600 Fish Nano Community Tank: EPIC 6ft 500 Litre, Planted Aquascape Tutorial

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[Music] it's going to say why is my tracking not eye track we are I think we're a bit tilted but it doesn't matter [Music] we need to get going we're already late yeah we are we're at Main ahead Aquatics but it's not it's not your not mine right ahead Aquatics where are we at wimborne yeah so I'm going to put the address as you all know this is Matt anyway this is the tank have a look at this so today we are escaping this six foot tank ballistics for isn't it I think so yeah six foot yeah just made that up yeah I know I think it is six foot yes and we've got Wicked lights up here the same lights that we've got on our four foot Christmas one which is four foot discus and in the middle of the E8 for African as well yeah yeah which is what what are the lights Reef photons so they're normally for a saltwater aquarium but you can take all the blues out of them and they give a really nice Shimmer for the freshwater aquarium we already know they grow plants really well but let's just look at the eight first oh yeah they do so well so so well filtration um I can see some yeah so that overflow yeah so we can run it on system if we want to so we can run it off of this system behind a bit like the again the African system at uh Taunton but what they've got is they've also got a Fluval FX filter that can run on here as well okay so we can mess around with whether we want just the flow from the effects or whether we want the big flow of that either way we can work it out right so this is a little bit different to usual because this this tank is actually really tall tall tanks are always harder to escape or not necessarily harder but you just need to do a few different things first thing is creating height obviously now the worst thing you can do in a tank like this is a few little sticks at the bottom and ignore that upper area so what we're going to do we've got loads and loads of wood to choose from we're going to create height first of all as you always do with wooden rocks then we're going to use that wood um as like a structure to attach plants coming upwards and that way from the start you've got a height with your plants and any background stems and things like that that can all grow in later on but it just gives you a much better start it's way better for you to enjoy but also remember this is a shop so we need to wow people straight away I mean it's got time to grow in but yeah did I say everything good then I think you've done all right yeah I'm getting good at this YouTube stuff the first thing we need to go select some wood I'm already spotted some good pieces we want spikes that we map yeah I think so that will give us some good height and it's instant isn't it it's that boom you know it's also the good thing about things like this is they you could like link them together yeah quite easy like those they already look like they were together don't they part of the same tree that's sort of falling into the river and yeah they're perfect for yeah they make easy scaping don't they well we've got some more here let's just walk around little ones there's some big ones over the back as well there's loads to choose from so Dave the manager of this place bought in a load of wood for us I don't think he thought we're going to use it all but we are yeah of course you know me use everything there won't be anything left on this shelf by the end of the day it'll just be all of us just tell them to put a new order in now yeah we better do it otherwise there's gonna be nothing to sell oh they've got great plural section here as well look at this lot yeah absolutely brilliant but we'll cover that a bit though we need to get scoping yeah let's just pick up some wood right we've got a ton of wood and we're going for the structure we're just we're just because it's like got such spiky Parts we're going to get really really good height and Escape then um but before we put in the wood we need our rocks down and we've got those over here as well so we've got a good selection here good selection for normal sized tanks for normal people yeah but six foot wise we've really only got the cereal to go through to go for because of the size of it and there's a good amount there but also there's a load underneath there in the sump as well so that's going to give us what we need basically you'll feel on the back have all of that rock I think that'll be perfect for it really because yeah you need big Hardscape don't you you need lots of it I think we've got some big bits of wood though so I reckon it'll be more minimalist on the Rock I reckon more heavy on the wood usually I do like a substrate system first now I want to just build up this I want to build around the islands or whatever we're going to create there [Music] right we started to do let me just move this ladder it's so deep that I have to use a ladder to be able to get in there but we're thinking dual Island and then a big gap in between the islands something reaching over um but we're at the point now I want to put a load of substrate in the back now many of you have comment before how why have I stopped using the media bags it's purely because I'm getting lazy [Laughter] yeah I want I want it easy you know and so we're going to use some of the Tropica substrate stuff which is basically dry soil is it is it it's just dirt yeah I think so yeah so I'm going to lay that all in the back section even in the middle um because I want plants to creep we want everything to sort of merge into one and then I'm going to cap it with sand and just really bring up these layers higher I don't want to build any higher without any sand down because it might fall over and then that's the end of our project so yeah let's just get some soil in the background area and then we can build up around it and cap it with sand [Music] so we've got our nutrients in you can see we just spread the powder out we've opened up some like caps as well like some what are they called Nutri caps and now we need to just Cap all of this with sand so we've got two big bags of sand down there we'll also have some course of gravel to put as well and some scatter gravel you know the drill by now I actually want to go higher with the Rocks but I do want that sound in there first because I don't want to smash it I think but all these nutrients will now be locked down [Music] so all the nutrients are now capped and on top of the sand layer which is the capping layer we're going for some gravel at the back that's going to allow me to build up the Rock in front of it even more here then I'll just tuck it in behind it I still got puts on this side we need more rocks we've got more rocks we're all good well we've added even more rocks Matt's been my eyes whilst I'm in the tank because it is the trickiest thing when you're up high isn't it exactly I can't see anything no I still want more height don't get me wrong but I think Now's the Time to put wood in and we can go around that even more because we'll need more rocks to be able to glue the uh the wood too as well so that's wood time got wood [Music] um look at that eh it is it's big it's it's big but Davey and like you said look you come in here hang on get that out of the way but look this is where you come in and white is still in the way [Applause] so you come in and straight away people who want to do Aquascape and are gonna be okay it's a big tank it's got big bits of wood and that's the first sort of key when you're escaping a big tank or any tank honest you need big pieces of Hardscape um it should be a good investment and you know you get that impact straight away like you could keep it like that it'll look good wouldn't it absolutely you need three quarters of the tank like full essentially like you need to inhabit those areas don't you yeah because otherwise it just ends up unless you're going for a certain type of Escape then it just doesn't look right no I mean like this would even work as just like a Hardscape only cichlids like a South American I guess South American stickers big boys some big angelfish maybe and some things like that that would look Wicked we're not doing that though no no we're not going to talk about fish yet because they've got to wait for that yeah it's gonna be cool um we just gotta we gotta glue all this down now it will it will float it might be all right but it's not worth for the risk we're going to glue it all down with ba Maracas you know why I'm saying that wasn't funny the first and then we can get planting and that's the fun bit for me anyway foreign [Music] is now stuck down we have an extravaganza it's time to start planting I'm looking forward to this there's so many places to plant into epiphyte-wise anyway sorry I got distracted by the fish that's back so we just went around collecting up all the Java phones and then Matt's whipped out these that he's brought from his shop like you know spreading the love and that absolutely just in case Justin who you know yes we've got two big old bags of that we've got is that swords as well they're anubiases we've got hasta Folia so the bigger leafy one heterofiller which is the bigger leafier one okay um so yeah we've got some small ones here but I just we're in between plan deliveries that's the annoying thing it's the day that's in between plant delivery so yeah I think it'll be good and somebody is supposed to be here aren't they for our plants a uh someone we met over in Holland the plant man himself Moritz absolutely I don't know uh yeah he's running but I got my watch on um but yeah he is running behind I reckon yeah he he's doing in three hours so uh yeah you better hurry up we finished lunch look who's here late though we've already explained to the audience that we're waiting on a plant delivery from some crazy Dutch man thank you and look Here Comes bearing gifts let's have a look let's get them open all right Matthew's going to do the honors I mean we've obviously we've got our Java firms already we've got loads of we could always go more of course nice nice good good good cluster stigma lovely a little lovely that will work nicely all over there loads of boosts there's another row underneath and he's all for us were they for the shot these all for this skate generally Cricket Aqua floor kicking something regardless no more billion eyes lift it Matt there's more bulvertis nice anubias nice there's another um there's no way we could I mean I'm always I'm always for put everything in but there's no way we can put this many plants in we can yeah we can just let's do it [Music] [Music] see now this is all of the java fern done for the time being uh maybe if we can find some more I'm going to put it in but we've got tons of anubias prepped as well look look at all this anubias now what I always find Works quite well is if you keep anubias lower so more in the rock structure as sort of underneath the Java ferns makes them a bit but like if you if you do that it tends to look a bit more I was going to say real but it's a glass box at the end of the day and it matters um yeah so just keep going we'll just keep going so much more to do look we've barely even touched the plants yet oh my God goodness [Music] right we have done uh all of the anubias now as well as the Java ferns looking good left a nice Gap in the middle as well so like some of the plants will go in the back section it's good to have a negative space in any tank we're going to now plant we've got them at bellante Crypt balance loads of it we've also got a return to Folia oh okay yeah I think they're all they're all welcome not really going to see it though for for a little bit but eventually the balancer is going to come all the way up and then just swoop all the way across just look fantastic so so you can see here from the side look clip clipped Crypt behind say which is gonna be so tall and just sort of creeping over but it's just a little baby at the moment and then again the same around this side there's even more on this side because that's like a bigger island if you like and also that's where the that the flow will be coming from there won't it yeah yeah of course it will there's a outlet yeah exactly but what I mean is are they going to be coming down like that or do you can you imagine you can move them okay so anyway eventually it won't be an issue when we haven't been here for a long time um it will be growing up and just sweep it across but for the time being you know it's just gonna be a different sort of look right Carolina we think we're planted we're gonna we're gonna fill it up now not it's gonna take ages anyway so it's not like it's a Russian I think we've got Botanical steel to go in the front but they need to be like like boiled which will take a while and all that so um Dave still manager um he's gonna now see there's the illness we're going to do it nice and slowly to start with because we don't know how it's going to come out of there oh this would be fun you'll do it Matt wouldn't you you'll do it yeah no I've got an injury oh yeah biking [Music] I'm ready so it's now the next day the Tank's cleared up pretty nicely still a little bit tiniest bit of a haze but that's only when you look down from the side straight on it's pretty clear in there it's all right in there it's looking good looking good I can't believe you started without me I was filming with the camera for ages anyway so it's fish time but first I want to put in some Botanicals that we prepared down here a few leaves I don't want to go crazy with it um just detail isn't it a little bit of detail because you can do too much on things oh yeah yeah if depend on the tank isn't it if you have a massive layer of it it does look good but certain tanks need that yeah you need to yeah this is just the Twilight almost like the leaves of the anubias have fallen off and they're just sort of standing amongst them yeah yeah so yesterday down here in the bucket that we put some hot water and a rock to weigh them down and we've got some nice little leaves so um yeah pick them up Matt yeah it was very bossy of me wasn't it what very bossy of you rude pick him up in the comment section yeah yeah everyone will be all at me don't be horrible to Matt [Music] oh that's actually yeah that looks sweet it literally looks like they've fallen in there a few more definitely more of that now yeah I'm thinking yeah I like that I really like that actually it's adding another element to it yeah I think sometimes it just finishes the tank off doesn't it a bit like scatter gravel scatter Botanicals yeah it's not for everyone no because not Everyone likes doing they think oh it looks like something's died and just hanging around in the water I think for people like me and you though who are we want that a little bit of extra realism I think that's good so I think those few that we've got that we haven't gone crazy I think that looks really good A little subtle hint to it but we've also got these over here we've just been preparing what are they called again Matt so you've got lotus pods yeah to the scary looking things in the front that look like they're at stranger things um and then you've got Palumbo pods okay so yeah they're cool and what we've done is glue a rock to each one because otherwise it would never stay down for like a long time so these should sink right to the bottom and yeah is that enough we want more I think you tried the four four okay I've got more okay I've got another one here Matt's got the pods here we're just gonna put them down we want to we want them in the front obviously so look at that it was there's this weird silvery bubble thing oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh it's even with the rock even with the rock if you smell even with Dwayne glue to it look at that that's unreal so buoyant well it looks like that won't be uh happening I like it there yep perfect well done crikey okay okay we'll try again we'll try this one they should sink are they nope oh because this you have to squeeze them don't you I'm hoping we wouldn't have to boil these but we might have to boil these well this section's not going in no we're gonna have to boil them Dave you can work on that when we're gone but but I don't think that's happening for the video no did you want to boil them quickly do you reckon that worked yeah okay let's boil them quickly and then they'll go yeah so the other Botanicals are just boiling up but in the meantime Matt should we just go should we go fish shopping have a mooch yeah so initially we were going to be going for more sort of Asian fish uh and they've ordered in like how many is it uh it's like 500 there like 500 Harlequin response for us we're still going to use them but I'm thinking I'm thinking we go with every pic like full community epic Community yeah I agree I think there's some gorgeous like community fish here yeah so I think it would be a shame not to include them all and I'm just looking yeah I'm looking sorry I'm not even talking to you I'm looking yeah the Sweet Shop um I think I think we need we definitely need Neons so the tank is like right at the end just when you come in and you get a lot of new people coming in and what a new fish Keepers love Neons you've got to have a load of neons in there yeah every time every tank should have them should we start with them start with neon yeah okay what's that Matt what have you spoiled uh just some Empire gudgeon they wouldn't be ready for the Escape but they know yeah they would work well they're just a beautiful fish they're really nice yeah wow so is that man or females I'm guessing yeah yeah so the mouse that colorful one that's obviously showing off and hammering around the tank yeah awesome yeah they get quite chunky when they're older they're like 10 12 centimeters so yeah really big so and then around here look is where all of the different sort of tetras are um so what's uh Cardinals we've got done a button there they've got oh brilliant rummy nose they're like rummy nose but they've got this cool like shiny top to them yeah so they've got like a silvery iridescence to them they're really nice a little bit different that could be an option just a little group we could basically just pick out 10 of everything but but a couple of big balls like down here all the gold the gold Tetra bull a gold touch would be awesome yeah and the and the better yeah but yeah loads of neons here and they're a classic so let's get those in first so Dave's got two tanks worth of neon so we just said all of that tank back there oh that's cool it's gonna be a cool little release big release [Music] [Music] Matthew has the fish there's about 200 Neons there which sounds a lot but in a big six foot tank those mean it's probably not even going to touch the sides and link to the system as well and it's linked to the system so all the temperature is already matching and all that sort of thing so we can go straight in where do you want meat I'll just just yeah we're not doing like thumbnail release for this I'll just get that later I just want to see so we'll see them all be ready yeah I'm ready hit it okay yeah that no that is a lot that looks cool that's the right size just the right size yeah they look great yes that was definitely a good decision look at that look at moving oh yeah we just need a nice big predator in them you need something to board them predatory enough that it won't hurt them but they are so we're thinking there's a few bigger fishes yeah look at that down there yeah what's the bigger ones Matt what do you think are we allowed to say that or are you waiting for the reveal let's wait for the reveal okay the next fish this is the best fit isn't it more more this I think Golds gold gold 200 yeah okay up next we have got about 50.50 gold texture they're gonna pop nicely in this tank as well they'll be a little bit smaller as well so I reckon they'll go in amongst the plants a little bit okay a little look how Wicked it's just so fun watching them go in isn't it they're great aren't they some Wicked uh I need to I need to adjust because uh everything looks the same at the moment I think it's just because there's so many but look they're joining the group so we're up to 250 so far that looks Wicked look look at the way they're moving in their own sort of groups like like birds you know when they do that thing in the sky and one moves and the rest yeah yeah starlings is it yeah starlings yeah they follow each other and they'll make great shapes what you thinking next some of the harlequins now then I think we could do the harlequins yeah and there's a few other tetras I think you know some of the bigger broad body because these are all very um yeah so I think something with a bit of a deeper body to them you know x-rays Phantoms I don't know something along those lines 100 yeah different body shape okay up next we have got 200 yeah we've got 200 thinking um are they just a standard Harley Quinn standard harlequins okay they are nothing wrong with that though be interesting to see how they behave around the tetris because they wouldn't normally meet would they [Music] they're more top dwelling aren't they a little bit so they should once they settled that looks awesome look at that yeah yeah I gotta stop the stupid noises no they're not Neons no but no not neon meow I thought they just like race cars to me they always do well we've got to keep it whoa whoa look at the group look at the group the little gold Tetra in amongst the group who thinks who thinks he's a neon yeah that's cool I like that a lot sweet oh look I'm coming back at the top now that looks so good yeah maybe we do need more harlequins because they're like they're acting cool it's quite cool the fish sort of they're already doing like behavioral things that are interesting been in less than half an hour they do this little loop around that stick at the back and then follow the flow and then they yeah so cool look at these like the way they're all moving that's so good where's the Harlequin for that I'm looking through the camera so it's hard to see where everything is harlequins are up there chilling but look at this look at the tetris coming back now whoa that's so cool this is even better in person um so if you guys live near here where are we again wimborne like Jason Bourne if you live near here come down here take a look at this in person and buy loads of fish Matt I'm thinking one more little group of something yeah and then we'll move on to well we need cleanup Crews we do yeah we need some yeah some little low chairs and bits and pieces I'll tell you what if we do our feature fish yeah in there and then we could do the cleanup crew and I think that's enough isn't it because otherwise it's going to be more fish than water yeah so this is gonna be one of those tanks that you can just stand in front and just watch everything Buzz around just a swoop about quite common doesn't it this is making Matt want to change our the eight foot at Taunton yeah to a massive like Tetra and everything it's a stingray tank into this massive plants coming out that would be insane and like 5 000 Cardinal tests that's a good number there's a good man solid number five thousand [Music] yeah Matt's head into a diva he's like proper like Dave likes give me the stool right so what we've got here is is 10 is that 15. yeah because there was a group of bigger ones or slightly bigger ones so we've got the five bigger ones so the idea then being the future fish and they are gonna they're not gonna cause a problem to the for the fish that are in there but they will cause them to think they're predators and and like ball up a bit more yeah because eventually they're just gonna disburse everywhere but this will keep them tight it's a good amount of programming so we've got some larger ones and some smaller ones they look gorgeous and there's males and females in there that I can already see so brilliant look at that awesome there's your bigger there's your focus there's your focal sort of fish awesome look at that that's a good number as well look at the neon yeah and the neon just straight away we've gone over to this side and they're doing their loop-de-loop again harlequins are in this corner it's weird isn't it how they've decided that they found their own little areas that they like they'll shift up no you that's the thing you can't make them perform when they don't want to you just got to be patient why this corner guys is oh look at this don't work with that don't work with fish and children in there yes well that's awesome now we need to clean up crew so we've got like Panda guards with different loaches um I'm just gonna do a little mix of all of them up which I think it's interesting little groups of them just to add some interest in the bottom and they'll Scurry around in the Rock work and the leaflet we don't need a lot there's definitely enough fish in here now yeah that looks so good right so Matt's got a good little group there yeah we've got some zipper loaches which are cool got some Panda garage which are also very cool and then we've got some bristle noses to help us with the algae well how many about 25 years about 25 fish in there so yeah just good amount for that I reckon they might need a few more bristlers later on to help with maintenance but and also a mono shrimps maybe later on if there's you know some bits and pieces you want to pick up on but you know it's up to personal choice eventually okay let's hit it with the uh with the cleanup three they're all probably going to go right to the bottom aren't they you'd expect so wouldn't you well they're fast they are fast oh my goodness that's some pace okay brilliant brilliant nice I just realized we've just filmed all of this with the main lights on up there um we'll do final shots in a minute in the dark yeah that looks good yeah I might change the camera a bit but we'll see right so that's everything that's all the fish this is that's a good are you happy are you happy with that David yeah it's only going to get better trust me as well because obviously um when we've done this before with Matt he had some really tall stems anyway it would already fill out the back and I could bring some from my studio but obviously we've got to wait for the background to come up this is a bit like the eight for African tank because um we only had the short ballast didn't we oh yeah and even like now that's all grown in and massive I forget what it looked like on day one when the Valles was not even poking above any of the woods that's true that's true this this is going to grow in within the next month it's a month and a half it should look pretty immense especially with those background it's come around several casino but it's already standing up right we've got the Rotana willichi and we've got the Crips in there they're gonna ah gonna be so good happy I'm happy with it that's amazing I wasn't overwhelmed this morning with no fish but now we've got the fish in here it looks so cool I like the structure of the wood the wood looks great poking it into the water yeah just some real big structure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 415,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aquascape tutorial, md fish tanks, aquarium, fish tank, planted tank, planted aquarium, nano fish, community aquarium, community fish tank, tetra tank, fish, tetra fish, md
Id: Or6M6wt8ofg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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