makin' wall art outta wire wheeled old wood

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so I've got a few pieces of really dirty old wood right here but you know sometimes there can actually be some really beautiful wood underneath all this dirt so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my six-inch wire wheel and I'm gonna clean all these pieces up really good and then take a look at them and see if I can figure out how to build some sort of rustic wall hanging art piece out of them [Music] okay so I've got the pieces of wood all cleaned up so now it's time to figure out how to build some sort of wall hanging art piece so typically what I like to do is I like to find one piece that is a really good centerpiece and then cut it to size and then build the frame around that but if I don't see a good center piece then it doesn't always work to do the project that way so sometimes what I end up doing is building the frame first and then working in a center piece later but in this case nothing's really jumping out at me as you know exactly what to do so at this point I'm just going to start moving these pieces around and just looking at different arrangements and see if I can see something that catches my eye that I actually want to start to build [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna do something a little bit different than what I normally do I'm gonna use four separate pieces as the centerpieces so I guess I just really liked the way that these four pieces of wood look together side by side like this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut them right here and right here now I don't want this piece of wall art to get too big so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the leftover material and cut it into thin strips and use those thin strips to build a frame around the four centerpieces [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so I'm actually gonna keep this project fairly simple all it's gonna be is just the four centerpieces with the two and a half inch wide frame going all the way around them now the important thing is that when I make the frame is that its strong enough to hold all four of the centerpieces suspend it to it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use two pieces of three-eighths inch plywood as a backer board on the frame and one of the pieces is going to have the greens going horizontally and the other piece is going to have the grains going vertically and that should give it plenty of strength to where when I move it around it doesn't wiggle around too much although it's still gonna wiggle around a little bit but the problem is when I start jumping up to half-inch plywood backer boards and use two of them then it's sticking out a little too far from the wall so won't look as good as two 3/8 inch backer boards and it's just a quarter inch difference I realized that but the idea is to keep the wall art as low profile on the wall as possible while still giving it enough strength to hold the four centerpieces [Music] [Music] so the first frame backerboard has been cut and it actually fits really good around the centerpieces so what I'm gonna do before I attach the rustic wood pieces to it is I'm gonna go ahead and pre paint the backer board I just found that it's so much easier to pre paint it before I install the pieces rather than wait till they're all installed and then come back later and try to paint between them [Music] so I started looking at the frame and I just feel like it needs something a little bit more to make it a frame that I really like so what I've decided to do is run one more row of two and a half inch pieces all the way around the outside edge and that will make the frame twice as wide as it is now but I think it'll look a lot better when it's finished [Music] so I've got a few pieces to use for the outside border but a lot of these pieces don't have that many interesting characteristics you know not much as far as not an interesting grain patterns so what I'm going to do is I'm going to clean up two more pieces of wood this one here and this one here and cut these into two and a half inch wide pieces so hopefully I can make the outside border a little bit more interesting [Music] so I'm getting ready to nail the frame pieces in place now for the inner part of the frame I'm gonna be going through two 3/8 inch backer boards so for that I'm gonna use these 18 gage inch and a quarter Brad nails and for the outside part of the frame I'm only going through one 3/8 inch backer board so for that I'm going to be using these 18 gage 1-inch Brad nails [Music] okay so it took a little while but I finally got all the frame pieces nailed on so it's getting a little bit late in the day right now so I'm gonna pack it up for now but I'll come out here tomorrow put the center pieces in take a look at them if everything looks good I'll go ahead and install them if not if I want to make changes or improvements I'll do that and hopefully get this thing finished up soon [Music] so I've decided to add three accent pieces this one here this one here and this one here and the reason is because as I was looking at the art piece without these accent pieces it just felt like it was missing something and after doing all this work cleaning up all this wood and building this frame I want to have a piece of art that I'm satisfied with and without these accent pieces the piece of art definitely looked good and it worked but with these three pieces it just adds a lot to the center pieces and ties everything together so much better [Music] so the plywood for the centerpieces has been cut now before I attach the rustic wood pieces to it I'm gonna paint the plywood a dark brown color and the reason is is because there's gaps between the pieces and the dark brown is actually going to hide the plywood so much better than just the plywood color [Music] [Music] so I've got the centerpiece all finished up and it fits really good inside the frame so at this point this is where I would have to make a decision on whether or not to put a finish on the art piece so here's the thing any type of a finish that I put on this piece is gonna darken up the wood and I guess I like the wood exactly like it looks right now and definitely don't want to darken it up so this one I'm just gonna leave as raw wood with no finish so for the next step what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna suspend the centerpiece in the middle of the frame and for that I'm gonna be using this 332nd stranded wire so this definitely isn't the thinnest wire available but it's just got the perfect thickness and strength to hold this centerpiece in place to make sure that it doesn't move around as I move the art piece so I'm gonna be using a few wires I don't want to overdo it as far as the wires but I definitely don't want to under do it either so anyway I'm gonna flip it over and figure out where to put these wires [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is one of those pieces of art that evolved as it went along so when I first started out I had the four centerpieces and I was planning on just doing a two and a half inch frame all the way around him so the first major change that I made was to double the width of the frame and that's one of the reasons that when I do these types of projects I don't really like to plan ahead too much and I usually don't do any types of drawings or plans ahead of time I like to just be able to make spontaneous decisions and make improvements and changes wherever I feel that there needed to make the project better so the second major change that I made was to add these three accent pieces right here now the piece of art definitely worked without the three accent pieces and doing the three pieces actually added a few hours to the project but it's really these three pieces that tie the whole thing together in my opinion so anyway that's it for now and I hope to see you guys soon [Music] oh hey guys me myself and I here just kicking back after a hard day's work or wait actually this project took several days so just kick him back after several days work having a little bit of h2o so even though I did the carpentry on this project it actually took a lot more than just nailing a few pieces of wood together to make this video happen so me did the camera work on this project and myself did the editing and I think what makes a really good team is that when everybody has the same goal in mind and everybody brings different ideas to the table so that we can all reach the same end result and like with these guys here when we put our heads together we're just basically all on the same page so cheers to you guys or sticking with us till the very end [Music] take care now you
Channel: scott oconnor
Views: 48,976
Rating: 4.6497374 out of 5
Keywords: art, scott oconnor, rustic, wood, woodworking, carpentry, wall art
Id: vyDijMO55dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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