Making A Burke Bar

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mild steel but the bit has to be able to be hardened so where we're at now is this thing's the right size the bend is perfect it's been normalized that means the grain growth inside that carbon steel has been reduced hopefully I've forged a taper on there that's very close to the factory taper I'm going to sharpen it a little bit grind off the scale that will help in the heat treating process cut it to length and then we'll see if we can make this thing hard and temper it [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so what's going on right now is the iron molecules are cooling down and snapping back into their lattice structure and they're trapping the carbide liquids that we're forming the austenite martensite and the others that I don't know anything about and they're trapping those solidifying carbides in the spaces between the molecules but it's happening so fast that it doesn't quite fit and so those solidified carbides are creating tension pressure because they don't quite fit where they're being forced to fit and so it puts a uniform stress throughout the entire piece of steel and makes it hard too hard to use as a tool so then we'll have to temper it back and soften it just enough that it will be it will work like a spring which is what you want in a lot of tools you turn the lights off just to get a better sense of how hot it was it was a medium orange I'm gonna turn the lights back on now and hope to be able to see a nice light gray color underneath the baked on oil so we've got a pretty good example here of the tempering colors right down here is a very faint straw yellow and there's full straw in daylight you could see it better we get up into a bronze up in here and then the peacock starts to show up and there's a full royal blue those colors correspond to increasing flexibility ductility and decreasing hardness for instance a light straw or a full straw would be something that you would want maybe in a razor blade a bronze would be something you would want in a a meat cutting knife or a fillet knife when you start getting up into the purple now you can start to bone and skin full royal blue is like spring temper that you want on a sword we're gonna take this back to a full royal blue as close as we can get most of the way out because especially down here in the fulcrum and at the bit it's got to be acting as a spring it's a little deceptive because the colors can show up at the surface of the piece on a piece of thick without having had the tempering heat get clear to the middle so you don't want to rush this much when you're clenching to stop the temper you don't want to stop in one position because you could get a stress fracture just at the edge of the cold water get that blue running down there you can see the bronze the yellow the bronze the purple the blue I've got to slow it up a little bit as the metal gets thinner it'll take less heat to temper oh there we go full royal blue on the back Jarvis down on this lab if you've joined the channel recently you may not have discovered how much I love birth bars we took the afternoon that took us I don't know what do you think Nate we spent maybe two or two-and-a-half hours fooling around with this I haven't made one of these in six years and so I had to kind of reinvent the moves you may ask yourself well why would you make such an ungainly what is that anyway well here's what it is it's much more than just a crowbar it's much more than just a pry bar this is an absolutely vital tool if you're a carpenter or a concrete guy a demolition guy if you do remodels if you've got a crew setting tilt up so you already know what these are Burke manufacturing invented these in the 40s and now the patents expire and they're in public domain and there is nothing like it you can scrape off the ceiling you can scrape off the floor you can pry eight feet in the air it's a sledgehammer it's it's you can bend rebar with it it's just it's everything you need for doing real work and it's a privilege to be able to make one of these I mean I never imagined I would have a shop where I could actually make from scratch a Burke bar from a piece of wreck tube and a leaf spring there's there's a there's one big flaw in this that I decided to leave in here when I was using that kiss plate and under the power hammer to try to regulate the thickness it kind of got away from me and it bounced over and it embedded itself a little bit in the work and I forged it out but it's got a little beauty mark right there think of that like a mole on the cheek of a beautiful woman I'm pretty happy with this I'm I would be pleased to use it I would be pleased to own it but there's somebody that needs it I don't know if you've discovered Andrew Cammarata channel that kids a force of nature he is not afraid to work and when I say work I'm visualize it spelled all in caps and I haven't seen one of these in his toolkit and I'm gonna send it to him and if he doesn't tear it in half he's kind of like it but he'd have to work pretty hard to tear this thing in half so Andrew keep up the good work man and for the rest of you get on Amazon the link will be in the notes and by a Bert bar if you do anything in the way of construction or demolition you've just got to have one of these things thanks for watching [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Essential Craftsman
Views: 1,257,338
Rating: 4.78898 out of 5
Keywords: blacksmithing, forge, forging, anvil, essential, burke, bar, pry, power, hammer, make, fabricate, smith, Plasma, Cutter, bandsaw, Demolition
Id: XJwxBMcnj5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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