Peace Lily Shallow Shell Dwelling Fish Aquarium (Aquascape Tutorial)

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no you can't do that every video just I know it's awkward for you to start it's not I just like I I I don't know when you're starting so I just go and my mind wanders um brilliant see that's why I was looking at stuff cuz you weren't ready I don't even know what we're doing okay you I'll surprise you oh exciting what's going on beautiful people today we're going to be making a really cool shallow tank for Shelly that's what we do nice so recently we took a trip up to C M ahead Aquatics and the one of the first tanks I saw there I thought was really different um I love shell but I never like the height you get of a tank most of it's unused cuz they're all on the bottom so we have got a tank from superfish I'll show you in a minute and we thought this little area here would be perfect for it so here is our tank we'll get it all out in a minute um and here is the stand for it so the first job is to build the stand get the tank on the top we can have a then have a look at what you get in the kit and explain what we're going to be [Music] doing [Music] and there we go have to say Matt that was one of the easiest ones we've done ever maybe we're just getting better at it it's cuz I I was there what it was I don't know we always do it together we do so I don't know these sofas these sofas did we do these together I started one so the color scheme doesn't quite go of everything else but that's fine we're showing examples of what you could possibly get we've got like the White and the Blige over there to be fair actually gray on Gray yeah it looks quite nice I think and then wood front wood front yeah it can work um but yeah there's a load of options of colors and you could buy them all separate or together I guess as well like separately to get oh I just saw that where are you going little man there's a spider that's just come down and it must have come down from all the way up there as well where are you going oh he wants to go over to the tank l oh yeah he loves the new superfici anyway yeah about the tank so you can obviously buy this tank completely separate as well it's a shallow it's called the scaper 70 aquarium no idea why the design on the front is a tall aquarium but we'll ignore that I think the pitch is the same on every aquarium that they do it's more like a a brand I guess yeah we'll let them off um 67 l so it's 60 cm by 40 cm by something 28 cm just disrupted the spider oh sorry spider uh let's open it up and we can have a look at the kit inside as well ping ping lick oh where did that spider go sorry spider I got him oh there he is put me with the archers a poor spider he's fine okay so it comes with if I can get it out no I can't this is very hard one-handed so it comes with one of the scaper lights as many of you know I use these all the time they are so good I mean there's there's two on that one which we need to trim there's one on this tank here with my amazing Royal accara and the Electric Blues and the tetras there's one on this one with the angel fish again growing plants like crazy um we're not going to be using it for growing plants today are we well few Lins yeah a few little what no not under the water no would be above W it yeah so that's what we wanted to do a little bit different to the one that we saw the one we saw was just shells Rock sand and fish you going to be able to hold yourself back on that yes because Boo of valandra is going to creep in I can already feel it coming you're going to get the rock work and you're going to be like oh just we might put some boo in anubius we'll see we'll see just some stem plants in the back oh it's fully planted maybe sort of merging down from the from the plants that are out of the water CU we want to do something a little bit different we want to do what we saw because absolutely loved it but we also want to try and get something coming right out the top as well and had an idea of a ficus because it might give it that sort of tree mini tree bonsai sort of vibe might cool and I know it can work because I've seen it done before so I think I saw it the first time on um is it cinescaper yes CCAP his channel he's got a great channel does great sort of uh it looks like films to be honest and I remember seeing him do that and I thought I didn't know you could do that with that tree and I've never actually tried it so hopefully this works well uh so yeah the Kit's got the light we've got a hang on the back filter which we'll probably put to the side cuz we haven't got any room plus it won't disrupt anything then will it also got some backgrounds here so there a white and a black if you want it so then there's some fertilizers as well and liquid CO2 so you've kind of got everything to get you started really and the Pham pad on the bottom oh and there's a phone pad on the bottom oh yes once we take it out there's a phone pad you can see it it's black it's a phone pad you know what a phone pad is well I'm excited Let's uh let's get going oh another thing that I think would be good to point out is how good the glass is you know you're getting clear low iron I guess you call it clear op there's loads of different names to it but let's call it clear glass yeah yeah clear as opposed to most glasses are clear aren't they you would hope yeah yeah let's get a filter fited we've got the light on get the background and then we can start putting some sand and rocks in winner so usually at this stage would be when we'd add a load of nutrients at the bottom of the tank and then sort of cap it all over the top but that is not what we're going to be doing in this instance because Shell's dig they completely dig everything up they'll just landscape everything how they want it so anything we do underneath we just pull up into a water column and it would be an absolute mess it's another reason why you don't really see shellies in a fully carpeted planted tank although I'm sure you maybe could do it uh that would be an interesting one yeah you could probably half and half it you could probably give an area yeah have a couple of areas but you can come in the shot if you want I'll just just play them with a filter over there so um yeah they might work but I think they'll dig it up eventually we got enough planted tanks though so we want to do our sort of idea that we've got so yeah the stick on this uh background I think the white might look quite cool behind it I think it will go with the sort of I think it'll be all white it'll be all white would't it that's great yeah so this is just uh it's like a it's not one of those ones that you squidy on it's just literally like a piece of paper um but once you stick the laminated is that yeah laminated cuz otherwise it would go mushy wouldn't dampness so it just sticks to the back with a bit of tape and literally you can't tell can you it looks perfect so we'll get that on and then we'll get some sand in there we go look look at that looks perfect is it sand to go in now we just want a very basic sand sort of finer but not Dusty grained and they can sift it all around I've got a bag actually we can stick it in Matthew has said bag okay I should I'm just going to use all of it yeah I think we definitely need all of that yeah it's only a little bag we might need a little bit more as well but we'll see how it goes yeah yeah o Tipper it's a good amount it's a good amount then we want to put rocks in the background area so oh uh we will need to put a bit oh hello a delivery got visitors what an earth is oh is it your jellyfish Tank Matt so if you're not subscribed to Matt's Channel then uh you should be cuz he's got this jellyfish thingy that he's going to be doing yeah exciting stuff never had jellyfish before link to Matt's channels in the description and done so sand is in uh we've left a decent amount in the back there as like a good base for the rocks to sit on now we've got a choice of rocks M but I think the Rocks we want to pick I like the ones they picked was seral Stone it works well we've got a lot of it we need to be able to build up a bank at the back okay yes and the reason for that is cuz we want to put in The Ficus don't we yeah we want to put in a ficus I've I've seen it been done before I don't know if it works long term but that's what's the fun of it isn't it just yeah I think you know a lot of these plants do well or once they get their roots in water they seem to do okay so stuff you think wouldn't and then you're like oh it's fine I suppose at some point when the roots go through the soil though they've got to hit a very very wet patch of soil in theory you would have thought so yeah but anyway we'll try it we'll try it and see if it works so yeah we've got some seru down here big pieces angular pieces we need something with like a flat top as well to be able to put the Ficus onto out of the water almost anchor it onto sort of thing yeah but on the water line so just the roots go in itot the bottom of the tree yeah cool it's going to be a bit experimental but you know it's going to be a little bit difficult maybe some roots coming down as well using some of these just to sort of blend it in a little bit more plus give it more of a base to sit on but at this point it's just a case of getting these rocks in and seeing what we can come up with okay so I want to start off in this corner because this is where the uh Ficus is you know going to sit mainly see what we can do I need to be careful that it doesn't fall over you got a big one man I got a taller one okay you you need to go behind in front no like just behind I reckon there's a little Gap I need more of a gap bring it down more of an angle right that yeah why not let me secure this one with something in front of it I've got it two people really does help does so you don't smash your tank that works I reckon that needs more angle and then we need something to go yeah that one in front just to sort of lock everything in place yeah cuz here's the thing this sand isn't completely dry so when we try and fill this out of water it will shift around a little bit we've basically pushed it down almost to the glass so it should be all right yeah to be fair I've seen that happen before where you fill it up and it all settles up so night it's quite scary yeah so sometimes we create tension they call it tension don't they Matt uh yeah in the in we never really sort of think about about this stuff do we we just do it but in this one everything's going one way uh the other side might be nice to go the opposite way yeah I think so so this one I reckon in there yeah straight away that looks good if we can keep that angle like that sit up doesn't he yeah do you need something else I think so a little one underneath it okay I've got a little one here not little little but oh hang on is he good that one can lock it in if you want I like it a lot yeah it's actually locked in on those two and then it's just a case of uh bringing it out a little bit more not too much we want lots of sort of room for the shellies as well but these are only small shellies we're putting in isn't there yeah dinky sorry yeah so they don't need like a huge amount but the good thing about not gluing any of this is that at any point it's so easy just to whip one out put a bit more sand in so we can adjust as needed um you know as as the tank evolves you yeah if they need more space or more shells or whatever we can mess around with sand yeah it's an easy fix it's not like a planted tank is it where you've got to disturb everything and mess everywhere it's so simple to to change [Music] around so a good point to note actually now that we've done our Rock work just sort of thrown it together which is what we always do and looks great y this light is very powerful actually and we've uh super fish also sell these little in line is it in line dimmers SL timers so what percent are we on Matt I have no idea cuz I remember setting it up 40 40 there we go we're 40% stick it on 100 just to show them uh that's going down 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 wo I mean the camera is like hang on let me adjust to what I'm seeing that's about what I'm seeing and that is a 100% an algae Fest yeah very powerful lights Diesel from Super fish which is why they're so good value for money and it's also why they grow plants just so well so so back to 40 pretty sure at that level we're not going to get very much lgee at all but we can still adjust even from there so they're going to move all of this sand just wherever they want and that's absolutely fine that would be interesting to see you know in the shop they had uh brought it all forward so you got all these sort of curvy Mounds that looks good some bits at the back some bits were down low and it will break up the line of sight as well you can have a little patch of shells here here here and here oh shells did I remember to bring them hang on did I remember to bring them I'm pretty sure you definitely forgot them with they're here okay I have a selection oh nice what we got okay so I didn't know what SI you know when you order something online yeah and they're like the sizes are a bit like m is it going to be okay so I've got these little diders oh yeah they're cool like even if it's just for a bit of decoration yeah yeah absolutely the babies get sorry the the babies will hide in them yeah and it's not likely you're going to get one size like in a world no no no definitely not so got those sort of like a medium chunky one and then I think these are beast ones o Beast ones not Mr Beast you've got to be excited now if I say Mr Beast in the video does that mean it goes in his algorithm hopefully Mr Beast Mr Beast Mr Beast um oh wow cool though yeah they're going to be Wicked CLE couple of them so we got they got options yeah nice there might be some bigger ones that won't yeah cool perfect should we put them in now or do we do it this fill it upz we got to get the air out to get the a yeah let's do it so with the fers sitting in this area we think it's going to sit so there's like a a whole section behind so all of the fish as well they can go in and out of all of this lot and I'm sure they will utilize it but for it to sit up there might be a little bit of a balancing act so it's almost like we need to make something like a a plimp for it um now the wood itself is going to be coming in the water so why not bring it down with a little bit more uh detail like rooting that can follow some of the lines but that'll also add as a little structure at the back here as well for it to sit on Matt's come up with this one yeah that can work or should we go thinner I think we could go thinner that's not going to sit very well I mean we don't really have to see it you can sort of just stick behind it's just so that it doesn't fall in so you got to be a little bit clever you you got well yeah it's quite chunky that but it's a big old piece but that ah it's a little bit we can cut it down if we need to it just needs a little bit off the bottom and I think that'll work nicely actually we might want to get the focus quite soon uh why cuz we don't know what size it's going to be that's true so we might put all this together and then we end up coming back with like a tree we wouldn't but no we won't it would be quite funny but yeah okay right let's just cut off a little bit of the bottom of that put it in then we'll go fill it up and go get the focus yeah am I saying that right I have no idea I'm not even too sure we're talking about the right tree to be honest but it's going to be a tree that we find and see if it will grow in there exactly it'll be fine cool well there we go we've added in the uh sword saor sword sword no saor I don't know we we've cut the wood so it's got a nice flat top area there so that should work well but um we just want to put a little bit of SC gravel just for a little bit more detail around the rocks it might get mixed in but it still it just makes it look a little bit more realistic rather than just a Pure Clean sort of beach sand I think yeah it'll just give a definition won't it yeah we did it over on the uh Mauna c tank and you can see look whoa what calm down guys calm down that's like a predator coming at with that big eyeball though isn't it that's true yeah they're like gone and then they like no he feeds us and they slowly come back out again um but yeah just an odd little bit you see just poke looking through just adds a little bit more realism to the sand rather than just being completely pure and white yeah I don't think we need a lot just uh this little GRE that one's on the floor we didn't want that one just a little bit dotted around like I said they're going to move it anywhere it's just to make it look less now it looks like a proper Beach you wait till we add the shelves yeah I just don't want it to look like Bahamas why not it's quite a nice place well it is I don't think they live there no unless they go on holiday no just stop and lovely look at that right let's fill it [Music] up there we go we're filled up it's a little bit Misty Matt is about to start the uh filter well it helps if you fill the filter up as well oh yeah you got to Prime the filter by filling it with water I think I might have turned the pump off oh you did wow that's a rookie error isn't it yeah so we fill the back chamber of the uh filter and then when you turn it on it's got actually water in the impeller to work against and pull it will through but I just wanted to show you guys quickly so if you look there inside the cartridge there's a white sort of filter floss and what that means is it does Polish Water really really well and I've always found that these filters are very good at getting the water clear so yeah switch it on yeah there we go look you can see it all coming up there Works nice and simply one good thing I found about these as well is that if there's a power cup and it stops working it does drain a little bit in this section because there's you know no impeller going but when the power comes back on again it all works fine something important to remember cuz I bought cheap ones before that didn't happen just for hours yeah just burning the motor out so yeah you don't have to worry about that of these at all and also the um the cartridges you can take them out and clean them or you can take them out and buy new ones but uh I like the fact you can just blast them with a uh a jet or a hose pipe and then they're all completely clean again so yeah it works really well to be honest just sucking all that stuff in there we go we got the surface skim on the top working really well as well nice give it an hour this will be clear and we'll have our fers hopefully let's go get it yeah y nothing like a bit of uh car filming car video yeah I'm just crising along gently everyone's going past me that's fine uh yes so we're going to Ikea now everyone loves a good Ikea trip we are going for no wow depends depends we know what we want so in our dumb yes if if you're going as a family yeah it's a meander for 3 hours it's a lot of time yeah yeah we might be a to get some lunch as well yep we're going for Fus we're probably going to get more yeah like a giant P ly or something we got to kill a few more haven't we so we need something else no we can get more Clips okay yeah yeah that's a good shout that is a good shout yeah we'll have a look around there might be some other stuff couple of cacti nice maybe we can look for an option for a trellis as well so that we can grow the uh like all the mon stair and stuff up the back of some of the tank yeah you can tie it onto it then see what they got yeah all right that sounds a good idea actually oh I nearly fell over I'm lost yeah we have arrived at the plant section these are all fake uh what's that fake fake airplants I mean they could work that you wouldn't know would you cuz airplants in general look fake anyway they so yeah all the real plants are over in that section okay this could work Matt it's an absolutely massive plant that won't work ah they got oh down here Matt literally here oh yeah I can see that working this looks cute as well looks like a little sort of bonsai just this coming out the top with the we could like expand the routing into the Rock I think the this is the one yeah I that look cool this put oh oh no yeah cuz we don't need the pot as well I think it comes with the pot though does it come with the pot yeah that's all right that'll work as well maybe just put the pot on done now you go out like you're walking in you come in here and pretend you're walking in cuz that's what we do ready action we have the pl it's not quite the one we wanted is it what you no it's not okay right let's explain next to our Burger King drink so we wanted apparently Ficus yes I did I thought this was which I think is that the one that's alive in the corner that we have got a nice one there we could have just use that one he Blended in with the trellis okay oh well but we got yeah we got this which is a Rada machara a ra Rada Rada machera should I tell you why I wanted this one I like all this bit Yeah quite like that and it says it needs moist soil well we it's going to be really moist we could do that yeah I think it'll be fine mind you there'll be no soil yeah yeah it says it doesn't like the soil too wet cuz it rots The Roots but without the soil there's no rotting yeah if worse comes to worse we can just put that and just float it sort of sit it on the top that's going to fall in that's as good as yeah done no that's not quite the same effect no all right let's just wash off all that soil and see what rootage we're left with so ideally You' do this outside but it's hammering it down so I'm just going to break off a Lo the saw first I'm going to try and keep as much rootage in place as I can initially give him the old shake the the old the old Shake blast it off mat that's looking pretty good watch faces okay there's a good amount there we're getting there there's the main root sisting on go for that I'll go last this is definitely an outside J no it's not going at you it is a I am so we do the rest of the tap oh I God there's a nugget big go grab that set as well I don't want it it's wet so those are the roots the good roots some up there as well but that's like we can't I don't think we can put the wood bit in the water this bit no no I don't want to risk it it's got to be that so yeah of course this is all experimental so we do need to bring that up higher but also we need to bring the water level lower out there's no need for it to be up that high to be honest I mean it looks cool does look good doesn't it I mean you can't really tell everything behind it but that's that's fine we know you know maybe we should have got three of those yeah to be fair they were £4 each were they yeah cheap anyway uh let's bring the water level down for a start okay we dropped the water level slightly and Matt just managed to hook it sort of in this little gap which is locking it in place which means as you can see only the roots are in the water so we've given it the best CH well a chance a chance we give it a chance it's all experimental so I think it'll be cool if it works it's going to be cool does it need more more tree yeah like in this Gap yeah you could do with another one here right back in the no right we like that we really do it's just it's a little bit lost um but got solution like look how good that looks peace gone nuts we're going to get some smaller ones and place them so in that that sort of area there coming at the top and a bit to the side and just filling out that back area a little bit I think it'll look much better you know and it'll keep it looking less sort of just like this little lonely I think if you had it in the Middle with nothing around it or behind it I think that would look okay yeah I I think it just gets lost in amongst the Monumental of other tanks and there's tank will stay even clean with even more plants especially P so I say go for it you know why there more is more more is more let's plant up the bottom you're not doing shellies anymore no fully plant it up it's going to have a piss the gramar in right we're at the local garden center now I did come here previously uh wo it's a bit big it's not a bit big it's awesome yeah but that's a bit much is it not we can choose the little ones though but yeah we did come here first for the fers so don't think we won't like local places but they didn't have anything we actually wanted so we went to ikia as well I know it's not pronounced ikia okay yeah they're all massive but we know peace lily can just go in a baby one is that too small I mind you that one's like this one's a good size yeah I think that might be a better yeah probably water yeah you might not even see it once it's in the water that's the thing it's a good size I say I get one big one and one of the small ones just plunk that in the middle of the tank like it we have the plants now they are going to essentially drown this one out but we don't know if this works that's an experiment I know no matter what these work and we might trim some of these bigger ones back a bit cuz that is monstrous isn't it is a bit big but the little one can go like over there next to it and the big one can go in the Gap in the middle and just fill out that might be to move that one over to be fair yeah yeah yeah cuz he give it a bit more space he locks onto that wood so I might be able to I'll have a play okay uh we need to clean all the um Roots off in exactly the same way as that one and then we can just put them in that's all of the roots cleaned off as you can see here now you've got options if you don't like how many roots you've got there you can trim them off but be aware if you do that if you trim it down to like there they will sag in the first sort of few days whereas I found if you keep all the roots there's enough water going into the plant and it just yeah it seems to stay nice and firm and looking good from day one but if they do start to droop a little bit don't worry about it they will bounce back it's tremendous that is oh good pun right there let's get them in okay I've got the smaller ones on this side Mt I just want to put it here just right in the middle this is a massive this is a massive this is a massive and the good thing about the P Lily is you can put the actual stalky bit under water as well it will not rot it will do very well that way it's not big enough it's not big enough no not there in the Gap I was just seeing cuz this would uh lock it in Oh you mean oh you're opening you me to open for you maybe I know it's right over but that will no I mean come in the Middle look and I'll pin it do you reckon I can get in there yeah get it in and I'll just lay it on it we can split that if we need to try that there we go look we we've kind of misted the whole thing up again but it's like a it's like the edge of something is it yeah the edge of something it is the edge of something yeah like a river bank style sort of thing definitely given that Vibe I do like it I like the the mix as well of the brown of the fusy it's not a ficus but you know what I mean and then the green of the pie Lily you got the flowers on top as well and this is a perfect air as well Matt for sunlight not the panel light the sunlight coming in so as you can see it works really well on these these ones the flowers just keep coming back wow so yeah I'm happy with that because you know if the if this one doesn't work we've still got the piece leaves in place we can have a little trim up of some of the leaves and that of blocking light and going a bit low but also we added a few more rocks down the bottom there to lock it all in which means we've run we've got less space in the sand now so I think we're going to have to remove a couple of these rocks just to make sure there's enough for the for the shellies which one should we get rid of Matt I'm trying to think maybe it is just this middle area yeah I reckon maybe that I reckon get rid of is this one supporting anything yes yes that definitely is which means they might dig it and it might oh yeah move that just take it out and see what happens it really is supporting isn't it it literally has fallen down okay so lift it up I'll bear it so it's not in the sand it's on the glass it won't matter then if they there we go that's on the glass now so it won't matter if they dig the sand around it and that's locked down locked down this one yeah I think it's going to have to be that one isn't it maybe bring these a little bit more Central then to so they got two territories yeah yeah then that one can come across l yeah yeah cuz then we got the shells as well yeah right so that's like looking good it's all Misty but uh anyway we're going to add in the shells now cuz they are going to look Wicked should we do big ones first yeah so the Shell's obviously going to hold air perfect love that yeah iidea no not all of them one more really oh ah perfect oh look at that shell dwell in tank I don't think we need four of these M they're massive just a couple let's no I reckoned one in each each section yeah I want to be able to see a little bit of that well they'll do what they want with it really so we're like yeah that's cool yeah all the little ones five of them and all of these yeah yeah oh these are going to be annoying oh there we go you really have got to try you got to like twist them so that the air like spirals out of them then it's just the little ones these are going to be annoying oh oh some of them yeah I've just landed them all in that big shell yeah we can't do that scatter shells I like scatter shells yeah more go for it but I've not seen it have you where there's like all the varying sort of sizes yeah it's quite nice it'll be different more again or just is that enough uh I quite like those little ones no that's enough that's enough I think that's enough get silli always would it so we've got enough homes there like the two the medium and the large are big enough aren't they for dwelling the other ones are more decoration Maybe some babies will go in there yeah yeah you'll find babies will go in and hide in there so yeah it be fine so do the males and females stay together in a home uh no female which way around is it I can't remember one will stay in the Shell to protect it so we've technically got three no four I've got a feeling the male will have several females in one area so there'd be like two or three females in there with one male um if memory SS okay so we can get about five groups uh yeah probably let's have a look see how big sizewise okay if they're juveniles we'll probably get a few more but yeah if they're adults we might have to get a few less uh by the time we come in the morning this should be clear okay so the next day we're Crystal Clear looking good all the plants standing upright and the experimental ra raand I should have looked up that name before we started this don't worry about it it's it's a plant that it's not dying it's not drooping everything looks solid and good I mean all the all these all the peace lies as well absolutely brilliant like I said we kept all of Roots attached so I wouldn't expect any less water is still Crystal Clear again there's no there's nothing in it that cuse it Go murky really is there well if we had left a bit of compost on it could have gone bad but overall perfect we're ready we can go get some fish now this would be interesting we're going to go back to your old shop yeah and this will be the first time we've been back there since you were here yeah so I've been back hopefully you're welcome no you I've back several times I'm joking but I haven't with you cuz you've bought stuff you going have to wait the stay at the door yeah right let's go we're back in the shop this is my first time being back here for a very long time but it's couple months isn't it yeah yeah I just want to show you guys the 8ot how good is that looking and look at the size of these Tetra now hopefully they can see but look they massive Congo one look at that Congo one so nice the lights have been switched around you see there was like the kessle was it Kessel I think it was Kessel wasn't it was it a couple of kles oh and a phot mid the middle yeah but now it's it's got the super fish lights which you know we all use we got got two of them going all the way across it's just lit everything up so much better the fish look better as well spot lights isn't it that's the thing it's spotlights it does you get dark patches whereas that is a fullon bright yeah you don't get as much Shimmer there's a little bit but I think overall lighting is better yeah in terms of being able to see look at this vow she's here yeah anyway that's not why we're hear do you you know why we're here know where that feels like oh that feels old that feels weird look but you're in your civilian clothing it's like a superhero yeah oh so yeah he's at work man at work does this feel weird no no it's all in Grain so look we've got some these are the shells aren't they Mt they are looking good we've got different sizes um these are multifasciatus that's compressive not those they are those so multi as Sho multi so these are multis yeah multis I'm just going to go with that it looks like we've got a variety of sizes there yeah yeah or just saw one go straight into a shell there yeah there's a couple in this shell and yeah that's cool those are the same shells I think as what we've got actually yeah they might be look at that little did as well okay yeah so we obviously you can pick but uh we need we need a a range that we range of sizes can you tell the male and the females some of the bigger ones you'll be able to yeah yeah just about I reckon well it'll be a good guess but yeah yeah we'll be able to do it I mean there's that much living happily in that space yeah which means they're going to we're going to have less than that in a bigger space so they'll be absolutely fine would they oh yeah easy easy okay well bag them up and whilst we're here we're picking up some new meal worms for the puffers and for the Archer fish cuz they've been enjoyed them as well haven't they they've been smashing them yes I we should just try them with this with the Mauna yeah why not we are back from the fish shop you can see the uh fish are already acclimated they have been for a while now they're actually ready we can put them in can't we Mt yeah they should be absolutely fine now okay awesome you ready we are oh jumpy jumpy um you guys might be thinking where was the heater most of you do know that we heat the room but some of you new viewers not might not know that you ready the room is heated so everything's the right temperature and in there go we got a nice little group here m went for all the different sizes slightly different colorations as well look at that yeah there definitely a few males and females in there yes that means you're going to get some breeding for sure won't we hopefully yeah I I mean they're staying quite still um that's to be expected I'm going to leave them for a second you know obviously this is a completely fresh setup so we're going to add in beneficial bacteria I always wait until the fish had gone in because now there's a food source from the uh the waste of the fish for the bacteria to sort of grow and multiply I often find that if you do this before beforehand and there's no fish for like a few days it seems to be that the cloud the just g into the shell that tiny one there's a massive one there yeah I find that you get a cloudiness obviously I think that's some die off or something like that but yeah I always do it at the same time as the fish what I'll do tomorrow when we come in is test the water make sure there's no ammonia or anything like that probably do a little water change anyway just to be sure but it should be absolutely fine especially with the plant roots pulling out everything that's going to be in that water as well yeah look at this one here look not that on the front but look it's just laid down in the hole it's not stuck uh there's also one inside that shell another little one hiding beside it and there's also one down in that little Gap behind the shell here as well so they're already finding their own little areas which is perfect so this isn't the sort of tank where you I thought we were doing a thumbnail oh this this will probably be the thumbnail as I was doing all the um yeah cuz you're a YouTub as M YouTub knows how it works but yeah this isn't going to be the sort of tank where like everything's going to be changing regularly this is more about like just enjoying the fish and seeing them breeding and that sort of thing I don't know the sand levels will change fairly often yeah they landscape won't they yeah they will but like you know I'm used to this plant's growing this plant isn't you know what to do it's not really about that I mean the Top's going to grow like crazy but it's more about just coming and going hello guys what's going on today sort of thing not a lot at the moment but you know it's early days literally been in 5 minutes so we'll give them a a little bit time so it's the next day as you can see the fish are a lot more comfortable out and about a bit more and they seem to have all taken up residence as well now Matt yeah they seem to all have a shell which is quite cool all the big ones have taken up residence in the big shells and then the little ones are in amongst the little ones and the rocks oh look look just inside that shell there you can just see and then there's one over here as well in this one I mean it doesn't help with come right up to the tank but uh I'll overlay some nice footage as well of them not being petrified by our giant Le looks like a massive fishee yeah I can see that would be scary well I'm really happy with this successful a successful one yeah looks great so if someone's not got a fish tank and watching the channel this is definitely something they can have a go at isn't it oh it's so simple it's yeah easiest way of doing it you get the enjoyment of watching The Fish Behavior you'll definitely get fish breeding you've got plants that can't die like even un like for someone new even plants underwater can be very difficult to start with oh yeah but if you go get a piece of like this stick it in some water it will it will do well in terms of rocks I mean there's quite a few there for say if you're doing like a budget budget set up um you don't need that many but I had them available so that's what we've done you could swap it out for slate though quite easily couldn't you big pieces of slate or big pieces of pebble which are going to be far cheaper yeah just whatever you can afford whatever you can gather you just use it and here we go look now now that we been here for a while fish you're getting a little bit more comfortable they were in the rocks at the back weren't they yeah they were they've come out of the sort of all the different creases and cracks in the Rocks which is cool so I guess what you'll find is the more dominant will take up the best homes yep and the rest just have to go wherever they can absolutely yeah I'm loving this one right in the middle here just that's got a beautiful shot there isn't it that's nice isn't it that could be the thumbnail oh that's nice yeah give it a go guys enjoyable simple and uh something you can all you can all do [Music]
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 145,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8-ZgOgD8yHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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