice and saturated now so I'm going ahead and just let this carnuba cream dry completely and then that'll basically leave behind that waxy coat and I'll come back in and buff everything up and it look really nice alright guys thank you so much for watching this has just turned out really well I'm really happy with this leather sheath it's just definitely maybe the best one that I think I've ever made and just taking the time and effort and putting some kind of extra care and love into it just turned out really well I'm really happy with it I will be making a custom fire steel that's going to match the handle as well so I'll be kind of stacking and gluing in a new fire steel into a matching matching handle for the handle the fire steel so if you're interested in seeing that video maybe let me know in the comments either way I'll put pictures of it up in my Instagram or in YouTube community so you can see it there and the fit is just really really nice I'm really happy with it fits in really well nice and tight so that the wet molding of the sheets just turned out perfectly so that's just the key you want to make sure that your sheath is hold your knife really well get shake this up and up up and down all day long just fit is beautiful and again that wet molding just turned out really beautiful so I'm happy with that so we really appreciate you guys watching if you enjoyed the video make sure you don't forget to give us that thumbs up and like and subscribe if you haven't already you know there's we do lots of fun videos and lots of different stuff so you know subscribe and you can glow back and see some of our other knife videos another sheath video as well so thank you guys so much for watching it's been a really cool day in the shop and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Art of Craftsmanship
Views: 353,920
Rating: 4.9170899 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, bushcraft sheath, bushcraft knife, making a sheath, knife sheath, leather sheath, how to make a leather sheath, diy leather sheath, sheath making, dangler sheath, leather work, leather shop, knife shop
Id: 5tHfC2XErO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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