Making a Bomber in Besiege

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if you've seen my Channel at all you probably know I like to make planes in besiege a little while ago I made a fighter jet with guided missiles this worked well but it wasn't good at destroying really large Targets in this video though I want to try being a bomber plane that can really do some serious damage now the first thing I wanted to work on for that was actually the bombs themselves now starting out here I put down a ballast and on that you can see I put down a grabber and on that you can see it put down a bomb now the thing with the bomb is that it'll explode if it collides with something or if it gets set on fire now I did consider putting a large amount of bombs inside of some sort of bat and dropping them all out at once but the problem is these bombs are really easy to explode accidentally and if I try doing that it just instantly explodes so what I wanted to do here is put down a log and on that I put down some fins this gives me a sort of dart-like thing and should make it a lot easier to hit the ground soap with everything in place to move this up into the air I rotated it aside and dropped it now and you can see it falls down pretty easily here and it blows up and it's all good but it really wasn't that impressive I figured it could do a lot better than that so what I wanted to do here is put down a few extra wood pieces and I'm now surrounding this with these panels now my plan with this first bomb was to turn it into some sort of shrapnel bomb and you can see here what's like at the top and the bottom done I actually put down a front cover as well now with that in place I changed all the materials to Glass and my plan was to drop this on the ground have it explode and shoot glass everywhere and see now what I'm doing is actually shrinking down the bomb and moving it further in now this shouldn't affect the size of the explosion just makes it a lot easier to deal with and you see hitting the ground now it just didn't really explode so I shrunk down the glass so it would Collide and giving it a test it does work but the glass really doesn't seem to go that far and I'm honestly not convinced it's actually going to cause any real damage so next up here you can see I'm putting down a ballast and I'm shrinking it down quite a bit now after I got that move down here you've seen copying a ton of these in place and the plan is instead of shooting glass I'm going to shoot these ballasts so for those copied there I gave it a test but they all seem to fall out and because I kind of forgot the front cover they all did seem to move when the explosion went off though so wanted to give it another test here and when it hit the ground it seemed like they moved but it was really hard to tell now I'm trying this again with some extreme slow motion and while there does seem to be a really large amount of delay I could see the ballast slowly start to move away and skid across the ground I'm not sure why they're all preferring to go in that One Direction but they do seem to work and what we wanted to do next to actually add in a flamethrower this is going to let me to blow up the bomb before it hits the ground and I was thinking I might get more damage if I do an airburst now I also want to gauge how much damage I was doing and for that I put down a bunch of tents now trying this out it was a little glitchy for some reason but it did seem to blow up a large amount of tense so what I did next actually shrunk down These Wings and this made them a lot less glitchy and given this a test it seemed to do a really good amount of damage but I figured I might even be able to improve this even more so next up I doubled the amount of ballasts I had here and I gave this another test the excuse hits the ground ballast just start to go everywhere and blow up almost all of the tents now try blowing this up in the air as well you can see this sort of shot the ballasts down for first and I didn't really get that much more damage so I thought a better way to improve the damage might just be to add in more ballasts so I doubled it again and gave it another test here but for some reason now the bomb was just exploding and I was kind of wondering what was going on but that's what I realized I accidentally copied over four bombs and they were clipping right into the device and instantly exploding so after fixing that here I dropped it again and excuse it hits the ground it really causes some damage that was actually really happy with that for a first bomb here and I wanted to work on a second type next now this one I was hoping to make some sort of incendiary device so I started out here by building up a pretty similar device to before and you can see here it drops fine and next I added on four Grabbers and I added on four flaming balls now my plan was to drop these off early and have them blow up and fly off to the side and that did work but I realized the damage on these really wasn't that great and it just seemed like a strictly worse version of the thing I just made so I decided to get rid of the Flaming balls but you can see here I'm doing the same thing with bombs and while there was a large explosion it all went off on the same spot so it really wasn't that much better so to hopefully improve that you can see what I'm doing here is adding on a wheel my plan is to spin up these bombs really fast and fling them away from the device and hopefully get a larger explosion so trying it out now it actually does seem to work and you can see I got a pretty good explosion pattern so with that looking good the next thing I did hear us shrunk down the wheel just to make it a bit more easy to work with now the last thing I did here was actually shrunk down the bombs themselves and that was so I could fit three of these right on top of each other now you can see the missile is really starting to turn but it still flings off the bombs really well here and I got a really good explosion pattern that was actually really happy these two bombs and the next thing I wanted to do is figure out a way to dispense them once they're in the plane and to do that I wanted to start out with something really simple here the whole idea is I have a spinning wheel and as I rotate this wheel it's gonna allow the bombs to drop out one at a time and I figured that this would be fairly foolproof so this simple design in place here what I wanted to do is add on all the bombs and try this out now at first of course they weren't held in place at all but the explosion they made was really big at the bottom it was cool but I still wanted a way to be able to individually drop these so you can see what I'm doing now is putting in some wood pieces and I'm surrounding the wings the whole idea is to hold these in place until they get to the bottom and then they're gonna be able to flop out so I tried to even a test here but they all seem to still just fall out really easily and then hit the bottom and sometimes they even notice they're starting to break off wood which was definitely not good but I thought maybe with some extra bracing I might be able to get somewhere but even this seemed to just make things worse and now it was completely breaking off so next up here you see I added a second one of these spinning things to the front and this will hopefully constrict the bombs both in the front and the back and make it a lot harder for them to fall out the problem though is that they still were falling out a lot and now it was causing a lot of explosions which was pretty much entirely what I was trying to avoid so I decided to delete this design here and try a new one instead this time you notice what I'm doing is actually stacking bombs right on top of each other and I'm sort of tessellating them here so that I alternate the direction of each of the bombs now the new plan was to hold on to each the bombs with separate Grabbers and then just release those Grabbers whenever I want to drop it now this is a little more complicated since I'm gonna need to keep track of each of the Grabbers but I was hoping that it was still simple enough that it might be okay so I copied all these over here you'll notice that the bombs really start to Sag here and a lot of them are starting to leak I think the problem is that each of the ballasts are 0.5 units of mass and since I have so many of them that really starts to add up so actually here I change their Mass to 0.1 units but you'll notice they're a lot less useful now I was kind of wondering what was going on here so I decided to check out this drop and when it hits the ground you'll notice that the ballasts are going really far it seems like since they have such little Mass the bomb really throws them a lot further which I guess is both good and bad so I just went ahead here and I just said there dropped this since that they actually explode when they're on the ground now and it still seemed to be mostly okay so that tested I wanted to move this over and out on my spinning bomb design as well now you might be wondering why I decided to go with four of each bomb type here and it was mostly because of lag the thing is it's already getting kind of laggy and if I bad anymore it's gonna be kind of unbearable does this seems like a good place to stop now the dropper seem to be working reasonably well here so next up I started bracing it all together and getting it ready for the plane now to start working on the actual plane here I'm actually putting down some water cannons and these are gonna be for the engine now this plane was gonna be really heavy so I needed an engine that could produce a ton of power now I made this little x with the water cannons and after I did that I copied it over to both the left and the right now that in place I turned up the water cannon strength to a really high amount and you can see here it seems to have a good amount of force now to really make this go crazy though what I wanted to do is add on a grabber and add on our good friend the Flaming ball this is gonna heat up all the water cannons and you can see it converts them into steam cannons that gives me a ton of power and after getting rid of these water cannons on the sides you can see here I got a pretty good engine now the next thing I wanted to do here was start working on the fuselage and to do that and putting on some wood pieces and moving them out a little bit further this gives me a good outer boundary for it and once I got these in place I started to put in the wood panels now I worked on the first one here and I just had to bow it out like this but once I got this roughly circular shape I copied this over on the bottom and then I copied it over to the top as well now I also realized I need to pull it away from the bottom a little bit here just to make sure there's room for the bombs to actually fall out but once I had that decided here I gave it a quick test and the bombs seemed to be able to fall through the problem though is that sometimes the bombs would clip on the side of it and then they would end up exploding so to stop that I put in a wood panel like this and this should guide the bomb straight down and hopefully prevent any issues so with that looking good the next thing I want to do here was start working on the wing now I just wanted to roughly get the shape right at first here just to make sure that everything was going to be sized correctly but once I got something that was mostly okay I started working on the cockpit now I thought this was going to be reasonably easy to throw together here but it was actually kind of a lot of work to get all these angles right and I really didn't like the way it was looking now I did get the size right here I think that roughly it looks okay but I got rid of the panels and I figured I could come back to that later now that I know the rough sizing of everything else I wanted to start working on the back next and to do that you see I put down some wood pieces here and I'm starting to build up a bit of a point and starting to put in my stabilizers now that done I decided to take another stab at the cockpit here and I wanted it to look reasonably okay this process actually reminded me of dream car builder a lot moving these panels around this stuff is exactly what you have to do in that game but you can see here I ended up building something that looked mostly okay now I finished it up here just by making the windshield out of glass and it is really large but I actually thought it looked pretty good in the end and with that done I went back to the wings here now you can see my wings are a little bit different than before I'm going for a large straight design and let's look at all the Angles and stuff set right next thing I did here is put in the paneling to actually make that work and giving it a test now it wasn't attached to the plane but it was falling slowly so in theory it should work well as a wing now I also went ahead here and you can see I'm adding some depth to the wing and there's a little bit of area on the inside I'll explain why I'm doing that a little bit but with that done I wanted to try attaching the engine and seeing what it would do but I noticed after not that long the wing just fell off on its own so clearly that's not very stable and I just want to put the engine on the back for now and see if I can get that working so that on there it looked reasonably good and a copy the wing over the other side and started to put in the landing gear this was pretty simple just a few wheels on the bottom here and once those are in place I wanted to give it a test on the ground now it was a little hard to get balanced correctly but once it was mostly standing straight up I tried to take off here but so I noticed this plane is very fragile it seemed to also not have any lift at all to hopefully help it out here I wanted to add some Wing panels inside of the wing that's why I left a little bit of room earlier and you can see here it actually was a bit too much weight now and it was sort of just falling over so I decided to get rid of the wood paneling and just use the wing pieces so put that done I also did the exact same trick on the back fin here except this time I actually did keep the wood paneling now I also wanted to get more power here so what I did is copied over the engine and I did put it back on the wing I could do this now with the wings a lot stronger and it seems I got that out of the one side here a copy that read over as well now that done it's also time to work on the control surfaces and for that I started working on the roll control now for this let's just have a few steering hinges on the edge of the wing and excuse it moves up and down that should start to tilt plane now after that I also put down more of these steering hinges and this is for the pitch control this is going to do the same thing except it's gonna move it straight up and down now I did need a little help off the ground and I also noticed here this plane kind of would implode a lot so I turned on a breakable mode just temporarily to test it out and it did seem to work so I knew that at least with some tweaking I should be able to get this to work now the last thing I need to test here was the bombing system and this actually caused some minor problems now I was able to drop off the bombs fine when I was stationary but while I was moving while the first set came out fine the second set would always blow up the plane and then cause it to sort of glitch out now I was looking at this a little bit closer and I could see here while the first set was able to drop out the second set would usually get caught on something and they get stuck in the plane obviously that sounds as bad as it is and then it would always just explode now I couldn't really see an easy way to fix this that was actually going to be effective here so what I wanted to do instead was just Mount the bombs right on the wings now the reason I didn't want to do this originally is that the wings vibrate a lot and I was worried that the bombs would just ran minimally explode but surprisingly this seemed to be pretty effective and you can see these decouplers I'm able to drop off these bombs pretty easily so I extracted out my bombs from the middle of the plane and after I did that I started to melt them under it now let's put that a decoupler here and with that just moved it up in place and started to brace that down and you can see here I'm able to drop it off fine and that seemed to work out so if I got all the mounted here and you can see I dropped off this first set when I was stationary and that was to kill a little bit of lag when I actually went for my carpet bombing test next see here while I was moving I dropped off all these bombs and as they hit the ground they really spread the bombs out and that seemed to be really effective now there's just a few last things I needed to do to get this to work right and one of them was actually fix up the landing gear to actually get it to be able to take off after that I also started to put in some fins in the back and the Hope was that this would give me a little bit more leverage so I didn't need to manually pick up the plane to get it off the ground now I still wasn't quite able to do it but at the very least here you see unbreakable is off and it's still able to fly that's a pretty good sign and all I need to do now is figure out a way to get it up now to do that I started just cheesed it by putting in a water cannon here and it shoots down with a lot of force to get me off the ground I can already tell it was a lot easier to lift up here and just by turning up the water cannon to be a lot stronger it easily kicked it off the ground and finally here I have a plane that's able to totally fly and with that I just wanted to touch up one last control this is the roll control and I noticed that it was a little bit slow in the air and to increase the speed I just went out in some water cannons to manually spin around the plane I need to test the air here and it does seem to be working be able to flip around really fast here and pretty much get anywhere I need to go now I definitely wanted to test this out next and I found that this little village was just about perfect now I'm starting to take off here and I want to get to that Village and give it a quick bomb test now on this first test here at least the bottoms way too late and you can see I went way over the village and hit the mountain now I'll give you another test here just the shrapnel bombs and you can see this time it actually did seem to work I went off a little bit early now but I still at the village and destroyed a bunch of the houses so next up here I wanted to go for a carpet bomb and see if I can fit completely level The Village this time though I actually thought I released it way too late but fortunately I did actually go at the right time and destroyed a lot of the houses now I still had two bombs left on this though so I wanted to flip rounds and try to destroy some more houses this process though really showed some of the problems with this plane and especially when it tried to make turns the wings begin to disintegrate coming through these rocks here I was really starting to lose the left wing but I just had enough to make it to these houses and drop my bombs now they destroyed quite a few of the houses but after that my plane pretty much just checked out and it was just a fuselage at this point so guys thanks for watching I thought this build turned out pretty well I definitely could optimize a lot mainly just by shrinking it I actually kind of like that it's as huge as it is and it feels pretty powerful so if you have any more video ideas make sure to leave them down in the comments below make sure to subscribe if you want to see more content like this if you like the video make sure to like the video and otherwise till next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 1,497,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bclszdjoCnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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