Make your videos look like film | Color Grading Tutorial | Davinci Resolve Basics | Cineprint16

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this is how you can color grade your video footage to look like film in DaVinci Resolve let's get started once you load up your footage in DaVinci Resolve head to the color tab on the bottom to get started DaVinci is a powerful tool for coloring because it gives you so much flexibility to really fine tune the image to your heart's content however a disclaimer is that I am no professional colorless I am doing this entirely as a hobby and this video is a summary of the things I've learned over the last couple years while experimenting and watching other YouTube tutorials along the way now I really like Da Vinci's coloring system because it kind of reminds me of how Photoshop layers work each and every layer in Photoshop affects the layers above it but not below it on a similar note in DaVinci DaVinci works with nodes and each and every node affects the nodes after it but not before it like a Photoshop layer let me demonstrate if I make three nodes over here and change the middle node to be make the image completely like red like this you can already start to see it in the node previews as you can see Node 1 the node that comes before the red node remains unaffected whereas node 3 is also reflecting the red that was applied in the second node remember chronological order now that means that node 3 is editing the red footage and so if I reduce the saturation of the red footage you can see the whole image gets desaturated now if I disable it and go to the first node the first node that is unaffected by V red filter if I then reduce the saturation of the red in the first node as you can see nothing really happens nothing really happens because it was only desaturating the red in the image which is the red jacket so if I disable the second node you can see that the red from the red jacket was desaturated and not the whole image like we saw in node 3 and this is because again the nodes are being affected in a chronological order yes there are parallel nodes and other nodes that you can add but this we're gonna stick to the simplest form of nodes as well and if you're interested in learning more about parallel nodes then please do leave a comment down below now that we kind of know how nodes work let's get to the cooking I use a template called cineprint 16 by tombowles it is a template that emulates film and allows you to really fine tune all the details that make video look like film from the color to the Grain and the halation so let's apply it now when you first apply a cineprint 16 your footage might look a little bit crap but that's okay and we'll get to that in a bit before we fix the footage and make it look less crap I wanted to break down what city print does tomballs provides a very detailed PDF of everything you need to know about cineprint but for this video I'm going to break down the things that I use the most and hopefully it will help you as well because these are the things that I wish I knew when I first got and started using cineprint when you load up the template for the first time you can see that the template is split up into two halves the top half and the bottom half I like to compare this to cooking where the top half is more of like the ingredient prep chopping up the onions the garlic before you start cooking and the bottom half is when you actually do the cooking and there's also a little bit of sauce that you add towards the end so now when you're preparing the ingredients how does that apply to film and video well you need to make sure that the footage is properly exposed as the right white balance and so on and you could change that using these nodes and the bottom half is more of the creative stuff the colors the look and the final sauce and it really makes things look like film so let's fix this footage so the first step when using cineprint is to go to the CST node or the color space transform node up here now let's go to effects let's close this and drag it so that we have a little bit more space so what is color space transform so cineprint is a design to work with any camera and there's many cameras out there with many different styles of color because no two cameras have the same color science so what CSD does it tries to standardize everything and covers your camera's colors to a standard color space and so from my camera and probably most cameras out there I just have nothing really special going on with the colors on my camera so it's the standard Rec 709 and most likely if you are new to filmmaking YouTube DaVinci chances are your cameras also shot in wreck79 if you're an Apple user then I recommend you going to rec 709 a I don't know why that is but that's just a apple way of doing things next you want to look into the white balance and exposure of making sure that the white balance is properly set the exposure the footage is properly exposed right here as you can see the white balance is quite nice I've made sure to fix almost everything in camera before putting into the video so the white balance is set but when I applied cineprint the exposure is a little bit too much so how do I fix that within the camera exposure node I just want to go to the offset wheel over here under the color wheels and just really drag down that until I get a nice exposure so run for this footage this clip is around 27 but it will change depending on your footage as well so that that already is looking great but then if you look closely over here the orange glow around the highlights is a little bit harsh the halation is a little bit out of control let's tone that down a little bit next we want to go to this halation node as you can see here this halation node looks like it's been grooved and DaVinci calls it a compound node a compound node is a collection of a bunch of nodes that's grouped together to be a little bit more organized so let's access the nodes inside the halation compound node right click on it and press on show compound node and it'll open up the group in a window now in order to reduce the blur that you see here just go to this plus blur node go to the Blur tab for here and reduce the radius to the blur to your heart's content I for this footage I'm sinking around like 55. that looks about right it looks a little bit natural it's there but it's not too overbearing which is great let's close exit out of this compound node and zoom out already the footage is looking great I don't need to modify the contrast because I quite like the contrast and I already quite like the saturation to begin with so I can start now diving into the creative stuff the actual cooking the knows that you want to pay the most attention to obviously the blur if you want to take the harshness out of digital video grain because we love film grain and also these nodes over here that really try to give you different types of flavor in the color honestly this is all personal preference so try to toggle them on and off using Ctrl or command D depending on what system you're on and see which ones you like the most finally with the secret sauce the secret sauces the film emulation stock that tomballs used within cineprint he gives you two options the cineon print and the print film and so you could toggle between these two options over here and as you can see it gives you a slightly different type of filmic look for most of my shots I personally prefer cineon but it's honestly for self-reference and just play around and see which one you like the best and finally there's some options to add a little bit of extra contrast at the end or make a footage a little bit warmer and so for me I'm quite happy with this look uh again it's not very Advanced or anything it's just a really simple way to achieve a pretty nice looking look straight out of the bat but in terms of practicality if I want to edit this across all my videos across all my Clips I don't want to have to deal with all these nodes hanging out out of the open I want to make it a little bit more organized so if you look back to the halation node with the combat node I'm going to do the exact same thing and actually put all of this in a compact node itself that way it's a little bit more tidy and easy to modify when I copy and paste it across the rest of the Clips in the video so what you're going to do here is just select all the clips like so right click on any one of them go to the bottom and create a compound node this will now group the entirety of cineprint into one compound node making a little bit clean and easier to use I like to then put a node before it just so that I can make any adjustments to the original footage again remember chronological this node one over here is affecting the original footage before cineprint and if I want to do anything after cineprint then I can add another node not this one over here I can add another node after sending print and any adjustments I make to Note 3 will affect the image that has already been applied with cineprint now how do we then save this as template well what you want to do is open the gallery Tab and then head to the power grade sidebar menu item if you don't have one already or if you want to make a new one just right click and then you can add a power grade album it will show no still is created if you don't have any Stills but what you're going to do then is if you want to save this look as a template that you can use for other Clips in your videos all you need to do is just right click anywhere on the clip and grab a still as you can see here it's been saved and now when you go to another clip say this clip of the ski lifts let me reset the grade all I need to do is then go to the still over here and then right click and apply grade and then just copy paste the grade exactly as it is onto it as well and then I can make the necessary adjustments maybe I think this is a little bit too bright so I'm gonna like lower it I need a little bit more contrast a little bit more pot so maybe I give it like a little bit of an S curve here so there's the before and here's the after but then there's the cine print as well also the beauty of having compound nodes is if you go to the key tab over here you actually dial back or even punch the amount of cineprint you have so maybe if I think the cineprint is a little bit too strong here in the sauce there's a little bit too much sauce I can actually dial it back using the slider over here to give the right amount cineprint so yeah that was a very simple overview of how do you use cineprint to make your video footage look like film if you have any questions any suggestions please do leave it down in the comments I try to reply to every single one of them but also my Instagram DMS are open if you have any very specific questions you want to ask as well and as always take care and I hope you have a nice day thank you foreign
Channel: Daiki Shinomiya
Views: 234,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TzkGfDc1iMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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