Making 26 Deliciously Easy Freezer Meals From Scratch In an Afternoon

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hey friends welcome back to acre homestead and welcome back to my kitchen today as you can see i have a ton of stuff already out we are going to be doing a big massive bulk freezer cooking day it's been a couple months i think it's been three or four months since i've done one and we are plumb out of freezer meals i've been sorely missing it it's a huge part of a way that my husband and i can eat homemade meals every single day of the week while working full-time having a huge garden and doing youtube and so today i want to tell you what we're going to be making we're going to be making a bunch of really delicious recipes all the recipes that i'm going to be using today will be linked down in the description box below so don't worry about trying to write anything down i'll have them all down there for you so that you can go check them out if you're interested in doing so we're not only going to be making actual recipes that are going to be going in the freezer that i can pull out and cook i'm also going to be doing some bulk cooking too as well because i'm going to be having the oven going i'm going to be in the kitchen i might as well have some stuff going they'll make my life easier in the coming weeks and months so i'm going to go ahead and cook quite a bit of bacon in the oven because it's tomato season coming up i'm already harvesting cherry tomatoes i don't have any big slicers but those are starting to blush so very soon i'm going to be having slicer tomatoes and i want to be able to have convenient blt so a way to do that is cook up a bunch of bacon throw it in the freezer and then you only have to microwave it for a few seconds and it's ready to go for you anytime you want it i'm also going to bolt cook a bunch of sausage because i'm going to be making a bunch of pizza dough today and a bunch of pie crust the pie crusts are for quiche and the pizza dough obviously first for pizza and so by having not only the bacon in the freezer but also the sausage i'll be able to throw that on my pizzas and in my quiche and that will be delicious it'll make a very convenient fast easy delicious meal so i already mentioned we're gonna make a bunch of pizza crusts and a bunch of pie crust we're gonna make a bunch of meatballs the meatballs are gonna be for two different meals i'm gonna do meatballs in the freezer so i can have spaghetti and meatballs and then also i want to do meatball sub sandwiches and so that's what that's for we're gonna do moroccan kebabs it's a really delicious moroccan style beef that i like to serve with lentils and rice and we will be making that to go in the freezer now that the garden is in full swing and i'm getting so much fresh produce out of the garden i want to get a bunch more of that marinated chicken in the freezer because having the marinated chicken in the freezer and cooking it up and then just cooking up a bunch of fresh vegetables makes a really delicious a very quick and easy dinner so we're going to do a garlic honey chicken we're going to do a pesto ranch chicken we are gonna do a balsamic marinated chicken so i have those three chicken recipes i might throw in another one of the honey mustard chickens that i did in the last freezer cooking meal because it was so good but it just depends on how much chicken i have thawed and then the actual like full meals that we're gonna have put together are gonna be i'm gonna make some enchiladas i'm gonna do a parmesan chicken that is so good it's one of it's actually the first meal i cooked for my husband when we were dating chicken tetrazzini one of you guys mentioned in one of my last freezer cooking meals that you like to make to that you like to make that recipe and so i thought it sounded really good and so i went ahead and added that to this list today and then we're going to do jambalaya we're getting a little bit of a late start today normally i like to get up really early and do this but i was tired and i actually slept in for the first time in a long time this morning and so it's about noon so we are it's actually 12 30. so we're gonna be in the kitchen for a while and it's gonna be super fun i'm excited to actually get this going but i just need a little bit of a slow morning before we got started i haven't really done that much to prep for it right there i peeled this morning a ton of garlic you didn't need to watch me peel a bunch of garlic and chop it up so i got that done and then right there right next to it i went ahead and ground up a bunch of bread crumbs just anytime i have bread that's looking a little stale i throw it in the freezer and then i grind it up for bread crumbs when i'm going to be making recipes i kind of made a little bit of a list of how we're going to be doing things because i want to make sure i'm using my time efficiently in the kitchen the first thing we need to do is start the red sauce for the meatballs and the spaghetti meatballs because that's probably going to be on the stove almost the entire time or in the kitchen so let's go ahead and get started with that this pot is for the pasta sauce this pot is going to be for the sausage i'm also going to get the oven heated for the bacon because we're going to cook the bacon in the oven put some olive oil in the bottom of this pan and just a little bit of olive oil over here for the sausage i'm going to toast some red pepper flakes in the olive oil while i'm waiting for my red pepper flakes to toast i went ahead and got the sausage in the pan and i wanted to just tell you a few things i do before i do one of these big freezer meal cooking days i did a big grocery shopping haul yesterday for this if you want to watch that i'll leave it up here and down in the description box below but i don't put everything away because i know i'm going to be using it so i just put away the refrigerator stuff and the rest of it i leave out instead of putting it away and having to get it back out the next thing i like to do is make sure i have an empty dishwasher that way as i'm cooking i can put stuff right in the dishwasher i also like to have out a garbage can so that i can just throw stuff away easily as i'm going and i also make sure all my meat is thawed and ready to go so last night there was some meat in the freezer that needed to come out so i got that out and it's thawing and ready to go for us now this is some homegrown garlic i peeled and chopped this morning these are homegrown onions that i peeled and sliced and put in the freezer and i just put that into this pasta sauce now that i have that started on the stove we're gonna go ahead and get the bacon in the oven the doorbell just rang and there's a pretty exciting package coming look what just came my freeze dryer so when my hus this thing weighs like 250 pounds when my husband get home we will be able to figure out where we're gonna put that so that's super exciting so for now let's get back in the kitchen and get cooking interested in the freeze dryer i got i will leave it down in the description box and you can go check it out if you'd like i'm super excited about this we are going to be doing videos on how to set it up how to use it what should and shouldn't be freeze dried and i'm really excited about this i think it's going to be super fun the first round of bacon is done i'm going to drain this grace i actually like my bacon nice and crispy so this is perfect the second pan isn't quite done but in the meantime these onions are ready i just have some malbec in the fridge just some wine that i didn't really like the taste of so anytime i have wine that i open and i'm like i don't know about that i throw it in the fridge and i use it for cooking we're going to let this reduce down while i was waiting for these onions to cook i went ahead and got out the stuff that i need to make the meatballs and then also i did throw in about one and a half pounds of italian sausage in here this was breakfast sausage at first so this will be a mixture of italian and breakfast sausage for the quiche and for the pizza i have some really big zucchinis here i'm gonna get these shredded up and i'm gonna add these and i'm gonna add the shredded zucchini to a ton of the stuff we're gonna be cooking so let's go ahead and get this shredded up real quick [Music] [Music] this is just a way that i like to use up some of this beautiful garden fresh produce add a little bulk to my pasta sauce and add a little bit of extra nutrition and it's just delicious we're gonna go ahead and let this cook down while i get the rest of the bacon out of the oven and i want to get that draining on a paper towel and i want to get that bacon grease saved up [Music] the sausage is done strain it so this zucchini has cooked down quite a bit so i think it's time to go ahead and add the tomato sauce this is a bunch of homegrown basil i harvested yesterday i'm just gonna throw all that basil in here these are homegrown tomatoes and we're gonna get them in here one of my goals this gardening season is actually can tomato sauce so i don't have to do this anytime i want a tomato sauce recipe like spaghetti sauce or something i've only ever canned like just pureed tomatoes because i always wanted the ability to do with it as i wanted to do with it but last year i can't pizza sauce for the first time and that was a game changer just be able to open my pizza sauce and go if i could just open my spaghetti sauce and not have to make this anytime i want spaghetti that would be such a time saver so that is on the list of things to can this year but for now we have to make it every time we want to use it i'm also going to throw in some home-grown oregano and some home-grown parsley and some homemade seasoned salt it just dawned on me that this is 100 homegrown except for those red pepper flakes and the olive oil and the salt and pepper which is pretty exciting that's my goal is to try to make as much stuff home-grown as possible and i can't believe that this pot accomplishes that goal that is super incredible so we're just going to let this oh i guess i didn't grow the wine either oh but we're just gonna let this cook and this is probably gonna cook on the stove for a couple hours and we're just gonna let it cook down so let's get going on the meatballs in this bowl i have three pounds of ground beef and i have three pounds of italian sausage i'm gonna put that much zucchini in there the zucchini is definitely something you don't have to add if you don't want to but i figure why not bulk it up use it up that's some homegrown garlic i'm putting about two cups of bread crumbs let's put maybe one egg per per pound so let's put six eggs in here this might be a double yolker let's see can you see here nope just one you know what i'm gonna put two extra eggs because i put those zucchinis in there just to be safe i also have a pot right here on the floor for my veggie scraps and my eggshells this is going to go to my chickens at the end of the day let me go wash my hands and we'll put the spices in we have some parmesan here i put probably three-fourths of that that was 10 ounces normally i like to shred my own but they didn't have it when i did my walmart pickup and this was the substitute some homegrown parsley homegrown basil that smells so good homegrown oregano some red pepper flakes and some homemade seasoned salt you could just use regular salt remember there's six pounds of meat in here plus all the other additives so i probably put two tablespoons of seasoned salt in there i just put in a little bit more parmesan i didn't think that was quite enough now we just get in there and mix what better way than to use your hands so the mixture was feeling a little bit wet so i've been ahead and added the rest of the bread crumbs so i'll have to grind up some more bread crumbs for the moroccan meatballs [Music] so [Music] so i'm still rolling meatballs but i had to take a break for a second to get the bacon out of the oven and what i want to do is i already have the oven preheated and i have these pans that have a little bit of bacon grease i reserved a little bit of bacon grease on each of these cookie sheets and i'm taking the chicken breast and we're going to get the chicken breast cooked up for the different chicken recipes we're making and i realized i forgot to tell you we're making a thai recipe as well we're doing musumum curry and i need chicken for that and then i need chicken for the the enchiladas and our pasta dish all right i just washed my hands and now let's get some seasoned salt on these now that my stove is free i'm going to go ahead and get some water on to boil for the pasta so we have chicken in the oven we have our pasta sauce cooking down we have water on to boil we've completed making the sausage for the pizzas and for the quiche that i'll be making over the next few months just have to finish rolling out these meatballs and then i'm gonna get the sausage and the bacon put up to go in the freezer so we have the final meatballs here rolled up i'm going to go ahead and put these in the freezer just like this and then we'll get them in freezer bags and then we're going to come back in and we're going to get the moroccan meatballs well they're not really you'll see we're gonna get the moroccan beef meatballs made up all right so i can't find part of my food processor so and i used all those bread crumbs and i don't have any more so i just blitzed up in the blender some oats because you can use oats as a replacement for breadcrumbs so in here i have three oh he just found that my husband's home he got home early from work today he just found the piece i was looking for he's in the laundry room in the laundry room of course um where it would be i have four and a half pounds of grass-fed beef in here and i'm probably gonna put two and a half cups of these blitzed oats i'm doing it in smaller batches because i don't want to turn it into flour i don't want to i don't want to turn into oat flour so let me get a little bit more oats in here so yesterday i went and picked a ton of herbs and i picked mint parsley and basil and going through and just picking the stems off the parsley and basil i should have probably done this yesterday but i didn't i'm not worried about some of the stems i'm gonna leave those the most important thing is getting the mint stems out this is all gonna go in the moroccan meatballs i'm going to put a couple handfuls of the zucchini in there i'm just going to squeeze out any of the extra liquid i have ginger cumin red pepper flakes seasoned salt coriander garlic eggs i wanted to put turmeric in here but i can't seem to find my turmeric and we're gonna mix this up just added some salt to our pasta water so i have the recipe for the pasta that we're doing and it's tetrazzini that we're making and it's traditionally made with linguine i don't have linguine but i have this pop but i have spaghetti so we're gonna make it with spaghetti i have three pounds of spaghetti we're going to get in here now one trick when you're making freezer meals and you're cooking a pasta dish is to really undercook your pasta because you're gonna cook it again when you go to cook it to eat it so this pasta says 11 minutes so we'll probably only cook it for about six or seven if you guys are interested in seeing how i actually prepare my freezer meals when i go to cook them when we're gonna actually eat them consider subscribing because i show those in my vlogs and my day in the life so i show you what sides and things like that we cook with them i get a comment a lot that you see a lot of meat in these freezer meals and that's because i'm typically making the main dish and then i make the side dishes when we go to eat them so i have a huge garden and i'm not sure which produce is actually going to be coming in at that time so i just use the freezer meals as kind of the main component of the meal and then and then i make whatever veggie happens to be coming in from the garden or if it's not garden season whatever veggie i have on hand and that's what we use as a side dish i was hoping for a little bit more brownie and that's the reason i decided to cook them in the oven as opposed to the insta pot because i wanted kind of more brown chicken but this is what we got so this is what it is so i just strained it and i'm going to add a little bit of butter to this and i left a little bit of the water in here so that it doesn't all stick together i'm a little bit nervous that this is going to stick together because i've never used this type of pasta in a freezer meal and so we're just going to add a little bit more butter than i probably normally would just because i want to kind of guarantee myself no stickage all right so i just got some more chicken in the oven shake these moroccan patties that's really what i should call them because i don't shape them in a ball shape i like to grab a handful i push them down and i shape them actually kind of in an oval shape like this and because these are flat we're going to be able to freeze them in layers so i got a few layers of parchment here and we're just going to layer them up on here freeze them and then we'll put them in some freezer bags the best way to eat these is actually with a dish that's lentils and rice and caramelized onions i don't know the actual name of it but it's so good and then i usually make a carrot salad that is in one of my day in the life videos and if you want to watch that it's right up here so i got five packages of about two cups of sausage in each one of these that i can use for the for the pizza or for quiche so we're going to get all this in the freezer i want to get going on the chicken tetrazzini on the stove and the curry on the stove so what that means is i need to get that pasta sauce off the stove so i have tasted this for seasoning this is our pasta sauce and it's perfect well i did adjust it a little bit so now it's perfect so i'm gonna divvy up this pasta sauce between these three pans and what i'm gonna do is then put the meatballs on the top and i'll actually cook this in the oven and when i go to serve it i'll either cook up some pasta and we'll serve it over pasta or i'll serve it on a hoagie bun and we'll have meatball subs the reason i'm doing it this way is because i don't want to put this in a freezer bag because i am trying to reduce as much plastic use as possible so i've been collecting these 9 by 13 pyrux pans at goodwill and this will allow this sauce to cool down much faster we're going to go ahead and get started on the chicken tetrazzini and the curry so in here i have some coconut milk and ideally you use shallots but i don't have shallots these are homegrown onions so we're just going to add those in there and i've got to get the mushrooms chopped up for this one of the mushrooms i bought came chopped but the other one was a substitu substitution and it didn't come chopped we're gonna put two pounds of mushrooms in here i got these washed up and the ones chopped that needed to be chopped and then when you're cooking mushrooms it is good to get a little bit of salt on them so that it helps them sweat faster so this is just a little bit of seasoned salt we'll put on there so this here is ready to go for the next step the curry here we've got our onions nice and caramelized we're gonna put two of the red curry paste in here because we're gonna start toasting the curry when you're making curries one of the biggest keys to making them taste the best is to toast the spices because most of the flavoring agents in your spices are actually fat soluble and that's why you want to saute them in the fat then we're going to put some of this roasted red chili paste in here as well we're actually going to put that whole jar in there this curry you could easily make vegetarian and just add your potatoes and carrots and things like that but i will add chicken to this this is some ginger coriander some cumin red pepper flakes some cinnamon and some nutmeg i need nutmeg for both the curry and the tetrazzini so i'm just going to go ahead and add that to the tetrazzini as well i'm opening six cans of coconut milk so we have our coconut milk in here and now we're going to add some peanut butter this is what gives it kind of that mushroom flavor is the peanut butter in here this would be good with lime juice i don't have lime juice i have lemon juice so we're gonna just put a little bit of lemon juice in there and we're going to let this just kind of cook down and cook together i just added the rest of the zucchini to each one of these it was about two handfuls each those are going to cook down and you won't even notice that that was put in there i just realized i forgot to add garlic to this so i'm going to add some garlic powder to that in just a minute but in the meantime i'm going to get some garlic in here for the pasta this is almost ready for the next step and then i got all the chicken cut up for the couple recipes we need the chicken for the next part is we're actually going to make our roux so i'm going to add flour to this we're basically making cream of mushroom soup here cream of mushroom soups our cream of chicken is basically just fat flour and then whatever flavoring you want you could use cream you could use stock depending on if you're wanting to make you want to make like a dairy cream of something like cream of celery you would add cream or cream of mushroom you'd add cream or milk versus if you were making like a cream of chicken you would add chicken stock what you want to do is just cook that raw flour flavor out of there and this curry is coming along beautifully i did add whole wheat flour because i have whole wheat flour and that was in my container and that will just add a nice nuttiness to this but you could use white flour if you wanted or if you want to make it gluten free you could use a tapioca starch or cornstarch or something like that we're going to add a little bit of sugar into the curry if you had palm sugar that would be the most traditional for curry but i don't have that i just have cane sugar so we just added that and then now let's go ahead and add the next thing to this we need to add some white wine i'm starting to get some fond on the bottom of this pot so i'm going to try to get that up as much as possible that's flavor i turned the curry way way way way down and i'm just letting this kind of simmer on the stove here so now we need to add some chicken stock and some milk and we're going to let this just blend together and thicken up and this is our sauce and i forgot to add a little bit of soy sauce to the curry i just chopped up some fresh parsley we're waiting for the sauces to cook down so that we can mix it with the pasta and already added the chicken to the pasta so in the meantime let's get the pizza dough going i have six cups of water in here we're gonna add some sugar this is pretty warm tap water so i'm quadrupling this batch i added sugar and this now here is some yeast you can freeze pizza dough really easily our chicken tetrazzini sauce is done here i did add some parmesan cheese to this and it's nice and thick and beautiful so we're gonna add it to the pasta i'm just using this canning pot because it's my biggest pot here and stir in the pasta so if i had bread crumbs i would put bread crumbs on the top of these but i don't so we're just going to top with parmesan cheese now that we're done with these let's move over here because it looks like our yeast is ready it's proofed up nicely so i know it's alive i know it's live because i use this all the time i'm going to add some olive oil i have some whole wheat flour here you don't have to use whole wheat i like to do a mixture of both i usually do about 1 3 whole wheat flour to the rust white flour these are my favorite containers because you can get a whole one cup scoop in there and you're not having to fight a small mouth container i love those things we're just going to mix this up obviously i can't use a whisk this whole time i really want to invest in one of those danish whisks down here i have my five gallon bucket of flour i buy all my dry goods in bulk and i keep them in these containers in my cupboards but then i keep a big five gallon bucket in my pantry if you want to watch a pantry video there'll be one up here and i forgot how much i added in here i do most my bread baking by sight or by feel more i'm doing about a quadruple batch so i'm planning for about eight pizza crusts i forgot to add salt but if you don't add salt to your pizza dough if you don't add salt to your bread it's gonna taste like nothing so when you have a bunch of flour in your hands the best way to get it off is actually to take some more flour and rub it like this instead of trying to wash it off with water so much easier that is all we're going to do is portion it up put it in a freezer bag and then take it out the night before we want to use it and it will thaw in the fridge and then before you use it take it out of the fridge let it kind of come up to room temperature so basically while you're chopping your vegetables maybe shredding your cheese or whatever it might be we won't have to cook our meat because we already got that cooked your bread will rise and kind of come up to room temperature and it will be perfect for use we're just going to oil up each dough ball and put it in a ziploc bag so one way i do feel better about using ziploc bags is i try to reuse them whenever possible these two are reused ziploc bags because they were in good condition so there we have it we have four dough balls which will make a total of eight pizzas [Music] do [Music] it was officially after five o'clock and i am going to have a glass of wine while i keep cooking i have here the chicken that is for the parmesan chicken i just seasoned it with some seasoned salt and i have a pan here with some avocado oil so that it can get nice and hot i have two 9 by 13 pans here that i sprinkled parmesan cheese on the bottom of the pan and we're going to get these in here and we're going to get them brownie while i continue to clean up because this is going to take a little bit of time to get all this brown [Music] so we have the little bit of fat that's left in here from cooking the chicken and i'm going to add just a little bit more butter and we're going to create a roux roux is just butter and flour so this roux is toasty brown and ready for the next step this is just tons of flavor in here we're gonna add some milk while that sauce is thickening up let's go ahead and get some marinated chicken going i have six bags here of chicken the first two bags we're gonna do we're gonna do a pesto ranch this is homemade pesto and homemade ranch powder we're gonna get going right in this first two it does not have to be homemade pesto and homemade ranch powder if you don't have that that's fine go ahead and use store-bought i do have recipes if you're interested in how to make either of these they'll be down in the description box those videos and that was it for the first marinade i'm just going to mix this up and then get as much air out of there as possible i think the best way to cook this is going to be on the traeger or in the oven would be really good too on broil and get these these are chicken thighs get these chicken thighs nice and browned in these two bags we're going to go ahead and do some honey ginger chicken so i have some honey here we're going to put in each one of these bags i have some avocado oil here we're going to put some of this here i thought i had fresh ginger but i don't so we're going to use powdered ginger here a little bit of gochugaru this is korean red pepper flakes if you don't have this just use regular red pepper flakes or leave it out i love gochugaru because it's a sweet chili it's not spicy at all gives you a little bit of warmth but not really spice and we're just gonna put a splash of soy sauce in here not too much when i make my chicken marinade i like to fold the bag over like this so that when i put the chicken in the bag it kind of leaves the yuck on the outside so when i go to close it i can just fold it up and i can keep my hands clean and not get all chickeny all right our last and final marinade here is going to be a balsamic chicken we're going to put a good amount of black pepper in here we're gonna put some avocado oil balsamic vinegar i'm thinking this chicken on the traeger on a salad would just be so good this is lemon basil from my garden and a little bit of oregano since i have some honey out i'm just going to add one tablespoon of honey to each one of these and just like that in about 10 minutes we got six more main course meals ready they're marinated and all we'll have to do is cook them up this sauce has thickened up really nicely i just added some black pepper i just added some swiss cheese and black pepper to this and we're going to mix this in now all we do is just pour this beautiful sauce over the chicken oh shoo and all over the counter darn it so i definitely made a little bit too much sauce but that's okay that's better than not enough sauce the next step is supposed to be putting bread crumbs on the top and parmesan cheese but i am out of bread crumbs so i'm gonna do that when i actually bake them the way you serve this is you actually bake it in the oven you get the top all crispy you get it all bubbly you cook the chicken completely through and then you serve this over egg noodles i was just thinking if you wanted to make this keto you could serve it over cauliflower or broccoli or green beans or something like that which is actually what we probably will do we're not keto obviously if you see what i just cooked we're not keto but i have so many green beans and so many vegetables coming out of the garden right now that this i think would be really good served over top of that and here we have it we have 28 meals here that are 100 from scratch plus i pre-cooked some things that are going to make some future meals not including these easier for me now i decided to wait on the enchiladas because i'm tired and this felt like enough food for me to prep today i also didn't make those pie crusts you guys have seen me make my pie crust before so i figured i'm gonna do that tomorrow when i'm rested so i have my curry here i have it in two different dishes i just put them in glass dishes how i'm gonna cook this is i'll probably just warm it up in the oven because it's completely cooked and i'll cook a bunch of veggies to go along with it whatever is growing in the garden i'll just throw in here and we'll serve this over rice i have the meatballs here these meatballs are basically frozen and i just plop them on the red sauce i will cook these in the oven as well and by leaving the tops without red sauce on it they're gonna brown up really nicely and then i'll be able to either cook up some pasta or we're gonna have some meatball subs with this i might top with cheese i might not we'll see how it goes and then i have my bacon here and i use the paper towels as dividers between the bacon that i used that absorb the grease so i try to use those paper towels in two ways i have my moroccan patties here i serve these with rice and lentils and caramelized onions and veggies and they're super delicious and maybe some tzatziki sauce now that the cucumbers are coming in making fresh tzatziki sauce delicious i've got my marinated chickens here my sausage i have some of the pasta so now that these are cooled completely and or some of them are frozen like the meatballs i'm going to get them wrapped up i'm gonna wrap them in foil two times and then i'm just gonna pop them in the freezer i am gonna mark what they are and the date because i won't remember and so i need to know that i don't wrap them in plastic wrap because i don't really worry about freezer burn my goal is to go through these freezer meals within the next month or two and so i don't really have to worry about freezer burn so much and my goal is to try to reduce waste and so if i can reduce using that plastic wrap i would like to and that's one reason why i am going to these pyrex dishes is so that i can get away from those tin foil pans i just want to say a huge thank you for hanging out with me in my kitchen again today i enjoy having you guys in my kitchen i hope this was helpful if this was enjoyable or helpful for you please give it a thumbs up if you know anybody that would enjoy this please consider sharing it with them if you're new around here and you want to watch more of my videos some will pop up right here and you can go enjoy those in the meantime before another video comes out i hope you guys are having a great day and i will see you next time thank you guys so much again for hanging out with me i appreciate every single one of you i appreciate every single one of your comments and i will see you next time bye guys
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 1,392,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freezer Meals, Batch Cooking, Scratch Cooking, Acre Homestead, Cooking From Scratch, Cooking, Recipes, Easy Freezer Meals
Id: Nfln4HW1ryI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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