Four Homemade Breakfast Freezer Meals to Make Your Life EASIER!

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good morning friend welcome back to acre Homestead if you are new my name is Becky and today we are going to be making up four different recipes for breakfast for meal prep and they are going to go in the freezer so that I have breakfast prepped whenever I don't have time or feel like cooking so in my blender I just added three cups of oats because we're gonna make oat flour for breakfast cookies we're doing four different recipes but I'm making one in two different styles if that makes sense so we're doing two batches of breakfast cookies so instead of purchasing oat flour because it can be very expensive I'm just gonna make my own I put three cups of oats in my blender and all you have to do to make oat flour blend it up we're gonna do an apple brush and a banana breakfast cookie we are going to be making sausage McMuffins for the freezer french toast and pumpkin waffles so in this bowl we're going to start by making the breakfast cookies this morning I want to get going on the breakfast cookies first so that these can be baking in the oven while we make some of the other recipes my breakfast cookies that I'm gonna make start with the same base recipe and then I'm just gonna substitute applesauce and bananas depending on which flavor we're making so I'm going to make the base of the recipe first and by melting I'm going to melt 10 tablespoons of butter in the bowl we'll make it all and then I'll cut it in half and we'll finish it so I'm gonna go melt this my butter is almost melted but I have honey that I need to add to this recipe and it is crystallized so I want to melt it just a little bit in the microwave as well and we need three-fourths of a cup of honey I'm gonna spray my measuring spoon before I put that honey in there it's about three-fourths of a cup of honey see how well that came out and add some salt four eggs [Applause] I changed my mind I was gonna do half banana half Apple but I think I'm gonna do all Apple so now we need one cup of applesauce this is homemade applesauce from the apples from 2021's Garden or Orchard I now have all the wet ingredients in our mixing bowl I'm going to add three cups of oat flour looks like I need to make just a little bit more oat flour that's one of the reasons why it's so nice to know how to make your own because it only takes a matter of a second here to make it perfect foreign now we have our three cups of oats in here we need to add two and a half cups of rolled oats a teaspoon of baking powder splash of vanilla maybe two and cinnamon you can add chocolate chips or raisins to this if you want I'm gonna leave my cookies plain we just mix it all together this dough is really really sticky so I need to refrigerate this for a little bit before we bake it I just realized after rereading the recipe that I added two tablespoons too much honey I can't imagine two tablespoons of honey would make my dough that liquidy but we're gonna stick it in the refrigerator and let it firm up a little bit while that's refrigerating we can go on to the next recipe the next recipe we're gonna get going on is the Sausage Egg McMuffins and we are going to make a honey mustard sauce to go on top which is going to be so delicious so the first thing I'm going to do I have 12 English muffins here I'm gonna cut them all in half and have them open face up we're gonna toast them in the oven toasting them is a step you don't have to do but I went ahead and did it today sometimes I do it sometimes I don't and today was a day that I was going to do it so I just opened them all up on this cookie sheet so we can get them all toasting at the same time in the oven super easy I'm going to take a little bit of avocado spray and spray on so that they get a little bit toastier you could use butter but I just didn't feel like melting butter today so that's why I use the spray I'm gonna put these in a 400 degree oven for about five or so minutes just until they're lightly toasted this next part is where you have a choice and you get to choose what kind of meat you want to put on your sandwiches I have some breakfast sausage here I have to cook this this is raw breakfast sausage you could buy the pre-cooked breakfast sausages if you wanted I just grabbed this at the store you could use bacon you could use ham you could keep it off all together and have it be just an egg but Josh and I like sausage so the easy way I'm going to prep this breakfast sausage to cook it I'm just going to cut off the plastic casing I have 12 English muffins so I'm gonna cut 12 slices of sausage off this log and I'm gonna press it out because this will shrink in the oven and we're gonna cook them in the oven to make this a lot easier I have a piece of parchment paper on my cookie sheet so that it will make clean up a lot easier I just need to get 12 sausage patties out of this the time it takes me to do this our English muffins should be nice and toasted in the oven and then we can swap out the English muffins for the sausage I just took them out of the oven they just have a nice light toast to them I didn't want to toast them too much if you are interested in any of the written recipes I will link them down below and you can find them in the description box I also wanted to let you know I'm not very good about informing you guys of this but I do have a newsletter that goes out once a week and it's just kind of a little bit of behind the scenes first to know type stuff and if you're interested in joining that and hearing from me in a different form other than video then I will leave that link down below and we can communicate via email so here are the cookies you can see how after they chilled in the refrigerator they firmed up a little bit and these cookies are not going to spread like you would think a chocolate chip cookie or an oatmeal so what I'm gonna do is help them along a little bit by just pushing them down and whatever form they go into the oven is about what form they come out of the oven so instead of having a really mounded cookie I just flatten them out a little bit now we're going to make a honey mustard sauce to go on the English muffins I just have some stone ground mustard here that I had in my refrigerator and I did equal parts honey to mustard and you could use whatever kind of mustard you have on hand I personally like the flavor of stone ground mustard but if you have just yellow mustard just note that that's going to have a little bit like Zinger of a mustard flavor so I'd probably do like one part mustard to two parts honey and then I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna put just a little bit on each side of the English muffin I had a little bit extra so I just put it on all the English muffin tops and this really is what's going to bring your English muffins over the top the sweetness and the like the Tang you get from the mustard with the super savoriness you get from the sausage and this is provolone cheese going on here it just is so delicious but if your family doesn't like mustard or honey mustard just leave that off and you can just make a plain English muffin or Big muffin I have provolone cheese here and these slices of provolone cheese are pretty big and so I cut them into thirds and I kind of tighten them up just so that when I go to reheat these English muffins in the microwave there's not going to be a bunch of cheese that's gonna melt because that cheese was hanging off the English muffin so that's why I broke those into pieces if your cheese is a little bit smaller don't worry about doing that and then I'm going to use this roaster pan I don't know why I've never thought to use this roaster pan for cooking eggs in bulk before it worked fabulously for me so I did put a little bit of spray on the bottom of the roaster pan and then I cracked eggs I need to make 12 eggs because I have 12 English muffins and I don't like runny yolks when I make English muffins to go into the freezer so I do end up flipping the egg here and quite a few of them I crack the yolk just a little bit just so that they cook all the way through I don't want them cooked to where the egg yolk gets dry but I do want them firm because I just think that when you go to reheat them the texture is a little bit better than if you put them in the freezer when the yolk is still runny yeah I have to say I just loved cooking the eggs in that pan and then once they're cooked I just put the egg right onto the English muffin it doesn't matter if you put the egg on the cheese side or not but I'm just stacking them all the way everything on one side so that I just have a side that doesn't have anything when I go to sandwich my English muffins now I did make my sausage patties quite a bit bigger than my English muffins going into the oven because I knew that they were going to shrink in the oven perfect I wish you could smell these I'm going to have one of these for breakfast because I haven't eaten breakfast yet I've got probably about three more that I can make but I need to get those eggs when I did this breakfast for years we're cooking my egg my chickens were not laying enough where I had enough to use their eggs in this breakfast prep but now this morning I just went out and collected about 30 eggs and so I'm really excited that we're at this time of year because now I have tons of eggs I can share with my friends and family and use for ourselves friends that was by far the easiest way I've ever cooked eggs because I don't have a griddle and that worked just perfect so I'm gonna get these apple oatmeal cookies off this cookie sheet let these cool and then I'll get the last of my batter on here in my oven with the temperature of the dough and the size cookies I'm making those took exactly 15 minutes to cook this large scoop worked perfect to get uniform cookies I wanted to make these a little bit bigger than you would make just like a regular cookie because this is for breakfast foreign we're making fantastic progress today I'm going to rinse this out and we're going to make our French toast batter in this delicious I'm eating one of the cookies for breakfast mmm perfect if you want to add nuts or seeds to this you could too I wanted to check on our sausage before are you going on the French toast this sausage looks done so I'm gonna let this cool then we can finish up our English muffins these are so good one of the awesome things about doing a day like this is you can reuse your dishes over and over and so you're making good time in the kitchen we're gonna use the same thing we cooked these eggs in to cook our French toast so I'm only gonna have to wash it once and we're gonna get two things out of it now I know Josh is going to want to eat one of these for breakfast I had one of those cookies for breakfast but he kept telling me he can smell this and it smells awesome you can see how I really over made those patties really big and most of them shrunk down to be the exact size for our sausage McMuffin I think I'm gonna give this one to Josh because it has the biggest piece of sausage and that is going to be his breakfast this morning I got this bowl rinsed out we're going to make our batter or our French toast which could not be easier almost any time I make French toast I make extra because French toast reheats really well something like French toast is one of those things or the breakfast cookies maybe not the breakfast sandwiches maybe so it or the waffles is it doesn't take much more time to double a recipe and get twice as much out of it and you can either pop it in the fridge and just reheat it for later in the week or you can pop it in the freezer and heat it later if you don't have time to take a couple hours in the morning or in the afternoon or on the weekend to devote to making a few different recipes you can just double whatever you're making that morning so two four six see let's start with that many eggs two four six eight ten twelve I don't usually follow a recipe per se when I'm making french toast I just put some eggs vanilla always I always add vanilla to my French toast we're gonna add some milk so we're making a custard for our bread here's our custard this right here is why I like to line my baking sheets with parchment paper I don't know if there was a hole in my parchment paper what happened but somehow the sausage grease got underneath that parchment paper and now I get to spend some time scrubbing that off so that's a little disappointing but over the years I've saved myself so much time by giving myself the gift of parchment paper so if I have to scrub it today that's okay we're gonna reuse this again to make our French toast because all we did was cook eggs in it there's eggs in French toast so we don't need to worry about cleaning it I am going to get any of these bigger pieces of egg up probably isn't necessary but I'm just going to take this step real quick I just have a paper towel here I normally would be making this too with my homegrown chicken eggs but my chickens are laying they're just not giving me quite enough eggs right now to do a day like this and we're going to use this same roaster pan to make our French toast because I can fit a lot of French toast in here I'm heating up my roaster and I like to infuse butter when I'm making french toast because that just adds good flavor so a few packs of butter and roaster and I'm gonna get some bread soaking I'm going to just use all of this egg mixture I have some more bread in the fridge so if I made too much for just this one loaf I'll just keep making french toast until I use up all this batter so I like to dip my toast or my bread into the egg mixture and let it sit for just a second to help kind of soak up that batter or custard sometimes if you just dip it real quick then it doesn't have time to actually soak into the bread and then you basically just have a egg coating on your bread instead of It kind of soaking in and creating a nice custard texture throughout the whole piece of bread I probably made way more mixture here than I needed I've always wanted to try pumpkin French toast but I've never done that yet this roaster pan is great to make French toast in this is the first time I've ever used it to make French toast and I will definitely use it moving forward even though these are not done I'm going to get my bread starting to soak in this mixture and it looks like I'm going to have a little bit of extra custard that I might be able to pull some more bread out of the refrigerator yeah what oh you like your sandwich yeah you're welcome Josh is it good Josh is a fan of the breakfast sandwich makes me happy okay let me wash my hands and then we'll flip these oh not quite ready to be flipped perfect [Music] I like using butter too with making french toast because it almost Browns the butter and it just adds just like a caramely delicious flavor that one's not ready to be flipped yet this sausage is cooled enough I'm gonna go ahead and put the tops on I make muffins there we have it French toast is really fun because it's one of those recipes that you don't really need a recipe but you can really change it up and get creative just by changing the bread you use this is just some whole wheat sandwich bread that I got at the grocery store but you could use homemade bread you could use challah um oh you know it is so good with French toast is brioche bread you could use Texas toast anything like that oh cinnamon raisin bread is really good and you can really just change it up just based on what bread you use I got out a few more slices of bread from the other Loaf and it soaked up this batter perfectly I'm gonna get these pieces off I do want these to cool absolutely completely before I put them in Packaging foreign this bowl out and we're going to use this for the waffles while I'm waiting for the French toast to cook I'm going to measure out my pumpkin I'm pretty sure that this is two cups of homegrown pumpkin but I forgot to write how much it is well I know it's homegrown but I forgot to write how much I put in this bag so we're going to measure it out I should definitely in the future remember to write on the bag so that I don't have to go through this step nope that doesn't look like two cups that's probably why I didn't write it down I've got two bananas out I was going to use these bananas and make some cookies with them but I decided to just do the Apple so we're gonna do pumpkin banana waffles so that's two cups right there and our French toast is done oh that piece didn't get very Brown I'm gonna Brown that up and then we're done with our French toast the first thing I need to do is melt some butter so I'm going to get that going in here first now I'm gonna add my pumpkin banana mixture I kind of mashed up the bananas a little bit with the spatula but I'm going to try to mash them up a little bit more with my whisk this pumpkin in here is the sweet meat pumpkin and it is the best winter squash I have grown so far that makes the best pumpkin puree it's nice and thick and creamy now we're going to add four eggs two cups of milk salt we're gonna mix this together until it's nice and smooth the last couple ingredients are three cups of all-purpose flour two teaspoons of baking powder and two teaspoons of baking soda I'm going to mix those together a little bit in the flour now we're going to mix all of this together and you know what I think I need to get out instead of this my Danish dough whisk again I can link this below this has been one of the best cooking utensils I have ever owned oh we forgot one thing two tablespoons of pumpkin pie spice and there is our waffle batter now we get to cook these waffles up this is a waffle iron that I bought and it is not that great so if you guys have any suggestions on waffle irons it's it works it's going to do the job for today but I would like to get a nicer waffle iron you have one you love I am all ears so we're gonna get this warmed up I don't make waffles very often even though I love waffles because I don't like my waffle iron growing up we used to make waffles when we would have sleepovers at my friend's house almost every weekend this is going to take just a couple minutes to heat up so while this is heating up I've been collecting all my dishes on a cookie sheet so I'm gonna go ahead and just start tidying up so that I'm not wasting these few minutes in the kitchen while we're waiting for that to heat up I'm going to use this English muffin bag when we package up our English muffins but I kind of want to get some of my garbage thrown away all right I got all the dishes that I've made so far in the dishwasher our waffle iron is ready to go and I just ran out of cooking spray whoa yeah I don't think I have any more shoot now I never can remember exactly how much waffle batter I should put in so we're going to start with that and see how that goes waffles are one of those things like pancakes usually the first one or two don't turn out so hopefully this isn't all spewing out I'm gonna get a plate out to put the finished waffles on my waffles are going to take a while to cook between each one which is going to give me a few minutes between each waffle to go ahead and prepare my English muffins for the freezer so these have cooled down completely I'm going to wrap them in one piece of Saran wrap each okay and the time it took me or in the time it took to cook one waffle hopefully it's done we got all but three oh my goodness that's perfect you can see though the inside doesn't get as cooked as much as the outside but that's perfect that's beautiful almost looks like a Belgian waffle because of how much batter I put in there awesome cool top so I'm going to try to put about the same amount of batter because that was a good amount I want to give this a taste test with the banana and pumpkin that could have been a big mistake I don't know what I don't know if this is going to be good or not after I did it I thought hmm maybe I should have put applesauce instead of banana because applesauce has less of a strong flavor what's interesting is these taste like banana waffles they don't taste like pumpkin waffles I'm not getting pumpkin flavor at all other than the pumpkin spice I've never made banana waffles and that's what these taste like and they're so good it's in two because there's only like two bananas in there awesome I am gonna make this again and I guess I don't really need spray because it didn't stick that last time and I didn't use spray that is so good so good [Music] foreign s turned out so good I'm so happy with them I do also have a whole wheat waffle batter recipe I can link down below as well if you're interested in that that one's really good it's got a really natural sweetness to it even though it doesn't have any pumpkin or apple or banana or anything like that as I am cooking these waffles and taking them out and letting them cook and putting new ones in I went around the kitchen and tried to get other things done while that was happening so I got the dishwasher going and I just tried to pick up and get any last little things taken care of while these were cooking so that when my waffles were done I was basically done in the kitchen this took me about two hours from start to finish to get these four recipes made up today I'm gonna use some of my reusable matte or matte bags to put these in the freezer these are completely cooled now I have two different styles here when I if I ever buy more I'm gonna buy the ones that have this Edge flat Edge at the bottom because I can put a lot more in it than the ones that don't I didn't realize that that there is a difference and I like the ones that open up flat so you can put more into it like these waffles I'm gonna be able to have the bottom expand and I'll be able to put more into the bag so I to freeze waffles I just have them cool completely I put them in the bag and then I'm gonna pop these in the freezer and I'm gonna put three in each that way we can eat them for breakfast one day and then we'll have some waffles for the next few days so I can link the ones down below that have the flat Edge where you can put a lot more into it because that way you just don't need as many bags I guess into the bags they go oh wow it's a lot of stuff yeah this is awesome is this French toast that's French toast pumpkin banana waffles apple oatmeal cookies and of course the breakfast sandwich that you had for breakfast this morning for the waffles and breakfast cookies I'm putting enough for Josh and I to be able to have a breakfast one day and then to have enough for breakfast for two more days and that way we don't have to have it every single day for the whole week if I grab one of these whole bags to thaw and have for the week because we do like to have some variety so in this little dish here we've got some cookies and I just put some English muffins on the top that's what we're gonna have for breakfast this week so breakfast for this week is completely taken care of and you can see for the English muffins I decided just to go ahead and reuse the English muffin bag for an extra layer of protection in the freezer so these McMuffins have a they're wrapped with Saran Wrap and then they're in here so they have two layers of protection those aren't going to last very long in our freezer because Josh and I think those are absolutely delicious so those will go probably first and then here I'm going to put my French toast now I am putting more French toast in this bag just because I didn't end up wanting to use so many silicone bags by the time I got to this point so I will just grab one of these stacks of French toast and let those thaw and we will be able to have french toast for breakfast and then probably one more breakfast if I grab one of those whole Stacks or there's four Stacks in that one bag and you can see by having that flat Edge you can put a lot more in this bag now all of these are nice and cold and they are going to go or not cold but they're room temperature so they're going to go in the freezer you don't want to put anything that's warm especially if you're stacking them together into the freezer so there they go and there is breakfast for the rest of the week I'm going to put a lid on these breakfast cookies I'm gonna put them in the refrigerator just because I like to eat them cold but you could certainly eat those breakfast cookies at room temperature and then the English muffins do reheat better if they are thawed so I'm just going to put those McMuffins in the refrigerator you can reheat them from Frozen but the texture of the McMuffin is better if you reheat it from a fod state so now not only did we get all that done I am pushing through just a little bit longer and I'm going to clean the kitchen so that it is a clean kitchen I don't always do this sometimes I get the cooking done and then I call it but I decided to push through on this morning and get the cleaning done as well now on this day I did decide to pull out a freezer meal for dinner because I was in the kitchen in this on this morning and I got a lot of stuff done and I just knew that I probably wasn't really going to want to make a you know an elaborate dinner on this night and that's one of the Beautiful Things is by having convenient stuff in the freezer I can just rely on my previous self's efforts to take care of dinner for us and we don't have to run out and get takeout because I don't feel like cooking not that there's anything wrong with getting takeout we do do that sometimes too but we like to be a little bit intentional about when we decide to go out because it's gotten pretty expensive nowadays to do that so I'm going to get these dishes washed up by hand I'm pretty proud of myself I don't always do this either sometimes dishes that need to be washed by hand end up sitting in the sink a little bit too long but on this day I was able to accomplish it and then I was so close to having the kitchen completely put back together I decided to wash any of the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher so that I could call it a success wow friends was that a productive morning in the kitchen not only did we get breakfast done for today plus the rest of the week I have so much breakfast now in my freezer that I don't have to worry about home-cooked breakfast for the foreseeable future the English muffins do really well if you saw them in the refrigerator overnight before you pop them in the microwave from my experience they do heat up best if you do thaw them first and all you have to do is the night before take them and put them in the refrigerator you don't have to do that you can heat them up from Frozen but the texture is a little bit better if you let them thaw first the French toast and the waffles you can reheat in the microwave the oven or the toaster the way I typically do it is I just pop them in the microwave because that's easy and that's the way we like it but if you want a little toast to it go ahead and put them in the toaster or in your oven and the breakfast cookies just thought enjoy whenever you want I am so glad that I took the time today to do this not only did we get that all done but I also got the kitchen clean so I don't have to worry about that and my future self is going to be grateful for the efforts that I put in today now I'm going to go ahead and relax for the rest of the day because I got a lot done today and I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me I hope this was encouraging and maybe gave you a couple ideas of things that you could do to get some convenience Foods homemade convenience Foods in your freezer so that you can have some pre-made food whenever you want and you can kind of control the ingredients a little bit better than if you were to buy them Frozen at the store nothing wrong buying them Frozen at the store but if you like to kind of have a little bit more control over what ingredients you use then go ahead and try making them at home and like I said you don't need to take a whole morning like I did today if you have a morning where you're already making french toast maybe instead of making just enough french toast for that morning double it and take the other half that you don't eat and pop it in the freezer for another time or whatever you're making maybe consider doing that and that's an easy way to slowly fill your freezer instead of like I just did where I quickly did it I do it both ways like I today where I took two hours to take the time to make all this stuff or sometimes I don't have the time to do that I'm already making waffles so I might as well make a double batch of waffles so that I can pop the rest of them in the freezer I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me I hope you are encouraged or entertained and if you enjoyed this video I can pop a couple of my other videos right here you can go enjoy between now and my next upload if you're new around here I greatly appreciate if you consider subscribing we have tons of fun we have fun in the kitchen in the garden and learning together a lot of what we do around here is just learning and building skills and I would greatly appreciate it if you wanted to join along in the journey once again thank you for being here thank you for being you and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 377,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acre Homestead, Freezer Meals, Cooking from scratch, batch cooking, Food prep, large batch cooking, cooking at home, scratch made meals, mega cooking day, large freezer meals, freezer meal, easy freezer meals, postpartum, postpartum prep, breakfast freezer meal, easy make a head breakfast, make a head meals, easy breakfast, breakfast burritos, easy meals, food prep, breakfast cookies
Id: x8be4JcOlqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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