Make Your Own Raycaster Part 1

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hello and welcome I'm excited about this video because at the end of it if you follow along it will end up with this program your very own ray caster and if you don't know how to program but still want to watch the video you will end up with this which is also pretty cool the first game to really make a ray caster engine popular was called Wolfenstein 3d back in 1992 which at the time looked unbelievable that you could do this much on such slow computers at that time there are several limitations to a ray caster engine you'll get to see how easy it is to create the actual code to write the game and how quickly it is to update an actual level people are still making their very own creative games today and I've been wanting to share that with you and how you can create your own and maybe you'll end up making a really fun game that people love to play this may sound crazy but what you're looking at is actually a top-down 2-dimensional game but we are gonna convert that into what looks like a 3d game but before we begin I'd like to thank this video sponsor the only sponsor I could get water a perfect combination of hydrogen and oxygen scientists recommended for the creation of life doctor recommended if you want to stay alive powerful hydration clocked in at zero calories gluten-free so the choice is clear clear as water water make the fun times even more fun promotional codes and like below thanks again water okay what we're about to create you can imagine as a world made from perfectly square cubes and we have a player in this world but he is unable to see anything but he can cast array from his eyes forward until it hits one of these walls and then we can convert that Ray distance into a vertical line and when you do this enough times you were able to now see the world you're in and what makes this technique so optimized is how few checks you actually have to do per Ray to detect the wall we will first use triangles on the horizontal grid lines we'll save that distance and do the same on the vertical lines we'll compare both in whichever hit closest we'll use as the vertical line strip and that's how we're going to convert to this 2d world into a quote unquote 3d world I'm gonna write this code in C and use OpenGL to draw the graphics to the screen but you can convert this to any other program that you want OpenGL is already on almost every graphics card out there so the game that you make can be sent and played by almost anyone you can follow my video where I walk you through each step to install dev C++ and OpenGL for free and we will use this program as a starting point I'm going to clean and remove a few things I'm going to set the background to a dark grey I'm going to set the new window dimension to 1024 by 512 pixels and I'm going to call this function in the main function and we'll add the standard C header files and I'm going to save this as a normal C file I'm going to come I'll and run and there it is our amazing gray window now let's add a player will give X and y position variables and a function to draw that player with the red and green values both set to 1 that'll give us a yellow color let's call this function in our display function and we can initialize a player's position in here and there is but we're going to want to make him move we'll create a function with these opengl parameters to check if a key has been pressed well check if W a DRS has been pressed and we'll move the X or Y position in the positive or negative direction and we'll need to reference this function in the keyboard function in the main loop and there he goes we can now finally move our player it looks pretty lonely so let's give them a world to move around in let's create our own world that world's going to be a grid of 8x8 units and each of these cubes is going to be 64 units in size the level itself is going to be stored in a single array but I'll add some spaces so you can clearly see it zeros gonna represent empty spaces and a 1 that's gonna be where the wall is we don't want this player just walking off anywhere so let's lock this place down add a few walls here and here and maybe one here and the function to draw this map will be two for loops going through the X's and the Y values and offset by 60 for our cube size these walls will have a color of white and empty spaces will be black we need to call this function before we draw a player and let's compile and run this is correct but it could look a little better I'm going to add or subtract one pixel so it'll outline each of the cubes yeah our player finally has his own place to live you can go here or maybe here you can explore over here or maybe go over here and this is good but just a warned you our next step is gonna involve some math but but don't go don't go stay here I'll walk you through it so we want to rotate the player which means we'll have to use sine and cosine and the value of pi let's add the math dot H header file and we'll save the value of pi we now need to store the Delta X and Delta Y and angle of the player so now when we look left we'll have to subtract a small amount from that player's angle a small amount because in C the sine and cosine will use Radian values so instead of 0 to 360 degrees it's 0 to 2 pi which is around a 6.28 value if we go less than 0 let's reset back to 2 pi the values returned from sine and cosine are very small so let's multiply that by 5 and looking right we add that small value and if we go above 2 pi let's reset back to zero moving forward and backwards is very simple since we just add that Delta X and Delta Y it would be pretty cool if we could see this direction so let's go ahead and draw that and let's calculate X and Delta Y when the program first runs and look at that I can now look at stuff look at him looking around looks like we made progress now I probably cut that joke it's not really a joke everything up to this point has been set up so now we can actually start casting rays here are the variables we will need for this function first we have to hold and set the raise angle to the players angle and let's just take things slow and cast one ray for now we will need the negative inverse of tangent so that'll be negative one divided by tangent so first up we're gonna check the horizontal gridlines let's find the x and y value where the Ray will first hit the closest horizontal line we first need to know if the Ray is looking up or down and we know this by looking at the Rays angle if it's less than pi aka 180 degrees then our Ray is facing upwards we want to round the Rays Y position to the nearest 64th value and a cool way to do that and impress your friends is to simply divide the value by 64 a bit shifting at 6 down and multiplying it by 64 or bit shifting at 6 up and subtract the small amount for accuracy the Rays X value is the distance between the player and the Rays Y position times the inverse of tangent plus we got to add that players X position and once we find out the Rays first hit position we need the next X&Y offset so the y offset we will subtract 64 units and the X offset is the y offset value times the inverse of tangent now if the Ray is looking down and the values are exactly the same but but a little different so yeah it's not exactly the same just change here where we add 64 and here is a positive Y offset if the Ray is looking straight left or right it's impossible for the raid ever hit a horizontal line and we don't want to check forever and get caught in a loop so I'll added up the field to check to 8 max so we know the large coordinates where the Ray will hit the wall but we need to know where that is in the map array let's take the Ray hip position and divide it by 64 and set that to find the position in the maps array if the map position is less than the array size then we can check it inside the map and if the value is 1 then there is a wall there so if we hit a wall we're done you can shut this loop down go to the beach take a few selfies run around in the sand have some fun you deserve it and when you come back let me know because this is my favorite part if we didn't hit a wall all we have to do to check the next horizontal line is add the X&Y offset that's it just a simple addition this is what makes a rake a stir so optimized and super fast and then finally let's draw this race starting from where the player is toward the Ray ended when we compile it'll look like this the green ray is actually doing exactly what we told it to do check the first horizontal grid line for any walls if none then add the X and y offset and check the next horizontal grid line if there is a wall there then end the loop and draw the Ray now don't let me lose you yet I know this looks intimidating let me just show you what we're fighting for your very own game that is easy to make and fun to play so just hang in there next up is the vertical line check we can put this drawing function on one line and copy and paste the horizontal chunk of code for this check we only need the negative tangent of the value of the raeangel we should update that new variable in these places and since we are checking vertical lines we need to know now if the Ray is facing left or right or up or down if we look at the unit circle we can see that the right side would be less than 90 degrees pi divided by 2 are greater than 270 degrees 3 pi divided by 2 let's define those values so we can use them later and be to use the or symbol here and no I did not spend like 40 minutes trying to figure out why it wasn't working with the ant symbol it just it needs to be or which makes sense if you look at the unit circle anyways since this is now the vertical line check its flipped so all X's now become wise and all wise now become X's it's like opposite world and that's the only change we really need to make but we can draw this ray with a different color let's make it red and compile and run and is working correctly the Ray is casted out forward and stops when it hits a vertical line with the solid wall and this is the heart of the code let me show you both rays at once you can see where the green ray stops on the horizontal walls and the red stops on the vertical all I need to do now is only use and draw the shortest line that hits first before we continue I noticed that we're currently checking if the map value is less than the array size but we should also make sure that it's above zero - okay that's better we need a function that will return the distance between the player and the Rays endpoint that's the hypotenuse so we can use the Pythagorean theorem remember that we were looking for the shortest distance so let's make the default value really high and we will be saving the horizontal rays x and y position and the vertical is the same but with the V in the variable name and we don't need to draw this anymore and now if we hit a wall and after we go to the beach knife on and come back we should save the Rays X&Y position and calculate the Rays distance from the player same for the vertical but with the correct variable name with the shortest distance so if the vertical or horizontal is shorter then we set the raid to that variable and check that out isn't that cool the Ray now stops when it hits any side of the wall and this kind of looks like its own game to me reminds me of a spider-man's web next we'll draw a few more of these rays but want to move the next ray back one degree but since sine and cosine uses radians let's define that value if we initialize a ray angle back one degree from our player angle which should add our limits to the next angle and let's move back 30 degrees you can see the Ray is back 30 degrees from the players angle now let's increase the for-loop to draw 10 rays and after each ray is done we should increased array by one degree and set the limit again so far so good and no errors so let's cast 60 Ray's which will be 30 degrees to the left and right of the player we've done it and the Rays are working correctly and hey just for fun let me show you something cool you don't have to do this part but let me show you what all 360 Ray's looks like at once now that's pretty cool it looks like a light source shining light and casting shadows but this is not necessary for this so let's go back to 60 rays that's better [Music] we forgot to create a variable to hold the final distance and by we I mean Leo so let's set the new variable to the distance right here now we were ready to draw the 3d scene my window will be 320 by 160 pixels so the formula for each line height will be our cube size times our new screen height divided by that ray distance so the further away the larger the distance the shorter the final line height will be and let's cap the line at 320 no taller I'm going to use OpenGL to draw the line every eighth pixel and shift the window over to the right side you can see the line Heights are correct but we need each line to be offset to the center of the screen so the offset is just the full window height minus half the line height you would think it would be correct but do you see the warping this problem happens in all ray casters the fisheye effect actually makes sense because the further rays are a longer distance than the center rays but they need to be equal this is easy to fix with math cosine we need to find the distance between the player angle and the Ray angle make limits of course and multiply the rate distance by cosine of that new angle and now we have it a 2d top-down level that we can reformat into a quote-unquote 3d level but wait there's more in a normal 3d engine lighting can be a very difficult and complicated task for programmers but not for a ray caster remember that we know if the Ray hit a vertical or horizontal side so we can set each two different colors and that will be a simple form of lighting and shading it's amazing how simple lighting in a ray caster can be but wait there's more it's easy to change the level layout of the walls by simply updating the array [Music] but wait there's even more we can hold on to that array number and change the wall properties like have different colors or even wall Heights there is so much we can do with so little lines of code and that's why I find a ray caster so interesting and I really wanted to share it with you I can even optimize this even more and port it to my game boy advance this is running on the real hardware and I want to make a video tutorial to show you how you can program your own games on the game boy bands you can check out my other videos where a program minecraft or Zelda for the Gameboy Advance and leave your thoughts in the comments on this video or if you have any suggestions on future videos and if you like this we can do a part two where we add actual textures to the walls maybe floors and ceilings sprites collision enemies so much more we can add thank you for watching it this far I hope you learned something or at least enjoyed the video and as always thank you for watching you
Channel: 3DSage
Views: 150,597
Rating: 4.9728985 out of 5
Keywords: Raycaster, tutorial, game, video game, programming, code, make, fun, wolfenstein3D, doom, quake, retro, make a game, play, coding, ray caster, unity, game engine, unreal engine, build engine, duke nukem 3D, 3D, 90's, cat, helpful, graphics, opengl, devC++, c programming, programming tutorial, id software, software, thecodingtrain, javidx9, funny, grid, tron, windows 95, rays, engine, program, teach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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