Make your own: Card Wrap - Make Along, PDF Pattern Pack

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hi I'm Joe from JH nada and in this video I'm going to show you how to make this card wrap let's get started [Music] [Music] so what we're going to do first is print off our patterns and then we're going to reinforce them with some cards so I'm just using a bit of an old cereal box here so as with all our pattern packs you will get an instructional guide as well as information about what leather to use so what were you going to do once you have your patterns cut out is transfer them on to your leather so I am using some dual weights there just to hold that pattern in place whilst I draw around it with my scratch awl and once we have our power transferred onto my leather that we can then cut this out [Music] so this of curved line of the pattern is the hardest to cut out so just take your time here and do this nice and slowly and accurately and I once you've cut out your card holder what I need to do is just mark on where that inside line is on to our case and we are going to edge up from there so we're going to use our number one edge tool and we're going to edge the rest of our card wrap now we also have a flesh guide on our pattern pack I'm just going to mark where we can finish our edging I'm just gonna edge along that top line and then down to the bottom of the curved area and I want you down you're edging you can then stain and policy edges of your card wrap and now once you've done staining and polishing the edges of your wrap you can then use your crease and Roy crease line along at those edged areas and now we should have a car wrap that looks and this a bit like this what we're going to do is now draw onto the flesh side the stitch groove marks so what we're gonna do is transfer the lines on our pattern by pushing it all the way through on at the top and bottom of those lines and then we can flip over our pattern and pop this onto the flesh side of our card wrap and just transfer the marks over and once you've got your marks transferred over you can then use a set square and draw end line between them just to get something to follow and now this is the stitch groove that I have I got this from tandy if you need to get one they they are very good and we're just going to groove along that line so we don't need to take too much off and what this is enabling us to do is just to get that sort of edge to fold in nicely when we come to glue it together and the news in your bone folder you can just run that up and down on that line and that will just help turning that side over it doesn't matter what side to do first because we're going to have to turn both the inside section and the front section in on themselves and just work your thumb up and down that turn edge just to help it fold over and we're now ready to start gluing so I'm going to do is put some glue on both the inside panel and the back panel and we just need to glue just along the bottom section so I am using contact to death if and we just need to wait a little bit for that to go off before we can glue our bits together and then we're going to fold in that inside section into the center and get that nice and groove down and then we can use a hammer and again just tap along the edges just to get that folded in nicely so we just need to scoop up the grain side just a little bit of this central section now so that the glue has something more substantial to stick to and then we can glue it on the bottom of both the middle section and our front we also need to put a little bit of glue up towards that curved corner and once again we just need to let this go off a bit before sticking down and now fold your front section over so the bottom edges are all nicely aligned and then once again you can use a hammer just to tap these edges flow so I'm using a trolley token here it's just a round object that I have in the workshop and we're just going to draw on two rounded corners onto the bottom of our card wrap and once you have them drawn on you can then cut them with your head knife and then we are going to number one edge around the corners and so once you've done that you can then flip over and just restain Andry crease those corner edges as well and now once you've done that we can then it get our pattern back and we're going to mark on where our stitching needs to be via the two red dots are on the front section of our pattern and then using our dividers set to about 1/8 of an inch or 4 to 5 millimeters wide we can then draw a line between those two dots and then we can stitch marks so I am using 3.38 stitching ions I'm just gonna stitch mark along that line so you should have something that looks a little bit like this and now what we're going to do is double hand or saddle stitch along that line we want to start with a back stitch and then once we've done our back stitch we can continue stitching at the rest of our card wrap as normal [Music] and then once you get to the end you want to do one and a half back stitches so both your threads are on the back side of your card wrap and then you can use some little nippers and cut them off flush to the card wrap now you should have something that looks a little bit like this what we're going to do is just use some sand paper and sand along the cut edges along the bottom and around those two corners and this is just going to get all edges nice and level and will make for staining and polishing to be a bit easier to get a nice finish on them [Music] and so what you've done where you're sanding you can then use some more stain and we're going to restain and polish that bottom edge and then once you're done the staining and polishing we are just going to wreak Reis all the edges of our card wrap and so lastly what we need to do is using our bone folder just pop that inside and work it around the edges of the pocket just to get rid of any excess glue and so that is the end of this video now I will actually be giving away this card wrap that I've made in the video so if you want to be in a chance to win that please like the video subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below so a winner will be picked at random from the comments in about two weeks time so thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: J.H.Leather
Views: 780,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIy, handmade, pdf, make along, leather work, leather craft, jhleather, etsy, uk saddlery, tutorial, leather tutorial, society of master saddlers, craftswomen, rural crafts, traditional crafts, leather, Handstitching, business card holder, card holder, card wallet, jh leather, leather wallet pattern, leather pattern, leather wallet, card wrap, credit card wallet, credit card wrap, pattern pack, leather craft tutorials, beginner leatherwork, beginner leather craft projects
Id: 9diR1wR1KaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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