Making a 4ft Carpet Aquarium for Mollies and Swordtails

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today I'm going to be doing an that's going in so today I'm going to be doing an awesome scape in this tank here now don't be fooled this is this is not the scape I just put some wood in there just cuz I didn't have anywhere to put it I'll shift it across to that one cuz I'm not doing anything on that one yet Kate's just tiing up for me thanks babes so yeah let me just get the tank clear out and we can talk about what the tank actually is the light and the incredible Hardscape that I've got put in there as [Music] well so this tank is the aquamarin planter 1200 and it's available from Maiden head Aquatics for like such a good price so if you guys are interested you can get it there comes with a cabinet and the glass for like I don't know 650 Quin something like that really good price yeah some of the best quality I've seen for that price range to be honest makes it just much more accessible to everyone so the glass looks great look at that it's like super clear really good silicon work not like Ada quality don't get me wrong but the tank would be four times as expensive and it already comes with a misted background as well don't worry we're not going to see that pipe cuz that's where one of the main Rock pieces will go so the doors have got these you know soft push closed thingies it comes with this uh extension lead as well we plugged in it's a mess in there this you know we're not done yet though are we so the light lighting is the chiros wgb light it's about as much as I know it's a good light gives off a sort of more greeny ton you can change it to what you want but for some reason it's always a little bit more greeny which some people really like and that's going to work well for the type of esape we're doing in this one it's all app controllable and everything which to be honest I find annoying because sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it does because a Bluetooth thingy bob but yeah Hardscape so The Hardscape I'm going to be using is these absolutely beasty rocks that we got down here they are huge they cost me a lot of money so I'm going to put them all together and just make an awesome scape with just those and I've also been stockpiling a lot of pear weed so a lot of Tanks you can see here and in the whole wo system I've got quite a lot of pear weed in that I've just deliberately saved for this project only and I've also got a load more down here in my uh shrimp tank so lots to be able to use should be able to make something amazing this stuff grows so fast and easy as well but if you trim it regular it tries to grow horizontally and not vertically like it is now well it'll still try and go vertical but we won't let it now obviously these giant rocks are going to weigh an absolute ton and if you sit them on the glass it it will just either fall over or break it so we need a whole system in place to make sure that doesn't happen so outside my studio I've got a load of substrate here that I have saved from previous setups that will all be used to bulk up the height and then inside this box I've got a few media bags with a little bit of gravel but not as much as I'd like so I need to fill up some more as well and then just put those in the base there we go so I prepped six bags they're quite a decent size might need a bit more but I'm just going to get this in as the base and we can sort of work it out from there I've also got this lot remember all being poured on top all of these bags are nearly full so we've got plenty of Base substrate and it's all just a mixture of like look the aqua oil there bit of sand and gravel gravel like it's just a massive mixture of stuff I've collected when I've taken down other Scapes it's the next day look who's here finally he's not ill anymore just about he's he already knows all about the build we've been talking about it for a while we're just going to carry on with where we left off which is now capping all of that M with that stuff that we saved from all the other tanks when we broke them down so that can add us like a nice base so the rocks can just gently sit on it'll hold them up a little bit hopefully stop them fall up a little bit sort of steady them the three foot tall rock yeah I mean I'm glad you're back cuz I couldn't lift that rock without you no I'm not sure we can lift it with both of us to be honest on camera look through the lens oh oh oh ohang take that on the camera through this it looks small but then when you put your foot up against it you can see how big it really is it's quite solid yeah is a it's a thick rock M uh let's get that stuff in let's [Music] do so that's a nice little base it'll probably come even higher to be honest we've got aaur to go on top as well but I think now we can put the rocks in and sort of steady them or attempt to at least so we just biggest first or do you want to put like this little one there off there to then sit that one against it an angle or got down there yeah so one can hold and then the other one packs is that recording yeah it's recording I think maybe we just lay it down and then pick it up we need it the other way around don't we what way is it leaning that like your top end that way so like we've got it like now yeah okay well let's just get it up in I face yeah yeah yeah if we could to you okay for a minute yeah the only way I had hold of that is my thumb in a little crevice back here well well done okay I'll bring this forward oh yeah great and then we can put it behind it and up glass hasn't broken yet no is that as high as you want it it wants to be turned though oh my goodness this is so heavy lift of me wet but it has to be tilted this is maybe it's too big no that be cool would it that was so when you look at it in the camera you think that's not very heavy look at blinking size of it I don't know what it weighs it must be must be 50 kilos I'm thinking now we need to bring it over that way into the middle or into the morning because then if it's going across that way we can have another piece coming out this way y because in the middle that's pretty only because there isn't any room this side to put something that's I build the substrate up you could build the substrate up and a bit of planting but yeah a rock there would look good I know what we've got we' have to come across a little oh my word we have still got are we getting all of those in that's a challenge we got it it would look cool yeah I think this one goes in the middle oh yeah but based in the middle but it comes out at an angle yeah that's going to work okay we'll do [Music] that [Music] so we put it on we come up with our scape didn't take long but I think it looks really cool maybe that one does need a little bit more angle M cuz that there's a direct yeah I might tilt that a little bit more anyway we'll get to that but first of all I'm not liking the light well I like the light but I don't like how it sits it's almost it needs to sit like it needs to be up there cuz it just illuminates the top of that rock it looks weird with the Top of the Rock not illuminated exactly it looks like you've just C what's the point having that big rock if you can't even see it so I'm going to save that for another tank and I've just ordered two more of these that will come tomorrow these work really well for growing plants and they look stylish and they are way above the height of the rock I think it's the only way to do it yeah I think it will look better no dis in her off but if they offered higher ones then yeah yeah they only need like dou don't they yeah yeah or a hanging kit but then you got to buy the whole thing and it's got to take two weeks to get no not happening so yeah we'll count with the build for the for the minute uh and then we can swap over the lights by the time tomorrow comes and it's arrived we should have everything sort of planted and in place ready to go as well and filtration and all that well we'll just crack on aquasoil next on the top of this base L which has already got quite a bit of aquasoil in it already to be honest but um it's more sand and gravels and stuff so full nutrients on top for the Pearl weed so I was meant to put some nutribase in I completely forgot but we're going to pull a little bit forwards and put it in the main bulk areas where the densest of the planting will be and then it can all just creep forward anyway what you find is wherever you plant The Roots will spread out and then it will just sort of go from there and it'll just take resources from wherever there's [Music] nutrients so the soil is in we're all built up look at how bank that is yeah just a bit m it'll be all right mat look it justs up nicely getting it behind that rock uh obviously anything that you can see black right now will be planted with the uh Pearl weed um but you can you see what I mean with this light look it's just a bright white thing there and for me to make that not bright white I have to turn down the RSO so everything else is black it's going to do my heading you guys probably don't care as much as me but I just think there other lights that you can see back there are going to be way better they're arriving tomorrow and yeah we can now start collecting up the pear weed I've got so much to choose from or select from UM got a lot so we've got all of the stuff in St back there and the shrimp tank down the bottom there is also been growing more as well so we just spent some time Gathering it all together creating little clumps some of it's really tall yeah like really tall so we can just snip it into sections and replant those and it'll still exactly half it down it will soon rout it's par weed exactly they don't call it a weed for no reason absolutely that look you just did was like what's he going to say yeah I was worried when you picked the camera back up I'm like M where's this going and this is all the PO wood we've collected up there's absolutely tons here and I'm going to divide them up into little portions like that which would be perfect just to plug in anywhere we need them I don't think we need anymore no I really well we'll see how far this goes I don't think we will though no and it's going to grow back like in 2 weeks there'll be double the amount we've got here probably such quick growth on this stuff especially with that substrate yeah um well uh I think I think we've got enough that's 10 bunches just there yeah that should cover it I think so we'll make we'll make it cover it and then it will spread yeah wheel it round that's going to be the easiest option we might as well bring the table to us rather than moving this again there it's debatable whether this is going to be a big enough Gap well this is a cool shot yes I knew this thing was good to build back just got to remember which way up these go oh yeah okay yeah yeah the roots are towards you now yeah okay perfect oh what was that something sounded Broken Oh I think it was just the end cap getting flipped be right it be all right it' be all right let's just uh yeah let's get [Music] planting [Music] there we go planted uh kind of there's a few little gaps but this is going to grow so fast we can just put that back in should we fill it up it's probably a decent idea yeah it's going to dry out off no cuz some people do like have you seen that when they put cing film yeah and just keep it humid yeah yeah I I just don't see the just fill it up it grows quicker though doesn't it you think of how quickly the plants grow at The Plant Farm when they just got their feet in water it's the same concept isn't it sorry did you did you see how fast that grew yeah I know but like I bet you I bet you if You' had that above water I bet it would be twice the size there's a reason they grow it like that otherwise they grow them all under water I just think it looks rubbish for ages yeah absolutely for like for a display and the fish don't do very well either just flapping in the okay let's fill it up and then we can get a filter fitted now you might be worried that this whole Rock system not system structure is going to collapse possibly when the so are we no I'm not wor I tell you why because predominantly what underneath it is gravel and sand which doesn't shift too much when it's wet on top is the aquasoil if we just put a pile of aquasoil in there and rested these in there when you put water in it would just Fall to Pieces so hopefully fingers crossed it doesn't come down we might have to just hold it a little bit and just be right here as it's filling but like look we can just full on bang that and it's not going anywhere all of the sand and rock all the sand was wet as well so it's all bound and sort of stuck together so I don't think there's going to be any issues should be fine yeah fingers [Music] crossed right we're filled up that white is annoying me but that will be gone uh later today when the lights arrive it's the next day I should probably point out we haven't got same day delivery yet have we no that be good though that will be good it will happen yeah I think it already happens in cities yeah if you're in the city like with a drone I don't know I maybe make I don't think it's a drone I think it's just the bloke on a bike all the all the anyway um that looks great looks really good we got good coverage but what we're going to do is fit the filter now and I should we fit the filter first or should we trim up first it's probably easier to have still water and trim yeah so we want to trim so that everything's got like a baseline level CU obviously there's some taller stuff here we can replant the taller stuff it's now everything stood up isn't it you can see there's a few that have just stood up taller than everyone else so if we trim all those down we'll also promote horizontal growth rather than vertical growth because it's going to want to go to the nutrients to start with and it'll try and creep are we going to add I think we should add some CO2 yeah we got a DIY system and it works really well why not it's going to speed it up it's not necessary definitely not for this plant like but it really does Boost things very look at that pearling going on we got some earling already so yeah that adds to the point do we need CO2 I'm going to add it cuz I want to speed it up and I want this looking as good as possible as soon as possible and I want to be had to add the fish as well but yeah it's just going to it's just going to half the time that we're going to need to do things in isn't it you know we could wait what four weeks and let this all cover in but we could do it in two yeah why not [Music] okay so here is the CO2 system that we're going to be using it's quite stylish quite nice it's all comes as one kit from Columbo it's perfect actually you just unscrew the top here and add in two ingredients so here are the ingredients I don't actually know what they are one of those we get component a hello Matt hi we get component a and we get component B pull them both in put in some water at a 45° angle 300 mil and then it's fizzing [Music] [Music] [Music] and then 300 mil of water at a juny angle of 45° I hope you measured that yeah I did I just spilled a little bit as well coming at 20 mil to no top on the correct way quickly just to seal cuz the reaction's already taking place helps if you close the tap turn turn turn there we go nice and tight so what's happening now is the reaction is taking place you can actually see look condensation forming on the bottle the reaction between those two chemicals do you know what they are Matt uh no essentially I think it's something to do with like yeast and acid like so it's like citric acid and something yeah and and basically that reaction is taking place and within like a few hours it's just pressurized the bottle to the safe or workable limit and then you can just go from there straight away so Matt's fitted the filter I've got the CO2 system ready to go we've decided to put the uh pipe work at the back there those are the superfish pipes the stainless ones they look really classy don't they and they're very affordable now the pipe work comes round the back down onto the oh the a biomaster 250 I think that is which is small and somebody will say it's under filtered but I that was turned on sorry but I don't agree I think that's absolutely fine for the what's going to be going in this tank and the fact that there's going to be so much Pearl weed which is going to be even greater filtration there's no water left in this tank there's 20 40 kilos 50 kilos a rock in there that's that's a 50 L gone there's probably only 100 L of water in there now that's true no a bit more yeah probably 150 to 200 yeah I reckon a couple hundred liters let me just go on there as well I'm might to show I mean look at this full-on substrate system so that's also filtration remember it's plenty it's absolutely plenty isn't it to be honest it's just to push the water around yeah it doesn't need to be much in this you don't want high flow in this one no um yeah can you switch it on well I can prime it this is when we find out if we've done it the correct way is in into the filter or into the tank and is out out of the filter or out of the tank who who knows I think it's the other way now now good you argued with me about it I did not argue I said I'm leaving it with you no you didn't you said it's not looking from the thing well it's coming that water I'll tell you what just plug it in if in doubt yeah there's no water there's no water okay we'll we'll be back shortly after after this short commercial break right we've fixed the issue something going on with the Prime in we just sucked some water in filled the whole thing up it's working well it should be working now Matt yeah I think so if I press hit the uh we've got water uh yeah oh there we go yes we're working okay there we go so now I can fit the CO2 system just below here and the bubbles will go up into the stream and just get pushed all the way around the tank right I'll drop it down to you right in the middle Scoopy scoop Matt's got the canister and as you can sh the condensation again Matt so yeah it's very cold yeah which means that it's just like what's the gauge saying uh 10 yeah 10 so we're just on the lower Edge so that will go up to normally I think about 15 just under 20 it should go up to that green range of 20 it almost hang on most of the time when I've used it but you can it says not to start it now and wait till you've got the full amount I just get it going it'll build up to it anyway oh oh we not got enough yeah we're fine cable loads of room so the solenoid that the word solenoid solenoid yes that's that bit that cuts it in and out yeah so you've got like a solenoid down there it all comes with the kit as well and uh it goes to the plug now you need to put a timer on the plug and then that way it only comes on when the lights come on or just before you can do it and then turn it off just before whatever you want to do exactly different people do different things but yeah okay let's get the see2 going is the plug on cuz the solenoid won't be plugs on in there no cuz it'll be red there you go now sometimes it can take a minute or two for the see to to get through unless you just blast it in whack it up Matt it's already coming through oh is it oh yeah I'm just fine tuning it now oh I think I've seen a bubble there we here it comes here it comes it's going to explode out the top any second once it builds up in the reservoir there we go we have Co bit bit too much CO2 yeah yeah there's no there it's fine yeah it's fine this size tank to be fair it's not that bad you want it slower though so that it just comes up nice and gentle and then just get flicked around by this outlet and it'll just go all over the tank so yeah as I say the uh CO2 not a actual requirement but it's going to give you massive results if you do invest in one this one's a really good price to be honest the full kit and you can buy those packets separately and like you can get a month's supply for quite cheap as well and that's what I like I like having it here ready to use at any point I haven't got to take a bottle somewhere get it redun I've just got the supplies and it's as easy as we've just done there and that goes for any tank to be honest any tank will do better planted tank with CO2 it's not required but if you want a certain look like you're seeing on all the sort of top high-end aquascapes and aquascaping channels then you do kind of need it it just it does give a different look the plants are a lot more densely sort of grown they grow faster compact more vibrant sometimes as well so yeah that that's mainly CU you can have even higher lighting and not get algae because the plants are grown so much but yes it's personal choice personal choice you don't use CO2 either do you Mt on one tank oh you have yeah I've just put it on cuz I've got a bit of a uh well I want my Amazon swords to be like really strong so I've got one of these kits that I've just put on one of my tanks oh nice okay yeah they're good units really good that's not been in a video yet of yours is it no cuz it's a bit of an old tank and I just wanted to get the Amazon swords looking really good so yeah no it's not not put on a tool yet there we go look pipe adjusted it's all coming out nice and steady there we go so you can see it goes up gets blasted so it's a new day and the tank is completely clear CO2 is running again um it's it's going to grow in but obviously going to take a while we have also added if you can see back there a surface skimmer hidden behind the Rock and as a result completely clear surface no oily residue which you can sometimes get after you set up with lots of Aqua soil cuz there's Organics basically in the water and it's going to it's going to create it especially an a new tank that's not mature but we have the new lights we have the new lights let's swap them over see how they look I was just going to cut to a shot of it all sort of done ready for the fish but it's part of the process so I thought I might as well show you guys these cuz they're really really good value for money they're like 100 quid or $120 which is more expensive than they used to be but now you get way better controls with it as well so the actual inline has power settings and mode settings with the different color LEDs so you can get a more Bluer light if you want not like saltwater blue but more of a greeny blue bit like what the chiros is running there versus what this tank is running at they kind of look the same there but still so yeah that it's a little bit more expensive now you also get like the proper box and they just feel better put together so that's why the cost is probably increased I don't mind paying a little bit extra and it's a bit more quality but yeah there's a link below if you guys want to get get some of these really good value for money have you used them before M other than with us no me no okay I've got to I want to cuz I like them but it's just having a tank that's why I got get rid of a couple of my tanks and swap them over I I class them as affordable Kessel that do just as good as a job to be honest you don't have to pay for a Wi-Fi controller yeah that's it and it's one of those things isn't it do you need all that extra stuff do you need the you don't you just need them to run and to do what they need to do and to grow plants and show fish nice which they definitely do thatas yeah yeah obviously this isn't a sales pitch because I'm not affiliated with the company at all but credit where credits due if you look at this Pineda down here it's just growing crazy and like the whole tank just looks beautiful got a little bit of stag horn down here which I've treated and you can see it's going red which means it's dead and here is the tank in night mode oh I'd wonder what you had done right there's just enough room here to be able to slot it between the two yeah I got with the screwage don't put the cable in the water oh yeah okay I'm not sure where they go yet so I'm just going to let's get them on and then we can work out where they need to move to yeah it's almost like we left the correct amount of Gap perfectly for these lights are you yeah we're about even aren't we think we might be over too far okay do the honors Matt ready yep big oh wow look at that right W right different color that is more of a sort of warmer tone but we can adjust that can't we what does mode do mode normally no oh that's the different colored um LEDs can you see them yeah well it's blinding me but oh okay so that's that's all of them that's all of them I mean that's going to grow it best it does look quite good to be honest it really is lighting it nicely okay that's dimming yeah cool yeah what about if you go mode that's blues and turn up that's full brightness yeah and then one mode one mode and then go full brightness on that or is that that's full brightness is full brightness just like a I don't know what that is that's like orangey yeah that's really orangey I think that's full that's full that's the one yeah oh my eyes I mean that might be too bright in terms of algae with no floating plants and that but we can always dim we could I think n screw it we've got CO2 just whack it up and we'll just check a load of amanos in amanos will sort out the Alie well I'm I'm suspecting a lot of diatoms in this if I'm honest um because that amount of silicat from The Rock you're blinded I can't see anything it's just spots everywhere now oh yeah yeah so they pack a serious punch when you think the hyp we are from the aquarium with them I can't even look into them like that oh no mean oh I'm blind yeah but yeah really good lights and uh I want you guys to get a good value for money I always do so I'd say these are the best value for money goose neck lights and I would say the super fish ones of the best value for money in the sort of strip lights there's one on there I've got a couple on the uh the rainbowfish tank as well and they look fantastic don't they and there's just a single one on that and look wow plant growth crazy but yeah that's definitely better than the strip you can actually see some detail in the Rock it's just not blinding it's going to grow it great like it and I love the shimming you get as well with spotlights that looks so much better though doesn't it just being able to light up that rock yeah it's not hidden by the light going through the middle of it and it's it's part of the design feature now it's it hasn't got that line that would have just completely spoiled it cuz it would frame it framed it whereas now it lets Escape escape the tank it's escaped it's been a week since we first did the planting everything is looking so good we just tested the water well Matt tested the water the nitrite uh because we're at a cleanup crew and sometimes um I found amanos can be a little bit sensitive to Rises and nitrite but we're all good aren't we yeah abely which you would expect to be honest so yeah since that initial trim uplet all the tips of all of this Pearl weed is just bright green it's already starting to sort of cover I reckon one more week and it still won't be folded in but it it would have sort of spread a lot more interlocked isn't it yeah definitely it's going to start spreading out I think we just need to almost like pinning it down oh yeah see you mean we might even be able to just yeah poke these longer stems and just poke them into the soil next to it cuz they'll Spur off yeah that's it they'll start rooting then so the cleanup crew we got like we've got 10 yeah we got maybe 15 amanos uh and then we' got five Auto sinkless and we've got a little siames flying fox that was hiding with the auto synus okay perfect but yeah we got this algae that we can clear up look so this algae on the Rock is from like outside I mean there's already a snail look having a little nibble um but that'll clean they'll get that very fast would they I don't want to put Bristol nose in a because they're just going to tear up the plants potentially as they try and dig underneath rocks but this is more than enough for the tank yeah go then stick them in Matt Let's uh see them get to work temperatures all matching everything this uh the Water they're in came from this tank actually that is a good number algae does not stand a chance in this tank and it will start to develop soon about this stage about a week later you'd normally start to see it especially with lighting this sort of bright which we've left on maximum deliberately CU want fastest growth so they're going to be it's going to be producing food for this as fast as they're eating it so yeah we're all good see you in week and it should be looking amazing ready for fish see you in a week exciting times we're not going anywhere but then no they're going somewhere yeah we got stuff to do they'll see us in 2 minutes though oh you in a second yeah right it's been just over two weeks since that last clip but uh as you can see we're fully filled in why why is that funny no it's not are you thinking of something else nope look look at that lot so like I said a couple of weeks it's been and there there been two trim UPS since there is there I did one and you did one yeah I think that's right maybe three maybe three but definitely two yeah two big ones Y and a bit of a replant bit of a replant in some of the areas that was a little bit lacking but wow look at that it is it's just there it's so good it's so good like this is the first time I've actually proper stood and looked at it the amanos are still going to town working away in all those areas because obviously Rock right under these lights is going to be prone to algae but they're keeping right on top of it aren't they yeah they're doing a really good job they cleared up all of that green that was on top of it didn't they all gone here just clean camera can't even pick it up it's so clean nice little collection of snils as well going on in there yeah there a lot on I think I have just been like popping the odd one and when I found it in another tank or something I've been just dumping them in air say why not why not no breeding ground for them it's basically just on autopilot already the CO2 is just about running still I think there's a little bit left we've got CO2 on this one haven't we yeah we have we've got CO2 on this one we got CO2 on the one behind it that's currently it in the whole studio oh yeah um but we could take the CO2 out now and it will just carry on as it is there's no need to carry on with the CO2 in fact we want to slow the growth down a little bit otherwise it's even more trimming isn't it absolutely yeah and there's only so much trimming I can do in this tank it's very annoying it takes a while doesn't it and there's always so much on the surface but we are ready for fish and this dark tank here is where we're going to be getting a fish from it's the sword tails it's the mollies um black mollies but when I first got these sword tails I had six Matt yes two males and four females y actually no there was one male it turned out the other one was becoming a male okay yeah yeah but since then they have bred so much there are so many sword taals um we're putting them all in cuz why not they're all happy together they yeah they'll do fine it's just in case of catching them all now [Music] so they might be thinking M why didn't we just um catch the fish out and leave the tank alone first of all pretty much going to be impossible isn't it oh with the plants that were're in here yeah no chance and then secondly this whole thing is moving anyway both of these two they are going to be going in this SE section here where the salt waterer was um updates on all that coming shortly because this is where the 8ft T tank is going to be going so we need to prepare that space got to be taken down anyway we've now got more Hardscape we've taken out plants that still weren't you know we're still doing well some at the bottom weren't doing well because it was just blocked by light similar situation in this one here we're breaking this one down as well so there's so much work to do but first we want to get these fish at home and uh they're coming awfully close to that pipe aren't they why my hands over the end of it yeah so this is why we drained it down because it's so much easier to collect all the fish up we' be here for all day otherwise would we it'd be a long process definitely so there's quite a lot of amanos actually in here and Autos it turns out we don't need them in the new tank cuz they've already got their own sort of group going on so I've recently set up these two tanks up here which this one's growing in this one is done it's the guppy one the video has already been released but it needs clean up crew and it's been running for like a week or so now so it's ready for it so they're going to go in there everything is caught and separated we've got little tis in here tiddlers yeah big boys and girls big boys and girls um usually let's just do them one at a time but I'd like to see ah should we just do them all yeah let's do them all let's we never do that let's go for it let's just let's just see what it does I mean at least let me set the camera up though Matt before thought you I was just going to p no cuz I won't actually see no no I want to see them flow in hang on she's there she's it 3 seconds banging them in let's do it mat all right oh do I get two yeah you got two you go from one I go from this side and then they can meet in the midle three 2 1 go all the temperatures matching everyone they should know that woo apart from the messy water look at that loads of action straight away they look good in there don't they yeah they really do both colors pop in yeah I think the black mollies look better in here than they did over there yeah because the contrast you can see them against the Green can't you uh the lighting in here doesn't give as much of a glow to the sword tails but I think it looked a bit silly in the other one yeah they did look sort of a bit too far like radioactive whereas now they look like the kind of they actually should do look at this male down here yeah he is nice So the plan behind this one was to try and create this carpet that we have succeeded with we have yeah it's done really well I knew I could because I've done it before but I did it with a different method yeah I did it with sand and then a lot of different crushed root tabs and things all underneath it took a lot longer to take off this is C cly like bomed in growth isn't it yeah yeah yeah it's it shows though that if anyone can get a hold of the pearlweed which is what's the other name micro micrum microids I'll put it up on the screen micrum microids May something like that yeah that's if you can get a hold of that and you want quick green growth just get it in there it works well with even minimal amounts of nutrients as well so we've sort of turbocharged everything here just because we wanted to you know show what can be done but it it's one that grows in lower light you need some light and lower nutrients as well but the more you've got of either of those as with any tank it's going to just look even better and the good thing with it the growth rates as well if you keep trimming it and keep replanting it it's just you're going to double and triple your like what you've got really quickly yeah yeah it's not going to take you long to fill a tank with it you get five pots of it which most people can you know shell out for five pots and within 2 weeks you'd have the equival of like 20 pots worth another two weeks you've caught 80 pots worth you know so it's like exponential plant growth oh yeah you just got keep trimming it hav't you yeah and for us that's that's a big effort but if this is your One display tank in the house yeah oh it's easy isn't it easy so yeah give it a go um get some poppy fish like this some couple of Po you know how they pop I didn't I thought you meant the flower what and get some big rocks stick them in you're away really it's a beautiful tank I still think we should have gone white and black mollies cuz it would have looked like a field full of cows that would have done I'm a bit disappointed we didn't I didn't know we had white mollies yeah white where you get dalmati moles so they're white with black spots that would be even better yeah it would have looked like a field of cows maybe that's the next one we'll do a we carpeted tank with cow mollies in yeah yeah uh do you reckon we could put um some of the clowns snowflake clowns in here oh yeah that'd be fine anyway yeah give it a go guys uh see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 168,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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